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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 5, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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( ,,: national \\;Voodworkers of Lhe and at the Head Local meeting World lo win a. Wage increase this Monday comt)leted action for the July 27. The elecLton will he held year, Henry Nelson president of put&apos;elms( of a house and lot dvrinK Augant. All other offices Dave l:'riee is tire Trustee who will be up t'nr re-eloeLion this y:)a]'. Savage said he wol ld be a can- didale f,)r re-election to the Bns- mess Agent's post which earries with it litc job of Direetror of Safe- ty for the entire local llnion. He resigned from his job a.q FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's resc'riptioIL our drug called ODRI- EX. You must lose ugly fat in 7 days or your money back. No strenuous exercise, laxativcs, nuissago or taking of so-called reducing candle{, crackers or eookl+s, or chewillg gUlll. ODII- NEX is a lilly tablet and (asily swat- lc, w,d. Wlwn you take ODRINEX you still (in Joy your meal., still eat the foods you like. but you simply don't havl the urge for t;xtrtt portions be- CfttIS( OI):RINIJX depresses your appe- tite and decreases your desire for food. Y0111' weigttt )lalSt come down. because as your own doctor wilt t¢ql yea, wbcn you eat lesl, you weigb less. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. ODRI- NEX costs Sft00 and is sold on this GUARANTEE: If not satiPfted for any reason just retilyn the package to your druggisl and get your full noney back, No qaestions ask}d. ODRINE is sold with this guaPant,e by: McCONKEY DRUG CENTER J';ve, rgreen f4qaare - Ihtdton ]Vt'ail Orders Filled tile Wcsteim Region, said here last week. There will be no strike, he said. "This (tecision was reached after lengthy consideration of tire issties involved in negotiations and the (.ffecl of  strike", Nelson said. "The committees did not ques- tion tire financial ability of a sig- nificant part of the industry to easily provide a wage increase. but, felt that the probable length of :L sllutdown necessary to attain • the increase "Wollld not be wflrranl;- ed at (Ibis tinle." he added. Safety Edllcatiolral Consultmxt for the State of Washington in 1960 after the members of Local 38 had voted to elect him as their Bus- incss Agent. He previously held this "same job for Local 38 five years ending in December 1.944 when he resigned to go to Washington, D. C. to serve RS a nrelnber of Congress. He had also served two years as Business Agent and Financial Secretary for the Plywood Local 317 I.W,A. During Lhe entire time that Savage was working for Local 38 and Local 317 he was also serv- ing as State Representative in the Legislature. LIBRARY flOURS 'rite helton l'ilblle L|brai T will I)e oh)so41 Saturdays during July an( August, lrs. Andrew Beelik, librarian, said. Weekday honrs will rehain the s=une, ENJOY EXCELLENT CUISINE In Mason County's newest quality dining facilities. Dine "OVER THE WATER" with a panoramic view of lovely Lake Cushman and the rugged Olympic Mountains. Relax in "The Liars' Den" with your favorite cocktail. DINING ROOM OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK featuring TOP QUALITY CHAR-BROILED STEAKS and DELICIOUS SEAFOOD DINNERS. Complete Dinners from $2.50--Child's Plate $1 LAKE CUSHMAN RESORT Hoodsport, Washington Phone TR 7-5388 Reservations if desiredWe cater to group luncheons and dinners i  i ,,, belonging to T. E. Deer across the street south of the court house school and son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Palmer' of Shafer Park. won top honors in the resource manage- men( camp for boys sponsored by the "Western Washington Re- traffic accident Satm'day after- noon and four Shelton people were treated for injuries following a two-car c]'ash south of Shelton spent by two North Mason high school teachers ill gainful employ- ment for the district which pays their salaries the rest of the year. Clarence Hedstrom, head basket- appear next ........ -- i • ,i: ":'r/ ! F .:• :• !i ::-i Laurie Carlson, Manager Warren Mac, Assistant Manager Bill Anderson, Pro-Manager STAFFAgnes Anderson, Linda Anderson, Peggy Bennett, Jewel Crume, Nancy Doak, Ernestlne Fur- long, Laura Hermes, Sharon Huisingh, Mildred Kempton, LeErma Kingery, Phyllis MoFle, A. N, Needham, Dorothy Phillips. Shirley Pogreba, Pat- ricia Smith. Wanda Stevens, Ruth Ton(y, Elsie Zehe. i The land was purchased w't,e idea of future expansion of the court house, although there are no definite plans now. Price of the propei'Ly was $30,000. The cmmty will get pus- ession Sept. 1. The commission agreed to the delay to allow people living in the house time to get relocated. TIlE HOUSE is one wnmh used to set on the court hens( grounds and served as the sheriff's home and jail. It was moved to make z-aunt for tire presen court house when it was built. The commission voted to call l;or bids on a crawler-type tractor to be opened at 2 p.m July 16, Equipment included in the bid call is a dozer blade and winch, The commission also passed a resolution stating the responsi- bility fox' the accident to the Harstine Island Ferry was with the owner of the mill which broke loose and hit the wheel house, Ernest LeG(act(. THE COMMISSION also voted to raise the amount of the liability insurance on,the fem'y to $100,000. A franchise to the City of Tacoma to construct electric service lines in the Lake Cushman area was approved. The plat of the first addition to the Ayak Beach plat was approved. The commission approved a res- ointion setting up a $9.750.61 sup- plemental budget for the Harbor Improvement fund. A LETTER from the State Liquor Control Board to Harold's North Shore Inn telling them their application for a class AB liquor license had been denied, but, class C,D, E and F, which they had previously would be approved, was received by the commission. Robert Keir, an employee of the county road department, was given the title of equipment maintenance superintendent. A letter from the Sportsman Council asking that the commis- sion consider making roads which dead end at salt water access roads and provide them with boat un- loading ramps was turned over to the county engineer. Democracy, the practice of self- government, is a covenant among free men to respect the rights and liberties of their fellows. ---Franklin D. Roosevelt sources Council at Gifford Pincher :National Forest. Young Palmer and his class- mate at Mary .M. Knight, Bill rrenekman, son 3f Mr, and Mrs. William Trenck- an of tile tippet' Satsop, repre- sented Grays Harbor County at the Camp. Trenckman was in the compe- tition, which in- cluded crmsing Stet Pahner md scaling logs cn an acre of timberland plus a written class- room examination. Palmer won the "lmrd lint", symbolic Of the camp's leader. . Tire resource management camp is sponsored cooperatively by the Resources Council with private, state and federal agencies for the purpose of teaching high school students educational and manage- ment responsibilities l!or natm'al resources such as soil, water, forest, fish and game. Bill Looney of Simpson's Oilymplc Tree Farm serves as n'easurer for the canlp. Legion Officers Are Installed J. W. Umphenour was installed at commander of Fred B. Wivell Post 31, American Legion, at in- stallation ceremonies Tuesday night. Other officers installed were Delbert W. Weston, first vice com- mander; Philip W. Durand, sec- o'nd vice commander; J. M. Dub- .son, adjutant; V. T. Connolly, finance officer; Ernest W. Camp- bell, chaplain; Horace H. Crarv, historian; E. F. Martin, sergem'lt at arms and Glenn E. Correa, junior past commander. The fourth district installation team installed the new officers. The installation was a joint cere- mony with tile auxiliary. Auxiliary members served hmeh following the meeting. late Sunday afternoon. Ktnneth E. Housel, 41. Olympia, (tied of head injuries suffered wimn his jeep pickup left the road about I 3.3 miles north of Lilliwaup about 12:30 p.m. Saturday. TIlE VI,]IIICIAC left Highway 101 ahxng the Hood Canal. hit an eml)anknwnt traveled about 75 feet. hit anolhel' eml)ankment arid then traveled another 42 feet be- Iore going over a 20-foot embank- mont. The accident wus investigated by Highway Patrchnen Harry De- Shiehts and Don Siacey. Dennis Graves, 9. suffered head lacerations and Floyd Graves. 48. 1910 S. First St. Shelton; Mrs. Martha Rodgers, 60, Rt. 1 Shelton and Mrs. Eula Tiplon, 56, Rt 1, I Shelton. wex'e shaken lip when cars driven by Mrs. Ro,lgers and Graves were in an accident on Highway 101 about four miles south of Shelton at 6:20 p.m. Sunday. DENNIS was a passenger in a car driven by his father and Mrs, Tipton was a passenger m a ear driven by Mrs. Rodgers. State Patrohnan Stan Sushak and Mason County Deputy Sheriff Don Anderson, who investigated the accident, said Mrs. Rodgers had slowed down and signaled for a left turn when the car was struck from the rear by the Graves vehicle. The passengers of the two ears were treated at Shelton General and Clinic Hospitals. Mrs. Tip(on was kept in Shelton General Hospital for observation, the other three were treated and released. On August 5, 1861 a direct Fed- eral tax of $20 million was appor- tioned among the States. ball .and assistant football coach, and Keith Lamb last week won the contract to paint the North Mason school district's grade school build- ing at Allyn on their bid of $699. .They submitted the bid under conditions mlposed on any other eontractors, tire North Mason school board said when the con- tract was awarded. Other bids re- ceived were: Grahn Painting Co., Bremerton, $820; H. L. Olson, Bremerton. $1,055: and Weisber- ger Brothers, Bremerton. $1,058. The district rejected as too high a $940 bid by Griffe Bros. of AI- lyn to clear and level 6/10ths of an acre for four tennis courts at North Mason high school. Bids will be called again later. The district also rejected all bids on a concrete walkway from the high school's main building to the new gymnasium due to the possibility that there may have been some eonfugion over the bid specifications. Two bidders sub- miLLed bids on this work plus a planned walkway at the north end of the building while two other bidders bid on only the one walk- way. The directors felt that hew bids should be called in fairness to all concerned. The new bids are due to be opened in the Beffair ele- mentary school at 8:00 p.m. July 9, date of the next regular meet- ing of the directors. Well Drilling 426-4245 or 426-2455 DARIGOLD and SHELTON MAID PAOKAGED I.OE OREAM IN ALL YOUR FAVORITE FLAVORS Now available for your convenience in self-service refrigerator at McOONKEY'S DRUG OENTER Evergreen Square n i Quality Used Cars '59 Plymouth Ouslom Suburban. V-8, Power Steering and Brakes. Automati er, Power Tailgate window. '58 Plymouth Savoy 4.D'oor Sedan V-8, Radio-Heater, Automatic '58 05rysler New Yorker Sedan, ,:I Power Brakes, Steering, Seat. Radio, Heatell '57 Ohrysler Windsor Hardlop., 4-Door, Radio, Heater, Automatic, PO Brakes, Seat. New PaintmReal Sharp. Used Trucks '60 Willys 4,Wheel Drive Pickup Heater, Hubs,' H.O. Bumper. New Paint '69 IsH. B,102 }-ion Pickup ,, OVerddive, Heater, 3-Speed. New Punch bowl Tuesday aeh was served in the le Science building. .TWeed, Mrs. E. S. . R. Densley Jr. and trainer pom'ed at the ted with a space btlds. . -. :er, Dr. Dale Turner Ltl Congregational Chose as his topic t NOW" ' ing the two clay Mrs. F. W. Her- te of the Mason Mrs. Thomas L lea Miller, Mrs. rth Mason Senior !' William Uenard, 'lementary Ray Feted alShower • °aering Delores Ray, ,l "%0 It'. y Baker, was host- ?. by Mrs. Darrel ,.ttractive corsage of  vaite carnations was ,u gtmst of honor. i- as fashioned by iice; Floral displays - uy Mrs. James d Mrs. James Ei- xarrell Rice Mrs a, M ' ' rs. James How- 0Ward Johnson Mrs. ..n, 1Its. B. W. Super, *lker, Miss Dorothy }Yanae Sergeant and Orensen. Those un- I but sending gifts '58 Willys Jeep 4.wheel Drive,, I'larry Jolms , Factory Metal Cab, Heater, Hubs, Other !de Howe, s/2:. Ira and ergeant. Willys 4 x 4 Slahon Wagon, i rity " New Ford V-8 Re-built Engine Heater,  Act was in- Excellent. " [i e 00llt Top Trade-in AllowanC  Baskets! BANK TERMS --,raniums KIMBEL HOTORS Ili00 Regonias LI, Clay CHRYSLER-- PLYMOUTH-" V i!0 Shelton Wash, RAMBLER -- INTERNATIONAL  er Lake ' 707 So. First St. Phone  -67 fan is % "I 1 as tb way " her f( Busy mish youn just short to th( It e Mrs. : Patty all th in fox aftem up an The wheln the The hour enjo; this lem too for sequ a'ted real N year. Sko Ever ent t st(at 4-He # • OO N H U -- FRiD 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. You and your family and friends are cord- tally invited to help us celebrate completion of our new building during Open House Fri- day evening, July 13th, between 7:30 and 9:30 o'clocl. Our new.banking home at 5th and Franklin has been designed to make banking easier and more pleasant for you now, and in the years to come. f,C0 (Sakes it easy for agents, t."nest, most complete insul AY LY 13 L No. w you ean pay all ),our in  "'" With just one convient *'t:;ieaastY other timc-savir K:: G E N E R AeLt °Idn isSCUaS ns ca: / ptoh' Make Friday i ;#''' July 13th, Your Valuable Door Ilembroff Ag( t%n d Prizes Some of the many new features include bankside Customer parking.., a drive-in banking window.., lighted 24-hour deposi- tory with envelope-drop.., new, larger safe deposit vault. Our new banking office is completely air conditioned. You'll enjoy banking in these spacious, bright, cheery surroundings. Shelton Branch 5th & Franklin -- Phone 426-8291 [] MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 6rand Prize Portable TV Set Plus... Transistor Anyone attending our Open HouSe Drawingwill be held at 9:30 p of the bank. Even if you have fore the drawing, you can win. numbers will be posted in the the bank on ]Y£onday, July 16, OPS Sh .......................... Entertainment SETS ' :299 II Master of Ceremonies Keith jaClCS° ;:,i] , l ][4[fDrmc,'J i,  Iati^ l Jt <m known Seattle radio-TV sportsv-t| l)lltl :' ll music by The Frank Sugia Trlo, q NN' /6 on the S'eafirst TV show, ,,VorlO'. --. .........  Holiday"... I lll i. ........... I L'%20OI)S I .11 i e Ortment !  dated