July 5, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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LF Ctu00 cAt00N00
K s Given A p e
d [ Vllll( l)Ol Ttve]n
rlson required only 12 tha Cole for .., enso renewals :;, ,, : "; " ' , . : ' ,
touring tlm Bayshorc longest drive Wia by lh,, Mason II, C. :li] and F; Spring \\;Valet Tav-
's nine holes in the dies visited GraYSmSion. crn, I-,', (2, IC and V; Agaic Grocery,
L Hole Club competi- Club, and had ed Huv(bl's 7v o ,,, E and li'; Old Mill Tavern and
ednesday winning the the local romp lau, A > ( w .... (.,te 1 C E and l Hills Ha f
s" event Lomse was cl_ty E md " "', A( 'e C' (I ?1 "s C(ve Inn, D,
Hole Club holds ' two eveuts, on .J!and I .... ' - lq nd V" M qh, Co rl Grocery,
• vlJ "' u; 2kllVl] l't r- . '' T" " i '
event each Wednesday Grays Harbor .l. Be f..;, 'q ...... .... 1,' an b \\; ct )' ( '(*(err 1, nd
acement for tim team bel had low gr ,,l. CIm|'les Vmm'v, C, l).
which carried on for low net at GraY,,..._
to throe weeks ago. ' .,'j,.ezal Publieati,-w
* * 2-BALL DUE JU , , a
IISE WIN OFTEN Another of the
,00usto ,GUiSe whicl00 are gro00l00J.rFOREs T
pped ::i) :':: :':'::i "::'nt ularity has be ep: }i
"ing June co:>.petitivc July 19 by the
c ,omeiC:; goiiing cal- Golf Club. ' i i • . .....
,scrll i nd adlaccnt to the
t7, ;7
,NIER RESEARCH N ,,o,,, of Extra Fire Hazard
;; " utl Fork Skokomish Area: S,'ction 9, SE:,.,
,llmlllillullii lllm Ell ill lllll 22 N. R. 6 W.; ex(',,ptinq through lravel on the
tlLIBII,? IlL II qff I0er Lake down V,we C'. va W t(r Cr. SW':i
IKRIO U[ U• 011 IrF{{oa.. N., l{. 6 W" exvepting'., .... through trnvel rill tile
mi'°nierpresentlyreSearChresidechem-in asippany'u. S. NeWJepatentv1 )::P: - Wynoochee Area: SELl , Scc. 11, S!. Sec. 14,
i the third a former Acetylation of .,,T. 22 N. R. 7 W.; NE,iNE!I Sec. 1,l; NE!:; See.
have invented a new Cellulose is th¢li
:nposition. Michael D. the struetila See
¢obert G. Rickey, both extracted, eg travei
Robert S. Tabke, Par- )aper, teg
s. It is °.]
;pent For
,RK (Special) -- Food
automotive purchases
tail market in Mason
he past year as busi-
r regaiued its momen-
ination accounted for
every dollar that was
tl retail stores in 1961.
in the United States
d 42 cents, and, in the
s, alsd 42 cents.
ze of the findings ar-
t nationwide survey to
)w the consuming pub-
distributing its mon-
, for each locality, the
nt for food, for cloth-
eral merchandise and
ms in the family budg-
:s are contained in the
et data report of the
ate and Data Service,
kdown shows that
n Mason County spent
)od, allotting 34 cents
ar for such purchases.
It, sales in local bak-
:able stores, butcher
n'markets and other
a amounted to $5,512,
,ver the previous year's
rs solely to the food
home consufiaption, it
elude exponditures ill
and in other eating
" places.
I equally, these pur-
l amount to $1,041 per
rength was exhibited,
Lutomotive field, where
new and used cars,
)rcycles and related
ae to $2,001,000, equiv-
rants of the retail dol-
or spending that was
year benefited most
shments in the county
ndling gneral mer-
ch as variety and de-
)res, had a $1,940,000
wesenting nearly 12
hops, including those
and hats, accounted
or 3 cents.
rrying furniture and
furnishings grossed
ual to more than 3
]d in nmst other parts
try, living standards
year as more money
md more was spent.
rose of freedom, we
tle for the rights of
vhmn we do not agree;
many cases, we may
--Harry S. Truman
ent of the 26, NW See. 27, T. 23 N., R. 7 W.; except-
when on tim R-900 Road.
in the paper, p:
industries. It i: " Rocky Brook Area: N!.5 See. 13, T. 26 N., R. 3 W.
to treat h m tl=:.
and acetic an 'l: Dosewallips Area: NEkl Scc. 22, T. 26 N., R. 3 W.
percentage of th:ia•
to about thirtY '" Cabin Cr. Area: SE!:I Scc. 30, T. 25 N., R. 3 W.
p]:l: Jefferson Cr. Area: SW See. 21, T. 24 N., R.
celhdose. This
as partial acetl{OL,
salts in a cell"=',p
properties that , " Big Cr. Area: NE!i and NbASE!: See. 6, T• 23
in many special at,
Heretofore, a![iP:.
commercial pr0Ct.,tl, lab Camp Area: SE!. See. ,1, T. 28 N., R. 4 W.
P;: " Canyon Cr - McDonald Cr. Area: That part of
celhdose with u.,] West and soutl of Slab Camp Rd. that part of See.
fibrous fornl ha'g!iO
the use o ca tal]p- fPlats Cr., and that part of See'. 21 lying between
iW, anyon Cr. Rd., T. 29 N., R. 4 W.; excepting
which atd in the ! on Canyon Cr. Rd. and Slab Camp Rd.
according tO ltli:g)
Rickey and T :, : :.
catal.ysts preser .hgeness Area: NE/I and that part of SEt:i,
of Skookun] Cr.; that part of W%fi Sec. 8
ous lroblemS. :l: geness Trail and north of Skookum Cr., T. 28
lysts are usually
acids and quit:r'll:p: '
weaken the fib e , " Trapper Cr. Area: NE':I See. 12, T• 28 N., R. 3
on the cellulOSe'
as sulfuric aeid,:p,
cellulose and tlit o" Gold Cr. Area: That part of the Nk:.NE'5 See.
whmh car•y - -t'l' tile Goht Cr. Rd. and NW:iN%r!. See. 15, T. 28
make the nroaU |
mr,,,,u t,,use ,|¢1, :Y:..aeid eatal.vsts artteetin, of the above-described areas against fire, the
.V'.tsb'e2'iiiedpfr°lasceTWlbySt}r°h hi' i t({d except under the terms of
t]my lik o 's" .vltl )zest Service or as provided
eference to permanent residences and industrial op-
To cooe " ,C'Y0i3e "iril t" -- ¢
"" e ..... adng any such rules and regulations or or-
'ahey, R)ck Ye@aay forest region shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
oiseovered a -' dlv
acetylating cel.
• acid a'', ' Effective from midnight July 8 1962, to
an acetic [' ab°tl'0/!' ctober 6, 1962. Closure l'(;4uested by the
ze uSe .S. Forest Service & Bert L. Cole, Commissioner,
The P Department of Natural Resources, State of Wash.
content of a
without the u'
any kind.
vention is.
tremely rapid
excellent hea
ed with
sists essentia:
slurrying the
proper )an
acetic ,dr
mixture xde
Lions and wil
catalyst at a'
275 to 535 del
a suitable per
This pat, mt
Rayonier nee
June 12, 1962
7/5 It
to buy[ Nothing to wdte]
Just drop by, write your name on e
one of the new Homelite chain saws,
the most dependable chain saw ever
matically be in the big"Power-Up
in which 12 Homelite chain saws will be
absolutely free, Don't mlss out, r, otne' kl
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Cl{ristmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, ,Washington
Lutherans Attend
Annual Conference
Mr. unc! Mz's. Vincent Himlie,
425 Ellinor. Shelton, Washington,
nlenlt)el'S of Faith Lulheran
ChllFcll, and Pastor Carl J. Carlson
wm'c am(mS 700 delegates and ]
visilors to !he li6th Annual Con-[
| el'ence (if the LIltheran Free [
ChHrch c()lp,,ening at Angsburg
College in Minneai)olis June 13-17.
Delegates voted 530 to 112 in
favor of merger agreements which
will join the 90,250-member LFC
with the 2,250,000-member Ameri-
can Luttaeran Church. ALC Presi-
dent Dr. Fredrik A. Schiotz said he
helieves del(gates to the American
Lutheran Chnrch convention in
Milwaukee, \\;Vis., next Oct. 18-24
"will dispense with the formality
(if paper ballots and vote the LFC
into ALC nzembership by acclama-
Dr. Schiotz cited the North
heritage of lhe LFC and the form-
er Evangelical Lutheran Chm'ch,
one of the church bodies now a
part of the ALC. He said he in-
tends to ask ALC congregations
to set aside the last Sunday in
January, just prior to the Feb.
1, 1963 date the merger is ex-
pected to take affect, as a "day
of thanksgiving to God for this
reunion . . . a day of intercession
that He might bless this reunion."
Among other conference bus-
iness was tile naming of Lief S.
Harbo, retiring superintendent of
schools at Austin, Minn., as in-
terim president of Augsburg Col.
lege and Theological Seminary for
a one-year period.
Harbo will begin his duties at
Augsburg August 1 succeeding Dr.
Bernhard Christensen who recent-
ly resigned after serving 24 years
as president.
A seven-man Board of Regents
was nominated to later decide the
futm'e program of Augsburg Theo-
logical Seminary which becomes a
unit of the ALC theological semi-
nary when merger takes effect.
Augsburg College becomes an
ALC college.
North Mason School
Asks Bids On Concrete
The North Mason Consolidated
School District is asking bids on
concrete work at the school to be
opened at 8 p.m. July 9.
The school board called for bids
on the project earlier, but, reject-
ed all bids when some confusion
resulted among the bidders.
Too Late To Glassily
FOR RENT 35' Itouse Trailer. TWit
bedroom delux. ,t26-3169. 13 7/5-1,
highway use. Call 426-6882.
........................................... S _7/5
TO PREVENT foreclosure. This fore'
bedroom Anglcside h(mm with full
bltSOlll ')It Call lie yOlll*S l)y l)aying the
OWllil" Sg,0•0(t lind asstlnling the cxist!J
inN' i)lstlred ll}ol'tgage of approxi-
Among Your Merchants
Bernice Go(id has returned from
Los Angeles, Calif., where she and
18 others participated in the first
Vivian Woodard Cosmetic Direct-
or's Academy.
Bernice and the other director
trainees stayed at the Chase Hy-
art House during the training ses-
sion and were schooled at the Viv-
tan Woodard Salon in Panorama
City. She reports that this fab-
ulou salon cost $150,000 to deco-
rate. The cofirse included make-up
techniques and the new concept in
make-up and sRin care utilizing
Now Bernice will select and
train women in Mason-Thurston
and Kitsap counties to represent
tile cosmetic firm.
Clinton Willour, Shelton life
underwriter associated with the
Puget Sound agency of North-
western Life Insurance Co., quali-
fied for all four of his firm's lead-
ership clubs in 1961. t]e was a
volume, premium, net gain and
persistency leader, ranking among
the top 10% of the firm's national
sales organization.
Army Major Has
Narrow Escapeln
old major from Wisconsin's 32nd
Infantry Division staged a hair-
raising' escape that would have
been worthy of a Hollywood thrill-
er during Exercise Sherwood For-
est here.
Maj. Charles J. Gerlach, Elk-
horn, Wik, head of the 202-man
Red Arrow Division volunteer
guerilla band operating in the rug-
ged Olympic Rain Forest, spent a
gruelling 24 hours in which he
scaled one of the highest hills in
the area, fell into an icy mountain
river, and then hopped aboai'd a
lumber train to ride 35 miles be-
fore it derailed, before ending up
in Shelton.
for freedom at,10 p.m., when he
and a companion were surrounded
'by a emnpany of the 1st Battle
Group, 128 th Infantry. His com-
panion, 1st Sgt, Donald C. Meister,
Rt. 1, Lake Geneva, Win., was
captured and the major was able
to outdistance his pursuers. He
went for the high ground to get
his bearings•
The major climbed Anderson
Butte, 3,358 feet high, and one of
Gary L. Probert is !.he al)pointed and
qualified Ex(:cutor )i said estate. All
])el'sOnS having ClallllS agalllst said
deceased ar( required to serve the
same in duplieale, duly verified, on
said Executor or his altorney, Robert
L. Snyder at the au(ress below stated,
and file the same wth the Clerk of
said Court. logethm' with proof of
such service, within mix months after
tbi date of first l)ublication of lhis
notice, or tho same will be barred.
DATE of first publication: June 14,
Route 2. Rex 255
Shelton, Washington.
Attorney at Law
:125 N'. 5ti
Shel'ton, Washington
6/14-21-28 7/5 4t
(?ALl, FOR ]llD
Under the Provisions /of RCW
36.82.130. s e..aled bids will be received
e Ofl]c ol th(
at th, Mason County
mmissioners until 2'00 P .....
0 svx JUl J.U
C ..... • • •. Y ,
IOF ILunlshlllg aso
i962. ' ' . ' • n County with
the following:
One (1) used 160 HP-at-Flywheel
Crawler Type Tractor with :Bulldozer
blade and winch.
lhe highest points in the area• He
mately ,,¢8400. Bahu!c(' 1)ayaDIe at turned toward Grisdale Camp and
$75.00 p(:l' month which includes
taxos, insuran(:l.. I)rinl:il)al and in- made his way toward his target
ter,,st. Cull Kurt Mann. Mann Roal via. the hed of the Satsop River.
. Estate. 426-6592 anytime. 7/5 "I was making too much noise
FOt tt'ENT 2-b(,drolmi-fu}'nished 0U the rocks," Gerlaeh said, "so I
hOlllO (}114! llliiv fl'Olll (:it)" CI211[el •.
l)h(me ,126-1619. (.i 7/, started wading. Then I stepped in-
FOR SALE .-- 1961-IIi;]n'l(t(7:l:ail- sw to a sink hole and was in over my
like new, $125. Phono 426-6668 any- head• My wool pants and shirt
time Ira1 Saturday. 1,I 7/,5-12 were soa'ked in the cold water ....
6BEDROOM tiai{h,r&--i-/.,ii{ in Sg- I managed to get back on good
komish Valh,y. Call 426-6077. L 7/5 tfn footing and kept walking toward
- Legal Publications Grisdale."
NO. aa6.1 Grisdale, he found the camp full of
NOTICI': TO CRI,:DrI'OI{S military police and men of the
STATE OF ''SHINGTON FOP, battle group. It looked like the end
of the line, until he spotted a lure-
In the Matter of the Estate of her train loaded and ready to roll.
He climbed aboard the caboose at
5:45 a.m. and friendly railroad
wortcers hid him until the train
pulled out a: 6 a.m.
If the major thought hi trou-
bles were over, he had another
thought coming• About 35 miles
down the track, the train derailed
and the back half had to be un-
coupled and left behind. Maj. Ger-
lach climbed aboard a flat car
loaded with logs and rode into
Shelton before the train slowed up
and he could get off.
borough, commanding general of
the Special Forces Warfare Cen-
ter, Ft. Bragg, N.C., observing the
exercise, picked him up in a heli-
copter at Shelton and took him
back to Fort Lewis•
Marriage Licenses
Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason County auditor's
office this past week were:
Three winners of Mode O Day
merchandise certificates at the
Shelton store were announced this
week by Mars .]agnow. They arc
Lorraine White of RouLe 1; Anna
Ghramm, of Union; and lVrs. Joe
Leonard of Lilliwaup. These three
will now be eligible in the nation-
wide selection of the winner of an
expense-paid-trip to the Orient.
The winner's name will be drawn
in Los Angeles and the recipient
notified by July 15.
Pioneer Navy
Man Re-enlists
In Puerto#ice
By Sally Tayh)r
PIONEER -- Art and Verna
Jackson had a long distalce phone
call from their son Herbert, this
past week, :aying he had. re-enlist-
ed for another six years in the
Navy, At present, he and his wife
and their four children are living
in Puerto Rico where he is sta-
tioned. With .so many miles apart,
Art and Verna haven't seen their
last grandchild and are planning a
trip this fall to visit their son and
his family.
The Winston Scotts are staying
at their summer home on Spencer
Lake. This lake is an artists para-
dise; cahn, beautiful with tall trees
outlining the shore, water lilies in
shades of pinks aad white -- even
peacocks strutting back and forth
on the green lawn belonging to
the H. I. Clays.
BILL AND BEV Hawks are
leaving our area. Bill, an engineer
(or Boeing, has been transferred to
New Orleans and they hope to be
situated in their new home by
September 5
I am wondering if that poor
plumber found his way to the
M. D. Parretts (who are intending
to build a lovely new homel. He
was lost, no address. The one
which your reporter gave him
turned out to be on the Canal. If
Edna wasn't closed on Mondays
all this wouldn't have happened.
Annulment Denied
In Super=or Gourt
Judge Charles Wright in Supe-
rior Court Friday denied a request
from Shirley Na.son Modlin for pn
annulncnt of her nlarriage to '
Harry Hauptley
Services Are Held
Funeral services for Harry F.
Hauptley, 71, Milton, were held at
Batstone Funeral Home at 2 p.m.
Saturday wit.h Robert Rings offi.
Charles (Owen) Modlin.
They were nlarried .hme 23, ].9(;0
'in Montesano. Mrs. Modlin ('.lain]-
ed the marriage was for the sole
purpose of allowing h/fodlin to
claim a homestead to avoid losing
his property in a legal action
heing brought by Ted Dcpoe for
money which he claimed Modhu
owed him.
The couple had never lived to-
gether as man and wife, Mrs.
:Modlin claimed. Her husband de-
nied the marriage had been for the
purpose of avoiding DePoe's ac-
tion and said they had lived to-
At the time of the marriage Mrs.
Modlin was 25 and Modlin 60.
The judge ruled the marriage
valid and denied the annuhnent.
Mrs. Modlin was represented by
C. 2'. Hatten and Modlin by June
Fowles. Neither of the couple ap-
peared in omrt.
J elating.
Burial was in Mr, Moriah Ceme-
Mr. Hauptley died in Anburn
June 26. He was ;t veteran of
World War 1.
Survivors include a foster sister,
Mrs. Violet E1wood, Kirkland, and
three cousins, Mrs. Allie Ahl and
Lon Webb, Eldon, and Mrs. Pearl
Watson, Sunset Beach.
Building permits approved by
the County Commission Monday
were L. J. Tebeau, wood garage,
$250; John R. Johnson, wood res-
idence, $2,000; Bill Besch, wood
cabin, $2,000; State of Washing-
ton, Potlatch State Park, concrete
block bath house, $11,000; Alvid
Horde, wood cabin, $1,200; Phillip
J. Hardie, wood barn, $500; E. H,
Dahlgren, concrete block residence,
Try A Journal Want Ad
just in time for smmner (maybe).
Harry Coo]:, the son of Mrs.
Mary Cook, Agate, has received
another promotion to Specialist
Four (a corporal) in the Army,
where he is stationed at Fort
family leave thi week for Great
Falls, Mont. to visit relatives• They
also plan to see Glacier Park. Mr.
Johnson plazas to attend summer
session after their return home.
He and Byron Deffinbaugh will be
going to Pacific Lutheran College
in Tacoma•
Mrs. T. R. Walker, Vancouver,
B.C., was a week-end visitor at
the Ray Walker home, Bayshore.
Ray played in a golf tom'nament
this past week at the Down River i
Golf Course at Spokane and had
a score of 69-75 and a 73-73.
IIOW MANY of you readers still
have that card concerning the
Fire District. Please mark your
answer and mail iL this week. A
public meeting will be held in the
near future with qualified speakers
to answer questions and discuss
lhe needs for such a fire district,
so your unswers on these cards
are helping the people srranging
this meeting to plan this meeting.
The July meeting for the Mason
County Bell Riders will be held at
The Hobarts have purchased] Jim Taylor's at Agate, Friday
Henry Garrison's property. Also. i at 8 p.m. Movies on the "Evolution
that Joe Cameron has moved into I of The Horse in North America"
lhe Baker's cabin on Spencer Lake, I will be shown.
9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Admission $1.25
it [ fit
1st and PINE Phone 426-3906 • '
' [ ........
* Vacation
* Boat
* New Car
. Anything
We Dont Sell Anything But
We Can Help You Buy What You Need
: I
AUTOMOTIVE • Motor Tune-ups
MECHANICAL, • Brake Repairs i
SERVICES • Muffler Repairs
Available Daily, including Sundays, except Saturdays. '
ONE stop here will keep you safely on the GO I
To provide a better all-around service for your car
We have employed . ..
Selmeider's Prairie
Shelton-Olympia Highway.
And His lSa.lld .....
Saturday, July 14-
and His Band
; be|nbJu,y0,1,.AR Stanley R. Garner. 29• Breto-
n, rl Speeil'ieatiols and bid form may be erton and Ellen L. Sundstrom, 29,
obtained at tn,; Otfiec of the Mason
M Sh County Engmeer, Shelton, Washington, Bremerton.
The County rCS,YI'Ves thc right to reject Jack El(on, 43, Orting and Kath-
otor o,y o, I all b!ds o,. to accept the bid leen Coville. 34, Orting.
deemca nlost a(tv'ultageou8 to the
County. Clifford Kiehle. 32, Pouisbo, and
': ' Phone 426-4602 By C NO" Marguerite Chapin, 26, Poulsbo.
IL .:, : . .1:,,AN_MASON Allen Kinge, 39, Suquamish and
t( rK of tile Board -. xr Frates 26 Su uamlsh
" I 7 5 --ra , , q , •
IiiV 00fillt" /. 12-at I Eugene Robertson, 19, Shelton
]lJ I' II llPII]lll 2l[ll. llll|iJ I and Shirley Linton 19 Shelton.
"el .... ww.,,..,.v . " I Jack Vehslage, 21, Bremerton
[ goht?;et;?'28, Shelton :rid
OLgmPi( N .I-B I BJI II, II I ILav°nne Sampson, 21, Tacom .
llllr E 00nIDim JlStudents Take Part
llllll0000=0000lllll00 ,.,, , - I ln EWSI] Program
• lilt i Two high school students from
N,IIIIIIII I Shelton, who attended the Eastern
/Washington State College High
• il | \\;\. 'Jl N,,, l}ll_-.@i'---'2'l -1[ "1 U i [ School Creativ, e Arts Summer
- ' [ Series, were participants in con-
..... h' ! eluding performances last week.
itiri- -Ii,ri -l-II r11 ].They are Wendy B:'ickert,
I Sandi Lewis, da:lghter of Mr. and
17111717T . ._. _ .. . R. o,
IG f00.MO.TOR_ I- 0b,tuanes-
I Theresa Baskelville, 73, of 515
MORGAN, EACRETT LUP 00South i3Lh Street, Shelton, aiea
0 [ '" ....... I June 29, 1962. Services were held
ppI ' (DAIqUIriS,@ u'rAR U'J / July'2. Mary Stewart Patch, 73,
IEST O]lUljlk 0 l|IUlVn Star Route Ninth' , Lflhwaup," " dled'.
.. June 29, 1962. Services were held
.ST Phone 426-4602 July 2, in Boise, Idaho.
(Complete obituary notices will
be printed in next week's Journal).
You'll find that the Mason County Federal Credit Union with its low interest, ease of
payments plus loan protection is the best way to enjoy the things you want NOW.
Mason County.Federal
Credit Union
110 So. 4 St. Weekdays 8 5.30 Saturday 10 noon Phone 426-2202