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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 3, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 3, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Aries I Fuets For Chevron Heating Fuels-- Modern Heating Equipment-- Complete Housewarming Service... "JUST CALL" lerton Op.m. FUEL CO., 479-2772 Our accounts payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair. 1318 Park Ave. Bremerton, Wa. Snyc[er & Sons No job too small or too large Slabs, sidewalks, foundations curb & gutter 25 Belfalr SHOP ING 275-2861 & Belfair 426-1731 Shelton LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE TRUCKING HAULING ROAD BUILDING LAND CLEARING SEAWALLS EARTH WORK CONCRETE WORK EARL LINCOLN GORST 373-1514 Tires, Minor Repairs, Lubes Open 6 days a week, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. BUCK'S TOWING BELFAIR TEXACO Buck and Minda Church CR S-2077 # BELFAIR ELECTRIC LOCAL LICENSED ELECTRICIANS ~ ~Jl~~'" GUARANTEED WORK i ~ Wiring . . . Lighting . . . Electric heat "~ HELPFUL ADVICE-- FREE ESTIMATES ! SHOP HERE FIRST FOR YOUR MAJOR APPLIANCES We are franchised General Electric Dealers Special Pricing -- Factory Service Terms -- Free Delivery D We take trade-ins. 1/2 BLOCK NORTH OF THR IFTWAY Kawasaki & Suzuki Dealers We will be closed July 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th "Have a Good Day" New. Used Trade Insurance. Financing About 10 miles from Belfair LE.CENTER SuzuK, 3410 Highway 16 ~- Head of Bay, Gorst ® Celebration planned for Tahuya couple Friends and neighbors of Shirley and Ernie Aries of Tahuya are invited to attend an open house between 2 and 6 p.m. July 13 at the Tahuya firehall in honor of the couple's twenty-fifth anniversary. The four children of the couple, Mike, Connie, Ken and Carol Aries, all of the family home, are hosting the affair. They ask that no gJfts be brought. The Aries were married in Normandy Park, south of Seattle, on July 10, 1950. Their first home was in the south end of Seattle where Mr. Aries operated a Mobil station. They moved to Tahuya 12 years ago when Mr. Aries and his brother, Harold, became co-owners of Belfair Hardware. Mrs. Aries is employed as a secretary by North Mason School District. North Shore By Leo & Margaret Livingston CR 5-6421 Wanda and Ralph Scott had a party in celebration of 25 years of married life last Friday at LakeLand Village. June 30, which was the actual day of commitment, they received at four in the morning a phone call from daughter Sally and husband Steve from Geneva, Switzerland. It was a long, chatty, welcome anniversary present. Steve and Sally have been travelling in Europe since their marriage. They are on their way now to Stuttgart, Germany, where they will visit Sherry (Ward) and Gary Mullen. Floyd and Naomi Williams have sold their property on the North Shore and moved to Long Lake. Nita Baselt is home on the North Shore, recovering from recent surgery. Two of Way and Dorothy Lyman's grandchildren, children of son Bart, are spending a happy vacation on the canal this summer. They are from Reno. Don and Liz Corliss, with sons Bryan and Aaron, have returned from a three-week trip through the middle-west states. They all had a wonderful time, visiting 'all museums and national monuments. Especially enthralling was the new Bill Cody Cody, Wyoming, and the,Dir~a~aur N|tional Monument in UtalW They'~'§pent a few days with the Harry Davises in Kansas. The Davises were one-time Tiger Lake residents. Perry Hedstrom, who used to be one of the little boys here at Pleasant Cove, has become a married man. Perry and new wife, Marcia, are on their way home from a wedding trip to Disneyland. They will make their home in Bremerton. Perry is assistant manager of the Mark-it Store in Port Orchard. BURGLARY REPORTED A complaint of a burglary at the Allyn residence of Pastor Tom Harmonson on June 25 was received in the sheriff's office. Missing items included a chain saw, food from the refrigerator, silverware and a tape player. apeview Doin's By DOROTHY TOBEY and ANN WESTBERG Mr. and Mrs. John Moniz have returned to their home in Charleston, S.C., after spending two weeks visiting with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ran Mobley of Vineyard Cove. They enjoyed a trip to Mount Rainier and several trips to Seattle while they were here. Mr. Moniz, who is a supervisor in the Planning and Estimating Department in the Charleston Shipyard, combined his last week of vacation with work as he was on an inspection job at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton. Sean Bennett, son of Judy Mobley, left on June 14 for Charleston, S.C., to spend the summe'r with relatives. His latest report is that he has been having fun playing with his cousins and also getting in some practice in baseball. June 21 was a great day for David and Sue Holt at the Pogreba home a~ they celebrated their wedding with a reception for the families of the bride and groom. Sue is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald James Pogreba of Stretch Island and David is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eskil Holt of Port Orchard. Following the reception, the newlyweds left for Bellingham where they will make their first home at 714B East Maple Street and will be attending summer quarter at Western Washington State College. Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Pogreba have announced the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Jane, on Aug. 9 to Richard D. Hawley, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hawley of Shelton. Had a call from Daisy Bush and she arrived home on the 21st. Her daughter, Betty Hagman of Seattle, flew to Clearwater, Florida, where Daisy spends her winters and on May 31 they left Tampa with the AAA group on the Pacific Princess. They went through the Caribbean, stopping at Haiti and Jamaica. Went along the northern coast of South America, stopping at Viraca and Cartagena (called Little Netherlands). Then on through the Panama Canal, which Daisy says was a real thrill. Next stop was Accapulco, Mexico, then on to Los Angeles and San Francisco where they left the liner, which was continuing on to Alaska, and stopped a few days to visit Betty's daughter in Carmichael before flying home. They report having had a wonderful time and Daisy says the month of August is much too hot to spend in Florida and she is glad to be back in the Northwest. Belated birthday greetings to the following: AI and Hilda Okonek, Ethel Buckingham, Jerry LaBerge and Sarah Tschida (former resident, now of Panorama City.). AI Okonek has been batching it these days as Hilda is in Michigan visiting relatives. She was accompanied by their son Jim and wife Babe of Deer Creek and will be home in time to celebrate the 4th with the family. Incidentally, Hilda, AI makes a good cup of coffee. A reminder to Grange members. The meeting is tonight Bayview Mobile Homes The Largest Selection of Mobile Homes" in the Northwest Quality Rex-Bilt Single and Double Wides Always on Display. Consult with Jim Yoest, Burt Wold or AI Logan. Open daily except Sunday 9 to 6 GORST 377-4461 Belfair Branch CR5-2816 Puget Sound National Bank The hometown bank with potluck at 6:30. Ed and Teresa Grigg have just returned from a 3,000-mile drive south to San Diego via the coast route. At San Fernando they visited with Ed's brother Winston and Kitty Grigg. On to Brea, the home of Ed Grigg Jr. and family. Ed Jr. is buying engineer for a construction and supply company on the north slope in Alaska. They continued on to San Diego and spent a weekend with Ed's youngest brother, Navy Commander (Ret.) Chet and Alyse Grigg. While there they took in such attractions as Sea World, a wild animal park from a monorail, and Point Lama and Cabrillo National Monument. Then on to visit friends in Glendale and Burbank enroute to Sunnyvale in the lower San Francisco bay area. They stayed a weekend with Ed's youngest son Glenn who is city traffic engineer for the city of Cupertino. This area is the electronics center of the industry. Various attractions covered in the region included the Winchester House of San Jose, and Santa Cruz, San Francisco's summer playground. Glenn is also a drag racer, establishing some records in California and also racing in Washington. The cars (or rails) are his design and are built by him and his partner. He will be in Seattle in August for the 45th annual meeting of Institute of Traffic Engineers. "Quote": Seattle was rated first of 50 largest cities by Arthur Louis in Harper's Magazine as the best city. The Griggs enjoyed their trip but say there's no place like home on the sound, at the end of a dead-end road. Midsummer Festival right in y 12 3/4x8 Cedar Bevel O0 i Mason Lake picnic Residents of Mason and Benson Lakes are invited to attend a potluck picnic sponsored by Mason County Historical Society which will be held at Simpson Recreation area on Mason Lake at 6 p.m. July 10. President of the group, Leo Livingston, hopes anyone with information on Little Hoquiam on Mason Lake will attend to share their knowledge since the society has been unable to gather information about that area. Anyone with early day pictures or memories of earlier days on the lakes is invited to share them during the 'informal session following the dinner. Persons who plan to attend should bring their own utensils, plate and cup and either a hot dish, salad or dessert for the old-fashioned potluck. Haul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt B&D BULLDOZING CR5-2195 CR5-211 3 T Thermoweld Tubular Glass Salmon Rods ........ sip & Pal ~~ OF ALLYN .~__~ MEMBER OF NORTHWEST STEELHEADERS . ~1-----~--~-__ CORTAND CERTIFIED FISHING --,It--- 275-3345 ,ou,s: Wed. t :ay. 9 a.r . to 6 p.,1,. Belfair Telephone Answering Service ~' ~ • 24 hour answering ~ - • Wake-up service ~ - • Use Your phone or mine FOR QUALITY INSURANCE With personal attention and competitive prices. Over 50 years of South Shore residence Tommy Pierson and BobSutton Insurance and Real Estate 520 Pacific Ave. Bremerton ES 7-8547 or CR 5-6120 (evenings) EVERYTHING IN ONE BEAUTIFUL PLACE • Funeral Home • Chapel • Mausoleum • Crematory 5505 Kitsap Way ES7-7648 IF IF on Friday at around 10 p.m. IF~ Thursday night, Eileen at the organ] • Cocktails Friday & Saturday nights, Don at the organ I Bremerton, Wa. IF IF IF 11~ Union, Wa. 898-2200 Metzdorf Restaurants, Inc. ~. 2x4 Reg. 1.19 Now Graded lid 2x4x8 ...... Economy 2x4x8 ...... lcmy 2x4x10 m IINYL W LLI= $rlI(}NS Have coffee & cookies with us and see our new wallpaper center. 4x9 select 4x8 select cedar cedar TI-11 $ Reg. 22.50 Now Stainless Steel Sinks 22x32 Self-rim Reg. 16.50 Now Misc. Wood Moldings each Kitchen cabinet estimates Several lines to choose from 4 GALLONS TO THE CASE BUY NOW & SAVE! Styrofoam 10 x20 x9 Now Ea. Parker's Reg. 8.50 Now Gal. Parker's Deck-lite is a penetrating, transparent stain which protects and decorates wood and concrete decks. It is made from a durable and abrasion-resistant polyurethane-type coating and non-fading pigments. July 3, 1975 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3