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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 3, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 3, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,,,,,i, i,i Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 3, 1975 WANTED Mini-Farm Immaculate older 3-bdrm. home, den, beautiful kitchen, carpets, large shop, barn, corral, 4 park-like acres. $32,500. Wanted Vacation Homes for Out-of-Town Buyers Rental Units for Local Buyers Business Locations Sales Personnel Special 3-bdrm.. 2 full bath, Heatilator fireplace. Double garage, patio w/gas BBQ, corner lot. Reduced to $22,500. Waterfront Mobile home lot all set to go! Power, water, phone, septic system, storage bldg., pier. Asking $] 2,000. Mason Lake Beautiful park-like landscaping, rustic home. Fireplace, beam ceiling, beautiful view, 100 ft. waterfront with "L" shaped pier. Covered veranda. Separate cottage or shop. Just relax and enjoy yourself. $49,500. Terms. Panhandle Area 19.3 acres level Christmas tree land, need tending. Only $720 per acre. Free Mason County real estate catalog, Stop in or write. --PURDY REALTY Wynwood Center P.O. Box 401 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Waterfront Home In Grapeview with 191 waterfront and approximately 2 acres with fruit trees and lots of room for garden. 2-bedroom home in a beautiful setting among the large firs, 1/2 basement, 2 bathrooms, fireplace, large covered deck, 2-car garage, and all this located in a secluded spot. Asking $49,500. New Homes Just 10 miles from Shelton on Highway 3. Drive out to Rustlewood and see our 2- and 3-bedroom homes with and without basements, fireplaces, rugs and stoves. Access to saltwater beach, boat ramp and picnic area. Some with superb view. Prices from $24,500 to $29,950. Drive out; it's worth your time. View Home With access to saltwater beach, 2 bedrooms, Franklin fireplace, large picture view windows. Asking $13,750. Call Julius Stock, 857-2121 Evenings 426-6911 FOR SALE bedrooms, family room, large rec. room, li/z baths, large separateutility room, fenced yard, garden area. All-electric heat, food disposal, plenty of storage area, blacktop streets, near grade school. Priced reasonably. Call 426-1076. 7/3-24 your mobile home. 2-oBoEdDedROOMe vmiObi,e hpII' c/ SH FOR paid for or not. Olympia Mobile wooded lak~ view Iot,l Homes, 3813 Pacific, Lacey. 456-8890. O11/14tfn , PP" ' .000_ and. ]ete lakes inc., "42-6"4 Call 426-3361 -- Ask for BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE-WIDE 937-1512, 935-7802'. 06/2(iART] 24x40, excellent condition, fireplace and stove, ready to be ~~ihA'" • moved ,mmed,ate,y Se,, or trade _. 426-1798. $6/12-7/3 . PROFESSIONAL REALTY OFFICE BUILDING LARGE STOCK of used mobile ~,814 I~.aceyBlvd. 491-6~Jnd$: 7TH AND RAILROAD AVENUE SUITE B SHELTON 4 26-~5 9~ homes from $2,495,easy terms, a11/28tfn tters t WE NEVER CLOSE -- EVENING OR WEEKENDS CALL I By John Brush Pacific,°lympia MobileLacey.Homes,456.8890.3813 J~te bc JUANITA NELSON, 426-9351 -- JERRY SMITH, 426-9131 Broker-Realtor ~t ESTATE o11/14tfn ~llnd aJ I 7n C--g-un 'J Large Family MAN may be the head of the family, but far better than that, i d I woman is the heart of it. Come n an !=g, * * 121 W. RAILROAD . . skiJn1 EVERY MAN who is high up loves to think that he has done it all • ~nose himself; and the wife smiles, and lets it go at that. REDUCED $2,000 -- The new * * * * price on this truly beautiful WATCH YOUR WIFE SM~L~ when you tell her you have 3-bedroom custom-built BAY decided to buy that home BRUSH REALTY showed her and had EAST home. Includes 450 ft. you Iookat! of shared waterfront Our , , , , deep-water dock, boat 4 bdrms. 2 baths, neat as a pin. launchincl ramp. You II love the home with its corner stone Sdl]Jes level land, 2-bdrm. veranda.Family diningFencedkitchen.yard, seeLargeit FAWN LAKE! Excellent camp site. Wooded. Underground fireplace, formal-size dining today -- $27,500. utilities. A real bargain at $1,000 cash or terms, room, lovely carpeting and truly a dream kitchen and FAWN LAKE! 60' waterfront lot. Cleared with nice grove of COmbination utility-sewing Lots Land trees. Suitable for conventional dwelling or mobile home. A room. Now $37,500. Come and terrific value at $4,800 cash or terms, and see it. Timberlakes 4 to choose from. From Satsop River Frontage LAKE LIMERICK! Large corner lot. Convenient to lake. Natural SEE IT NOW -- This attractive $2,450. Easy terms. With large timber. 6Vz acres, state. Nice trees. $1,800, assume existing contract. 3-bedroom, 1Vz-bath, fully • carpeted home merits your $14,950. Low down payment, inspection now. It has so many Fawn Lake LAKE LIMERICK! 80' creek front, $2,500. extras, including fireplace, 4 to choose from. From Arcadia Point Patio, fully fenced and $4,000. Easy terms. 3 acres large alder and cedar LAKE LIMERICK! Beautiful waterfront lot on quiet part of lake. beautifully landscaped yard. A real value at $5,500. $23,950. trees -- winter creek. $5,500. Shorecrest Estates Low down payment. YOUNG OR OLDSTER This 2-bedroom is ideal for the From $3,500. Easy terms, e -- HIGHLAND ESTATES -- 3 retired or young couple 0Just starting out. Its 2 lots" have ample bedrooms, fireplace, carpeting, room for play or garden. $9,000. Try your credit union for the carport and large lot. If your cash! gross income is $13,500 or ess, Saltwater Retired? ON LAKE LIMERICK GOLF COURSE! Spacious 2 bedroom, 1 financing with no down you may qualify for 8Vz% level rambler. Furnished. Needs some finish work. Asking payments, closing costs only. $18,000. Seller will carry contract. $21,950. FAWN LAKE VACATION RETREAT! Living, dining, kitchen, 3 BEDROOMS, HILLCREST bath on main floor with large sleeping loft on 2nd level. Needs a -- Located close to shopping ~ handy man to finish. A very attractive place for only $11,150. and Bordeaux School, this can be a real rent-beater for you. _ , Forced-air fu mace, fenced m CUSTOM BUILT. Beautiful spacious 2-bedroom home, like new, yard, carport and more. It's with all the comfort and convenience you expect. Has separateonly $10,950 and several ways utility room, attached garage with storage, large covered deck -- a of financing can be arranged. 160-ft. no-bank saltwater Ideal cozy home for couple, real value. Compare with any other Lake Limerick home and MOBILE HOMES frontage. Property includes Large lot for garden. Walking you'll agree. $22,950. BEAUTIFUL BAY-EAST -- 5-bedroom older home. Over 1 distance to store. Only We've opened the remainderof acre of land. $22,000. $13,300. WALK TO SHOPPING from this nice 3 bedroom 1V2bath home. the waterfront lots and are offering them on a first-come, • Hiway 101 at Taylor Towne • 426-5252 j Attached garage is insulated and panelled for rec room. Fenced first-served basis. Prices Matlock Tim berlakes yard. $21,500, terms open. from $5,950 to $11,950,rangeand I include water, power and telephone to each lot. FAMILY HOME IN THE COUNTRY! 4 (could be 6) bedroom 2 Ownership also includes shared story older farm house on masonry foundation in good condition, ~------~-----------~-----~--~-------~-~.~-_ ownership of 450 ft. of Spacious rooms. Lots of potential on 6]/2 acres pasture-fenced waterfront, a deep-water dock, I~jaJ Publkntions L=g=l Publications and cross-fenced! If you like country living and no close boat launching ramp and, neighbors this will suit you. Priced at only $32,000. above all, a fantastic VIEW. -----=--_-._-_-_-~-_- --- -- --- . Easy terms. degree 26'04" East 254.74 feet, NOTICE OF APPLI, 3Vz ACRES AT THE CITY LINE. Could be short-platted into 4 more or less, to a concrete TO APPROPRIATE nice building sites. Some pasture & wooded. Near city water and LAKE LIMERICK -- This monument on the Southerly PUBLIC WATERS sewer. Asking $9,000, terms, exceptionally-nice low bank lot right-of-way line of Primary State STATE OF WASHIN ; Beautiful! Must see it!2-bdrm, with 75 feet of depth. Owner Highway No. 106 (Navy Yard DEPARTMENT OF ECql 10 secluded acres of forest land 2-bath. Fireplace, outbldgs. -- NEED SHOP AND OFFICE SPACE? See us. We have an excellent reduced the price to only Highway) ; thence, along said TAKE NOTICE: with double-wide mobile landscaped, many extras, proposition to offer you on short or long term leasetosuityour $5,950 and will help in the right-of-way line, North 78 T h a t L U C I L home. Good road. $23,500. $22,500. requirements, financing. Believe us, it's worth degrees 25'48" West 222.34 feet ,,=,:L AR to . BOGAST) investigating. . a concrete monument which ~hQI.'l'nn W=¢hln, MEETING HALL, OFFICES, SHOP. This 2nd floor location in Dears North O degrees 36'19" Ea~-~l~3~'~.'r'~'n~l'e~'-~ YearRound Stream 5 Acres central Shelton is available on lease at $125 month. BAYSHORE ROAD, 3 LOTS, f.rom the point of beginning; 2.23Rr~r~ fi0==~r f ...... I PLUS -- Exceptionally nice mence :~outh 0 degrees 36'19" ,annrnnri~f~='r~i~'~lir',~',:÷~"il YOU CAN HELP sell Your home faster. We would like to send view property, 190 ft. road west 842.94 feet, more or less, to ,,-,- ~_IT.~ ~.~.u::~ ,,, ...... y_ .......... LU ~XU~U~g righTS, Tram I$ BEAUTIFUL SATSOP you information on how to do this! Give BRUSH REALTY a call frontage with 145 ft. of depth. ~eeP#/nm~ °~a~erg~:#tlngo~f ewX;:ptlng Lake in the amount of 0.02 RIVERFRONT at 426-1141 and tell them where to send it -- or better yet -- $4,500. Terms. /~ rc~a'ro~r'r" ~ Y'A, ~ feet per second, contin AS LITTLE AS drop in and pick up a copy! Edr~a' I~V'Hos~y" ~'-~"~' each year, for Domestic S BAYSHORE WATERFRONT Harold V" Mc~'an°l~ ;en$o~; (oand irrigation (Garden and . da d e n F. only). The source of the $ I 00 -- 132 ft. fine gravel beach, Mt. McCadam, husband and wife, appropriation is located Rainier view, 1V~ miles from vendees, dated December 1, 1963, Lots 98 and 99, Blocl Down city limits. $16,500. Terms. and filed for record and recorded Correction Plat of Island $89 or less per month in the office of the Auditor for Shorelands. Being within Park-like home, cabin or 9%perannum interest Mason County, Washington, 6, Township 20 N., Range mobile home lot. Power, up to 16 yrs. financing September 25, 1964, on Reel 17, W.M., in MASON County. phone, water already in. available REALTY REALTOR® Frame 96, under Auditor's File Protests or Private lake privileges. $5,000.$8,950 cash price r~E~[Tor~ ® REAL ESTATE No. 207074; said contract approval of this application )roviding for the sale and include a detailed eta1 purchase Qf the within described the basis for objections; Mobile Home Lot BeJfair CALL "THE ACTION OFFICE" 426-1141 121 Railroad Ave. real estate upon the terms and must be accompanied by a 426-6592 conditions set forth in the dollar ($2.00) recording fee contract (said contract having filed with the Department Car. 1st & Cedar (Opposite Dairy Queen) Shelton Equal Housing Opportunity been modified by Modification of Ecology, Southwest Rec AS LITTLE AS EXCELLENT INVESTMENT Contract dated September 1, Office, Olympia, WA. 40 600-ft. commercial highway 1964, recorded September 25, within thirty (30) days from 1964, on Reel 17, Frame 96, 10, 1975. DOWN frontage across from new under Auditor's File No. 7/3-1 $2,450 cash price shopping ce~lter in Belfair. -------------------------------------- --------------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~__ ~--_-----~--__ 207074); Real Estate Excise Tax paid, Receipt No. 15807. $50 or less per month. 9% per H ouse, garage, barn on Fer Fer Rut t =l Publi ti = levied on as the property of said NOTICE TO CREDITOR.¢ annum interest. Up to 16 yrs. property. Only $4],500. defendants heretofore named, to NO. 4610 financing available. Terms. --------------------------'~-~------ ----------------'-~------------------- --~---------------~----------------~-~ Satisfy a judgement, amount to THE SUPERIOR COURT , , 2-BEDROOM duplex on Harvard. COUNTRY LIVING -- Deluxe NOTICE O'F SHERIFF'S Three Thousand Seven Hundred WASHINGTON FOR MA! Refrigerator and stove furnished, new 6-plex, 2 bedrooms, carports, SALE OF REAL ESTATE One and 28/100 -- ($3,701 28) COUNTY $135 month. References required, fireplaces, appliances and garden STATE OF WASH I NGTON, Dollars attorney's fees of ¢ --'the IN THE MATTER OF ESTATE OF IRENE cost of suit and interest, T_n favor j UNITED FARM AGENCY I Olympia 352-1929 evenings or plots. Between Shelton and County of Mason, ss. SHERIFF Sof plaintiffs, plus Sheriff s Fees. SCHROEDER, Deceased. weekends. Days, 753-6359. Olympia on Hurley-Waldrep OFFICE J 479-1793 "~'~'- --~-~---~-~'~-~-~-- Dated this 2nd of June, 1975. NOTICE IS HEREBY GI • Y6/26-7/17 ....... Road. 426-6071 or 426-4226 BY VIRTUE OF Execution DAN W. McNAIR, Sheriff that the undersigned has J COUNTRY HOME J For RNt 2-BEDROOM unfurnished house, L4/17tfn .............. issued out of the Honorable Court /s/Carolyn Gruver appointed and has qualifi( of the State of Washington for ............ Carolyn Gruver, Civil Deputy personal representative of I T h i s o n e - a c r e p I u s I ............ ~'---- all-electric, wall-to-wall carpeting, FOR RENT: Trailer space close Mason County, on the 2nd day of Attorney: Wilton S. Viall, IIIestate. Persons having c on Bayshore Golf Course, $160. to downtown. Call426-4426 June, 1975, by the Clerk thereof ~urran, Kleweno, Johnson against the deceased are req J three-bedroom home islocatecl I MOBILE HOME spaces, cam References and deposit. 10/8tfn " in thecaseof RoySantand Helen & Curran J just two miles outside of I accommodate any size secluded 426-4000. B6/26tfn to serve the same, duly ver I Shelton. It boasts of a huge I and quiet. Also overnight spaces, ~ Sent, husband and wife, versus213 Fourth Avenue South on the undersigned or snowers, laundromat, reasonable LARGE DELUXE 2-bedroom Harold McCadam, etux and Dean P.O. Box 26 attorney of record at the ad |master bedroom and about J rates. Corner Shelton Springs fourplex with utility room, to me, as Sheriff, directecJ and J 100' of creek. Only $20,900 J r MT. VIEW Thatcher, etux, No. 10750 and Kent, Wash. 98031 stated below and file the 852 2345 with the Clerk of this C |with ]0%down. | Road and County Road, 1 block colored kitchen appliances, delivered: " 6/12-19-26-7/3-4ttogether with proof of off Highway 101. Evergreen carpeting and drapes. Free TV ~ ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY service within four months I Evenings call | Mobile Estates, 426-5202. cable and garbage. References. GIVEN, That I will proceed to June 26, 1975, or the same I RonWimberly, 876.316! I E7/3-24 Adults only, no pets. $145 per sell at public auction to the be forever barred. ,/3,0 1 2BEDROOM unfurnished house, month, available June 1st. A~J~llt.~ highest bidder for cash, withinthe ! $105 month. Deposit, references. 426-6251. L6/26-7/17 ~ hours prescribed by law for /s/WlLLIAMF. SCHRCwlLLIAMF. SCHROEI Middle-aged couple preferred. ~ Sheriff's Sales, to-wit, ten o'clock NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'MOBILE SPACE available. Quiet,2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished A.M., on th 11th day of July, (RCW| 1.40.010) Personal Representative 426~un~a~,. [37-/3 ..... secluded, laundry. Walk to town. 1975, before the L:ourt House PROBATE NO. 4603 JOHN C. RAGAN 3-BEDROOM house, extra cabin Call 426-3242. B9/5tfn Available NOW -- No Pets door of Mason County, Fourth S U P E R I O R C O U R T O F Attorney for Estate F@r RINIt ~;fe ences,3 vz acres,please. Kami$245.1che.Call 2 BEDROOM rental. Call CONTACT MANAGER Street entrance, at Shelton, in the WASH INGTON FOR MASON Title Insurance Building Olympia 866-][575. M7/3tfn 877-5527. S6/ 9tfn 426-31 00 State of Washington, all of the COUNTY 122 R~ilroad Avenue right, title and interest of said Estate of LLOYD S. BRIGGS, Shelton, Washington 98584 defendant in and to the.following Deceased. 6/26-7/3-1 LOCATED IN a beautiful garden FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 1-, M T. VIEW -- 2-bedroom~ tfn described property, situated in The undersigned has been setting, apartment for rent, 2- and 3-bedroom, no pets, fourplex unit. Range, refrigerator, I Mason County, State of appointed and has qualified as downtown area, unfurnished, reasonable rent. Edgewood, dishwasher and disposal included. Washington, to-wit: . personal representative (PR) of NOTICE OF APPLICAT includes carport, wash ng 426-4364. Highway 101 past Garage for your car and storage. All that portion of the estate of the above named TO APPROPRIATE Government Lot two (2), Section deceased. Each person having a PUBLIC WATERS facilities. Call between 5 p.m. and airport. E6/26tfn Water and garbage paid. Fully ~--"-~-~"~-------~--~---~---------~- twentytwo (22) Township claim against the deceased must STATE OF WA 9 p.m. Adults only, no pets .... carpeted and drapes. Call Mason 426-1479. O11/21tfn HOLIDAY HOUSE studio, County Realty, 426-4486. twentytwo (22) North, Range serve the claim on the DEPARTMENT OF EC( MS/29tfn Wmt lte Rut two (2) West, W.M., as undersigned PR or on the TAKE NOTICE: ~~--~~ unfurnished garden apartment, $110. Phone426-2549. H6/26tfn 3 BEDROOM house. 1 bedroom Boundary Line Agreement and address stated below and must file BECK'WITH of Shel studio apartment for ] adult. - .... ,..-_-_~_-_-_-_-_-_---------- determined by that certain attorney(s) of record at the T h a t H A R O L D References required, no pets. 703 house. Also apartments.Phone TEACHER NEEDS 2-3 bedroom Map attached thereto, recordedan executed copy of the claim Washington on June 9, Pine Street. L7/3tfn 2-BEDROOM unfurnished 426-4420. W6/19tfn house August 1st. $150 month, on Reel 15, Frame 956, under with the clerk ofthecourt within under Application No. S 2-2 o wn t own, 1 block park, D. Keenan, 2203 N. 40th, Seattle Auditor's File No. 205952, four months after the date of first filed for permit to approl pharmacy. Older person or couple OFFICE SPACE -- 700 square 98103, with details. K7/3 records of Mason County, publication of this notice or public waters, subject to 2-BEDROOM furnished house preferred. Deposit, references, Washington, particularly within four months after thedate rights, from Spencer Lake feet office on Hillcrest right on with garage, washer, dryer. $125 monthly. Inquire Rod 101. Free desk and chairs, water, YOUNG FAMILY wants house in described as follows: . of filing of a copy of this notice amount of 0.02 cubic fe Walking distance to town. $125 Olsen, Ol~en Furniture. O6/26tfn COMMENCING at a concrete with the clerk of the court, second each year, for Irri plus $25 cleaning deposit, lights and heat included. Call Allyn-Belfair area immediately. "Mitch" at MasoncountyRealty, Have references. 884-2878 or monument at the Southeast whichever is the later, or the during irrigation season. References. 426-3204. F7/3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 426-4486. M6/5tfn 884-3718, Lakebay. Mc7/3-10 corner of said Government Lot 2; claim will be barred, except under sou rce of the propo FURNISHED HOUSE, available bachelor apartments. Dishes, thence North 89 degrees 30'40"those provisions included in RCW appropriation is located end August. Adults only, older linen. $50 to $65 pe~ month. West, along the South lineofsaid 11.40.011. Tract 5 of Lake Spencer couple preferred, no pets. Shelton Apartments, 2nd and '" Government Lot 2, a distance of Date of filing copy of notice Tracts of Section 29, Tow 2-bedroom, garage, Grapeview Grove. S6/5tfn One and Two Bedroom 534.60 feet to a concrete to creditors June11,1975 21 N., Range 2 W. area, $125.426-6401. W7/3 Apartments, with carpet, drapes monument and the point of Date of first publication June MASON County. MR. AND Mrs. Landlord. Mason & appliances, no pets. beginning of the tract of land 19, 1975. Protests or objection: hereby described; thence South PR:/s/Robert E. Briggs, Jr. approval of this application NOW RENTING -- Booth space County Realty has complete 89 degrees 30'40" East, along the Robert E. Briggs, Jr. include a detailed at Mason County Fair, August ]5, rental management service. We /s/John A. Godfrey the basis for objections; 16, 17. Clubs -- businesses -- provide all the forms, show the South line of said Government individuals. Call Jerry Smith, property, check credit and Lot 2, 454.60 feet to a concrete Att0rney(s) for theEstate must be accompanied by a monument; thence North 0 of McCUNE, GODFREY & dollar ($2.00) recording 426-3361. M7/3-3] references, collect the rent and 2329 Jefferson St. degrees 36'19" East 545.50 feetEMERICK, P.S~ filed with the Departmen deposit to your account. Call 4516 University Way N.E. Ecology, Southwest I-BEDROOM mobile home, $100 "Mitch" at 426-4486 for further Mgr. Apt. 2 or to a concrete monument; thence North 89 degrees 30'40" West Seattle, Washington98105 Office, Olympia, WA. month. Adults, no pets. details -- we take care of the 426-1916 Telephone:632--0575 within thirty (30)days from, 877-9337. C7/3 headaches. MS/8tfn "7/|2tfn 240.00 feet to a concrete monument; thence North 1 6/19-26-7/3-3t3, 1975.