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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 5, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Publishecl in Uhristmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton. Washin &apos; , i J For Sale For Sale i |l.ll = i ................................................. ----U--:-- TOP SOIL gravel F. E. MOSS IN YOUI J,AWN? Now mtne )g(in• 426-6156• ' fill dirt,2/12 tin time to apply Mossite from Gra- stone of Shelton. Free use of spread- CHR][ST-IXST()W-N--U\\;-STA-Tr-%Ub6ei: er• Phone 426-6661• d/19 tin stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 ......................................................... each. 227 West Cota. 12/1 tin MEMBERSHIP in Shelton Golf Club. $100 value for $75. Terms. 426-3649. B 4/5 tin ELECROLUX SALES, service and supplies. John Rice. Phone. 426-6108• Free demonstrations, R 1/7 tfn NEW lifO0 WATT, 110 volt light plantl trailers, boats, campers. $198,50. Saeger Motor Shop, 426-4602, 12/7 tfn O'0" CAN PIJM=P more water and tnger with Fairbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelton Electric Co•. 419 Railroad. 3/16 tin Rro-a BLACK OP SOIL, fill dirL and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- dolmen, phone 426-3552. John's Creek Sand and Gravel. Bayshore. 7/25 tin SEI "GRAYSTONE R PYLONTth-e amazlng. Inlproved finish for floors and furniture that lasts and lasts and lasts. 6/25 tfn ', KODAK 35 mm fully auto'ma't camera. $89.50 - $69•50. Ziegler's .... gan'5.,,.S!'.t': .................. 7A s FOR SALE -- Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts• All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co.. First and Mill, phone 420-8626. 9/8 tfn FOR 8AJ u.  Large seteetlo.n at re- conditioned ranges, refrigerators, wshers, dryers. Eella & Valley AP- MINIATURE FLOWEt arrazimu.ts, Your Craft, Hobby and Health cor- ners. Bar-Din, 520 Franklin. Open Thursday and Friday. B 6/22 tfn N"N--WiL 2qOT clAcl', -*v ur p.eel. PePmanent finish and sealer, sees not discolor with age. See S/21 tin Graystone. D---'CI BOY PAINTS  We are vi, ma Sundays, Shclton Marine, Hillcrest Hardware• 426-8163. 3/29 tfn Galbraith Golf Green. Graystone of heltun. 426-6661• 4/19 tin L0W REy--O-KiXil--sXfsi-C-JTi-ziY ' Music Box, 205 Cota St. 4/12 tin -RiNTXt :QU1PM ENT ............. cIIaIN SAWS. Rotary Lawn Mowers, Reid Lawn Mowers. Garden Tillers, Floor Waxers and Polishes. Wheel Barrows. Electric Saws. Electric Drills. Saber Saw. Sanders• Exten- sion Ladders, Step Ladders, Pipe Wrmmhes• Sheiton Marine Supply, 426-8168. 6/7 tra L-D'-dR6WTi-I + ",7 -iT-lTK f&-Xiiy length, Phom Oliver Pc,try, 426- 2352. 4/20 lfn ,q]SH:he-w " tur ties: aiid-g01df|sli bowls. 4'JJ-4378. 638 Arcadia. V 4/12 tin lJSED Hattlnan 3-]lln eao)era. Good eondJtlen. $19.50 with cast:. ZJeglcrs Camera Sllop. 7/5 ]F--'C'/RIETS - I(0K (l/fll-illl-d " d{'i:ar. ,•(*iliOVv tile Spots (is ih'y appenz" with Blue Luslre. Lulubornien's Iercan- tile. Conipany. 715 SLALOM SKI for sale $8 or best ofter, Used very little. One ste,el folding cot $3. 50-egg incubator $6. Phone 426-8457, S 6/2i 7/5 sliop of hundred of "hand-rondos" 520 Franklin. Open Thursdays. and Friday. g 5/2d tfn L'ATEMODEI 23 fi-'I'l:aveh'ze trailer $1000 off purl:base Prii'.(L Twin hi,de. t;ii,clri(, biliuket,% disl.,s ;lll(i CA)Ilk- war(;, Se,lf contained. Call TR 7-5432 H 6/28 tfn iVT:X-i-6---MD-R-I --"PYLON liquid transparent plastic coating, never needs waxing, polishing or scrub- bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out. See Graystone. 5/25 tin SAVE ONE-1IALF on used Polai;¢itd Csmt.ra -- Like new• $49.50 with flash, giegle I' Studio and Camera .. Shop. 7/5 PIONEER-SAWS-sales- and-sorvice. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hlllcrest Hardware. d26-8163, 3/29 tin RABBI T'-IfTtYERS "f6- s-al eT-al so rab- bit fertilizer. Phone oders between 1 l).iii, and 4 p.m. Phone 426-3626. Mc 11120 tfn EMEiSON -TV - vnd- S tereoTS}e them at Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota St• 4/12 tfn Music Box, 205 Cota St.. phone 426- 4302. 2/1 tfn FOR SALE--WOOD -- 16-irish and over,,,- Slab $12.50 a cord: Pole wood $14 cord• Phone 426-4867. S 10/12 tfn 8- iiEOE- Wa] niif--d i 7/iitg-TiT-witl?-ii double, faced pad• $50. 426-3159. C 6/28 - 7/12 Zeiss 351nnl automatic /it our new discount price. Reduced from $132.50 to $99.50. Limited thne only. Zle,gler's Camera Shop. 6/28 tfn #UCHSIA87-65c__H/nging--6askets 3 Lalaesldc Primrose fJarden• Mud Clay, Spencer Lake. 6128 - 7/265t dition, automalic timer, $35. Call 426-8520. ' E 7/5-12 Fi:i f£co Uiffifi- i "= TY -?.t 75 i)-I; A-I shape, $50, (Jail 426-6734, T 7/5-19 nu it Used Cars Sporting Goods EVINRUDE SALES and semtce. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware, 426-8163. 3/29 tin EVINRUDE SALES and service. S"- out-board serviee, Hood Canal Mar- ina, Union. TW 8-2252. 3/15 tin 15 H.P. OUTBOARD, slightly used and 16 ft. boat. Ideal fishing setup. $2(m. 426.4428. J 5/10 tfn BOATST- MOT61fS?'TRKfiERS,"45ip: ment at Walt's Marine uppiy, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoode- port TR 7-5244• 1119 tin 8 X 40 YAMATOI Binoculars $39.95 - $32.95. Zle, gler's Camera Shop 7/5 7-FIP,-Evlnrud( used little, 'i'n'ex- eellent condition. $90.00. Call 426-6811 B 7/5-19 For Rent m FOR RENT -- TWo room furnished. heated apartment• Adults only• In* qnire 311 No. First, phone 426-34)25. P 6/28 tfn 2 BEDROOM home partially furn double garage, close to downtown. Call 426-8166 after 6 p.m. B 6/28 tin FOR RENT -- Modern year-round waterfront home, ten miles from Shelton, large area, fruit trees, $125 per nlo. phone Taconla SKyline 9- 1600. F 6/28 tfn Ideal for older couple or single per- son. Phone 426-6785• P 6/21 tin downtown with stoves. References. Phone 426-3218. B 6/21 7/5 you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments now available by day, week or nmnth. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. 7/16 tin GOLDSBOROUGH T--RAE P-'---P- Convenient to mills and downtown 1956 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, 4-door. stores. City sewer and water. At All the goodies! Good condition, highway bridge. S 414 tin Call 426-8674. C 4/26 ifn :/f-ij.RIS--i.-ct.--i-i-({l].i.-C,.iod---l.: UNFURNISHED two-bedroom "house. Available June 23• Wired for electric dJtion. 135.00. Phone 426-3016 after waslmr and dryer. $55 per month. 6 p.m. 1 6/28 - 7/12 Inquire 642& Dearborn. P 6/21 tin 1955 LI NC.() LN-i.()l{;ee rl l b h-. '$500.- 200 S,)ath Olynlplc lttway. Phone 426- 4io5. S 6/28-7/lZ (;O KART -- rear w]leels, drive wile,el arid axles. $20. Clinton engine. 2Vz h.p.. $20. Both good as new• Also re- palr 2 eych! engln(,s. Pilonc 426-6534. .................................. K 7_/5-12 2t BOATS -- 8 and 10 ft, prams, $40 and $60; I2 ft. fisherman, $80; runabouts 12 and 14 ft., imnmdiate delivery. Any size on order. M. J• Booker, 1015 E. Dearborn. 426-8511, Bar- Din, 426-6837. B 12/14 tfn 16 FOOT DAY Ct%UISER 'L_ Good con- dition. 20 h.p,, Arnolt inboard, Vee l}oitoilJ Exc(.llell I for year round sa]lnon fishing, $750, or trade, for # ) ,2 1957 liicknl), thiiri( LS 3-68d5 rein- erich or EA 5-8955, Se, attlc. D 6/1d tin 1)55- TItfuMiH-iio;,;iT(i'Ycf75175: V/rY u'odd condition. Phone, 426-2009. Jack BaJ'nes, 435 Fairniont. B 6/21 7t5 16 FOOT IURCHCRAFT- boat con- vertibic top, steering wheel, dual eoni('ol4. 1956 15 h,I). aid 1957 7/ b.p. Eviarudes with cruiscaday tanks. 31.l too €,al)a(:Jty. 19,58 Elgin l)'lllhu' willl st)il'(, lh(! and ",viii,el, $70t). ,t26-6785, M. A. 1)ickinson, ...........................................................  (! ___q n CASH PAID FOR Good, Oloan, Used Furniture and Appliances. CA00- KELLY'S FURNITURE 4262.11 FOR DEPENDABLE APPLIANCE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS OALL YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Lumbermen's Mercanlilo Uo. 3rd and Railroad Phone 426-$211 YOURS AT COST PRICE while they last HOTPOINT APPLIANCES Washers - Dryers - Ranges Refrigerators USED AS DEMONSTRATORS IN HIGH SCHOOL HOME ECONOMICS CLASSES THIS PAST YEAR LIKE NEW -'-. FULLY 6UARANTEED EELLS VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER Where You Get The Best Deal, By George | HA 6.4663J I "WE SERVICE ALL THAT WE SELL" For Rent FOR RENT -- Twb bedroom unfurn- ished apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2499, or 426- 2446. B 5/18 tfn FURNi-SH ED APART M EN l'[lab at Goldsborouh Apts. S 4/4 tfn FOR RENT  AcrOss from Evergreen school, spacious partly furnished apartment. View window, every room overlooking garden, carport, laundry included. $60 month. Adults. Inquire 818 Pine St, Apt, 4, 426-3857. 4/26 tfn #OR RENT .L One-bedroom furpiih-- F house, water and garbage furnished Phone 426-8150. N 5/25 tin month and up, Downtown location, Phone 426-3011 evenillgs. 6/7 tin units ideal for slnile men or we- .men. Also attractively furnished one nearoora apartmentl All untlllties furilished, except lights. Reasomible. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. 12/4 tfn SPACIOUB'-and IW6 rurniShe¢l bedroam apartments, lots of eloeets, clean ana neat. :Very pleasant place to llve. Edgewood Apartments. Air- port, 426-3772. S 3/19 tfn FOR-RENT--6[.--s-ale.-Y-'L'ge one bed- room house, close to school, fenced yard. Phone 426-2259. S 4/26 tin u i C!assifled Service EXPERT AUTO GLASS mtallation. Jim Pauley Ins. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231. 4/2,8 tfn ReeliNG,' blown rock Wool 'qnula. tton guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn PTOI and "rozer, re: conditioned, reasonable. aelton Re- frigeration Servioe. 315 C0ta, phone 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 tfn FOR" EXpERT" MASONRY, flrbplkces, chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason, 426-2278, 9/1 tin ARTIFICIAL BP,EDING service pro- ven. and hlghly olaSslfled sires. Dairy. beef and charolals, $7.00. Pi- per Brothers Inc. John Caulfield, 426-2084. . , C 12/15 I/n are open SundaYs. Shlton Marine ibOR RENT ---T Small fui:n{d7'd hotls-e Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. downtown. Available July 1. Phenol 3129 tin 26-3104. W 6/21 tfn ............................................ %..-- .... . ............ ----=;-lEAVE GUN WILL SPP,,AY! Exterior •  £1J. -- Two room CaDUl wl[n i and interior Free eUmates, Work bath. one mile out Cole Road. Phone[ uaranteed " Bennett Palntillg Co, 426-6769. E 6/21 tfn[ honc 426:318, ' 5/10 tfn hedroom apartment downtown, 123] stalls,ions oil ec/nversions. helton Alder• Adults. Phone, 426-3535. Irurnace o. 321 So. Third• Dial 426- G 6/21 tin 6121• ' 5/1 tin CiX "R-A-G E" "F'( J R--RE NTff -a- t--d "°ids bor - -0"  i He U S E -VXiJ LS: -l(i,;'e I i ii'g,- b-ui i¢-le'ad s apartments, south scdbnd. $6 month. $5/11 tin vilcges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone d26-3487. R 4/19 tfn Fc)i RENT -- Reed Apt--2 bedroom, unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- Btssonierc Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4336. D 3/29 tin available June 14. Phone 426-4505 between 6 and 7 p.m• 5/31 tin __ i FOR RENT Large front, upstairs room -- for light honsekeeping. Ev- erything furnished including clean linen. Phone 426-3643 or 426-4679. 4 room house downtown location, partly furnished --- wired for washer-dryer -- adults -- $60 per month heat, garbage included. Phonc 426-3643 or 426-4679. R 7/5-19-3t Boat Building Ropalrs Flberglassing Seaswift Marine 2316 Olympic Hwy. o. Phone 426-4652 L i SEPTIC TANKS Drain field, Digging, Sewer| Marr Const. Co. ] Phone 426-3053 Rt 3, Box 623 I If no answer, Phone 426-6183 i . ] i and general mason work. Call Hodgsons first! Phone 426-6844. ' H /21 tfn in state,. Pllone Olympia FL 7-5858, Robert Shumate, Olympia. S 6/21 tfn Pets, Livestock m FOR SALE -- Fresh cows or trade for be.e(. Also logging team of horses with harness. Rochester. Rt. 1 Box 35[). Phone BR 35779. C 6/28 tin 'URR6, saddfe'Tind"b¥tdle:-$f6-O.-Owh- er. 426-8132. R 6/7 tfn #b'R--SALE -- Quarter horse mare. Good riding horse. Hoodsport TR- 7-5545. A 6/14 tin T Wb-- YEllR--s-{ ail 18 h,-- ila I - Quai'th'r- horse, sired by Yellow Jeep. $250• Phone evenings 426-3748. S 6/21 tin Hay & Feeds m ii I ,Top Quality Bud Cut ALFALFA DAIRY HAY -- We Serve the West Coast Load Lots Only - Call Collect Ev. Quincy Hay & Grain Co. George & Marysville, Wash. Sunset 1-2180 ans. OL9-2003 in| i i i The JOURNAL i lee , ,,, DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Phone 426-6364 Moving Anywhere In Mason mty ]J i [ USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES LUMBERMEN'S MERC Home Furnishings -- 2nd Floor Wrested WANT TO BUY -- 40 to 80 unimproved aeres on road. Write Ward, 801 Dart- .... i}lo_uth,.Tacoma 66. Wash. 6,'28-8/9 BABY-SITTING WANTED -- Loving care for your children in my home,. Phone 426-6991. A 1/11 tfn TREES TOPPED. trimmed, removed• Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4823. 2/13 tin WE BLr scrap iron, batteries, radia- tors. copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn CHAIN X--W---S-XPtYff-G, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tfn HANDY MAN =- O-d jobs! If you think tt can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn SAW -FI-L-fN-G- r in d In g an---e-2tofi= tag. All Wrkguaranteed. Ted Ber- 'ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433. 3/8 tin WANT!D -- 1000 recappable tires. OK Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tfn V-OMq--WANTS-WORK-of-any kind by day or hour, Call 426-4378 eve- nings. V 6/7 tin home, 8:30-3:30 fiv.e-day week Call 426-6625 after 4 p.m. H 6/14 tfn Glanmrous Profession looking for ua[ifled applicants, Free training, all 426-2417 for appointment. V 7/5 Real Estate LARGE THREE bedroom heals, fam- ily room with built-in broller, wall- to-wall carpeting, range. Disliwashcr, washer, dryer. Phone 426-8078, S 6/7 tfn FOR SALE -- Eight clm-ic'-el wood: ed lots. Electricity and water avail- able. Located behind Robin Hood Inn on Canal. Call 426-3548 after 5 p,m, K 5/31 tfn , Legal Publications No. 3370 NeTlikE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY. IN PRO- BATE Ie the Matter of tle Estate of Aaron Henry Fagergre,n, Deceased. Notice Is herel)y given that the ilndersigned has ])Cell appointed and }]as <qualified as Executrix of the Estatc of Aaron Henry Fagergrcn. de- ceased: that all persons having claims against said decease,d at'(; hereby re- quired to serve the same. dnly verified, on the ulldorsigned cxceutrix or he,r attorney of rce.ord at the address be- low slated and file the same with the clerk of said court, together with proof of such service within six months after the date of the firsl publication of |his Uoticc or lhe same will be barred. Date, of first publication. June 28, 1962. EVELYN VICTORIA FAGERGREN Executrix of said Estate RALPH R. GILBY Attorney for Estate. Office and Poster(ice Address: 202 Thurston County Savings and Loan Building 5th and Capitol Way -WOMEN]"! .......... Olympia, Wasiiington. 6/28-7/5-12 - 3t FOR SALE or trade, modern furnished country lome fro' 35 ft. or large,r house trailer. Phone 426-6732 or 426- 4026. Mc 6/28 tfn 612 Turner, good price rang for numy attractive features. View of Olympics and city. :FHA availabh,. Owner transferred to Tacoma Phone 426-8584. Full basenent, B 6/28 ttn T-]-IIEE"BEI)ROOM-older houPe on choice corner lots at 522 No. 7th. Owner at prenliscs. B 7/5 tfn BEA.UTIFUI - lot 0n LliKe "- lh111 lps, $1200 cash. Take car, boat. traih!r ctc. for equity, G. Johnston, Hoods- port, TR "I-5439. 7/5 T'W0-"-REDROOM--pt rtly furnished suburblin and |hi'el! bcdroon] sob- urban hoeies. For sale or h'ase. Phone 426-4147. S 7/5 tfn FOR'- SALE"qL- 4 --b(",(t};()'0n{" heine full basenie,ut, garage. Will acecpt car or outboard llloter or nlakc otllor arl'angcnlcnt s for down paylllent• Take over I)aynlents. California owner must sacrifice. Call 426-8584. D 6/28 trn SI:IiEE-ACRES.-2-i'0(;m heust  -llcw pinup and well. $2500. Terms con- sidered. 426-8397. O 6/28 tfn sEVEN .... ROOM ...... Waterfront l]oine. Walker Park addition 2 bcdroonis. 1/: hath. recrestion room 2 fh'e- places, double garage, dishwasher, carpeting. Shown by appoinlnmnt. Phone 426-6686 or 426-4364 F 6/28 tfn F(J-R--h. LE-U---;t li'e e-b ed r o011/"" partly furnished beach cottage, n)odern 50 ft lot Baysh re. th'llh, d well. 426- 4607. L 6/28 tin F0 R- SX fTE--:--w-i i i - i.iST{---[t-ii- n to buy -- Three bcdrooni Hillcrest lloine. Exe,ellent conditi m. new nat- m'a[ wood kitchen, diesel furnace. convenient to stores and scho()l, q[l consid(r any reasonable arrange- mont. Total price, $10.500. Plmnc 426- _._.6584. 6/21 7/5 FOR S ALE'-''- Fo til:: becl/;o olii - -}lous on Anglos,de, two-'car garage, dou. ble corner lot. Call 426-3184. H 5/31 tin i Miscellaneous JEROME BU liKE GARDEN rotovating field plowing, barnyard fertilizer,', well-aged alder sawdust, pit run gravel, conlpost fertilizer. Phone 426-3678. 4/5 tfn '* Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tfn i 1 i I , , i BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 tfn i HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHAI{PENED 200 E, PINE H 2/8 tin WANTED Ueed Furniture Eells & Valloy Applianoo Oenter w., Buy or ConBig Your Washer.Dryer Headquaders , 0old Slorage Lockers T A forrm,t 't00i i' Lemke's Serv,ce 0 T Phone 426-677?:. 6 INell Drilling Always lhe bed deal, by George! Ph°n?+422;4245 at Eells & Valley 2nd &Cota St. Phone 426-4663 3/2 tfn ALDER LOGS WANTED 8' Multiples, Long Logs, 10  Minimum Diameter, $45. HUNT'S MILL, Gorst 6/14 - 7/5 4t Real Estate HOUSES -- Three-room, 200. Five- room, $4200. 10% down. $50 per me. Neat" Dayton. 426-6837. B 5/25 tfn ONE ACRE on Bayshore highway. well, septic tank an(I bulkhead. Young fruit trees. $3500. $1000 dn. Bardin's. phone 426-6837 evenings• B 5/24 tin $500 DOWN--S50 per month, Two be-- room home on two lots• Good loca- tion. Call 426-6510. B 5/17 tin f07)--]B-0T isl'an-dL-aice 7cc b, Fireplace, electric beat. Breezeway, garage, yard and shrubs 'in. 426- 3265. P 6/21 7/5 1 E W- i:I-6 6"DCA-N kL- b-i{ a6 il': l-6717e'--6-rT nlile north of Union City. Two bed- rooms. With fire,place. $19.800. Call White,hall 8-041d Olympia. B 6/7 tfu lrT-gi',W7 -fah'ly--n-eWl -fli-rgc-'ld- room house, fireplace, $1.000 down. Assunie, FHA nlortgage,. Phone 426- 6371. H 5/3 tin Z R CA Di A"-i s ($i N T -C-- Th-i:5 - +b"e-dTo'-0- raelblcr, electric heat, 85 feet tide- lands, low bank. Owner .126-6811• B 6/1.1 tfn FOR S ALE--- Ti{÷'eh- "be-dl.o--)6 6 bath and half. fireplace, electric heat call 426-2240 We,ekdays after 5 I,m. B 4/12 tfn NEW - ]t 61vl E-=- - - IC x;-(T118,{ {--Tl6Tit-w lees,ion, throe bedrotnns, 2 baths, panelled living ('ooni, R. 1-]. Kecnan, 2nd and Birch. K 6/21 tin lots. In¢lulro 1726 Stewart street or phone 426-8150 N 7/23 tfn MUST SACRIFICE two-bedroom Hlll- (:rest home. furnished or unfurn- ished, large garage, corner lot, close to school and stores. Must move. Will sell at re,al bargains. Phone 426- 8549 afternoons or cvenings. • -. M 12/14 tfn FOR SALE Two older dwellings on East Pine for a handyman. $5.000 -Bedroom home at Union heing remodeled (not waterfront). $8,0or • Ii • BILL PEARSON 125 N. 5th Phone 426-3061 n 1 i HOOD CANAL 20 acres rich valley land, 4 bed- room home, barn with 14 stauch- ions. Beautiful year around creek ou school-bus liue. $18,000, fezzes. • * :It Beautiful Hood Canal view lots, $2,000 and np. Quiet river frontage $30 per foot. Hood Canal Real Estate & Insurance Co. Hoodsport Unlon TR 7-5211 TW 8.2263 REAL ESTATE 119 acres with large year around stream, approx. 35 acres pasture ]and. Homestead type home, large barn, orchard. 10 miles from Shel- ton on county road. $16,000. Own- er will listen to offer. $ $ $ Two bedroom, partly (urn,sited, wall-to-wall carpet in living" and dining rooms,  basement, rougll- ed-in third bedroom• Fantastic ma- rine view. 1'/, acres ground• Large sun porch, beach privilegcs. $14, 775, term negotiable. TWo bedroom Ranch-Style homc plus family room with fireplace, fenced yard, hothouse, fruit trees, garden area, Carport and boat hed. Arcadia St., Shelton. Owner leaving town. REALTY BRITE STAR Route 1, Bo× 13o Hoodsport Phone TR 7-5439 o1' Evenings ,, IdA 6-6227 oz' HA 6-8682 , I , r ' y Legal Publications CAUSI,: ::0. 77:;7 NOTICE el," Slll+]ItIl:F'S SALE OF ltl&l, ]1,,:, i'A'l'l' Uuder (hnerlil .lJXt'l?llil(ili IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 2'1t;+ STATE OF WASHINGTON 'O. MASON COUNTY HAROLD E. ALLEN and PEARL ALLEN, his wife, Plaintiff vs. M. J. WHITCHURCH and MARG- AI{ET WHITCHURCH, his wife,, Dc- tendant. Und(;r and by virtuc of a general ex- ecution issued out of and under the seal of the, Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for said Coun- ty, on the 10th day of April, 1962, upon a judgment renciere.d in said Court on the 24th day of June,, 1960, In fa- vor of HAROLD E. ALLEN and PEARL ALLEN, his wife, and against M. J. WHITCHURCH and MARGAR- ET WHITCHURCH. his wife, judg- ment debtors for the sum of $779.00 plus interest at 6 percent per annmn, of which there is due, and ow- ing the, sum of $361.74 together with attorney's fees, interest, costs and in- creased costs, and to me directed and delivered, I did on the, 11th day of April, 1962, levy upon all the right, title and interest of said judgment debtors in and to the following de- scribed property to satisfy said Judg- nmnt, to-wit : East one-half of the SE,4 of the SW A. Section 17. Township 23 North, Range 1, West, W.M., except public road right of way. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Friday, the 13th day of July, 1962, at 10 o'clock in the Forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgnmnt, toge,the,r with attorney's fees, in,crest, costs and in- creased costs, in all amounting to the sum of $544.87 Dollars, Plus Sheriff's ; Costa and cost of Public,at,on. Said sale will take place at the East door of the Court ouse, at Shel- ton, Washington in said County and State, and will be at public auction, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder• Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 7th day of June, 1962. W. A,, POTTER, She,riff of said County. By Thora Wolf, Deputy. 6/14-21-28 7/5-12 5t iN()TICIg TO Bll)DElt So:lied bids for the removal of It surpitls buiidfng situated hnl(lediateiy north of Building No• 120 (Olynlpic Drill Conipany) ou the She.Itch Ah'port in Mason County, Washington will bc ree,civcd by the Port of Shelton np to 3:00 July 1(,}, 1962, at the, efficc of Janio Patllcy, 5th and P.ailroad ave- • Aue, Shelton, Washington, prcside,nt el: the said Port of Shelton. Bids will bt! opened at the regular niecting of the Port Comnlission in the ),Jason County courtliousc at the sail1 date and time. The huilding is to be COml)lc.te,ly rcnioved and the ite, cleared within 60 days ot' signing of contract between tile Port of Sllllton and the success- ful bidder. Eaeh bid shall be accompanied by :, bid l)roposal deposit in the feral of d eaf)liCl'S cheek, nloney order, or rorety bid bond to the Port Ceramis- t}ion for L SUnl no, leSS , tllan five llcrce,ut of ,he amount of the bid and no btd shall be considcre,d unless ac'- companied by such bid proposal de- posit. Further infornullion nmy be obtained ILv contacting AI ,terrier, manager of Ihe Port of Silclto?l at the Bcckwith Apartments, Shelton. Washington or Jaeies Pauley at "the Jioi Pautey Motors, 5111 and Railroad Ave,sue, Shelton. Washington. T]lv Port of Sheiton reserves the, right to reject any or all bids, Dated at She,lton. this 28th day of June, 1962 By George Nichols, Secretary of the Port of Shelton 7/5 - 12/2t OBDINANCE NO. 69S AN Olt l)INANCE 1,,'STABLISIIING LOCAl. 1M1)ItOVEMENT DISTRI(YI' NO. 17 That t Pe, tition to establish a Local Improwment District was file,d by the l)roperty owners pursuant to R.C.W• 35.43.110, it r, opy ot which is ell file with the City Clcrk and preliminary estinlate and asseSSlllent roll has bceu co(upile.d aud pros,rated to the City Coanuission pursuant to R.C.W. 35.,]3.- 130. THEREFORE, THE C1TY COMMIS- SION OF THE CITY OF SHELTON, MASON CO U N TY, WASHINGTON, does (Irdain as follows: " SEC'TION 1: That in pursuance of the Prov sions of Chapter 95 of tlm Sesston Laws of 1911, Laws of tile Stat+ of ..... -' washington, and sue,] acts of Legislature as are supplenle,ntary and uniendatory thereto (R..C.W. 35.43.010 et seq•) it is hereby ordsined that the slre,ets be urfaced in the following descrlbed area, to-wit: A tract of land comprising apari of Cllanan's Mountain View Addition to the City ot Shclton, Mmson County, Washington partlcuhu•ly described as folh)ws : ' . Beginning at the SW corner of Lot 5, Block 7 Callanan'., Mr. Vic.w Anal- , on to tim City of Shelton, Mason County. Washington, as recorded in the Auditor's Ofl'ic< of Vohnuc 'I of phlls, Page 76, tlh  ue, N 28°28 . W. 300 feet to Ill(*. S. nlargin of I stree,t; thence N. 61°32 ' East 100 fe(:t; thence N. 28<>28 ' W. 60 feet; thence S. 61°32 ' W. Ill0 feet to the S%V corner of Lot 5, Block ,l Callan in'. Mt• Vie,w Addl- tion; thence N. °6°28' W 660 Icct to tlle southerly marghl of 'K' Strce,t and the, NW corner of Lot 1 Block 1 Callanan's Mt. View Addition: thence, N. 6132 ' E. 260 fc(t; thence S. 28°28>i i 660 f(ct to the mwtherly margin of T Slrect, the,nee S. 61°32 . W. 100 foct; lheuee S. 28°28 ' E. 60 Ice,; to the NW corner Block 8 Callanan's Mr. View Addition; tlmnce N. 61 ° 32' E. 190 feet; thence S. 0°27 ' W. 3,12,8 feet; lhenee S. 61°32 ' W. 24.25 feet: to the SW corne,, of Block 8 Callanan's Mr. View Addition: thcnec S. 28%',8" E. 60 fcet: theuce S. 61"32' W. 60 feet; to the NE corner, I,ot J IMock 9 Ca]a- lian's Mt. View Addilion; lbcnce S, 28°28 ' E. 60 f('et; t]]em'e S. 61°32 ' W. 220 feel; ,hence N. 28°28 ' W. 90 feet; 1.o lhc cenler liue of 'II' Streei, the.nee N. 61"32' E, 100 feel; thenc.c N. 28"28' %V. 30 feet; thenc.. N. 61°32 ' E. 20 fee,t to the Point of beginning, AND t{eghllling at file SW eorner of Lit 4 Iloek 9, CHlanan's Mr" View A(liiitiol' t ) tl)c City of Slvlton. Mason Counly, Wlishiligllin, as I"etn'ded ill Ihe Au- ditor's of(lee in V,Ilunle ,I ,)f Plats, l)age 76; ,hence e,Ol'l]l(,astel'lV 61°32 ' , 100 f st; Ih(ne(. N. 28<'28 '. W. 6(10 feet hi l]ic SE eoriler i)f Lot 10, Block '7, C, allanan's MI. Vicw' Addition: ,hi'nee N. 61°32 ' E i20 feet to the SW lual'g a of (allallilii Strect thence n,) 'tJ e' r t n i,m w, sl eiarghi +of Cal- [alllill Slreet a distance of 205 feet; Ihcne, . 6132 , W. 120 fe,et'. ,hence N, '78"'}8' W. 575 foot hi lhc soulll- westll'Jy I)lai'gin (jr K Slreel and NIQ (.tlrner of Lot 10. B1,)v.k 1, Caltan+m's Ml. View A(h ( t 1' } ent'e  61°32 ' W..(0 het aOllg SW liltrgiu of l( Sl I'eet ; lh(ln,e 28<':]8 ' E. 600 feet ; th?oe.c S. 61"32' \\;¥. ]20 feet to the ARCADIA POINT WATERFRONT "ARKADA PARK" View lots, all utilities, private dock. By Owner. Phone d26-4252 days --'426-6530 evenings Write P. O. Box 37, Shelton A 4/5 tin ROTT ASSOCU Broker Walter 426-6642 E M HOME. Corner, 1 inside, 6( ¢ Legal , rT'2111ali BEDROOM HOME, Mll barbecue, Fu|i price $8: nm'ti,easteriy n}argliti then(( S 8°28 ' E. IINW 3 ---- ' : • " Ta't]l(';. UEDROOM HOME NE nun'gia of ba,ll-60 e+ ...... mo32 ' E. l.o t%',}'i,." o Sa,l.W,ter f,-o,tt, 600 feet to the n0r terms 0f G Street" thency/Jt;" feet to the i)oint of r i) e a' SALT WATER :is the sanie i l P ][!0W  with 1( l)htt thereof on file :" Dalllc. Mtlnv excellent Auditor of Mason . ten. acc,,rd,ng N speciflcath)ns tlel'et)rl" EACH LOT $2, City Engineer of thi,i.. Washington, andk °S;I'2L&N Da ...../AV LOTS 5 of the City CIcr _din i. and courses hel'eiul.. ....... serving and espeCia",l )lo )( rties described ll]tiVER a / I l- 2: T._llllhWedll s -- GOOD LOTS SECTION Oll terms. established a Locat trict to bc known St : "'+ !rb Rotter & l all el the property daries and termini. me,nt, said boundar| in Section 1• SECTION o: pease of making a't provelnent shall be, " upon and against all., in said distrlet' alld corciance with thCr0 truing to sne,b P il and in a(.rcordance, : of existing lows SECTION 4 : tion of the 30 City Treasurer assesslnent on the same, is approved the cause bonds of issued in cash, bearing ir 5 per ccnt be nulnbercd ( with No. 1. sh er date aud thereof shall funds of said i; and to be nient Fund N?. to the, City to maturity oo dcr of their nui first, whene,vcr cleat Ul()ney in ; bonds so ealled. herod bonds e,vel lhoneys for Oil a.ll uot paid ill tion q)f the (lily eollectltln In eqnal iuterest at 6 per hi)Is anliually, shall bc duo which said tion period lir be forl! e(lllle de,in( ihc next bee, onle due,, a: shall beconu! SECTION 5: shall be, attache ,denting the fall due til finul be signed and C0up011S shall nature of sak redemption fished in and shall slate called and the will be next t(::rest coupon lit t+t REAL ESTA EXCELLE 'ELy 3 BEDROOM HOMI ing--This graciou )aciousness thronl grand fireplace n and falnily roon Winding stream. appointment• IT VERY HARD TO E noney, this is on, ever find g, and se] s, secluded patio, Only $9500! ':$S & BUILDING FOI portunity for some concrete block bu quarters possible i now running s consider trading balance a $6 AT THIS FOR A FIN downtown area too, and work. large closets mr garage, nice $13,750 ! TO BE CLOSE IN AN ew 3-bedroom home might prove room. View of terrific! $16,950. ilE TOp BU I LD:IN,G SF called shall Your view lot and time and plac' ._ el Zy 2 l.__. " " ' lhe,';,of at I(ast )Lriil  glad x, ..... Y $ 50 dew fixed for SUCI1 n{:r ilt] .tl uld! ol l( pnt( d 0we .w the ow,,,,,. ,, .%',4 . of th( County .lr,..#lt a r.--_ " ' 1 li i,,,u t,,er<,to su%0,!i a. KeY DI llshed hi lhc ,l,e 'i --  i)apcr ef said t .'d.l[l R E A LTO R prior to days "1 anci ihai" Y. #ln - 007:00]rreferred Pro s,,a,l ';,e +d"00t bv said district, aJ'.^ r tl' sl. il shall be issued i.t 1 11 IA|__.]l . -n I mg unpaid wla_i...allJlf, llilll!rlrnnl HI . • rt,r € ----lllill II1 hen npou thc P .pelJ,.,. • - .... II --Ill ill of the unpaid sliimlll, a, a , SECTION Z *ia: "tlal A,, proveomnt o, 4; Ave. done by the t .rllil iUV. ct f t the sail) tra 0 • ' -t bL gl t f bedroom ,,,we,st and be., th00et°°X City shall reSe!] e' ,-_ tl '  loss_ bed- ai and all biO I)IIL e(}l;^:ae - 3rd is a • Y rl # ale L _ doing said we _ t'°iPtRble rni above desc,'ioe,atii..,, 1 VinP saving casl) from the * i,.l ?,PJ: It hag -.- triet. I*;_ Yard c, .... SEgFION 8: W.l'.R ' ,OOd 1o- il it so dcil'C' p I " Treasurer t,- [ of the bonds h'iet to tile, wlih m" and I% bonds shall no be the par vahlc tud the Yll6ney I'e said bonds paylncnt ()f said tract crty assesslnent said district. sesslncnt ihe first providcd for owecr (if ally hmd In said sanle fronl paid iiniouni tilne after the by p;tying assessnlenl, lhe inaturily  i'lAting dlle. SECTION sl al hnents in case ,he proln.'ri3  Itlly of the ins du(,, the hol bolld el. vig}ils now liereli fllr Sl(ll e of of the Ciiy llll'nt ill" lhc prupl:rty io ,<11 paid inll alhll SECTION shall hike lilld ifier lhc q,ne is.<Itle of ih,' Cily. P;iss('(I Ill ing this 26tl rage, ex- /s/t /s/t! Atiest : ALMA K. Ciiy Clerk Approved A,' JOHN C. City Attoruy  Evenings Ca "" Vern Dronen 426-4318 i