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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 5, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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evening on Loop Field, allowing .u.umamailumuumlmlllllU :Morton to cart home a 3-1 aeries ing. i.,,,,,,....,,.,,..,...,..=.,.....,.ual • : J . • I mm squaring victory in American Lc- The scores wine 1-0 Saturday 4 COUNTY LAKES ON were of that species. glen baseball action, evening, 6-0 Sunday afternoon. REHABiLiTATION LIST Cliff Evans topped the number Two evenings earlier Shelton Both games were played ell Loop Four small lakes in Mason Coun- category with four fish in two had brought home a 4-3 victory Field. ty are on the list of waters pro- outings and Jack Danskins head- from Morton. Shelton pitching left little to posed for rehabilitation which the ed the size column with a 24-0 Rose was southpawlng his wily be desired in the two games but state game commission will eonsid- Saturday. to a 1-0 triumph for five innings, Shelton batters, while getting er at its quarterly meeting ill Evans had a 3-8 silver and 2-0 then errors In the sixth and sev- wood on West Seattle pitching, Port Angeles July 13. blackmouth Saturday and ended enth wrecked his work. couldn&apos;t lay the ball in safe spots. They are Hatchery lake, 12 up with 7-0 and 3-0 kings Sunday. In the two efforts only seven hits acres; Deer Lake, 10 acres; Stet- Charles Churchill boated 18-14 and A two-base throwing error fol- rattled off Shelton bats. son Lake, 15 acres; and the con- 12-0 kings Sunday. Churchill's duo lowed by pitcher Dave Predmore's Coach Pete Bloomfield found a nected Osborne Lakes, four and went after a plug. double sent over an unearned Mot'- golden egg in his nest, neverthe- two acres. George Riker scored with a 10-0 ton run to tie the score in the less, in the pitching perfromanco * * * king on Sunday also. Cisco Hicks sixth, and two more miscues as- of freshman Brian Snyder. DERBY CHALLENGERS hauled in another king at 5-8 the isted the visitors muchly in their TIIE ItUSK¥ righthander, who CLOSE BUT SHORT same day. two-run victory march in the sev- had been rapped hard and addicted Two late entries fell just short The fish seem to be going after enth. They were mixed in with a to extreme wildness in earlier ap- of snatching the monthly $20 cash the regular herring and dodger, double and single and two walks, pearances, hurled beautiful ball prize for June in the VFW salmon although recently the salmon plug making one of the runs earned. Saturday and was a loser only be- derby which Dot Summers carried has been having some luck. On an earned-run basis the two cause of the sole error committed off with her 28-8 king caught two * * * squads dueled to a 1-1 stalemate, by ilia defense, weeks ago. WATER SKI CHAMP HERE Shelton's tally was scored in the In the first inning, after two Roy Heights and Lottie Goetzka Marl Gilbert, world's champion fourth when Brian Snider singled were oIlt, a two-base throwing made stout bids to beat out Dot's woman water skier, was a vial- with two out and Don Clary whal- error opened the door for JemT entry with their respective 26-1.4 tot in Mason County last weekend ed a triple to center to score him. Calabrese to single home the and 26-10 catches off Bald Point and thrilled residents in the Little Clary's hit barely missed going in- game's only run. Snyder gave up last weekend. Skookum Bay area with demon- to the football stands for a home only three hits, all to Calabrese, Fred Blessman went into the strations of her skill. run. and walked only three batters. He lead for the July prize with a 14-0 She and her husband John, who The game marked the retm to lilt none and was guilty of no wild catch Monday, also off Bald Point. is a brother of Mrs. Walter Allen action of Roy Kimbel, whose knee pitches. * * * of Little Skookum Bay, were was given an okay by his doctor Shelton put only one runner as KINGS SHOW guests at the Allen home and took that day. He played rightfield and far as second base -- Roy Kimbel Salmon seekers found a few advantage of the opportunity to showed good speed. If the knee making tlmt staUon in the sixth cooperative kings off Hoodsport water ski. holds up his return silould mate- inning after walking and stealing, during the past week. Seven of Mrs. Gilbert won her title by rialiy strengthen the Sheiton Only five got on the paths at all nine salmon brought into Hoods- skiing 15 miles at 75 miles per squad. ---. Terry LaBissoniere on an infield port Marina over the weekend hour at Lake Meade, Nev. Morton took command of the hit in the second. A1 Wagner by a 10th District standings last week-walk in the third, Snyder through Area 19 Vicigity 0ff Mary lM, Knilht end after hanging a 7-0. defeat on his blistering rap across second Aberdeen. base in the fourth, Kimbel in the • Yesterday Shton was partici- sixth and Don Clary when his pating in the annual Longview third strike got away from the School 0ets Ph09e rvlce 4th of July Legion tournament and catcher in the seventh. scheduled to play morning and af- IN SUNDAY'S GAME Don ternoon games. Box scores last weekend: Andrews tossed another credit- By Dora Hearing days with Supt. and Mrs. Eugene able slab job, but a shaky first MATLOCK- The temperature French. Mrs. Fenton is Supt. MORTON ab r h ISHELT()N ab r h inning in which a wind-blown pop dropped to 34 degrees here Monday French's sister. Martin 21) 4 0 01Coehran If 3 o 0 fly off Calabrese's bat played a morning. Mrs. Eugene French gave a surer ss 4 ] 2tKlmbci rf 3 0 0 crucial part did him dirt. The community below Mary M. barbecue birthday party in honor Rifle 3b 3 1 0 Andrews .us 3 0 0 The Seattle visitors scored four Knight school is enjoying tele- of her son Jerry's eighth birthday Cook rf 4 0 1 Snyder 31) 3 ] 1 times in that opening frame but phone service this week from Pac- Monday for all Jerry's second Swanson c 3 0 2 Clary n) 3 o 2 deserved only two. Calabrese put lfic Northwest Dell Co. It takes grade class of boys. Cooley (.,f 3 0 0 LaB ss cf 3 0 0 one into the centerfield stands for in the Simpson's Salmon Hatchery Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nitschke Cournyer If 4 ] 0] Wlngard 2}) 1 0 0 a third inning run and then he and around the loop to the Zepps and daughter Jeannie. Walls Wilson lb 4 0 1 a Sheerly 2b 2 o t scored an unearned marker in the and Kitsinger places and as fas Walla spent a few days last week Pr,:dmore p 2 0 ] Ruse ]) 2 0 0 seventh after ls sixth hit of toward Satsop as Frank Hollatz's with their nephew and niece, Mr. Kadmm c 2 0 0 the two-day series, a stolen base home. and Mrs. Dave DeFect and family. Tutuls 31 3 71 Totals 25  4 and two wild pitches. Tie newlyweds, :Mr. and Ml. . MRS. DON CRANE and family, a -- Mngled for Wingard m 5111 Meanwhile, Shelton hit Calabrese Gene Brown arrived home Satur- itka, Alaska, Mrs. Leona Smith score by Ianings for only five singles and, thanks to day from a week's honeymoon trip. and two cllildren. McCleary, and l.v.t,,n 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 - 3 a pair of fine double plays engln- They were given an old fashioned the Emil Nitscllke family were hit++ I 1 o  u ] 2--7 cereal by shortstop Curt Wis, ehivarie at their home at Willow Thursday evening dinner guests Sh<.il,n 0, 0 i J 0 0 1 never got a. runner as far as sec- Creek Saturday evening by their of Mr. and Mrs. Dave DeFoer. /}its 0 ] o 2 1 0 0 .... I ond. .... The Mary M. Knight mounted SUMMARY: 3b-CIrH'y. 2b-Suler. Pred- IIEL]PON S hits were collared many friends. ]+mre. RBl-Clary, Predn}ore. Cook. SB- by Kimbel in the first, Tim Rose Last week Wednesday the Mat- Band directed by Dick Endicott clary, Kadf, un. Swmmm] E-Saltier 3, in tim second, Snyder in the fourth, lock Ladies Clad honored their will take part in Seattle Sea Fair LaP, iss,nh,r.. H.o.e. Martin. S(')-Rom 5, Ton'L Wingard in the fifth, and Tim June Birthdays, Mrs. Dottle Ford July 28. Those in the band are, Predmorc+ 7. BB-Ro,, 3. itB-Pred- Sheedy in the seventh, and Mrs. Augusta Portman. The Jerry Creamer, Jerry Shaw, Jerry nmr, by Hose. RRF-I{ ,s,.. 1. Prcdmoro Both galles %'ere excellent ex- latter was 88 years old and there DeFoer, Jackie Landis, Batch :1 WP-R(,se. P/J-Swanson tdbith)ns of the national pastime was quite a few visitors to help Dundas. Charles Chappell, Stet and Shelton's young team was them celebrate. Mcs. Marie McKay Pahner and Bill Trenckmann. ,, Mrs. Thelma Leortscher, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rickert TIDES OF THE WEEK I taking on a qua.lity opponent m tile West Biders. who were tied Forrest Green, Mrs. Herbert Helin, Hoquiam, spent Saturday with the for the lead in the Seattle Amerl- Mrs. Wm Trenekmann, Mrs. Pat Kenneth Howard family. Computed for Hood Canal I can Legion /eague. Creamer, Mrs. L. F. Cook. Mrs. (r. and Mrs. Max Cash enter- . _ R. E. Bradberry and Mrs. Max rained their former neighbor over Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and I w SEA ab r hlSHELTON ab r i Cash besides the legnlar members the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Mort 50 rain. later and pltm 8.0 ft. I w,.i ss a o olWagne," rf 1 0 0 and Mrs. Lottie Ford was hostess. Augustine and son Mathew of FlYnn 2b 3 D 0] t Wingsrd rf 1 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clift of Seattle and Mrs. Gilda Hogberg Friday, July 6 J:teytve|! cf 3 I o Kimbel 2b 2 0 0 Asotin, are this week guests of andMrs. Sarah Augustine, Mathew Low .................. 3:09 a.m. 6.2 ft. caho:,.,.s, lb 3 0 31Antrews ss 3 0 0 Mr. and ]'Ms. Harold Clift. They Augustine, age 12. was thrilled High ................ 7:46 a.m. 9.1 ft. N<,kes 3b 3 (} 0]Snyder p 3 0 1 all attended the World's Fair to be encluded in his first coon Low .................. 2:39 p.m. 0.5 ft. Nelson II 2 0 OlClary lb 3 0 0 Tuesday. hunt with his father and Kenneth Higll ................ 9:54 p.m. 12.0 ft. lyers rf 2 o 01La]=liss cf 3 0 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shaw aria Howard and son. Saturday, July 7 Jail, (: 3 0  Landis Ir 3 o 0 Miss Nancy McGarvie spent the N[r. and Mr& Earl Cash and Low .................. 4:02 a.m. 5.7 ft. Finniu p 1 0 Kingsbary c 3 0 0 weekend at Peace. daughter Hol!y Jean of Juneau, High ................ 8:42 a.m. 8.5 ft, T<+ta/s 23 I 31Towle 3b 2 0 0 IIMOLD CLIFT was a supper Alaska and Mzs. Earl Cash parents I)w ............ 3:21 p.m. 1.6 ft. Totals 24 0 2 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hear- of Seattle Mr and Mrs Otis Frick. High ...'.[[ ..... 10:30 p.m. 11.8 ft. a grounded uut ru,. W, gncr in 6th ins Thursday evening, son wer e Sunday gests of their or, b Innings Ml and MlS Herbert Hehn vi IOIKB Mr ana Mrs viax uasn Sunday, July 8 8 ";  ' ". ". ' ' S- . • • ) W 100 000 0 I lte¢t Ml and Mz Max Nilsson Mr and Mrs LeRoyBoothe and Iw . ................. 4:57 a.m. 5.1 ft. " • -- ' '. '. , • , lnts 1 ) 0 1 0 1 0 3 Seattle a few da s last w family were week end eats of High ................ 9:47 a,m. 7.9 ft. " " -- ,., y., eek and ," . . gu ShtlU), o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 attended the Wmd s Fair their zolks Mr a.rld Mr8  C Ford Low .................. 4:06 p.m. 2.7 ft. ' Iits+ ' -- " "" ' ' " " " " " High .............. 11:06 p.m. 11.5 ft. " 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 -- 2 Mrs. Marie MeKay and Mrs. Monday, July 9 SUMMARY: 2b-Calabrese. SH-Myers Lodema Johnson of Shelton called '_|v | I1 AII|A W " (hunt) RBI (alsbz sc E Towh Jult( on M1R kU list P VIA IIIIUg Ill rUIIg@ Lo .................... ):53 a.m. 4.4 ft. • • '- ' '. - , . "... g . a ortman Satur- High .............. 11:07 a.m. 7.6 ft. SB-KimbeL SO-Fiunic I0, nyder 1. day afternoon as that was Mrs, ,,.o_a U----J--.. &leLa I.w ....... 4:55 p.m. 3.9 ft BB-Finnlc 2. Sny(h:r 3. RRF-Snydcr 0. Portman's birthday. U[l moHa m m DP Sndcr to Claly Mrs u at Y High ...[:.[:[[" 11:42 p.m. 11.2 ft: "' ..... • . . A gu. a Portman and Carl Six. persons appeared in Shel- Tuesday, July 10 * * * Portman attended the Lemming ton Police Court before Judge Rol- Low .................. 6:45 a.m. 3.6 ft. W. SEA • abrhISHELTON abrh family picnic Sunday at ]3orst la Halbert Monday night. Higl .............. 12:41 p.m. 7.7 ft. w,qs .,s 4 1 lfWagner cf 3 0 0 Park at Centralia. Appearing were James E John,. L0w .......... 5:52 p m. 5.1 ft. Flynn 2b 3 0 llKimbel 3b 301 Mrs. Stan Guinette called on son, violation of sfety respons!- WedneSday, Juiy 11 Hcytwqt cf 3 1 0iAndrcws p 2 0 0 Mrs. Dick Cockburn Thursday. bility act, $100 fine; John H. O- High ................ 0:19 a.m. 10.9 ft, CMub,'ese p 4 3 3{c LaBiss i 0 0 MR. AND MRS. R. E. Bradberry Bretn, drunk in public, $10 fine; Low ................ 7:35 a.m. 2.6 ft. Nokes 3b 4 1 2 Snydtr 2b 3 0 1 called on Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Charles D Pulsifer, violation of High ................ 2:11 p.m. 8.2 ft. Nelson If 2 0 lJSheudy rf 2 0 1 Hearing and they all picnicked at safety responsibility act. $100 fine; LOw .................. 6:56 p.m. 6.1 ft. a Mcyers If 2 O 0[Rose If 2 0 1 the Bradberry farm.  William E. Howe, allowing unite- Thursday, July 12 ,l(,ne.,+ :lb 3 0 0 Dnsl,!y lr J 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin at- I eased driver to operate motor ve- High ................. 0:55 a.m. 10.7 ft+ nenuctt rf 3 0 lJ Wing'ard ss 2 0 1 tended a family reunion and picnic J hicle, $25 fine; Frmcis X. Beatty, Low .................. 8:20 a.m. 1.7 ft. Jutte c 3 0 lJLandis lb 2 0 0 at Skokomish Valley Sunday. ] drunk in public, $30 fine; Allen L. High ................ 3:25 p.m. 9.0 ft. Totals 31 6 10]Kadoun c 1. 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley and I Bell, negligent driVing, $25 fine. Iw .................. 8:03 p.m. 6.8 ft. b Clary 1 0 0 sons David and LeRoy were Sun- I - ........  ........ King'bllry c 0 0 0 i day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. I l, II--.l--L= Illl I . ! Totals  23 0 5 Rodger Spalding. [ nan ffmKmop Will I LOYAL ORDER : I a -,.,,,,,,a,.U ,,.t r,,r ,,).o,, in ou, ; Mrs. Lud Rossmaier Mrs Paul[ el J  ..... I Imm d i,I K,doun in 61h ossmaler and bah ,, accomD |[a un Mnndav | IMrur | : '."  ' " = _ ._ -:' 3_ anted,_ ............... J I ).VRqJUk | c Popped out for Andrews in 7th I y Mrs. Arthur Shat2a and children ] The Excentional -- F--s-= i gh..,It,,,.n lnan, n .,Re. I Score by J.nlngs ]of Olympia visited Mr and Mrs I ..... r .... "Lt ..... • ..........  ..... ,o' I ,  '  + i ,, n 0 1 -- 6 I Lud Rom-li,: . €" ^^,.^_,^L' ! worKsnop sponsore Dy ne lwason I Gerry Hart, | "ilt ' i'i 'I' ;  1 0 I --i01 Friday .................... - [ County Chapter of the Washington Governor " '  " I Association for Retarded Children | ............ | l,,ll,m 000 000 0--0] Mr and Mrs James Rossmaier 'non© ,o-u¢ + ' ' . " [ will open at 9 a.m, Monday htU+ l i o 1  0 1--o and daughter of Sheltonwere Sat- '' '. [ RUSS Morken, Secretary I ........................ on(s ulda ............... : - An open house will be held from • ttl.--.-- ae* A, I UilvlAIY: l ll{-t.;llaDr(l#c, l-o ' I ff ttt:ll''l r unner guests OI r',lv,ll= ".-o"wv+' " " 9 a nl to 1 n] I MEETING l HELD EACH I (fly}. RBi-Calabrese 2, Nokes 2. Jones. I the Lud Rossmaiers. Saturday af- I • • p.. the first day. I - _ I SB-Welas 2, Plynn 2. Heytvelt. Cala- ternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. /Im ., A -- --, 1 2nd and 4th Tuesdays I l,r,.+, z, Wngar '.'. re,s,,. Sheedy. SO- Ernest Adams and son of Enum- I Ir01ner$ Uag 01I | of the Month / Calabrese 5, Andrews 0. BB-Calabree claw and the Carl Goodburn family | __ _ | .... | 1+ Andrew, 2, WP-Andr,,ws 3. RI¢.IP-I or Shelton. [M"- -'g ---' '-- /  p.m. rpol L Andrews 1. DP+Weias to Jones (2), Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier ac-/ U| Rm[/mpnlu | , , I Andrews to Snyder to Landis. eompanied by. Mr. and Mrs. Chet/ Shelton s brother go-kart bugs, .......................................................................... +- ............ -- ................................ I Larson of Elma went clam dizin, i Ronnie and Larry Anderson, cart ' ,.--,--.. '-'-l---m ' --------= i at Ocean City Sunday and m/ed off more silver in two weekend l'il l::i::l i;111717| IUIETI I back with their limits Iraces. I rnrl=; lnl0000; II Mr and Mrs Ray Kimmerly and | Ronnte sped to a first in the =='---- II filmily and Denny'and Dana Hop- /trophy dasli and third ill the heat [ our'" ellO" ice of li atkins were Snndaj; afternoon callers [race at Kents Pacific Raceways II the Herer rohlneyor Sr /Sunday. Larry got second ill the --, --------.a amn-,a lllllli I borne, ' " [A standard race at Bremerton A Mt and Mis Eali Waikez € Satulday ELEUIKIU PKIiNU i'll Ilso n > ..... . an,| " II. I at, spent, the week end tn / .... ...... • -.='PPP il4RIqF I Paemna with lelatlves or ELEOLTIIIU UUl'r¢¢ rul ,,' + ' I/ , " , OK retrained from| . ...... • . - I/tile; Tacoma General Hospital Sat-| Pnk m tlhtJltilll w M ; i v n II P.,A i i [] N U N II ;,,'day and we are happy to resort I .......  4F "-'v-- II II ill II / I II IiI  It ill l .. v v I he is doing" nicihr " i  im,#i v . m,., n,; ......... ,e,.,, +" " n My and My s Fenton G, ahnm t O/' MIIK every CaV -- s.+ -' = '" +Jmate o II ° =:'" • / r,g(lTl! . llJ/. . I]h.P&|NJTING |l and sons, Orchards, spent a few / i Your Home -- We have all tYl)es of II 1 roofing and siding available I1 FUN FoR . UN FOR ALL I Local Contractor, Local ]7 inancing II| _'UN ll ALL I I Experienced Workmen /! HORIFilAIff llllliMP, I I 0ALL NOW -- Phone 426-8029 lie "'-""-7-" ...._ ..._l..., I I  IIII Trail and Ring Ii I L IP00c nstruch0n. " C0. lli opeAlderbr°°k SlableRSa ch '00000000er00yr°°ku0000aD510 e n a I Payments as low as $6.00 per month III o. Beautiful IIood Canal . I I MUST BE HOME OWNER TO QUALIFY llq Union, Washington TW 8-2+28 II • . .. The Bears lashed out with a " THvoFn, Mt. View .............................. 3 2 four-run attack in the first inning sow as rophicement for tile team bel had low , Kamilche .............................. 1 4 to set Southside back on its heels, competilion which carried on for low net at Latest Results Bobby Masteller provided the key 10 weeks up to three weeks ago. ' * ...= I.oo'.! Pill)ileal] Southside 5, Mt. View 4 blow in the rally, a bases loaded * * * 2-BALL DUE JU------L-':'.': Mt. View 23, Kamilche 0 double. Hillcrest scored two more RUTH, LOUISE WIN OFTEN Another of the r,----- Hillcrest 6. Southside 5 runs in the second. Meanwhile, R u t h Houston and Louise which are groWi[i , , . bee i Tom Lowe was hurling no-iit ball Schnudt poppeu '.:p :'z .r::5:nt ulanty has ,.1 A, AW...... S T k for the Bears which continued tin- winners during June oc°,'+ipetitive July 19 by the 3,rUlilP/ .... ULUiiUilk ummer rac slers til the sixth when he was relie+ed events on the ,omen':; goKing cat- Golf Club. dl,,, - ..... by Jim L Anderson. d : tim ]ellen B,yshollc _compPeTUoCnR oW,gFdTse[ 1)l;d :]<")(+ll?, ietc! Make Fine Showing Anderson was charged with four % Southside runs. Elton Olson led "7 ............................ " - iOll l , AIWe S |lle tim Hawks at the dish, getting ....MIFII RES[AIII00H w,""+ sl ea two of their four hits. n,,Vll + ions of Extra ]Fi] Shelton's sunnner track team, 21 Mr. View unloaded the lumber  .... v=,- . tP, strong under coach Bill Brickert, on hapless Kamilche Thursday, ""= ..=v ......... Y'I S°Ttb Fork Skokomish made a creditable performance at downing the Cougars 23-0. Ron +. 22 N. R. 6 W. ex('eptin West Seattle Saturday in an AAU Cole and Mike McNeil paced the IMffnlIMIrlll' tic II e Diel.N;... (lows w,,.,t, c all-comers cinder meet. winners at the plate with twohits neulrl00ni# ur u, o, ,000w exact+tin It' was the first meet of the apiece. Dave Winn also blasted a season for the group, which'will triple fro-the Tigers. Three Rayonier research chem- sippany, New Je:>-7' ,elt''u' travel t° West Seattle again July S°uthside had an°ther cl°se °ne !i ti@iiidl ! 14 for another AAU all-comers last Tuesday, June 26, when they contest, barely slipped by Mt. View 5-4. Eight Shelton boys and five There were no extra base hits in girls placed in the meet. Tom the entire contest. Southside's Lowe was Sheiton's only double Schuffenhauer had two safeties in winner. He won the junior cen- two trips to the plate as did Ron lzilmp-- H°ck tury dash in 10.6 and the junior Cole for the losers. The Hawks' to treat cells : " hop, step and jump going 40-9&. Dave Johnson scored the winning Most Spe,t For !::iTi!iiciiii:Ar:!:i! Jerry Westlund, also participat- : run in the sixth frame after he had ing in the junior division, won the walked. pole vault soaring 10-6. He got: The short scores: Food Alld Cars n"a c '---- ":;l. " :  a'second in the high jump leap- Hillcrest 6, Mt. View 5 R sults ing 5-2 and a third in the hop, HE properties th.a! ,!:" Big Cr Area" NE'i an step and jump reaci, ing 37-3. Jim Souti, side 001 oo3 1 +4+ I ill+seas n,,nt. Here;mf'e'i%t;P+"-Slab C Sells, junior division, earned a Hillcrest 420 000 0 6 4 4 n in many s eciai + " " first place in the shot (eight lbs.) Batteries: Carper. Bowman and ||| ||llaUll IUIUlII 1 commercial preJl:'' iab amp Area: SE 4 at 48-11 and got thirds in high Schuffenhauer; Lowe, Anderson iTenu!tl ssi! tib!sief°7"'°h"+ d:74i  jump and 100. John Sells garnered a first in and Allen, Westlund. the high school shot (12 lbs.) go- Mt. View 23, KamilcheR0 H E ins 48-4 and then stepped up a Mt. View 246 029 23 6 0 " " wh'c aid " .nvrZe lon alwon Cr. Rti. and S] notch to the open class shot put Kamilche 000 000 0 2 4 ness activity regained its momen- according" to .... event (16 lbs.) and got a second Batteries: Samples and Swisher; turn. Rickey nd l . Dungeness Area: NE!/. with a 42-foot heave. Renecker, Washier and Wagner, The combination accounted for catal.ysts pres, . north of BRIAN BRICKERT and Bob Renecker. 55 cents of every dollar that was ous lroblemS. ,' Skookum Cr.; Johnson got third and fourth plac- Southside 5, Mt. View 4 spent in local retail stores in 1961. lysts are usualL  Ungeness Trail and nort es respectively in the high school R H E Elsewhere in the United States ; acids and quttll 880. Brickert was clocked in 2:08.1 Mt. View 002 002 0 4 5 3 they attracted 42 ents, and, in the weaken the f iber :: " Trapper Cr. Area: NE and Johnson in 2:09.8. Southside 010 211 0 5 4 4 Pacific States, also 42 cents, on the cellulOSe : Mike Johnson, competing in the Batteries: Bennett and Swisher; This is one of the findings ar- as sulfuric acid,b:. boys' 11 and under class, got a Bowman and Carper. rived at ill a nationwide survey to cellulose and t" " Gold Cr. Area: That p P the first in the hop, step and jump determine how the consuming pub- which carry oyfi Gold Cr. Rd. and N (22-7) and second in the 50 yard KWG Elects Tw0 liC has been distributing its men- make the prod',' dash. Dick Clintworth also receiv- ey. It shows, for each locality, the acid catllysts a!ectin, ed a second in the junior pole amounts spent for food, for cloth- difficult to use'.-*lile Wi :: of the above-describe vault, ing, for general mez'chandise and Going to Darleneget a firstGrayplace.Was Shethe wonS°le girlthe lew Officials et.f°r other items in tile family budg-p°setseaedlii!ti,uc. F)(iilysts e> girls 11 and under 50 in 7.2. Don- The rcsults are contained in the they na Reed was on the heels of her annual market data report of the To y euay "  " g r . - • ' teammate in the same 50, getting Standard Ratc and Data Service, Fahey, licke forest region shall bc gu second, just released, discovered an 11 acetylating celIld3i Candle :Moran sped to a third in "> :: " The breakdown shows that an acetic acid a ffective from midnight, tlae womens' 70 yard low hurdle housewivcs in Mason County spent " )ctober 6 1962. Closure content of ab race. Sally Adams copped a third freely for food, allotting 34 cents J.S. Forest Service & Be: In the girls' 14 and under 220 and ::?:i of their dollar for such purchases, without the ![: : :;if ::ii:ii As a result, sales in local bak- any ldnd. Th tig.' )epartm(mt of Natural I Jeanne Peterson was a third place : : ::. ::*: .... vention is rela " taker in the 11 and under 50. !::!!:if: <!:!.::gffii:: eries, vegetable stores, butcher Those who made the trip but i: shops, supermarkets and other tremely BEF did not place were Vern Johnson, food emporia amounted to $5,512, inexpensive, Jun, Skip Purvis, Norm Shaffer, Perry  000, a gain over the previous year's tained Swett, Pare Tuson, Glenn Van- $5,477,000. excellent Blaricom, Duane Wilson and Rich This refers solely to the food bougit for home cons/dpt'ion, it able Wyatt. Dr. O. Harry Schrader, Jr. does not inchlde expenditures i ed with M Purvls and Wilson tied with Jim Sells in the junior high jump, but (right) and Robert L. DeLong restaurants and in other eating tylated celia (left) have been elected to the and drinldng places, slats essentia failed to place because oil more respective positions of President If divided equally, these pur- slurrying misses. Coach Briekert is still faced with and Viec President of the Keep chases would amount to $1,041 per proper transportation problems. He needs Washington Green Association. household locally acetic ash volunteer cars and drivers for the Dr. Schrader is a 1931 graduate Market strength was exhibited, mixture coming meets. If interested, con- of the University of Washington;also, in the automotive field, where tions and tact him at 426-8606. College of Forestry, and was a outlays for new and used cars, catalyst at; member of the College faculty boats, motorcycles and related 275 to 535 . , .......... >;....,.....\>..- - fronl 1936 to 1.949. In 1950, Schra- products came to $2,001,000, equiv- a suitable P' i .......... " der joined the Dodglas Fir Ply- alent to 12 cents of the retail dol- wood Association in Tacoma as lar. Managing Director and is present- The bigger spending that was ly Executive Vice President of done in the yea," benefited most .. /+ the United States Plywood Corp- other establishments in the county UAA oration's operation in Seattle. Dr as well. nuw, Schrader succeeds Donald V. Red- Those handling gbneral mer- . fern, Vice President of Martin chandise, such as variety and de- ii ..... i;:i;iiii;?!! Marietta ComlSany, Seattle, as partment stores, had a $1,940,000 |lW::i President of this forest fire pre- vohlme, representing nearly 12 II|II,:| " • ..,.:..:::;:+:: vention campaign. | l" ' " Cents. .  • --R.. L. "Bob" DeLong, Public Apparel shops, including those ii '-.. e£ations Director, St. Regis Pa- selling shoes and hats accounted 1 • _J+ per Co., Tacoma, takes office a for $558,000, or 3 cents. [| UllllJJk Vice President of the KWG As Stores carrying furniture and | l.Vns.= . sociation. DeLong has been bot otber home furnishings grossed | ..[BI - Assistant Director of Forestry fol $575,000, equal to more than 3 II .-:/l -, theSt. Regis Paper Company, an( ;![, I cents. " . /I Scott OWS ' I NEW DIRECTOR  Guy W. Chairman, Washington Commit • Locally, and in most other parts ]l . B0tls,-Ja+ks0nville, Fla,, was tee, American Forest Prouct of the country, living standardsl| P| .lk#  elected a director of Rayonier Industries. rose in the year as more moneyll .... ,, ,[, ! - Incorporated .at its last board Both gentlemen express grave was earnedandmorewasspent. /l@ilM , i "..-i. Ii/I of direotors meeting. Botts is concern over the increased ris -- r..,. • .... /I O en Eveff; " Senlor partner in a law firm forest land owners will take the, In the cause of freedom, wet| P-- -,ilh, and is an author of recognized coming fh'e season because of in have to battle for the rights of/I Umu ,+mmL law works as well as being ac- creasing visitor traffic to th+ peoplc with whom we do not agree; | wri'",,ngt0 huvV N0tK,-, tlve in numerous national legal State of Washington dlie to Cem . , , ,. ., . ,,,,. and whom, in many cases, we may i | "l!til[ J I aSeoolatiOns and societies and tury 21. A tossed cigarette, on( Chambers of Commerce. He is of 17,000,000 sold in Washingtol not like, --Harry S. Truman  -'Y011 do: Just drop by, wr|t( also president of Charter Mort- State each day, has Ehe disastel erld try one of the new Hc gate & Investment Company, potential of destroying man) ' ! aelng the most dependaL general counsel and director of thousands of valuable acres oJ .[Y°Uw'd|automatical|ybein Barnett National Bank of Jack- productive forest and range land sonville, director of Nelio Chem ............... Ioals, Inc., and title officer for MEN'S TRIO LEAGUE Title Insurance Company of W L Minnesota. His eleotion as a Offbeats ..... 21% 141/. Rayonler director will bring Untouchabl'c,s"iiiiill ...... 21+/ 14 ] "fuller re resentation to the Prairie Rooste'rs ........ 21" 15 Southeast here our firm', op- highballs ..... :. ....... :i:::i:i:: 19 17 eratios are assuming ever in- Lowballs .......................... 19 17 creasing•significance, especially W00dHogs 15+, / ,o, b f0 gall00 ]s[ .... ' ' I I in world trade/' Russell F. Icemen ........ ::::::::::::::::::14++ + Uy.r Erickson, president and ohtef ex- Baliwipers ...................... 12 24 , ecutlve offioer of Rayoaier, said High game---Bryan Johnson 23J in making the announcement. High series--Bryan Johnson 56 ..... _ ........................................ . : & $ 6-10-4 UL00TEi] FERTILIZER F0,M i for garden and lawn "++o.+.,,,+""".-- get the fifth 2 for $5.50 ,r,,.-.. Sheiton Fee r .. (formerly g Feed Co.) MDIIGAN, EACRETT ,C1 'DI 118 No. First St. HILLCREST < SA : tlLLtIRES T ] :lad l,': iobin by gilt-edged West Seattle pitch- the Hawks 6-5, Friday. The 19th Hole Chlb holds a two events, on Hillcrest ................................ 4 1 competitive event each Wednesday Grays Harbor Atlyn T:lv- - - ,i - o ! .......... . ...... ._.- ....  ........ ____ , i ly 5, 1962 TOUGH OPPOSlTIOH HANGS TRIO HILLCREST BOMBS SOUTHSlDE GOLF CLUB CALENI)00 -+ Given Apprm license 1,enowa]s F,, C, l .i, 1}1, Masol I, C, :_{ 00a<,+ts 00o,h +<' mP',':ittir A B C F+ +.ale, ] tS cl0$i'. ....... and on lg'2  :,,l(I I '" ";all, lind I All ]i] and r vigl p ; 2,il,m " Betf.lir ]] ind grIL ' ' Sl Ci