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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 5, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1962 ROAST € tck Steak00 Order ing the school city recrea- and approv- the SheILon to the oiL:,; was ntli't, Friday. Riding l.Pr0per handling rides ,o/ a horse is the inside w  man SKOOKUM LNIIH 426-8976 N =., l00kg.SAFEWAYARMOURS$1,15°rSTAR%. F Safewltt"SF|nes* lb. * :0d°wn, a little each month and this lovely blanket, O  Sol ile of many others in bright new, bold, soft and d slOPs are yours when you need them. Choice of rig e-- tlyray°ns' nyi°n' Acrylic' and c°tt°n blends" Each II-.- Iade, superior Golden Seal quality. Make won- . 91fts, too! Golden Seal Gift Box, or rely Wrapped. MERCANTILE Can ilsWlfhpkCUpsof50*43€) ' Each' 69c  TORe 4 $1°° SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAU-- l:'uMish:l in "hristmasow, U.S.A., Shelton, Washington , ALDERBROOK'S II:W HOTEL UNITS NEARING COHPLETION Deluxe aceomodations in Alder- brook Inn's new motel development were put into service for the first time last week by tourist guests. The first three units were oc- cupied Tuesday night, another half dozen Wednesday, and within the next few days the entire 36 units expected to be ready for guest oc- work won't be fully finished. (Picture above shows the two separate structures, each contain- mg 18 units in three levels. Masons were still placing decorative SKULL IN DOCK TUMBLE By Lois Terrell ALLYN --- Greg Wynn, eight- year-old son of the Loward Wynnsj suffered a fractured skull one day last week when he fell off the Allyn dock and hit his head on a float below. The young man is at Harrison improving slowly Hospital in Bromerton, where Allyn Ambulance transferred him shortly after the fall. His mot- her, Barbara, is staying at his bedside thru out. We all hope he will be able ix) come home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wolfe have been spending a few days at their daughters home at Port- land. The Mile Lehr's have sold their summer collage to Seatle friends of the Robt Burgoines. The to families are good frie- nds and will enjoy their bech home to the utmost. The tgur- gaines spent several days here the first of the week. Young Bob is home from college at Provo, Utah and will spend some. time with thc family here. Nice to see activity around the cot- tages again. The Lehr's brought a tract on Long Lake (near Port Orchard) close to some friends, they will consume less time co- mulling being nearer to the ferry L0 ,our w** o oR 00ALj FROM THE SEATTLE I WORLD'S FAIR BUY YOUR I CAR AHD TRAVEL HEEDS I , 938 LOCALLY OWNED SOESANDSLL NOW IN PROGRESS GROWING | i • II , 's;:,% % • , WITH MATCHING I| SPIN CAST ROD i  ..... 12 x/3 x 7/nob II  'lu VACUCEL iCE o, . ttt I " I  CH EST ,I' _ A. the JOHNSON .x 4L p I r " AM features on hle el ' ....... . " I l jual . Idi at an economy prlcel ...... ... , !!l. : It  , enlerl 1 JOHNSON spin ceil BUIIt:I,B alVlae re- i]["U°yent Redl  rod matches reel for o mova.mecovermaq:roes. 1 .... ',ilt%ont Blue[  deluxe setl ' ever emmet. I!',.SALE/¢ ' Coast,to-Coast $;;i "  Aq, oun -- " 1",!" FOOD Interior Latex and HOSE NOZZLE I t- eRs Outside White  ! J n Bananas :; PAINTSALE00 il A Ttlri(fy,nterlOr .l;" ! ! ,, ,, e. s3 1 PL .... I-" F-" iT IIILATEX PAINT ''= LCl;  $1J i € ripened for finest flavor 89 A.I, wl.h,,,.ho,.,,er, i----_ ///7/ ",'1 :i'v % I/I Flat finish. Tools wash out ITIIRIFIJP e. A-- I / ::|,I' "" wl,h .00, .dweter. '"l'lllli"bil '(-7" A I •, !'1 ir'ir il,t'"', I Tkrfft Utility I'/htte i Ati' ._ ±.i "/ 'W'V" I ,1. IlK. d" f7 !'6.,., I HOUSE PAINT "'GolI, o !OUS¢ e,= Opero:. -_.,,. w,. I IUb. J 1 :7,  FOR 87¢ White exterior polar for use m =. one hendl thumb od- Or l -- € wood, masonry or mete • Covers ____; 1 .. . . . e, , ir FOR87 ,liwllr Suits water velum ..R87€ 1400 to 450 s- ft per gallon 1 - .nmme umsn. I "1"1" • -- aS ui'es n-N'a:hed LB.4I 11 'tJ , SEAT cOVER li tilti HI.It Seas°ns*best' "0" "/.411 '1 ';iU  iitlt Large Size  " lee Juicy.Fresh 5 1 I  i_  "' 123 S. Second St. m7 dock at Southworth. We of the "beach bunch" regret to see such a wonderful family leave our community but welcome the new comers wholeheartedly. ]Bob Kreuter and Mary An- late hour when they all including school friends, the Jim Van as- tens, over the week end. They enjoyed boating Sunday in the Van Osten speecl : boat until a late hour when they are including the Jewel Van Ostens ferried to Seattle to have dinner at Craw- f°rdSnlght" aledtuali°°k  Ya::!obu y tired but happy. The Sam Clements had daugh- ters Beverly and Patricia along with their families out for a get together on Sunday. Tuesday the Clements were visited by a cou- sin of Same, from Texas, whom he hadn't seen for years. Needless to say a great lot of catching up on news was the order of the day. Young limmy Kowalczyk has been entertaining John Edmans from Tacoma this week. John re- cently moved flx)m Allen to Ta- coma and was more than happy to return to visit friends here for a few days. Elaine took them to a show the last day of John's visit with hot dogs afterwards, much to the plea, sure of both boys. Mrs. Helen Boyce enters Vir- Tgtunetdaa;,°7 liciiCen.upSCt, tdle Oj servation. Mrs. Lloyd Ellsworth and son Kay of San Bruno, Calif., are weekend visitors with the Earl Terrells. The visitors drove up to Twisp last weekend to visit rela- tives and to Seattle for a look at the Fair. The two families have been friends for over 40 years. Such a lot of visiting to be done and so nice to have them here. The Anderson family and the Kowalczyk family journeyed to Elms with their horses to enter in the telegraphic meet held last Sunday. Five meets over the state are going on at the same time and results are telegraphed when the event is over to determine who is the winner. Ml%$ E)L TEI¢IELL was (.led to Billings, iont. to be with her daughter, Mrs, Betty Stock- land, who had surgery Tuesday. She will remain away two weeks at least or until her daughter im- proves enough to carry on by her- self. Several people have planned pic- nics for the 4th of July. The beach will be teeming with week- enders and their friends. The Montjoy's plan to be out also the Campbells the familfes remaining for i;he remainder of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McBride of Denver will arrive July 5 to hpend some time with the Jewel Von Ostens, taking in the Fair while here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clements are taking a trip with relatives who are here on a visit, driving the visitors 8J'ound the Loop for a look-see at our beautiful Scenery in these parts. Miss Melba Johnson of Fresno, Calif., along with her mother, Mrs. Gerta Johnson ar..,ps ending a few days with the Emil Gaetanas of Victor. ,Here to visit friends, and also our Fair the visitors ,are ex- pecting to take the Gaetana's grazddaughter, Kathleen Ealde of Wenatchee, home 'with thamto visit imr Aunt for a month or so. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hanson are spending a few days at their sum- mer place at Grapeview. With them is Mrs. Kathryn Whitloek of Los Angeles . who',is spending her vacation with the Hansens. Tim Hansens called on "beach folks" Thursday eve. Pete is en- joying iis. retirement to the utmost. Mr. and Mrs. Sargent and children of Portland are coming from Portland to spend the Fourth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woife of Lakewood Manor. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Okeson of Seattle were calling on Allyn friends Wednesday. They ha've just returned fl'om an Eastern trip which, was very uccessful except some stormy weather they en- countered in Mis.';ouri. he Jack Epolin family of Lake- wood have recently mo(;cd to the Dalles, Oregon, wlerc lVfl'. Epolin obtained employment. The Alva Millers with son Ed- ward arc,',, enjoying a trailer trip to Wisconsin and Minnesota. The family will be gone about  month. The Enock Uh'icksons are leav- ing this weekend for Nebraska to spend theil" vacation with his parents there. right. Facing Hood Canal, the motel fronts are completely glass, with sliding glass doors, and each has its own private lauai). Furnished in higl quality rustic oak appointments, including two double beds, the Alderbrook motel units offer a unique "extra" in the form of a third bathtub tap from which warm salt-water will flow. the water is drawn from Hood Canal and heated in a large tank, enabling motel guests to enjoy the theraputic values of a salt-water bath if they wish. Special expensive plumbing h- stallations were required to ac- comodate the salt water. The sys- tem wa designed by John W. Bennett of Rayonier. , i YOU GET THE BEST DEAl., By George NOW at EELLS and VALLEY Appliance Center YOUR MAYTAG DEALER FOR 16 YEARSI $159.95 $15.95 down Easy Terms ARE YOU AN ICE-CHIPPER? You'll Never Have To Ddrost Again After You Own A Deluxe Combination HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER -- ....  i i J \\; # 14.1 Cubi,: Foot,. Roll-Out, No-Frost, 2 Door, 105 lb. • Freezer Capacity, 32 Inches Wide, Choice Of Colors 00100 TRADE.IN " Allowance On Your Suitable O/dRefngerator Now At Eeils & Valley Appliance Center o000, b* * , Pa, 9