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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 3, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 3, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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By LENNIA CATES --CR 5-2245 "Shut the doors, they're coming through the windows - shut the windows, they're coming through the doors!" Remember that song some years back? To some residents at Bald Point that's what they thought was happening to them last Sunday evening when an Army helicopter made an emergency landing on the spit at Dry Creek about three miles west of Tahuya. The CH47A chopper, enroute pink dogwood tree along with a wedding book signed by all in attendance. A potluck buffet was served. Later in the week the couple took the new Cascade Highway trip which they thoroughly enjoyed and highly recommend for those of us who haven't had the opportunity to take as yet. Don't forget the Bald•rail boat parade this coming Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Who knows, * Fireplaces * Block foundations * Anything with masonry JOHN KIMMEL Licensed, bonded and insured• Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 . Shelton SOME WOODED SOME PASTURE 5 ACRES & LARGER Bear Creek Mini Mart, OLD BELFAIR HIWAY Hours: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 7 days New area dealers for Peninsula Feed and Seed FUNERAL CHAPEL to its home base at Paine Field may be another helicopter will 5303 Kitsap Way Call us collect from anywhere ES 7-3 near Everett, lost power when the join the party. REID REALTY ~ester M Sr. -ester M, number one generator caught fireA reporter was interviewing ...... and the chopper circled the area Sir Winston Churchill. What do BELFAIR SHELTON -- ~ safelyf°r sam•at thetimepublicbef°reaccesslandingthe venerableY°U say, sir,statesman,he askedto thethe AN EMERGENCY LANDING at Bald Point was made by this Army 275-2868 426-6572 *" ,.,on fv To,.. state acquired last year. The 15 prediction that in the year 2000 helicopter last Sunday night. It carried 15 passengers plus crew and the pilot ~ ~ ~-~ k-'~" " "t/C0 officers and crew on board kept women will be ruling the world? is reported to have said he never was so scared in his life as he was when i O ' 6 their cool even though they Churchill smiled his wise old engine trouble developed and he thought he was going to have to ditch the Sunday Services ,a. 426m5962 Co thought they were going to end cherub smile. "They still will, aircraft in the canal. See Tahuya column, x- up in Hood Canal and a perfecteh?' ~ . . i • Serving all of Mason County landing was made in an area Have a happy 4th of July. 1"8:30 a'm" " -nM°rnmg2 dMorn. WorshiW°rshlp Long distance rates where parking spaces are hard to ***************************************************** u a.m .....p • 24-hour service come_ by_-especially for PICKUP RETURNED AI g th 01d B If i High y 10a•m ....... Sunday School ....... something tlaatbig ........ on • • = r w= , E ........................ • m tv/J ford pickup with O0 p m venmg Worship t ~--~ ~ .... Sunday, June 22, was a very ........ BELF i i~ ~I th ....... A' canopy wmcn nan neen reportea Bk l~e special (lay tor Lornne ann J ....... stolen from the Grapevlew area By ELEANORA FEDENK CR 5-2774 ~' ~t][~ll[e burrows when mey were nostee , AIR + ......... o+ ++ =o +oo++ +, ++ ++ ..**......................... .... I me .............. home dE ~oDana t.maa runes TParKed on a residenhaJ. .street in Only a +reevised map could c|assmates of the honor guest, met relatives at Sea-Tac, coming COMMUNITY e taurant & .......... acoma and returned to its sub-divide the Old Belfair Games wereplayedwithsmall for her June 21 wedding to ~r-%IA--'--ll on their ~utn weaning ....... ~ ....... owner. Apparently ~t nan neen on Highway into aroute leadingplants as prizes which were won Robert Kiehn. The surprised look anmversary. :~on Jonn an(] ms ...... BAPTIST ~ 4312 Kitsap Way, Bremerton | • the ~acoma street trom ~unaay towards Shelton. Happy news by Jean Fedenk, Midge on her face when she arrived at family from Seattle were also on . I r v L n ...... + ...., ......... to Thursday, unlocked, keys m items this week disregard the map Shoemaker and Kathi David. her surprise shower a half hour } - -. u ca:~ ~ a.m.-,~:uu p.m. i ha~tu tot the celeorauon, lne .... an .... ,~n t~xperience in D" 4 m i 1"30 m i couple ........ was presente(] a t)eauutu~ ]gmuon..^, ...... (] canopy:,,.~..contammg+ ...... and report events regarding Other guests were Sheila Corey, late was a highlight of the party P.O. BOX 407 t ..... tuner, p. .- . p. . t ...... uv~., wtt.u ..... ,u.~ neighbors along the way to Allyn. ,Terri Olmstead, Sue Wilson, Joni and proved that the family s John Senn, Posfor _~in thT,,"t;tb~yRnta:~,,,_____ ___.._.. Closed Sundays..t __ .... _+_____ ........ _________________ touching a thing. Sugar and spice and Single, Debbie Kilcoyne, Kathy conspiracy to keep a secret was ] ~organ & piano for your Rest,a_u_m.n~ySoT~l IE I everything nice' is a good Krueger, Mrs. Charlotte York,successful. Game prizes at the Church WANTED phone-- CR 5-6262 evening enter tainment. 11111 ; q./~-Z 1 II [ One day and evening a week. ~ BOAT MISSING description of the tiny girls Becky and her mother, Mrs. H.shower were won by Margaret , I t .............. " " ~ [Mature, responsible person to | A 15-foot green and white making their debut at HarrisonBrehmeyer. Logueand Alta Robinson. ~ , , _ . ,s,,~,,s,,.,,,_,~, _,~,,_~,.~ .- i" i CLIP care for infant my home -I t .,- ~ ' .- ' [ boat w~th motor was reported Hospital in the past few weeks. A small plane with two wings As we get older we are ......................... - ,.anuya area. u wn, . . Congratulations to Mr. and and open cockpit has been doing supposed togetsmarter. Such was CHRIST LUTHERAN I I " [ ~transportation preferred.~ m~ss~ng on June 25 from a 275-3172. Treasure Island home. Mrs. Ronald Sharer on the arrival periodic stunt shows ending in not the case when Mrs. Mary i[ ............................. i of baby daughter Brooke Loraenstiff necks for all of us watching. Moyer called for some ideas for , on June 22. Her statistics are 6 The skillful pilot has entertained curing and drying of rabbit pelts Church at Belfair " lbs., 2 oz. and 19 inches in length, with sky writing, flying upside that had been given to her son. .+.ovo, 1 I I Site• 1899 | Maternal grandmother is Mrs.down, fast loops and rolls, often Dusty books stored in our attic I Service of Worship & I ......... ~I The greatest shoe I Carol Weegman. The paternal forming a pattern of fluffy smoke didn t give one needed clue as to i I 275-2083 I value on earth[ J grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. in the sky. Our hope is that the how it should be done. Now Mary Sunday School 10 A.M. LII ] 5 .nOif_f f¢." Ii [ Identify & pay | Charles R. Hoem | Richard Sharer, describe their pilot has a sturdy seat belt well knows why I didn't call back that first grandchild as being a little fastened for all his trick flying, day. Each P=¢ ! 275-6129 I doll with lots of beautiful hair. Melody Kiehn was hostess at a It was comforting in calls COME AS YOU ARE ?I/U[ 7R'[ 17__'~_~i~ 2~ 7:~ III ~.,...........,.....,.,.........,.,.,.......,... ,.~,,.....~..~..........,...............~...~ Parents of the other little doll, miscellaneous shower honoring made for the same information • + 1 born on June 17, are Mr. and Mrs. Kathryn Tucker on June 19. Just from others to learn that there Lower Elementary I IX m, ...... ,,_-_ __ } Beifa,r Fireplace Shop [ Lee K. Berndt. Jennifer Leebefore the party the bride-to-be was a memory gap on their part as ! [/~ 7~gi°~Cdl~~-- ,d~sbr°.ri;~'~:~ilOs? III Fireplaces and accessories . ~ weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz. and is 17¾ was among family members who welt as mine. School Gym ¢ S 275-6165 ~ inches tall. Welcoming the new Nursery Provided I I S Next to Belfair Home Center S member of the Berndt family are .... ~ ........... -- S 6Daysl0a.m. to5:30, Sundayl0a.m. to3p.m.~ 2½-year-old sister Patricia, ~ .............. ! I maternal grandparents Mr. and ~ I I.r CR 5-3354 I[ C '-'" ................. -" ~rs Sam Myers of Clarksto,, LOrlOl life... l .i O & G TREE SERVICE, / Wash., and paternal grandparent ..... =... ............. CLIP .......... ~ Mrs. Florence Donahue of Ewen, By MAC MCKINNEY ¢'t=~ I Wash. 898-2989 0~.~/I I ~.1~1 '~'~'~'~ i ~~ i ¢1 .| I~-+ _ We~ TOPPED. TRIMMEDOR REMOVED~+ilIey CR 5-2117 Lou Tit 6..4783 ]' WithJuly I set as the wedding ..... Betl el * '+' ! ~ + FULLY INSURED ++ ' ] day at Matlock, Becky Brehmeyer :-.-; __ ._w ............. u ! ~ Dobbs was the guest of honor for a The Hood Canal Lions Club is canal, please contact us so you J .................................................................. bridal shower held June 23 at the going to be hosting an exchange may meet Yumiko. [~ .., Catron home. Co-hostesses for the youth from Japan for three Th,~ lc, hn f'~mnbell~ have as a Builders event were Kathi David and weeks. Yumiko Kobayashiis from "':~ :T"": ---...v 7: - "t P 3 N N'" . guest their gran(](]augn er, A~ Cyndy Catron, with others in the agaka, ugata, Japan. She wall r~,~i.,+. 1"3i~tori~,h frnm Catron family assisting. A large arrive in, Seattle.July 12 and.will Highland-California." ..... SU fir I1 m e r yellow crepe wedding bell stay w~tn me mcr~mneys, many centered the table for servingevents are planned for her as this The Randall Updykes plan to refreshments to the group of girl is her first visit to the States. Any move to their new canal home Japanese families on or near the about the first of July. l We wish to thank ourlt ~,er..ov~+,o, +o,,~-. I ~~~ .009 CINAL CUSTOM PAINTING I I friends and neighbors for I) ~.?0SDeciaI $4.195 } i- ROOFING _ , | ~ Spray, brush, or roller. Interior and exterior Staining and | [ their many acts o fJ ) ..... " . 1240 lb. Composition Shingles lU"-'l $19=1 Jl -'_ I ow+StS.N.COS,,Schouvillierfreeestimates, insured. It l kindness and expressions J I "'°'uspec+a $5,495 .Jg01b. R011 Roofing. ............ . ...... (u-.-,l $84.'. J +j '"r "' " "+ """ +e"a"Wa ' I +°w'n+'"el + Oe'uxe +++""'00 ' ,, + +co, +'.++ , /. .. 275-2807 Between+ p.m. and. 9 p.m. I ,death of our beloved wifel • J "='"'""'='"='='"'"'"'""''"'""'"'" land mother. Millie wi,tse.I ( .... i • • l | North Bay Oxbow Custom Cabinets | l Denzi, Wiltse l( °°"" '+'"° SANDf'$ ":"'"' I em JOHN C. DALBERG " m • e The Finest ,n Oak Cabinets 1. l and family I ( i :: '' ~ 1 \~~ ROTOTIL['RS ~ ~ J~J-~l "~~] eB 275"3109 ALLYN'WA" | i a 11 } |N STOCK I I I1 !1 .I IlellOllellellellellellellelle II • II oIIoIoOoI~oBoIoBoBole~eBi C rd of Thanks ~ ., + " - [ " " " 1 s2O TRADE'IN l ' l "" Happy Bwthday Uncle Sam I We wish to thank all I I ~ = ~.~~j~l~ _ ... ] ~I~¢-~~LIW +0,*~++;,; 1 I Sq "/~00 + let+ends, neighbors and relatives I ~ ~ .,~I[~I ~7.d'~7-~ I I + 1 • ~ - - + j. [' Ta¢,d Beaut Shop 275-2509 t I for their kind remembrances I ~-I~ M0W|R. I -- I1 ill' ell, I I,o,,owing the death of Norma I I-- ............................................................ I Hoem. Special thanks to Pastor I I I J John J. Senn for his message at I J i ii :: ii! , OZlTE GRASS I J ARMSTRONG VINYL ! ] " --°'" I the memorial service and to I I :+ii~ ~l~N~ii~iiii++~iiii~~ ~I+/~_\~;~+++:~+ I "-" "'"' ' .... CARPET 6' She + ,+ J J ,.^,,,,,.,-_ $9 + Picadilly Bazaar & Flea Market I Mrs Senn and the organist for I I ! I ":1 j w.,,,.,, -. ,+. • 1 "Downtown Port Orchard' ~1lithe beautifulthank toAIS°'Annea|.I [] ......................................................................................... Now back in stock I Every week, Friday & Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. ] |special | | I r - ;UMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES I [T::c::;h r!~ ii nd;r:ua::; I110 Ibs. Hydrated Lime ............. $ I ' ' I Sundays, ]2 Noon to6 p.m. t : ,= I" /2X4oNcS 8 Economy ...................................$89,. -. I i Rummage Sale & Exhibit Space For Rent ] |tributes e o • I I I JC RETE MIX ......................................... 1 " I MEN , I • Collectibles • Rummage • Craft Space] I Charles Hoem and Family I I 16' Power Lock Steel Tape $/139 I ICE T ..................................................... " I I :377-1166 876:2503 J ,. , ,,, ,ow ................................. -. j / x4xS CDX miseuls ....................................... '3*'... I ''m~"m''"~~'"~~~~~'~~~~~`~~~~'~~~''~~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~"~~"~"~~~"~~~~m~"~"~~~"~"~~~" I Utility Knives $199 I x4x8 CDXmi..,s ................ i. ..................... S52',*.I II NOW.: .......................... " I 1¼x4x4 PARTICLE BOARD ..................... 'I""'I Huckleberry Herald I/4"' l)nll Arbor & Rubber Pad *4" l' x2x4 WHITE PEGBOARD .................. 79'.. I I and I I With cutting disc ....................... I l x4x8 T-I-1 I pops o., s00 ,h.,,, in $1o(k .......... $5"$" I Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 I ~ ExlNffienee$1 I [ Factory-direct prices on True Test paint i I /8x6 FENCE SECTIONS ,.wood .................. I Telephone CR 5-6680 I E_J _-. .. I I i Compare Olympic Stain with I I CEDAR BASKET WEAVE ............ 1 2' ,l.. ,. I • $ Belfair office open 9-5-Wed., Thurs., Fri. I I J True Test Woodsman Sta,n at } I J½x4' REDWOOD LAWN EDGING ..... 10',.. ,. J LOUDONNELL ............................. Editor ...................... _.=- ............ - ................... thel Bu=lde= CAROLwENTLANDT ...... Advertising Manager, Phone: ....... ";;; ++" ........ I " "- Offiee TelephoneCRS-6680E"c"'"'" I 1 BELF R ilARDWAItEI 0,,,,....,,, A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the i I ] and experiences to • MOll.-FRI. 8-6 -- SAT. 8-S --- SUN. 9-:3unu m- - I I .... I ERN IE & HAROLD ARIES I IIIt~1 IhNNI Pod OrtJk~ "~;~';;;;" voiCesouth Shore°f Belfair,and NorthAIlyn'shore.Grapeview' Tahuya, Mason Lake, I I Betty Belt_275-2320_ 1_275.2031 Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m.-- Sat, 8:30-5 p.m.| 876-2903 876-2951 etom stmo~v MH~~M~BMB~~H~~~~ I " [] I I e __ . } Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - July 3, 1975 I