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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 5, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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s Exhibit fis Fall 'is' Arts t']xhibil of Woman's Club lm. I until f'ttl. This VH ]'i(}llS ill I {q''S[ cl opportunity to 110 10 their v:II'i}ll tt on display. Nolice le dale o17 lhe e\\;qlt of illlC]'ONi tO iOCII L'I'I ft.Slllt'l], A\\;VHI'dS lllg', nOI1-I)t'/:ItCSSIAHI - ' do\\;'{!lop ;111 illlovest { }lnd ellCOlll'll'e llC\\;v ! mNG-P00W Man Saves Boater fr0m Runaway Craft ANGLE TI I{ES. CEI ,101 R.R. A! ,126-8272 TICKETS TO A I N TH E W0RI "- Quick thinking lllliam J. Stoudt, {e Probal)ly saved Ill serious injury lltlig last xredlles- lring tile roaring lOtor, Stoudt in- 4 ing to warn the NO EXTB eighl-m ih's-ler- TO Y( 0,1 th,, l,,le. 'l'o Overed thai lhe .............. *. v| I,i ,,I,,,io,lslv ..... ,-m Ill" ( ll't and NIA (,I;l',SlX ill Conducted Tours trugviln 5.Io 1void week at tile tlonle ig  ,    /4 l " , L;FUISes , i i :-,h 1,'s ,,,, A,',adta | .... at,- t ,.n-:,way md Mrs Ieo Friedt, ill ten-A-uar , ,ealizing lhe .... .  1 Hotels & R!l" the situat on Id l(aFt:ql of Uolnp-il ":lbd . ' ' Mrs. li'rie(lt is ll,e [ .. to the rescue upph:,e or Shelt,,n.' ¢/,u'-,,l, ih,'ey: _22 ..................................................  and brollgnt bre. Miraculously ----  had dived j st ;haVe suffered only i'iec ati°ns l El II ell• I! of his :: Stoudt ad- I: °circle about fm 00ell Urlll I . • : The run-away >r before it came .:,,.lake shore APe ,, had taken th TER WELLS- TEST II0,run and" Ul,,,n ove to the rear dell Drilling ...... ;.t, to offe;" help if LAWRENCE BEDELJ !ir°ther lake neigh- $ 2ollles' Cove (and Tacoma) had an es:pecially delightful weekend in thai. they have jtlst bec'ome the iproud ox{;ners of a boating outfit consisting of a pretty little black- ' flecked fourteen-foot pink rllll- !about, Sabercraft, powered with a ;;5-hp Evinrude outboard nmtor. That natty mahogany and yellow eighteen-foot: Bryaut cabin crtlisel' A'tFve t)een seeing ill Ollr local waters belongs to none other than the Orin Soules. Soule had this craft stored in Portland but decided to bring it up and enjoy it. here in local waters. 'Phe pur- chase of ;t new seventy-hp Mercury (mtboard motor assured them of a trouble-free summer of cruising and fishing. Taking a breather from daily duties, the Don Pogrebas, Howard Somerses and Walt Claytons drove tc Seattle and the World's Fair Saturday evening for a peek at some of the doings on Show Street. They confined their peeking to a visit to Gracie Hansen's Paradis International, ma,qe early enough to enable them to afterward visit the wonderful foreign exhibits in tile nearby booths before their return home. A detour to the Bush Garden for a sukiyaki dinner allayed several cases of impending st arvation. 'rilE DON JOIINSTONS, with Route 3, Box 170, Shelton  son Mike and daughter Debbie, Ph^n  2  41  : rs, Jr. have made their first wsit of the season u   u- / o "g quite busy. No to theh' summer cabin just south :ade farewell to : une 25 t an of the Claytons. They returned to their Bellewm home rather rehm- another. Call- tantly Sunday afternoon but were -- ;t'$ Orn Lakewood cheered by the certainty of their 'l.mend, Mrs. Marti eturn for the Fourth of July holi- mother, Mrs. day. I two teenagers, The north end of Stretch Island . 13. These was humming with activity last to visit until weekend, especially in the Vicinity at young Jim of Mrs. Daisy Bush's beach. With the rest of a brief interim between the de- parture of her gue,ts of two weeks, family group Kagers week be- and Shirley after a two- Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schoonover, for their St. Paul, Minn. home and the welcoming of this past week- end guests, Mrs. Bush was indeed a busy lady. However, her daugh- ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe arrived from Hag'man arrived from Seattle and Paul assumed practically all the duties mother, of playing host. Enjoying their , to visit with combined hospitality were several Gene Killoy) Seattle families, fellow members rVille Kagers. of the Young Marrieds' class at ger left for the University Christian Church In aturday eve- Seattle, and their children, about 'and Chapter thirty persons in all. Not to be hursday the confined by the waters lying be- e where they tween Stretch Island and Fair as much Harbor, the group als0 extended of the won- situations of so man3, con- Which "inter- ing the KiN weekend r their Oregon bulldozer this week- Ralph Mr. and Mrs. .their Aber- .m readiness uly holiday birthday. Conventionally a house re- were joined its activities to the summer place of Dr. and Mrs. Willard Odle (formerly known as the Carpenter place) just north of the John Gur- neys. After thoroughly enjoytg Saturday afternoon picnicking, swimming, boating and water ski. mg in a most relaxing fashion on Daisy's beach the group spent Sunday afternoon as guests of the Odles where they were treated too 2d*elicious bfirbectled oysters by Dr. and Mrs. Odle and children Linda, Christine aud Dean. As it worked out, Mrs. Bush and the Joe Hag- roans entertained Joe's twin sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Birchman and their two daughters, Janice and Joyce; Mr. and Mrs. :Bob Sanderson with daughters Penny and Gloria and their friend rday eve- Carol Tttorp; and Mr. and Mrs. in a Bob Brockway and children Mariel, INTRODUC OFFER s Assn. 6-4473 STON--IAgON COUNT JOURNAl.;- Pubitshe in uOhrMmaM, own, U.:A./'tielton; Washtng01 LEARNING TO RIDE  Four young people from Shelton were learning how to care for a horse and proper riding at W. H. Me- FiB's Little Skookum Ranch last week. Seated on the horses are: left to right,.Judy,Part!ow, Eric H arrls,!: Patty Thomas and Nate RIDERS LEARN HOW TO HANDLE HORSE AT RANCH There is a lot more to riding a to the ranch in the morning and horse than just getting on its back and starting off .... is what W. H. McFie teaches the people who come to his Little Skookum Ranch for lessons in horsemanship. The youngsters, and some older folks who take the lessons, start off with currying the horse prop- erly and its general care and feed- ing. From there they progress' through proper bridling, riding bareback and finally riding with a saddle. Interspersed with handling the horses and riding, are classes in which they learn horseman's lan- guage, parts of the equipment and their function, basic colors and a little about breeds. A visible horse model is used to teach bone structure McFie says he emphasizes the legs of the horse, which are the most easily damaged and which, if damaged, ruin the horse. Another important part of the instruction, he says, is proper use of the bit. Whether or not a per- son gets along' with his horse often depends on how he uses the bit, lIcFie says. The idea is to teach the new riders that the horse is an animal, not a machine, and a large one which a person cannot handle if he does not know how. It usually takes four or five days to glve a class the knowledge of basic horsemanship McFie tries to impart. Classes usnally range in size of four or five persons rang- ing in age from "six to 60,,' he says. The members of the class come and niece Candy Cavanagh, leaving son Mike at home to fulfill the re- sponsibilities encountered when one is steadily employed. Auntid Faye most willingly baby-sat with little John last Thursday enabling the rest of the Cavanagh family to spend the day visiting Century 21 friends, Mr. Ann and Reed while the Odles en- in Seattle. While here Dick spent joined them tertained Mr. and Mrs. rin Hart- his spare time giving his good ging along land as well as'daughter Linda's buddy "Speck" Fredrick a helping friend Marilee Munson who most hand with .his new home now neiders of thoroughly enjoyed the whole under construction at Stadium --------------. weekend! The families that play BeaciL H together stay'together! Fair Harbor Grange is sponsor- LLOYD AND I,'AYE RICHEY ing a concert at the Grapeview were happy to welcome Faye's School at 8 p.m_July 11. Proceeds niece and family, lVfr. and Mrs. will go towardr'emodeling the e t Ill eas Dick Cavanagh wire drove up from kitchen in the school. Music will Coos Bay last Wednesday night, be provided by Earl Robinson, son June 27. With them they brought of Mr: and Mrs. M. J. Robinson, baby John, daughter Iois Lynn Grapeview. (TORY .tt'unflerlirdStg 1 [on- BUSINESS DIRE C mp and o the 4-H Floor Coverings- • :Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mr. View Ph. 426-2292 Service- . Radio - TV Phonograpl : OB 2-way radio LEROY'8 TV SERVICE Mr. View Ph. 426-3172 Tire Service • New - Goodrieh • Recapping • Used OK RUBBER WELDERS Mt. View Ph. 426-4832 Radiator Relir- I , Boiling out • golder]ag • e w cores BOO'S PLUMBING HEATING, SHEET METAL 623 S. 1st. Ph. 426-3483 florist ' , Pla-t for all occalon • owem EVERGREEN FLORISTS 4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 Electrical ' " • IOlectrie Heating • Westinghouse Appliancem • Fairbanks-Mm*se Pumps SHELTON ELECTRIC CO, 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 • Helena Rubinstein cos- metics • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic cos.metics NELL'S PHARMACY Covey Bldg. Ph. 426-3327 Auto Gbss- I • Expert I I nstallatlon ,M "AU-EY ,NC 'th& Railr,oad Ph. 4126-8231 Bike Shop-- • Sales and Repair • Locksmith -.a Keys Made • Hobbles SLEYsTER'S BIKE SHOP Roy Clinton 223 Cota St. Used Furniture -J • Appliances • Furniture • Beds & rattreemem KELLY'S FURNITURE 1st & Mill Ph. 426-2411 Draperies • custom made • free estimates • work guaranteed J. G. PENNEY CO, 305 RR Ave. Ph, 426-8283 and Kevin at- pro- Kimbel rds an in- for his the club that is to attend Club met with I II I I I II I I L The camp gave a sugar s finished Suzanne gave a and all the Four will be ng a pic- 11 and members Stoy Mrs. Fred dinner $tuck of Mrs. I-Ioqm- Stuck, James acoma, and Eriefels two new A son C Tony alif. and Mrs. Ron Stuck Calif. class Satur- Dry Cleaning • Westinghouse Coin Operated • $2.00 for 8 lb. load • Also Coin-Operated Loundry ECON-O-WA8H 13 No. First St. spend the day there until about 3:30 p.m. McFie started the riding lessons i iiii i i1( ,i illU,ll,i ii Three Sentenced By i FLOYD 61BSON Justice  in Belfair I c.,, .oodspo. ,R. ,:,237 Three persons were sentenced by  Our Hood Canal Judge William DeMlero in justice . Representative com't at Belfair last week. Sentenced were RaymQnd K. An- I derson, disorderly c.onduct, 30 days I KIMBEL MOTORS in jail and $100 fim suspendcd on] condition he work 15 days on Bel- /  Chrysler-Plymouth Cars fair work party; Joe Wilbur, petiti International Trucks larceny, 30 days and $100 suspend- I ed on condition lie work 15 days on work party. } i __ j , Les Joslln SUGGESTS/ Vacation time is accident time. More accidents occur during sum- mer when people are enjoying va- Thomas. Holding the horses are McFie's children, left to right, cations. A West Coast Life AceS- Gary, Terry and Sharon. McFie is looking over the young riders dent Policy can help provide to see how well they are carrying out what they learned, against financial loss. this spring to give persons living could be used to pull a rack'for a in town Who have little chance to it hay ride if some organization were have access to a horse a chancel interested' to learn the fundamentals of rid- ........................................... mince he started the venture, he says, he has found an increasing LIIIII • A¢¢ID|NI • ltlALlrlll amount of interest ill riding. In addition to the several rid- 1627 SUMMIT DRIVE • PHONE 426-6373 ing horses at the ranch, there are several ye.arlings and a team of draft horses, which, McFie says, CHUCK STEAKS U.S. Choice, Verifine, 7-Bone Cuts Ideal to Barbecue 55 BE 57 c c EF ARM ROAST Ib u.s. Choice, Semi Boneless, Lean 59 c RATH DAINTIES 79 c GROUND CHUCK Fresh, Lean, We Guarantee It BONELESS SMOKED RATH SMOKIES .,45' RED SNAPPER Boneless Fillet Cluster 8 Pack "'MBURGE. BU.s 3/95* C/uster 8 Pack .o ooo -oN ............ /o=, 9 4 Roll Pack c BUTTER.ORs 29¢ ca .................... EASY ONE DISH MEAL $ PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 5 - 6 - 7 RIGHT TO LIMIT CORN LARGE, PLUMP EARS 100059 c ,., LETTUCE 29 c TEWE9 TUmaluco 1.. ' =" POTATOES No, 1 Callf White Rose ib J/ZII/'€ OLE POTATOES 14-o,. T,Ns 10/ ?,n nu6TflES "u"J2z. T,,s 4/$1 auu- --"'_7..'_=-- HjT'S ...... 4/Sl ToMT0 , dUllUt ........ 4:.OZ.]IIII .,.. GRAPES FANCY G'RDL: SEEDLESS |b LI c TOM/frO S/ill'liE "2..".L%z. TI.S •/ ' Shurfine I.lai dtee 2-oz. ,,Q¢ JAR ........................ '= ' --DARIGOLD CHEESES!-- Ni JIFFY 40-OZ. PKG. 8HURFINE 3 LB. TINS OHEDDAR OHEESE GAL. 5¢ OFF DARIGOLD 16.oz. cut 49 `¢ EVAP. MILK o,,,oo.o ,,y..oz. 6/79' INSTANT HILK CARNATION __ HILLS BROS. t4 N U T ........  QT. PKG. 5 eurre00 COFFEE ':::: . o... o...o o...o 99 ' 1 LB. TINS 2 $4 4 u € $9' ,L It " o SERVE-U SAVES-U DOLLARS! RALPH'S l on Ilillcrest OPEN ON SUNDAYS is a Where Satisfaction 'Buy' Weird i i i i i ii iii i iiiiili iiiii RITZ ¢RA¢KERS 16 OZ. PKG. 1