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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 5, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 12 SocialEvents Reception To Honor ;)0th Anniversary tIf Herman Aherns M)&apos; and Mrs Hernu.u: Ahern will he /heir golden wed- dill£" alIHtv('rNI 1 y a[ ;J l'eceffl loll Sl}ll(i}ty ill Kneelmld Park. Tile Ahern;; invite their many relatives aim friends lo join them t/etween |he hollFS el: 2 altd let The couph, Ires lived ia Shelton f()r 1131, past 63 years. They met whih, hilt,riding seht)ot al Matlock. Their (tatl1411|er i5 JgSl 11(:1' Ahorll l'areiH; ()f tolh'\\;'llc. Ilostiilg th(' r('c('ptioll will be Mrs. t,;dwin Ahein i)t' Cllehalis. Mrs OLlo Radlke. Mrs, ,Jack Cole a.lld Miss Elizabeth l-;tllhT. Eagle Members Attend Dinner I<O.IC, and Auxiliary nlenlbers :lltellded Ihe Gagles Auxiliary (7|'l:llh.,rlge l)inner at Ten|no, Men- *liLy, Jilliiy 2,i. Thou't(" atlending were Virginia l>undas..le'iI1 Dorset{. Mr, and Ml's. l,l,)y(l Lewis, Mr. and MI'N, l-lel'llall [A)ccnzen, M.r, and Mrs. l,'r-d S(Nck. My. and Mrs. Albert l()rrl. Mr. and l'rs. Glellll ('&i.diler. Mr. a)l(1 Mrs, Louie Asche, Mr. and Mrs. Louis lqerzog. Sc:or(s for tlp. l)inoehle party Satllrtlay Pig|It wol e high, ]:{elnal 1 and My)',:, Leollard. seCOlld high, l{o v Moore and Virginia Dllndas. S(-l'ies Iligh ",veYtl I.o \\;rio ga/lgell and Lotlls Hevz(ff and traveling l il'lOQtl( ' fOF l]le evelllll WaS Healer Plinler 9.nd Rllth Moore, b'iftecm }mndrcd trump hand was bel(l by Myra and t4e)'man Leon- lll'(/. Ttw next card party will be lilly 1,1. Tim' ptitllic is invitod lx) attend. North Dakota 44th Annual Picnic Sun. North 1):tR()ta Association will hold its ,l,tt.h allllllal picnic, Spa- day, in Point l)efinnee Park. at Tacorila, .A]l Nor(h [.)a k()talls a Fe asked 1.o hring a bask(,t of food alld ineet tit the mail/ pi('llie grotnlds. Reeellt arl'ivals 1() this area and military l)ors(snlle] al'e oxteuded a. special Jrlvitali()) lo ai.telld. Coff(.e. ('i'('am and sugar will' be l)rovidcd f¢)r :ill adult registrants ,-II'ld iC(" (')'e:llH 1:Of their ohildretl. l{e:istvalion is by counties elIf] y()u cxtmri(-nce little difficulty Ill h)ca|ing ()M friends. The eommit- l('e trllsts a t'u]] q/lOtll oi' fil'teen nundr(.(l f(')l'rll('r North IlakotaI!s and their friends l() resl)orld Lo this tile ,14th i;lrlllllLil ]iiCI/IC,, C, olden Age Club Cl • S 00et,! July Potluck (hlldeil Age (?11115 will 1t1('(*1 a.t l, be ])/ler;qfirial ltall. TInir.Mlty. ]lily 12:. Tile tlo[liicl< diliner will be .el'\\;'(!(l IlL llOliil. A pJ)ixixinial ely 10(1 rnet'nhers aL- lended the last nieelinlz. Visitors were Mrs l(eiley and Mrs. Martin el G'alifornia and Mrs. \\;,Vhilford I)I TIlC.II)II. Arizopa, The l)rotrain was flirllishod by lhe Shelton Valh,y ill'ell/). The rJ'lille TolJlJers provided illllSie for | h(. dalif:e. (]ohieil A/(o rurilinage sile iS held evel'V ],'i'i(llt v alld Slttllrfl$ly el; Se(qJlllt ;lli(] (f)[$i NAVY MOTHERS Navy Mothers of M'ason County will me(d lor their ret4ular bilsiness sessloi t,siight al 8 p.m. in the 'lelTtorilil Hall. A pl'ogranl of ell- terl:aiilnient is sehedl.)led. Rosie Snlith Will Attend Convention At New Orleans The weeR of .hi]y 9 will find t%osi(., So'litti in New el'leans, at- I.erldirlg tile bieniliai c.(nlventioll of Zonta Interiltilionai. all executive w()meiFs organization. Mrs. school mlrse, will serve '.is official delegate ofsthe local Zonta Club. Tile local Zontians are looking forwal'd t() meeting' interesting leaders fronl all parts el' the world. in add|lion to participatirlg ill file official t;iiSilless trnnsaelions. Nearly 1500 repre,entatives are expected froni most of the 19 e(mntries wllieh have Zont,a Clubs. Special interest centers on Zonta's newest country, .Japan, where the gonta Club of Tokyo was chartered in April. A llighlighl o1' the convention program will be nn address by Dr. Vlrgll|ia L. Senders. Dr. Senders is the professor of psychology and coordinator of the Minnesota Plan ( for WOlllen's eontilluilig edtica- tion l at the University of Minne- sota. A focal point of Thursday. which will be dedicated entirely to Zon- ta's service activities, will be the a]naoune.elnel]t (if this year's win- ners of ionia's Amelia Earhart scholarships. A nnua lly $2500 grants are awarded ill lnemery of Zonta's gr(?a{ aviatrix member. It ts awarded to qualified young V¢Olnell for graduate work ill aero- nautical sciences. A banquet will be held o]1 Thurs- day, 3nly 12. al which tilne the newly elected officers will be in- stalh,d. President Ellen Harris oi = Vancouver. B.C. will preside dur- ing Lhe convention and will re- linquish the gavel to her sueeessor at, the installation service. Shelton Yacht Club Meeting Tonight A regldar blisiness lneeting (if the Sholton Yacht Club will be held tills evemng at the PUD building. Meeting time is set at 8 p.m. All nlelnbers HI'O invited t(5 attend Shell, in Yae]lL lllelllbers enjoyed the crllise it| Me, l.ains Cove yester- day, where rnany boats parlicipat- ed m the boat hoppin K activities. A polhlek picnic was sel'ved. II()ME FIlOM GEIIMANY Mr, allft Mrs, Drlqest t.]arrell t Ma t't]la Ann }-Icl'lYles i reLarned I0 Sheltoll last wei.!Ic MI'. Ha, rrell has beeil sla{ioned wi{h tile army for l lie pltsL 18 lnont hs, aL Fx,,hweinflLrt, Gerrnan y. The eouple (h'ovg l;o Sheltorl from New York ill tlleir Ka.'l'mann Ghia, While liv- ],tl4""hl {tl2Jl}aliV Ihey tlad an op- />()'):l{uiity h) ',;i;it flaly, l,'rancc% i,lid 13orlhl. The c.oui)le will be makh'lg their ]loilio in Se.l tie \\;vhere ]Vll', Harreti will be w'oi'king ill the Eleett'onies ].)eparl.iVl(qlL :it ]oeillI2,'. Presently they are visitinR with their par- elt,q MY. and Mrs. (]eorge Hermes and M3", ali(] Mrs l:obert Canleron all (if Shelton. 'I%VIN i;IRl, Mr. find MFS. Cha I']es Breit- ;;i)reche became the protld parents of twin girls born Sunday, JI,Ily 1. The irls, weighing 5 pounds 12 u/llleeF, and 5 pol!nds 13 ounces, were born in the Seal,tie Swedish Hospital. Tiey join a brother, Michael, who is four years old, Grandpar'nts are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Munson, Silelton and Mr, and Mrs. (lion Breitsl)reelier of Puya llup. The wise marl in he who knowa Lle relaUve value of things. ..... William. Ralph Inge III I SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in uOhr{atmastown, U.8.A."" Shelton, Washington Here's brand-new proof... PLYMOUTH OUTPERFORMS FORD & gHEVROLET III II /lil'" Thursday 1962 i ....... VFW Convention Held At Longview Velerans of \\;Vm'hl \\;V;u' 1 and its Au>:iliarv hehl lheir l-)el)al'tnlent i'7. ) <;'ii : Convent ion ill Lon'view, ,lllllt! 21.)- 23 Ma(tr()ila 146' BItrl+a(']{s a11d Auxilinry weve \\;veil repiesented. TImse atteiitting" fl'onl 1Jle Aux- Him'3, wore Mar.';nerile Ma(iden, ]'n'esidelll lilld delegales Lelltt H.oaeii. Viola Lausen and 13ore{by Adams. President Marguerite Madden was pl'esell|e(I a ll'o}shy froiil ti1(' Deparlnlenl pl'esideilL for having' Ihe auxiliaty \\;\'il]l lile largest Kaip. ill menibershil) during the past year. of all the auxi!iaries in tim !-',1 a It:. The nex1 nleetinK will tie Thurs- flay, July 12 al 8 p.m. in lne Menl,- i)riM Elall. l{el)o)'s of the Con- veal|ira \\;\,ill ise given tit this time. A largo Itlrnont, is expec.ted and refreshlllorits will be served follow- mg the meeting, Dirt Dobbers Regular Meeting On Tuesday Ken Knautz Wins Fine Al00ts Exhibit Academic Honors To Be I h!s I; all At Sea cific Ke.n Kiiaiitz, s)nl: I. f I-e\\;', aiid i heen posl pmed until f'i!l. This will a'it'e I]w vqi'if)llS inier(,slcl M.'l'S. E, (]3. KllalltZ, Ii;ts \\;'£oll lie{l- ' all oppol,tllnitv t() demie honors al. Seattle Pacifi(' exhibitors Colh,o'e f()r the sp)'itlg tiller{el', ()b- (ievoLe more l.inle lo their earl(|us taining a .I.0t) /ra,le a\\;,era4e, ac. ] (,I)je(qs to be put on disl)lay. Noliee e()rdin K it) Ill(, w(,)'d received r'roll will folh)w (if Ihe dale of lhe e\\;(qlt Philip I c. Asht(m, I)e:l)l {)t7 Inslrt!t:- \\;viii(all has beel) of ilileFe:( to io{'.ill lion, painters and erliftslncwL _AA\\;'lirds Ken gradll'<lted with the class of i al'e givoll tO yoi Ilg', llon-I)r(q'essi()li- als ill ol'del' (e dov(dop 1111 illleretgt 1962, receivinK a bachelor of :ti'{<.s iu the fine arts :llld ellcoI I'II;*e llC\\;V degree, lle liliS sigll(!d a ptlblie lalellt, s('ho()l le:i(!hill collll'l('l all(I will ............................ be band and choir director in ll:e Ieavellwortll st'heel district, VFW Auxiliary To Hear Reports V.F.\\;V. Anxilinry will be meet- ing at the Memo:'ial Itall Fri(tay, .hlly 6. t,eports or the department e(mvention will be heard at the meeting to 1)egin at 8 p.m. A large attendallCe is urged to be in'esEnt. (AI,IF()ilN IA GIESTS Visiting" last week at the h(nne of lhe VVall:er Emslup's on Areadi.a 1 end were Mr, and Mrs. L0o leriedt, Neal, iM;iry, and l(arell of Conlp- loll, Califoi'nia. Mrs, D'riedi is tl,e wn-er Lois Suppiee of Shelton. ,10] R.R. probably saved ,126-£272 Seriolls hljllrv last Vednos- TICKETS TO the rotll'illg iN THE Stondt in- to warn the NO eighl -miles-per- TO 0n the lake. 'l"o thal lhe Independent had o))viously Conducted Tours  his craft and tl) avoid Cruises its Rent-A-Car Realizing lhe Hotels & R the situat on, te 1he ]'eSClle lhree- and brought /Viiraeulously dived just Weli D r il i i TheSuffered onlYstoudtrl n-away°f ad-his reircle about for Dirt Dobbers Garden Club will hold its l egular meeting Tuesday, ,hfly 10 at the PUD building. The meeting will start tit 10 a.m. and mem0ers are urged to attend. .................................. ihat the protld O eorisistin #lecked about, S ;;5-hp E That yellow e el'tliser llieal wa than Lh( tiffs cra] decided it here chase of ontboar( a lroubl, and fishi Takinl (hiiies, t; Sonlerse, tc Seatt Saturda 2 some of They co: ;)lr before it came _.:7lake shore Ap- True wisdom is to know what WATER WELLS TEST H0." had taken the is best worth knowing, and to do -- l run and" upon what is best worth doing. .0 ve to tlm rear " --Edward Porter Humphrey  i HH I ii aluggish motor, Deaell Urllllng A1 WR E !gC]  t ;EDE i to c aether Route 3, Box 170, Shelton E when it sud- RETURNS FROM ALASKA ATIILI,;TE'S I,'OOT Also standing IIOIV TO 'I'IIEAT IT-- Ida Do wnie has returned from a Apl)h' h,,(liut dryhlg 'r-.i-l,.,You reel ii LAWRENCE BEDELL :] offer help if DATE SET--Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lee Deffinbaugh announce the visit il:n ner soil lawrenee, alia ial¢l,'hohl h) ehe'l itching. Bl|rllllig) 111 ? lake neigh- engagement of their daughter, Ruth Ann. to David Barnet Har- family, who reside in Alaska. n lu(e I; ten in 3 to 5 day welch . == Route 3, Box 1' ), Shelton . ,. xs),t ripe ie q forenlan in the 1v'\\;V infe('l(,d kili Mough {)ff %Valch hellllhy [• _ r&)m,,,c, t risen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Thomas Harrison of Victoria, a;'"'2:;7:7 .... .-.-.; • - " " ,I,|,, ,'ephu.e it. Ir ,,,l ph,,,s,,d IN olC [I {'none 426-4713 g ..... , Jr. have B.C. Both are jumors at Seattle Pacific College where they will uip lvmi nere. vvmie sne was m IIOUR ymr .18€ back at any drlgl I Itue busy. No be continuing their studies. The wedding date has been set for Aug- Alaska, Mrs. Downie also visited store. 'flOW A'I ' " ]I iIt°ade farewell to ust 25 at the Shelton First Baptist Church. " the Gilbert I(uhnle family, une 25, than • --"  another Cali- Lakewood Youth Promoted ' ,00a,.ti raother, Mrs, At Chureh Banquet N'-="" dl-¢-o_v ,o,n,teenagers' '   ........ 13. These ........  to visit until ! Youth groups of the l:eirst Bap-  N  It Jim tist Chnrch were honored at the the rest of annual Moving-Up Banquet held .' - Friday evening, in the lower audi- torium of the church. , family group Theme of the banquet was "Je- ville Kagers mls, Lhe Light of the World". Rev. week be- Alfred D Sandoval, Minister of and Shirley Christian Education. was the fea- after a two= Mr. and Lured banquet speaker carrying arrived from out the theme ill his address to the young people. Paul • - - mother, Spee, ial nmsic inchided a duet to visit with by Carol and Judy Sandoval ac- ene Killoy) cord|on solo by Bob Leeds and vo- Kagers. cal nnmber by Steve Archer. left for The ]962 prnnmtion was con- laturday eve- ducted by Junior youth advisors, Chapter Mr. mid Mrs. Dave Deffinbaugh; ursday the Jr. High advisers. Mr. and Mrs. e where they Ihmnie Bmmer and Sr. High .. .ng as much leaders, Mr. and Mrs. John ColE,  ",  of the won- Jr.    Situations of so man,,, eon- Use Journal W anl Ads 00<00iel, "inte,.- ng the Kil- ......................................... weekend their Oregon SO0 bulldozer this week- Ralph Emerson e. Mr. and Mrs. I their Abet- readiness uly holiday IV < Conventionally and a house re- were joined rday eve- Stereo in a friends, Mr. - . . %" FJ'i"' , joine(I then, "  - " "  along al of Johnny's _ , H iB "'" He US C OX ..t Be among the first to try this new con- 'llt ets 205 Cota St. venlence food. Penny's Red| Pour Pancake and ....... Waffle Batter eliminates all the fuss and bet ' in making pancakes and waffles. All you do is the 4-I-I I I pour from the carton to the griddle, and Kevin at- ,, pro- "Showdown at Riverside is now over. I£imbel In California at the Riverside Inter- )'ds an in- st for his national Raceway, the U. S. Testing  Delayed action guarantees that Penny's the club Company conducted l0 car-t0rturing events at the request of Plymouth. Red| Pour Pancake and Waffle Batter will never that is Piym0uth won eight of the events, go "flat" An amazing new formula keeps all to attend Chevrolet won one. Ford won one. For the ingredients of wholesome pancakes ready the official results get a free br0- and waiting for you in a handy new manner, eh, b withmet chure in our showroom. Proof that it This batter does not begin to rise until it hits is the Greatest Plymouth Ever Built! The camp II I II I gave a sugar finished Each quart of Penny's Red| Pour makes ,o,. 10  twenty-four pancakes. You can keep Penny's Oil) lf' Suzanne gave a Red| Pour Pancake and Waffle Batter for days '' ttta I N I' R 0 D U and all (just like milk) without losing it's llemeton,. Wash. Ola lUJll! 0 F IF E R Now at your favorite grocery store, the Four 54 will be Off pic- and members Stoy Mrs. Fred dinner of Mrs. ' t-Ioqui- Stuck, James < Tac01Tla, and ANOTHER CONVENIENCE FOOD FROM Kriefels two new = Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's Assn JUDGE FOR YOURSELF-DRIVE APL YMOUTH A #7 * StUCkcalif. class KIMBEL MOT00S, INO, 7o7 SOUTH 1st ST.T Shelton Plant Located at 3rd & Grove @ Pholm 42644"/3 ail Satur- SHELTON, WASHINGTON ,, .... , = N, I visit to lnternat to enabl, the won the nea return h( Gar(ten allayecl s starvatic TilE : son Mih made tb( to theh' of the C their Be tantly S cheered I etnrn f( day. The nr was hut weekend of Mrs. a brief parture ( Mr. and fro- their the welc end gue a busy 1 ter and Hagman assumed of play| eombinel Seattle of the : the Univ Seattle, thirty p confined tween F. Harbor, its activ 02[! Dr, (formerl place) jt neys. A Saturda. swimmir ing in a Daisy's Sunday i Odles wl 2d*eliciou s and Mrs Christim out, Mrs roans en and ram Birchma Janice a :Bob Sa Penny al Carol Tl Bob Bro( Ann and terra|ned land as friend M thorough weekend together LLOYI were ha niece an Dick Ca Coos Ba June 27. baby Jo BL TV Se • Ra¢ • Phc .CB LER( Mt. Vie Tire S, I Mr. Vie* Ne • Rec • Use OK Electl I • Ele( • Wel • Fat 8H EL'I 419 Rat Used ] • ApI • ltlr • Bed KEL 1st & I Dry CI I West| i $2.00 Also (