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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 3, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 3, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,s. 15 words or less -- $1.50 PHO • I 0 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of )ld • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . dspo For Sale For Sale For Sale Cards of Thanks Pets, Uvestock Pets, Uvestock ' Personal ...... ' LENMORE SEWING machine HANGING BASKETS fuchsias, BINOCULARS -- SPORT, We wish to express our BUSH TRACK thoroughbred, HORSESHOEING -- HAPPINESS LADY WHO bought little girl's THE TEEPEE Authentic Indian is horsing around, no age limit, play dishes on Cook Plant Road, arts and crafts. Mrs. Marie E. [.,~-_arop-in cams for decorative geraniums, begonias, asters, hunting -- move in closer -- heartfelt appreciation for the track winner for performance Julie Dill, 426-8774. O6/12-7/3 ~cne.s:_Good Condition, $100. Speece Greenhouse, Deer Creek $39.95 up- Bushnell quality- many acts of kindness and course. Gelding, 7 years old, please call 426-9253. N7/3 Simmons, Rt. 5, Box 572, m~ ~.o~zu70 after .4:30 p.m. Loop Road, 426-6831. Photo Center. P5/15tfn sympathy by our friends and registered. Only interested parties ~ Shelton 98584. 877-5836 ti~Iz ~3 $6/19-7/10 neighbors during the loss of our call, not child's horse. CR5-3588,I I TERI SIEGEL FELLIS died June S6/26tfn " JX BRAND country-fresh beef. loved one. A special thank you to Belfair, WA w7/3 I Faro SlaughteringI 16,1975 in a diabetic coma. A 'Jj,:L _~" GLASSPLY boat 65 h.p. LIKE NEW small .boat, winch, Phone 426-3325 weekdays. Dr. Sandberg, Dr. Gavin and the memorial trust fund has been HEAVY-DUTY rotovating, --,~[erc and trailer, ¢1'350 Call 220 - Vz-horse motor mounteu 426-2806 evenings and weekends., staff of Mason General Hospital. VEAL FOR sale or trade for I Custom "cutting and wrapping. I established for her son, Tom. 60-inch Howard, 55 h.p. tractor. ~i/26-7/3~6"8262 or 426-6245' eveninas.~ withpriceCOntrol$85.switch.Call$190877.5764value -- J2/27tfn - , Mrs. Clark Beall & familYB7/3 pork. 426-1226. H7/3 | Old fashioned curing done and | T h us • w i sh i n g t o m a ke 426-3648. H6/5ffn I pepperoni and sausage made. I contributions may send them to | Livestockbought, soldand |~ Hoodsport. O6/26-7/17 SHELTON JANITORIAL Service, NALLEY FARM under new I hauled• I Tom W. Fellis Trust Fund, c/o HORSESHOEING -- Jim. I~I/IQUE SALE- at least 20°/_o ..... carpet cleaning our specialty. We wish to express: our management. Quality hay for sale. Ms. Marijane 5iogel, P.O. Box Brummitt. Phone 866-1646. [tt. starting June 27. Grandma s CUSTOM BUILT boat trailer for Phone 426-8936. S11/30tfn heartfelt gratitude for the Whiteface cattle for sale. Hay in ~0c: 1400 Olympic Highway 18-20 foot. Like new, 2 years ola. ~helto.n B6/26-7/17- - 426-8607. G6/19-7/10 ~LLDER SAWDUST, bark. sympathy, kindness and field, $1.50 per Dale. Delivered in ! Home Meat Service J 133, Shelton98584. S7/3 B4/10tfn assistance, also the beautiful floral minimum 100-bale lots at $1.90I Glenn & B. J. Probst - | I S O VEREATI NG creating ~~~ DEPRESSION GLASS, McCoy 426~5. 1~5/-15tfnof°fferingSour IovedgiVenone.US during the loss per bale. Call any time, 898-3227. [ 426-1643 Kamilche J problems in your life? Overeaters driveway or the permanent [r~decl,$-2-0()- pottery, ~lassware, furniture,CAMERAS -- THAT make BeeSleyster F7/3-8/28 Anonymous .can help you! solution, concrete pavinq, timberline Liorary, Tuesdays Graystone, phone 426-3344. L ~,"~3795, Oiy'mpia. tools, apphances, wheelbarro..w, picture taking easy -- yet give you Mr.& Mrs. MikeSkipworth RHODE ISLAND Red pullets, 6 ij BEEFII 7:30 p.m. and Thursdays, 8:30 G12/Ttfn . /~_~4tfn ~ ..............'"" cable, bolt cutter and so Turin. beautiful photos -- Photo Center, & family $7/3 "months old, medium to large eggs a.m. 426-8780. C7/3tfn ~p~ Come browse at the Hillcrest 426-6163. P5/1tfn now, $2.50 apiece. 1950 Dodge ~ ROTOVATING ~,, KUBOTO L~','--,,~ --u,~.~-t Y~,P_ top and Second Hand Store, 1325 LIVING WITH a problem drinker tractor with 50 ' rotovator ~~r oTn e re_n gel, Olympic Highway South. Buy andBARGAIN TABLE -- Misc. items, ~~ 1V2-ton flatbed, excellent running r..~o condition. Two Early sell. 426-2469. H6/26-7/17 ~lome Va price. Photo Center, The kindness and sympathy condition, $425. Jim Watts, I Good Fat Cows I is too much for most of us. If you 426-6715 W6/12tfn " -anci codPe'r ,A,~,t~- $2"5 e"~h'. WHIRLPOOL 30" range, dke 426"6163" 153/6tfn of neighbors and friends in our877-5393. W6/26-7/3 " || Killing, cutting&wrapping30¢ a lb. LiveWeight |1426426"3072'want2551helPp6/a6ffn426"4535'call AI-Anon,or PR~pgvp-.......... ............ TI..It"~::¢" ...... vn'~"; ......... ..... h4 recent sorrow will always remain BAY GELDING, 15 hands, I available I ~ Twenty-five years experience |Y4 ~,--~.u.~//3 new, $150. 426-1556. NEED GUTTERS? Call Norm with us as a precious memory, trained roping horse, good " " photographs with fine art copies. -~---~&-. -~ H6/26-7/17 uunko at Sears for fast quotes on Our sincere thanks and gratitude pleasure. 3 wnke socks. Call I Ted Richert I SHELTON FAMILY Planning Dean'~ ~t.dln =lm+,,~ " ~lb" SHASTA travel trailer -- ~ ~ continuous aluminum gutters, for all those comfortingacts. Clinic, 3rd Monday each month, - ...........~' .... ~arg i Cenbn°X~ DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT ring 426-8201. S6/14tfn E.A. Wetmore & familYw6/26 426-8439 after 5 A7/3-24I Shelton 426-8856 I c,ass held 2rid Wednesday, 7 p.m -^ ............... - ~e. Sleeps 6.-Excellent and matching wedding band, ~ .............. -^., "-u-'*" ~u.u r~n~nt~, reasonaole ......... p ces Also trailers, etc. All work """ ~n~;~$'900-or almost new. Will ~inance ROOFING -- NEED anew AKC DOBERMANS, 6 weeks, I 6/12-tfnJ Uall ~zo-q~u/, Ma=~,, ~.u nay ri " • ~P .. 0uaranteed. Phone 426-4322. ~r. 877-9720. 137/3" professional appraisal .for composition roof? For free $50.426-5279. S6/26-7/17 Health ue arcmen~, ~or " PELTORO sailboat, oars, cartopprospective purchaser. Constder estimate call Norm Bunko at ~t~2~it/~ appointment. S4/3tm I202 CoLa St. R7/20tfn ~rrier LOaded u I, trade. Need hay, chest-type Sears, 426-8201. S1/lOtfn ~-#~/LT~'O /~ WEANER PIGS, $25. Rt. 5, Box ;,,~^ ".. , qua'ty built, freezer, metal roofing material, ~_ 155, Shelton. 426-4758. W6"/5tfn ----~-~---~-~-~----~---~-. ...... LOVE RESTORED -- low BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. ~/11~i~i1~i~ • everyday prices -- old treasured Call 426.5397. B1/4tfn 426-9186. iS7j'3--IO" b~ef, wood-burning stove or make FRAMES -- FRAMES -- frames. TOY FOX terrier puppies for sale.~ Wanted ....... photographs -- restored to • l~~tec:tion-w~thl~l~l~Gl~LpARY/V~A=~Ll~a 3M "° fer. 426-4998__ eves. D5/29tfn P2/20tfnPh°t° Center, 426-6163. Teann Kennels. Phone 426-6152. ' original condition. Pl~oto Center, CHAPN SAW sharpening, speedy, ~. -~n~/':C:.all Lou CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional ~- F5/29tfn i 426-6163. P4/3tfn " ataCcurate'saeger precisiOnMotor Shop,grindln~"Hlllcrest.N°w fa~:tory ~dist~ibutor, Foresters, 426-1550. E1/31tfn WOOD FOR sale, alder, maple or .................. WANTED: CEDAR shakes, 100 GEORGE VALLEY Furniture Phone 426-4602; 1/15tfn ~mr I n f o r m a t i o n a n d fir, split and delivered, $30 per squares for barn; No. 2 or and Appliance --= the best night ungraded acceptable. Economy ~01. C~'~22{f-n "- - ..... U~II-&~- ....... _ .... _-_ _ _ _ _ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ spot in town--3ealy mattresses. important. 866-8313 evenings. 3/14tfn odd jobs, free estimates. Danford. An illustrated book of NEW GAS or diesel tanks, two B6/26-7/3 ~OU.~IN~G~ S~AL,E'-- July 3, 4,5, verse and prose. $1.95 at the 500-gallon 12-gauge tanks and LOSE WEIGHT safely and fast 426-1209 or 426-1878. : :Hounds: Journal and book stores. 426-9320. P6/5tfn starter, -.= built" 426-4098. D7/3-24,Travel.all, low miles. $1,800 or II K£ Ip II WANTED: STAMPS and coins, with X-ll Diet Plan, $3.00. K6/12-7/3 D2/24tfn one 675-ga,on lO-gauge tank 1974 ¥~-T. Ford, 4-wheel drive. singles and collections. As aReduce excess fluids with X-Pel, ~ 1970 HONDA 50 wit-h-b---~th ~ on collector, I can pay more than $3.00--_Evergreen Drug. I GUNSMITH I Rock / ] with grate, screen, beanpot. Call electric and kick most dealers. 426.8007. P4/ltOtfn P5/15-8[Z1 I• Repairing Modern and Antlqul~ I • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting after 6 p.m., 275-6533. $200. with opening like girl s bicycle so best offer. 426-8827. F6/26-7/17 DOLLS, OLD or collectible. Doll I • Shotgun Choke Alterations, ass j_nsrals and IA7/3 younger children are able to ride. I Trukin, I parts, patterns and related items. I .,,,=u.s. VW BUG, 1972 -- sharp -- must C Please call Olympia 357-5943. I • Shooting Supplies ~o~s~l~n; I~~n~j~r~t:rna~ I CONSOLEnew, assumeSPINETIowPian°'monthlyLike $150: 877-5497. B4/24tfn see to understand -- 37,000 miles B6/12-7/3 J Warren A. Girard payments. AlSO organ with CEDAR FENCING. Call -- $1,995. 426-6163. P6/26tfn ~la s es. Ja s p'e~"lv~ .~ou~e u'~S'~I Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550, I With a new or I R i DER WANTED, round trip I m°ut" 2' e°x 7IS I~°n" 4'i"SOI automatic rhythm. Phone for free estimates. ES/16tfn lg~~'th;~: I 20, CH39270 or write Credit 1963 DODGE, good condition. Shelton to Olympia, 8-4:30 shift. I u truc. I I ~P.m. • • Manager, 612 SW 152nd, Seattle, ~AINS, bakery and runs well, power steering, power 426-2690. L7/3-24 - ---- .... - Lew's Tree Service brakes, automatic. Call evenings, t I ~'"" 61/;tfn I WA 98166" T7/3"10 dairy pr°ducts' all y°ur health 426"8872" J6/12"7/3 ' I ~mat I BUYING 30c pound dry cascara WILL MOW lawns, do yard work. I" Tree Toppin9 ~ J 100 LBS. Priday thunder eggs, food needs. Old Healthy s Natural ~ al bark, 1 mile south of town, main Have own mower. Call 426-6483.I Tree Removal .~ ~ $50. 4~6-3570. K7/3 Foods, First and Railroad, highway, evenings only, starting J7/3-10 .... | Stump Removal TOP SOIL 426-5158. O4/17tfn '72 SCOUT II, PS, PB, air, June 17, 2 or 3 evenings a week. I Phone 426.2064 4-speed, roll bars, 3 gas tanks, Try and call before coming. LeeLICENSED CHILD care. Want I Shelton, Washington GIRLS SCHWlNN 24" bicycle, s pare tire carrier,$3,350. your children to have special care [ 9/19-tfr baby crib, cordwood. 426-1226.CHAIN LINK fence -- for free426-8827. F6/26-7/17 and fun this summer? Call )lied soil for 25 years.H7/3 estimate, call Norm Bunko at I Cap,t01 Chevrolet I Elmlund, 426-8097. C6/12-7/3 426-2589. CS/15tfn . WANTED -- YOUR junk cars. Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn '74 FORD ~A-T. pickup, Ranger )reciateyourbusi~s., Will buy complete cars or will sh Valley good, loam or top soil. ickups welcome. Will eliver truckloads nywhere. Small lot leering. Call 426-3735 or 126-8993. 3/6-tfn F.E. OGI)EN Skokom,sh . Vallelr Top Sod Call 426-2S.70 JAY'S CUSTOM MEATS Complete Meat Processing FARM SLAUGHTERING -UStom ;utting, wrapping m_d freezing. Hams and idC.°n cured. Locker beef reliable. E LMA 482-2203 6 19-tfr N roto Ildldiq A mtorknls MaSOnr • ~ind & Gravel • e ....'_Y. Crushed Rock 'a~PtI¢ TanKs * Ready Mix SATURDAy POURS ,., C,E WELCOME RADIO DISPATCHED READY-MIX TRUCKS GRAYSTONE OF SHELTON SOUth 7th & Park Str..tltfn;;; MANURE FOR sale. For more ~111111111~11~ ~)tk information, phone 426-2856. MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at .camper special, twin tanks, much haul away others free if not ' L6/12tfn Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and more, 11,000 miles, still under completely stripped. 426-2725 or Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/gtfn factory warranty. 426-5701. Tank Immlletbm R6/26-7/3 Business 3574633 426-8991. L8/15tfn The Pot Shack TRADE IN your old furniture at D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Co., Port Phone 426-3153 Olsen Furniture, 4th and CoLa. Jam of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy Help Wanted 5/22-.n 1 Mile East of Union 4/16tfn 1969 Do.ue Dart $ poles, piling, stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914. ~-~-----~--~-~-~--~----------~--' on Hwy. 106 AUCTION EVERY Thursday Six cylinder, automatic ..................... P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfnRETIRED CARPENTER needed Concrete nkjht at the Tropics Ballroom PicniCFiowerTableSpots BirdplantersBaths Olympia(~chneider's866-0866.Prairie)'D3/10tfn Call 1968 Buick--.--SkvlarE S GOOD----'-----PRICEfor greenland dry426-12§0fur liqhtor construction426.4000. B6/26tfnWOrk" cascara bark. Wayne Evers, Rt. ~ ~---------- ......... ----------" Outstan~dingcondition ..................... 10, Box 94, She I ton. SECURITY GUARDS -- 21 to ~i;~'-~1(I Macrame Hanging Pots MOST POPULAR sizes of tires (D.ayton-Matlock Highway_ --465. Shelton area, full or part-time. and batteries now in stock. Call 898-2545 Sears 426.8201. S9/26tfn 1968 Plymouth $ miles Trom Snelton.) 3:00-8:00 Send name, age, address, phone daily. Telephone 426-4052. number to P.O. Box 747, Shelton. ............. P5/1-7/17 6/5-8/28 - 9-MONTH-OLD beagle lost in FLUFFY SOFT and bright are 4 door .................................. carpets cleaned w!th Blue Lustre. ~ Timberlakes area. Black/white CANAL ~lent electric shampooer, $2 1967 Plymouth S' WANTED -- GROUPS and PUT YOUR spare time to work. with brown nose. Reward, and ividuals to perform or Flexible hours. Community 426-6830. E7/3-10 PRE MIX ~.oas, to Coast Store. C7/3 " 4 door ................................. j demonstrate skills at the Mason involvement. Welcome Wagon. GARAGE SALE- Th ursdav, 9-5~ 1967 International* $, CalIC°untYJerryFair' AuguStsmith, 15,426.3361.16' 17. CallEoE.COllect6/19.7/101-392-2197 evenings. Colored T V. 126 Lest E ~>treet. M7/3-31 ---------------~ ----~-~~----~---------~" oerving the Hood Canal E7/3 ~ Vztonp.u ....... ...................... ... ] ~ OPPORTUNITY -- COUPLE, PASTURE WANTED for 2 mares .young knowledgeable able-bodied area with ready-mix FREE -- ONE gallonRt, of root beer R J_ with foals. 426-1970. B7/3-10 ~ ¢o Work oyster and clam beach, concrete, to W. E. B~Iher, 5, Box 494, 1966 uouge $l seafOOd store and snack bar on from Minors A&W Drive-In on I I percentage basis. References 1965 HONDA CL160, $195. Located in Potlatch Mt. View. A7/3 A-100 van ............................... = I dl~J~,=m, | required. Jorstad Creek Trailer 426-3123 during working hours. 1974 no4"e--u Coronet u t=uum I Park, St. Rt 1, Box43, Lilliwaup C6/26-7/3 15' TRAVEL trailer can be seen "L I I 877-5857. ~/5tfn 877-5734 Friday and.Saturday of this week. Custom 4 dr , 318 V-8engine, auto trans,air ~ii~ I Bolts I SOMEONE FOR housework one Lot 82, Bng Lake, Timberlakes. " 8/15tfn W7/3 __ conditioning" ....... , ........ : .... " ....... Im We to $180 nI day a week, Lake Nahwatzel. ........ ...... ~ --R~ E ;Wllllt-od- - - 1963 Imperial Crown $| 426"3648 H6/26tfn 1970 HqNDA 100, gOod shape, I pay up per I ' mt $185. Call ~Zb-1939 No calls on | cord on cut-out for old I LA DY TO live in with Saturday. B7/3 " 4 dr., very nice condition ................... q • . I semi-invalid. Cooking and light Otto ~GARAGE. SALE -- Thursday. PAIILEY AI4OTOi , growthl taper WOOQ.. I housework. 426-3207. J7/3~ HAVE BUYER with $3,000 I C a I m o r n n n g s I RN'S OR ; . down or will trade their outgrown Children s clothes, play sink, n I . LPN S. part-time or full 2-bedroom home for 3-b~:lroom Fie.. stove and refrigerator, stroller I 1-871-3864. I time. /APply at [=tr Lane Terrace with fireplace, under $20,000. If ladies' 12 coat. SWeaf~r¢" m~n'¢ ~:~ ................. I I Convalescent Center, 2430 North you can help, please call Vi at Phone 426-1500 equ,pment,°verc°at' 270Winchesterand 357 reloading22 with FRONT & RAILROAD SHELTON 426-8183 , |1 6/12tfn, il F6/19-7/1013th' Shelton or call 426-1651. Shelton Land and Homes, scope. Z mileSRoad. L7/3 east 'on Arcadia U----DeE ------------~ 426-5555. S7/3 after 6 p.m. . I -. -- I REAL ESTATE sales -- If you Serving Mason County TEMP.~~SCRIBE for checking I Cedar ~lHIke | have nad experience dealing with dollar for nice waterfront lot. I I people, we need a full-time Phone 426-4819. G7/3-24 • Septic Tanks freezers.temperatureSldeal for°n someoneC°mmercialn I i_lL R----.JI. m----,Ienergetic, sincere person on our Hil[~ -- Ng[g~ J" ~U~I~ ff and • Backhoe Service ne~!ng, air-conditioning or I | sta you may be the one W l LL PAY cash for a I Now purchased at McClearyI Stop in and see "MiLch" at Mason two-bedroom home in the $8,000 • Bulldozing re r~geration trades. 7-day I ~a;,, I County Realty, 724 Railroad range. Mail particulars to Box 10, • Gravel ,~ .... ~ recorder, $50 firm. Used once. ' ...... I " | Shelton. Profit-sharing program c/o Journal. H7/3tfn .,~. , 426-9337. I R = m . 5 n m daily I Days you more. Call 426-4486. B A L D W I N A C R~ WE BUY and sell equities or mah.og, any spinet piano, perfect I T & L Cedar I BOY OR girl for paper route~ contracts. We trade or exchange P,0. Box conai~ion, $550. 898-3219. W7/3 n I Anglesioe area Call 4261098 homes, farms, waterfront or I McCleary, WA I H6/12-7/3 " - . acreage -- paid for Or not. Call Mr. 16" ZENITH TV, exce!lent 495-3909days ~ Mitchell for quotes, bids or Grapeview WA 98546 condition, black and wnire, I I LICENSED REAL estate further information. Havebuyers SALE for 2 and 3 bdrm. homes. Mason portable. 426-4343. J7/3 I -r:..~.^r and land wanted I salesperson wanted To County Realty, 8th & Railroad, ~~ I ...... ,Jcommissions. Call Jerry'Smi~tl~ 426-4486. 8/12tfn BAYSHORE ou o .o MOTOR, 20 h.p. Realty, 426-3361. S5/22tfn Merc., good shape, $250. Call 877-5"354. C7/3 [Train- for a Rewarding SAND AND STARcRAFT BOAT -- Superstar" -1_-._-_-_-.~_-_-_-_-_-_~_-_-_-_-_-_-_,. 12', Johnson 9Vz, both 1970. ~~--------~---~---" iCareer in the Business GRAVEL Uoth excellent. Accessories. $495 firm. Minichello Warfield's Trailer 4 now Help W ted JWore Red Emte ourt, Hoodsport. M7/3 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~-~-~-_-_-_-_-~-_~ | Why not train for a profession ~--E~,N ~OO,~. ,oo0 in stock .~.J I which always is in demand? 3-BEDROOM 24x64 mobile CARPENTER NEEDED, m0ro I Accountant, Administrative home, small down and take over For The Finest In: condition. 426-5037. H7/3 week in JUly, for finishlncj work, I A s s i s t a n t ~ec reta r v payments, Allyn area. 426-6963 paneling, etc Call after 6 p m, J~ eceotioni~t ~n ~ a~inn ~ or 275-2105. N7/3-24 * PRE--MIX .... R ...... f..rm ........ * SAND * GRAVEL • Upright piano, Schuman, 564-7472. N7/3 I courses and financial aid is excellent condition and sound, ~ I available upon request Capitol 4-BEDROOM waterfront home, 2 3 uu-~-u real estate salesmenBusiness Col -^ "o.= ,..- | ~AIUHU/~Y I*u :> {r:::-~-':'~:'UR:S $250. 5-piece redwood rec. IE le,=, o,~ ~,- baths, large deck, large garage, needed to work in the Hoodsport, J Olvmoia Ave nl,,m~-=- artesian well, trees, creek. room or patio furniture, 2 Brinnon and Quilcene areas. I ~/a~'hin~tnn c~p.~. "~'',~P..'..~.:' 1-bedroom penthouse above ARE WELCOME armchairs, settee, ottoman, -- .................. l } Please contact Stan Johnston of i :357-q31~1 ' ~"' with carport. Both have cocktail table,$75. Round " n ........ garage 0~,l~jiI Endicott Realty at Brlnno . I- c.o ~.~ carpeting, drapes, appliances. For redwood foldinq picnic table JIM PAULEY, ( 796-4603. E7/3 / ,,,,--'-/,o appointment call owner, and benches, $45. 6' redwood ~ ~ ~ 1-696-3513, Vancouver. L7/3-10 LOCATED ACROSS FROM picnic table and benches, $40. ------'-"---- Mt V0 Standard size bed, walnut . ew at Knee and Center REAL ESTATE EXAM CLASSES ~. BAYSHORE426.2669PhoneGOLF COURSE bunkbedb°xspring'headboard'setfirmwith$50"mattreSSmattresses,Woodand ~~[' @ Phl~no 4~J~6..8231 Real. Estate is anFreeexcitingplacementand challenging field old_Shait°nhouse:and neWS. freewaY.bedrooms,3 year3 $70. See at Lake Limerick 68 Classes filling rapidly uamrooms, landscaped, 3V~ acres, DAYS -- EVENINGS St. Andrews Drive, this Friday, AMERICAN SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE creek, large garden. Appointment: Saturday, Sunday. Or call 48month financing available only, no Friday evening to 6/13tfn Bellevue 746-9q77. 228-0900 7/3-24 Saturday evening calls. 426-3508. ..... E6/19- 7/10 Thursday. July 3, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21 ,1