July 5, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Pag e lo
= ,, ll.i i
Open 6:45Starts 7 p.m.
One Complete Show
SAVINGS deposited in
your account by the
tenth of the month, earn
from the first of the
month. Add to your ac-
count now!
ST-rELTON.-MA0N COUN'I:JNWL --: lblthed tn 'rCflr,(tiato,on, U..A,,"Shelton, Washington
i i i .......... I I1' II I I I L , . ' " i i
By Etlmy Dalhy
UNION - The death of Mrs.
Bill (Maude) Morris last week in
Shelton brings to mind the fact
that, the Morris family were Union
residents for a great many years.
While residing here the family
lived in the old Herb MeReavy
home which-stood on the hillside
above the Masonic Hall.
Morris was for a few years in
charge of the road for the County,
and while 'rein Webb was a mem-
ber of the Board of County Com-
missionersBill Morris was a fam-
iliar figure daily at his task along
the Canal rents of his work. Mrs.
MaudP Morris had for a number of
years been a member of the old
Union school board, which was
then District No. 10. She held the
position of clerk of the board for
a number of years, at: the time
the late di'{'n Addlemnn and this
At Current Annual Rates @
compounded four times annually
i i i Ji H i i H i
writer were members of the school
board, and at the time the upper
story and tall old helfry were re-
moved from the old time structure,
which is over 75 years old, and
the present Union Commmflty
IN LATEI{ YEARS the family
moved to Hoodsport where Mrs.
Morris operated a hmch room.
After the tragic death of their son
Micky on the highway near Walker
Mountain. they retired to a life of
seclusion and moved to Shelton.
Surviving her passing are her
husband Bill, and son z'thur of
Shelton and three daughters, two
of whom reside in Slaelton. Jewel
Dillenburg and Billie Dillenburg
and Mrs. Lueille Drew, Centralla.
Old time residents extend their
sympathy to Mr. Morris and fam-
We older ranks are gradually
thinning out..The death of Harry
Hauptly a week ago Tuesday at an
Auburn Rest home lessened the
ranks one more. Harry was bolTl
Shollon Branoh
in old Union City Jan 1.6, 1891 He
was a son of the early pioneer
Jacob Hauptly, early butcher shop
owner and operator. He had lived
as a neighbor of the late former
Senator Billy Potts and had been
his unofficial caretaker for a
number of years. Later he removed
to Milton about 9 years ago. Illness
caused his removal to the Veterans
Hospital of Seattle a couple of
weeks ago. He was later removed
to tile rest h0e at Auburn, where
he succumbed a day or two later.
He was "13. He was a Veteran of
World War I. Funeral services
were held at Batstone Funeral
Chapel last week, the Rev. Robert
Rings presiding. Surviving is a
foster-sister Mrs. Violet Elwell of
Kirkland, Wash., and two cousins
Don't MIn the Fun and
Entertainment of Television
4th &Cota 426-6602
01a Hodd Canal, Mrs. AIIIe Ahl and
Mrs. Pearl (William) Watson,
Sunny Beach. Burial was at Shel-
ton Cemetery.
IR. AND MRS, Wes Johnson
and daughters virginia and Susan
took the drive to Vancouver, B,C.
Wednesday a week ago to be on
hand to meet daughter Nancy
when she arrived Thursday on the
Organsay after her four-day trip
4th of July
5/8 Plasth: Overlay
Plywood Trims
2' x 4'
Thurst0n County Federal ,l=S
Savings & Loan Association
Accounts insured to $10,000,00 by the F.S.L,,.C. Lawton Lumber Co
9 A,M. - 4 P.M, Monday thru Thursday It
10 to 3, 4 to 5:30 Fridays
HOT NUMBERS -- The vivac-
ious and lovely Adams sisters
make like human volcanoes as
they demonstrate the ancient art
of fire eating. The two young
beauties are featured perform-
ers with the Wenatchee Youth
Circus which comes to Shelton
Saturday, July 14, under spon-
sorship of the Rotary Club,
which will turn over profits of
the show to the community
summer recreation program.
on the strip from Hawaii, where
she had attended Honolulu' Col-
lege. Nancy was right back at her
post in the office of Alderbrook
Inn at once and seemingly glad
to be back at work again, at the
position she has filled for the past
few years.
There has been a great deal of
activity at Alderbrook during the
past few weeks -- all hands being
kept busy and on the job. The
crowd of last week with the news,
:papermen's convention and the
John T. Scripps party filling every
cottage and 10 of the guest rooms
of the new motel which had to be
pressed into service. In addition
the public and year-'round resi-
dents enjoyed viewing the large
and beautiful 89 ft sail boat (of
the Scripps family) the Novice
Del Mar. of San Diego, Calif.,
which .,iailed up for the newsmen's'
convention, and with gtlests
aboard. In addition tim Science"
Research Association with repre-
sentatives from the East Coast
and Midwest and West Coast, with
their wives followed the press
group arriving last Wednesday
and leaving Friday. Later 11 mem-
bers of the Pharmaceutical Assoc-
iation arrived with their families
leaving on the 16th.
The visitors all having been
much impressed by the beauty of
Hood Canal, and also with Aider-
MR. AND Mrs. Royal Brougham
of Seattle were on the Canal
Thursday for their annual visit.
Home Office Branch Office 420 S, First St. 426-4303 Reval was cantivated by the
5th & Capitol Way II 313 Railroad Ave. featlaered creatul'es of this rancho
)lympia, Wash. Shelton, Wash. which aLhered out in the yard to
• POSIT BOXES • Private, confidential, Eoonomlcal etr e hm. He stood and contem-.
.... J . . • I'" 1, ' l' li[ .... . plated the__dozen or so Golden
, I i i i ], ] i, " I , i
Statement of F!.,ani!a!.,Condition
AFTER i) S : Of B S N S " O,
i i iii / I ] I Ii ] . • ii , II i i iii illll ]It Ill II I I I II I
[ I I I II [ ] L tl J r i ' ] I iiiii ii ii [ ] t J . iii I I i
' ] ' I A -- -- -- -- -- ....... I ' ......... U A B ILl TIES
.ortge Loans ............................. , ........ l .3,959 596.31 Savings Accounts..... ......... : .................. . ............ :$14,127,202.49
mernlSers savings have been invested in first mort- This represents the savings of members. EaCh
gages on local real estate and are being repaid in accoUnt iS insured up to $10,000.00.
monthly installments - r
;ies Sold On Co'ntraet 884,411.94 Shres Pledged on Mortgage Accounts .... None
Properties being purchased by"month'iy'Rayments AdvaaCe From Federal Home Loan Bank .... 500,000.00
stipulated in dontracts we have originited for ....... _ ,,,-, €,€,n p,
purchasers. Lons Ps .............................................. ,i$.OJL
5cans ........................................................ 13,353.71 The association has made loans to build, repair, re-
;#ate Ow led aria l. oIllrlqma, - 1/_/(11 finance or buy homes on which these funds are to
ads and eeurities ............ 9 4,'/1.00 ..... :" :'-'-'-"-" " 476.92
a " ' ' 1 umer Liabilities ................................................. O,
Hand a d In Banks ........ 5,7,04,15 1,51 ,784.1 ' I r on
..... , .... .4 ,,. . Miscellaneous items to be paid m the ord na y c -
ome jt can JiallK $0eK ................... ;/Uff)U.UU duct of business, '
This stock makes available to the Assoelation .... , .......... ' An "'" °1
such short and long term credits as lea business peelIIC ]Leserves .............................................. ,&L,O
requires. This account is made up of accrued interest reeeiv-
69,160.24 able and other deferred income, much Of which
26 ,,o o 6 ,s not yet due,
.,uuo.o " ' 11
34,936.17 UndWlded Profits ........................ $167,116.
Olympia, Wash.
First Mortgage Loans ...................................... $13,959,596.31
Mem0e,a' savings have been invested in' first mort-
Properties Sold On Contract ............................
Other Loans ..........................................................
Real Estate Owned and In Judgment ., .........
U.S. Bods and See.unties ............. 984,"/Q0,00
Cash on Hand and m Banks ........ 527,03,15
Federal Home Loan Bank Stock ....................
Equipment, Less Depreciation T
Office Buildings (Less Depreciatiot) ..........
Deferred Charges and Other Assets ..............
Total Assets ........................................... $1,013,858,79
General Reserves ...................... 1,290,324.95 1,457,441.06
Total Liabilities ..................................... $17,013,358.79
Quarterly Dividends at the rate of 4/4% per annum have been declared June 30, 1962
Carlton I. Sears, president Everett A. Lake Controller
V. R. Lawrence, exec. vice-pres. M.M. Lyon, 8helton Branch Manager
J. C. Minshull, vice-president John S. Lynch, director
Hazel Walmer, secretary-treasurer Arnold Koutonen, director
Eugene Dolan, assistant secretary-treasurer Herbert G. Angle director
Federal Home Loan Bank System
Northwest Savings & Loan League
United States Savings & Loa League
Washington Savings & Loan League
ii , i tiJ i i , i i i i
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m " i ] i i ii i i II ii ii
i I i i i i ,, i
i i t i i , i i
I i i t i i , , ,,,, • ,,, ,
Seabright bantam hens with their
chicks, and also the brood of
mallard ducks which clustered
'round for some time, commenting
on the pretty colors ,of the fowl,
and enjoyed feeding the entire
flock grain. Remarking when they
left later on "Whenever you
need a hand to feed 'era again,
give us a buzz!"
Mrs. Mary Traeger was removed
to Clinic Hospital Saturday mm-
ing when her illness of the past
week or so made it seem necessary
to her son Bob Gwln. At latest
reports Mrs. Traeger's condition
was improved. Her friends hope
she may soon be returned to her
cottage in improved health.
Kay and Larry Sterling arrived
Saturday with their children, two
rabbits, two dogs, and also' two
bowls of gold fish.. They are also
positively rejecting all offers.
of mre pets or hve stock f,)m
their' well meaning friends as we
found out. The Sterlings will be at
Olympus Manor for the summer
IHt. AND MRS. Norman Rich-
ardson are enjoying having son
Mike, Seaman 1st class, home
from Hawaii, where he has been
stationed, and also daughter Sandy
back from Long Beach, Calif.
where she attencicd college. The
family is making the most of the
present fine weather and enjoy-
ing a vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Fassion are
the proud parents of a new son
born Wednesday, June 27 at Shel-
ton General Hospital, and who has
been named Tony, and who joins
his brother Dale at the Fassio
onion Marine and Lunch Room,
are happy to announce the wedd-
ing of their son Ralph to Miss
Ann Dahlman June 1 at Quilcene
Fresbyterlan Church. Ralph has
been stationed in Arizona the past
Year with the Air Corps, and left
June 19 via plane for New York
City to embark for a port in
Germany where he will be sta-
tioned for the next two years. He
Will be Joined by his bride as soon
as living quarters are located.
Mrs. Grace Richardson, Holly-
Wood Fla., has been visiting at
the home of her parents for the
past two weeks, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Edwards of calm Cove.
Announcement is made that Bill
Snyder, Anchorage, Alaska, has
taken over the management o
Sportsman's Haven near Union,
The Snyder family including three
children, Brenda Sue, Audrey
Reuse, and Bill jr., arrived a few
weeks ago, Snyder having taken
over management June 21. 5
Meanwhile Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Snyder are ntoving to
their 20 acre ranch up the
Skokomish Valley July I to enjoy
the siraple life and maybe be-
come Sall ranchers.
Communion Set
By 00ientists
Communion services will be held
Sunday at the First Church of
unr,st, ScientiSt, in Shelton.
Keynoting t h e Lesson-Sermon
entitled "Sacrament" is the Gold-
en Text from the Bible (Galatians
3): "Ye are all the children of
God by faith in Christ Jesus. For
as many of you as have been bap-
tized into Christ have put on
Readings from "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures"
by Mary Baker Eddy will include:
is our proper debt to him and the
only worthy evidence of our grat-
itude for ll that he has done. Out-
ward worship is not of itself suf-
ficient to express loyal and heart-
felt gratitude, since he has said:
'If ye love me, keep my com-
mandments., ,,
The Sixteenth Amendment gave
Congres the power to tax in-
Residents Of
Kamilche Have
Many Visitors
By Franceu iJmnons
KAMILCHE .... Kamilche resi-
dents recently enjoyed many visit-
ors as friends and relatives began
arriving for the Seattle \\;Vorld's
Fair. family reunions and just
plain neighborly visits.
The Leo Ruekman family re-
cently enjoyed the visit of Mr. and
Mrs. Chu'les Inee and family of
Avenal, Calif. The two fan:allies
enjoye¢l a visit Lo the World's Fair
on this the Ince's first trip to
VCashingLon. Mrs. Inee is the sister
of Ruelrma n.
MJt. AND MRS. William Metz-
gar and children of Arcadia. Calif.
left Saturday to return home after
spending two weeks with her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson.
Monday they went to the Seattle
World's Fair. Thursday the two
families journeyed to Westport
and the ocean where they had
dinner at Ocean Shores Mr. and
Mrs. Art Chandler and daughter
June Ellen, neighbors of the
Metzgars in Arcadia, with Mrs.
Chandler's mother and father,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas visited
at the Nelson home June 22 They
were returning from a vacation
trip to Canada and the World's
Visiting his father, Bill Fry, is
Jack Fry, San Luis Obispo, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs, Chuck Wilson and
children Ricky and Twila, Rich-
mond, Calif. recently visited with
her brother Roy West and famly.
FRIDAY EVENING the children
and their families of Mrs. Ludell
Denny (West) fm'mer longtime
community resident met at the
IMr. and Mrs. Henry Prichard
home for a family reunion. This
occasion was the first time in ten
years the family had all been
Bob Barnes arrived Sunday
morning at 8 a.m. from Fort Ord
Calif. where he is stationed wit
the Sixth Army. He is assigned
to the supply room of the Hospital
Evacuation Divisicn.
Ronald Whitener, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Whitener, and his
wife, Marsha, recently accepted
teaching positions at Silverdale.
Ronald, a 1962 graduate of West-
ern Washington State College of
Education, Bellingham, wll teach
music and mathematics in the
Junior High School Division.
Marsha, who graduated in 1959
from the Bellingham school will be
teaching third grade pupils. She
has taught the last three years in
an elementary school in Belling-
MONDAY, Ed and Grace Petty
journeyed to Por Angeles to re-
tu, their grandson, Jeff, to his
home. They spent the fourth with
the Jack Perce family :yl:Port
Florence Taylor left Tuesday
of last week by jet plane for
Indiana where she will spend 10
days visiting relatives.
Harry and Bertha Fletcher
motored to Auburn Saturday for
her mother's, Mrs. J. L. Daniel's
The Gus Ellison family recently
returned, from an eight-day, 2,000-
mile vacation trip. They "traveled
to Lake Louise in Canada and re-
turned through Glacier National
Park in Montana.
Members and friends of the
Kamilche Church gathered Sat-
Shelton Oadei
Academy To
3 European
Cole. Cadet Ni¢
lis, Shell(m, is pr:
parts of Europe o!
Academy field st
areas. He will
Sweden and Germl
ber of the field sell!
Cadet Zopolis, a. I
class of '64 will b
operational Air F0
of the Euronean co
weeks duty mder"
Lieutenant" while 0
serve in a junior °i
for Lrainin -during'
Anlnually we
the week of JL
away for a sh
year we are
extra few daYS.
• We'll be
the job
Del and I/el I
This motort
igible for Y..
new Auto-Ri{
0nly sale . p:
Why sho.l :;,i,
high insUr. ,
caused bY '
ers? Joia ti
who save nao"
mobile i sr J
high qualitY*
Herb Angle i I
Dick Angle
urflay at Millet'sylvania State Park
the Weat, i*
• o00NCl00OZ (BiteSiz
.o..,,, =
00thzng About/t
q= i I Low PR .
the Power Peo/ i0000rA¢=
JACK COLE, president; TOM WEB", Off $1.0;
ED TAYLOR, commissioner; CLAUDE