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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 5, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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| J Thursd __ ly 51L196 2 SHLTONnMASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in: "Ohrtstmastown, U.B.A.;' 8helton, Washington Page ib stateLl---=. Real Estate Lealo Publications Legal Publications Legal. Publications "Legal Publications' t ,..., Pubhcatxons- " " NO. 332l :Mason County Hrashington, aI which cling: in timber, 1)rush or grass areas NATIONAl, I,'OnlqST TIM llEIt [ Nil. 3322 ........ JL '1 FI I ) II ! AILING t i • and place lily 1  'SOil nler sh.d x( )t I v c , r ads I:()R 5ALl Nil I !( I" or iI I'ARIN( Nil 319 I INA! RI POItl ANI) I I IITION Ill stud Fstate ma3 alt( u and Ill 2 Gfing (I Ii ng up n ln tl IIYNOO( II I lq(  N,, 1 fiNAl RI I'()RI AND ['I, rlFION • , IDAJEO ----J FOR l),,Tilll|l,'rlI)N ol)jlctmns till.It.hi and cant st tile laads described above, exc(*l)t al des- Pul c n ce is ereby giv.n that I,'O|t I)I,TRII, I'TION' IN THE SUPERIOR C()UIUI' OE THE "nzl]lli   [] i IIUUII IN TIlE SIIPERIOR COURT OF THE sale{e d tiff. Sth day of JIlne 19{i" iglmted, !?ld lms ied fl,ryst carol)s, will lmrstmni {o tli,i l,ro¢iSitnl ol Seclion 5ilN THE SIJPI:RI:OR C()UItT O[ , THE S2.]CI'E 'Oh' V.SII-iiN(I'I'ON l '| -- STATE ()1,' WAStllNGTON FOIl ' I-lARRY DEYETTE .... puto]llt,nll?. K, j.tner ven.lcies,., or p.acK O1 Public Law 273, iStll Congress (SSi STATE ()E WASHIN(ITON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PI'(OIIATE | Jla  ....... MASON COItNTY IN PROBATE Clerk )f said Court. n,0rses, wlu). ule t[K(!nlu) n ol can q)mg Stat. 132-16, U.S.C,A. 583-583!), and] MASON COUNTY Ia the Mtt u' of the Esl lie :| Am .IIBB  BilUBI' hi lhe Malhq" (, tie Estlte t l OS- l;;' Teeld'il Vermillion Deputy t]w,r(oa, .?uu)ut )w n e.qmlIl!*,a zo thv C()ol)erative Agreement .h)r .!he hi the Matter of tb( Eslah (f TAL- FRANK A ORL Del(ase I. :J" JL.lmLIMJL []  CAR ]¢YDEli]N Defelsed r.vtxt' :w p,:zx .... "" ea(.n v!nlclt or l)aeF- tralll with ule Malageln(qlt of the l-'art ptng Pivp )i, ia i tliit hzrz.r D'c nstd -a ,rla,[]lln [] j ........ t.x.( ........... tuJlx, followiug fire-fighling hols, is In'o - x .................................. ti Broker ne 426-6642 Evenings  Phone 426-3530 i4 BEDROOM HOME. Electric heat, located on " one corner, 1 inside, 60 x 100 ft. each lot. Terms. Publicaticns :SI,: ::G. 7727 F SIIEIIII:F'S SALE [{EAh In,-, cATE 1}ellerai .*xt,c ti ( i oil .. I.IOR COURT Oi," Tilt. WASHINGTON lvOt. LINTY L ALLEN and PEARL ife, Plaintiff vs. TCHURCH aud MARG- CliURCH, tlis wife, DC- ,y virtue of a general ex- l out of and under tile perior Court oI tilt State l, in and for said Couu- I day of April, 1962, upon rendered in said Court ay of June, 1960, in fa- ',OLD E. ALLEN and N, his wife, and against 'HURCH and MARGAR- URCH, his wife, judg- for the sum of $779.U0 at 6 percent per annmn, tel'e is due, and ow- of $361.74 together with' s, interest, costs and in- and to me directed and :lid on the llth day of evy upon all the right, crest of said judgment d to the following de- rty to satisfy said judg- If of the SE/t of the SW 17, Township 23 North, 'est, W.M,, except public af way. IREFOBE, NOTICE IS EN, That on Friday, tle July, 1962, at 10 o'clock oon of said day, I will e described property, or ear as may be necessary L judgment, together with s, interest, costs and in- in all anlounting to the 7 Dollars, Plus Sheriff's of Publication. will take place at the tile Court House at Shel- ton in said County and ill be at public auction, rand to the highest and helton, Wash., this 7th 1962. PO2rER, of said County. ra Wolf, Deputy. 6/14-21-28 7/5-12 5t {'E TO IIlI)DER ; fur the r(!nloval of a lllg situated inunediatey ilding No. 120 (Olynlplc y) on the Shelton Airport inty, Washington will be lie Port of Shclton up lo ¢ 19, 1962, lit the office ot z, 5Ih and Railroad ave- Washington, president tort of Shelton. )(! ol)ened at tile regular c Port Comnlission in till.' " coartllouse at the sail) ag" is to be conlpletely the site cleared within ning of contract bel:wecn Sll(2[toa and tile succcss= hall bc accompanied by d deposit iu the fornl of check, lnoncy order or )lid to tim Port Conlnlis- sunl not less, than five c amount of tile bid and be considered unless ac- V such bid proposal de- DrInalion ]nay bl obtalllC(t , AI lcerl'JeF, rllanagcr of Shelton at tile Beekwith Shelton, Wasllington or W at "tile Jinl Pautey and Raih'oad Aveuue, h ington. of Sbeiton reserves the t any or all bids, lhelton, tiffs 28th day of Nicht)ls, Secretary of tile ton 7/5 - 12/21 INANCE NO. 698 ANC I'; I"STABLISIIING )ROVEM ENT DISTRICI' NO. 17 ition to cstablish a Local District was filed by tilt: lcrs i)ursuant to R.C,W. :(tpy of wlich is ou file y Clerk lind prelinlinary assesslnent rail :Ills [leon I llrCm:lltcd to tile City )ursuant to R.C.W. 35,43,- E, THE C1TY COMMIS- ![E CITY OF SHELTON, U N TY, WASHINGTON ts follows : [s That in pursuance of of Chapter 95 of the s of 1911, Laws of tile hington, and suctl acts of IS are supplenlentary and thereto (R.C.W. 35.43.010 hereby ordaincd that tile urfaccd ill the folIowlng a, to-wit: aud conlprlsiug a part of [ountahl View Addi|iou to Sielton, Ma.son County. partleularly described as t the SW corner of Lot 5, Jlanan';? Mr. Vie.w Aaal- City of Shelton, Mason sblngton, as recorded iu 's Offic, of Vohnne ,I of 6, lheace N. 28028 . W. 300 S. margin of I street; °32" East 100 feet; tllence • 60 feet; tilenee S. 61°32 ' to tile S%V corner of Lot ;allanau'.I Mt. View Addt- N. 28°28 . W 660 feet to ly margin of 'K' Strcet r earner of Lot 1 Block 1 It. View Addition: thence 260 feet: tlenee S. 28°28 ' o tile northerly rnargln of e=lcc S. 61°32 ' W. 100 fect; :8°28 ' E. 60 fcct; to tim Block 8 Callanan'a Mt. on; thence N, 61 ° 32' E. ncc S. 0027 ' W. 3,12,8 feet; °32' W. 24.25 feet; to the of Block 8 Calhlnan's Mt. on; thcIIce S. °8""8"., 1. 60 S, 61 "32' W. 60 feet; urncr, Lot I Biotic 9 Cala- /tew Addition: thenec S, feet; thenre S. 6103 ' W. 'ncc N. '28°'28 ' W. 90 feet; ," list, of 'It' Street, thenc, 100 feet; thence N. 28°28 , tllene,. N. 61°32 ' E. 20 feet of boginnhlg, t tb SW corne," of Lot 4, ]auan's Mr. Vie%v Addition of Sll,lton, Mason CoUllty, as rei',ord(!d ill {he All" :e ill ViIhnne 'I Of Plats. lenee nortllt,astel'ly 61°32 ' ihenec N. 28"28' W. 600 -E coruer of Lot 1I/, Block t's Mr, View' Addition: ;l°:12 ' E 120 feet to the of Callanan Street; thence 1 lhe wt's( enu'ghl .¢)f Cal- l a (IislallCe of 205 feet; 139 ' W. 120 feet; thence f. 575 n.e( (o (he son(h-; .rgin t)f K Sh'eel and NI oi I0, Eh)v.k I, Callamln'S ,ddition tiwncc S. 61°32 ' a ong SW olargin of i.i nee 28"28' E. 600 feet; 1"32' \\;V, 120 feet to the RFRONT By Owner. evenings on A 4/5 tfn nortlleastcrly nil thence S. 28°28 ' NE nlargill of 61°32 ' E. 120 let 600 fcct to the no of G Street; feet to the aS the satne apt plat thereof on Auditor of MasOn ton, according t0 specifications the City Engineer Washington of the City and courses serving prol)ertles SECTION 2: established a trio) to be knoWll luent District all of the propel daries and tern nlcnt, said in Section I. SECTION 2: l)ensc of nlakinl provcnlent shall bc upon and agail in said cordance with the truing to snch and in accordance of existing SECTION 4 : tion of tbc 30 City Trcasurer asscssment on the sanle is approved the causc bonds of issued in cacti, bearing i 5 pet" cent au be nunlbered ( with No. 1, sh cr date and thvrcof shall  funds of attid i; and to be nlcnt Fund No. to the City to to maturity on der of their nut first, whencver eient nloncy In, bonds so called, bered bonds oVel lhoneys for on all not paid ill lil)ll of the (las' t!oihctlon ill" eqnal ann iaterest at 6 pcr ,blc annllaHY, shall be due which said tion period t.C be fol'(! Collie delluquen the next b (c,o lne dlle, shall SECTION 5: shall bt; attacll( idencing the ill fall due til final he signed and redenlption (); lished ill the and shall state called and tile will be paid. next day tt::rest cotlpon called shall after said or the roll of City Tressurcr s tinle and place asstsstnenl roll puted owner of appears the .el lhereof a,t lea hxed for or rellnled tile OWll()r aS of the County lion thcreto lished ill the paper of said. l)rJ(ir tl) sucll daYs nlust the last dat.e fixed notice shall Sp Incnt roll is ill ] and that auY nny portioa b(, paid at from tile date t.ion of said interest o," if auy. shall he said district, shall 13e ing unpaid lien upon tll of tlle SECTION )rov(lnellt one bY tile forces Ol" bY tract for the lowest and tice distrtct pay above on tbc funds O cash fronl the triet. SECTION 8 : if it so (lesire; Treasurer to of tlle bonds trier to tlW with or : bonds shall flu par vahle tud the nhSln!y rC' said bonds ! payment of i said iml)rt tract or (:rty charge( asscssalent said district. ( r tnv iort iol ,qOSSlll( n[, l ell 1 sessnlent tile first l)rovided ownel" of any hAld in said sa]nc froln paid alnount ti]nc after by assesslllent, the maturilY c hating due. SECTION sl a.1 hoents in case {he l)rOl)erty sl Ilny O' t le (hit', thc hand or boI1 rights now Ilel't!a ft(H" Slide of Wa. of Ill(! City OI IIt('nt of lhe SECTION shall hltce ef lind after lhe q)]le iSll! t)f tlw City. Pass,'(l al ing tiffs Attest : ALMA K. City Clerk Approved JOHN C. City Attorney Walter George, Associate Broker 2 BEDROOM HOME, fireplace, oil furnace, ant- Fnli price $8500. Terms. 3 BEDROOM HOME with fireplace, located ft. of saltwater frontage. Full price $12,000. ,LT WATER with 10 acres of nplands. This Many exeellent bnildi,tg sites. !RLON BEACH LOT $2,000 cash. LAND LAKE LOTS 50 ft. frontage. Excellent sites. GOOD LOTS on Spencer Lake. Can be on terms. Rotter & Associates REAL ESTATE Street Union TW 8-2429 EXCELLENT BUYS ELY3 BEDROOM HOME NEAR HOSPITALS ... ing--This gracious home has the plus feat- throughout, closet space galore, grand fireplaces, lovely separate dining n and falnily room, two-car garage, and a Winding stream. You need to see this one appointment. IT VERY HARD TO BEAT THIS DEAL .... e money, this is one of the nicest older two- you'll ever find. Has lovely fireplace, full heating, and separate dining room. Beau- secluded patio, and nice yard with sprink- Only $9500! NESS & BUILDING FOR SMALL HOUSE... opportunity for someone to pick up a good go- fine concrete block building right on main high- quarters possible in building. Easily netting now running same, but couple could in- consider trading $7500 equity for dwelling ,assume balance at $60/month. It will pay you AT THIS FOR A FINE FAMILY'HOME . . . in downtown area too, where it's so convenient and work. A spacious and attractive large closets and lots of storage room. et, 2-car garage, nice yard, and so many nice buy at $13,750! :E TO BE CLOSE IN AND ON THE BAY ... lew 3-bedroom home with attractive panelling might prove to be just ideal. Lower room. View of Oakland Bay from living, is terrific! $16,950. BUILD:IN.G SPOTS NOW AVAILABLE Your view lot and get started on that new We have stone of the nicest lots available prices. Check these. kT AT THIS PRICE . , . bedroom home on a very large lot in a good to sell because of moving away and now , With only $450 down, $50/month. Worth see- You did ! A. ROY DUNN REALTOR 126 Railroad Ave. red Properties by Walerfroni Really d Ave. Phone 426-8535 i LARGE FAMILY? We have another dandy 3 bed- room 1. View home, perfect for the growing family. Picture yourself living in this attract- ive home with large living room, charming fireplace, spa- cious bedrooms and an extra large garage and workshop -----__ area. Close to school and priced at only $12,000. and a be the • NEED ROOM? .rage, ex- If your family needs more room see this large 4 bedroom family home today. You will appreciate the well kept lawn, the extra storage area, as well as the full basement. Choice location, close to school and shopping. Call Vern Dronen for more de- tails. HELP THIS MAN Growing. family needs to sell their cute and compact 2 bed- room home so they can pur- chase larger uarters. You will like it with its large master bedroom with extra large ward- robe closet, convenient kitchen, dandy patio, and large garage. There s more for only $7,500, so call Vince Himlie for more information. CHOICE WATERFRONT CLOSE IN See this Waterfront tract now. Just 2 miles from town with low bank, gravel beach, nice trees and low price of only $3,- 950 for 100'. Hurry! ]EVenings Call -- "" Vern Dronen -- Marden Stroud 426.4318 426.4000 NOTICE IS ItEREt-]Y GIVEN that FEARL RYDEICN. ICxecutrix of the Estah' of Oscar Rydeen, deceased, has filed ill lira ,if lice of lhe Clerk of said Court a final report and petition for distribulion, asking tilt, Court to set- lle said rep()rt, distrihnte the prop- erty to lhc persons thereto entitled and to discharge tllc pelttioner as Ex- ecuh'ix; and that said report and )()ilion will lie heard on the 13th day of July, Lq62, tit 10:0(') c)'ehlek ill tho forenoon of said (lay, or as soon there- after as the ]nattor can be beard at Ihe court re, am of tllo at)at'e-entitled eourl, in the Coln'ihouse in Shelton, Ath)rney f(/r Estate Bell Bhlg., ]21 South 4th St. SLeltt)n, Washingtoa 6/14-21-28 7/5 4t NOTI(E' The following rutes and regulations ft)r tile l)revenlh)n lind eontl'(i] of for* (!st fires are hereby made aIIplicabh! t,) all lands proteetcd fronl fir(• by lbe Gifford Pinchot, Mt. Bilker, Okan- ogan, ()lyllll)ie, Snoqtlslnlie Uolatilla aad ,Veaat(,hee Naliollal Foresls in this state. 1, Sinoking is 1)rohibited whih tray- EXOEPTiONAL VALUES 3 BEDROOM WATERFRONT HOME CLOSE TO TOWN This home has all the desirable features such as built-in kitchen with beautiful view of the bay and mountain, fireplace, spacious rec room in lower floor, lots of built-ins in the 3 bed- rooms, room for expansion and many other eatures. This "like new" home is situated on 110' of low bank waterfront. Priced for easy financing at $16,900. 100 FEET ON HAMMERSLEY INLET 640 feet deep, 5 minutes from town. Owner will sell for $7,000 and will carry contract with 30% down. Ideal location for permanent home on the water. JUST RIGHT FOR TWO Compact, well designed, one bedroom, electric heat, utility room, breakfast nook, living room, shower. Easy to care for. Priced to sell for $3500. MT. VIEW BEAUTY 2 bedrooms, sunny kitchen, living room, large utility porch, garage with fruit room, fenced yard, outdoor fireplace. Extra lot goes with htis for $9250. LAKE RESORT Tavern and restaurant, 6 motel units with electric heat, 270 feet of waterfront, good dock, wondeIul beach. Owner wants to retire. Come in for details. DUPLEX--2 UNITS Located downtown, 1 bedroom, living room with fireplace, tiled bath, basement, dining room, excellent condition, to sell for $13,200. DUPLEX-- 4 UNITS Located on Hillcrest, 1 bedroom, full basement With room for 1 more room, living room, kitchen, bath, $24,000 for all. A DOWNTOWN BARGAIN 2 bedrooms, living room, utility room, oil heater, wired for washer and dryer. Priced $3500. You can have this for $500 down and $50 per month. Better hurry on this one. ANGLE AGENGY Real Estate --- Insurance HERB  Phone 426-8272 -- DICK FIRST TIME LISTED FOR SALE Nearly new 3 Bl% rambler with beautifully landscaped King-sized yard makes this a "must see" before you buy. Utility and half bath located off step-sav- ing kitchen. All 3 BR generously planned with closet space for real people. Beautiful bath with double sink, shower and tub all lined with white tile. Enormous living room with fire place. All insulated and electrically heated. The envy of the neighborhood for $17,200, 10 percent dn. Below F.H.A. appraisal. Hurry! SPACIOUS 2 BR OLDER HOM An immense home designed' for entertaining. Large living room, well located dining room-- perfect for holiday gatherings. Sanny kitchen, natural wood cab- inets. Master BR with walk-in double closet. Double garage has large storage area and a separate recreation room which could be converted to a rental unit. Completely painted inside and out. More than you'd expect for $10,500, 10 percent dn. and easy terms on balance. ISABELLA LAKE 90 feet with one room cabin, $5,000. You dictate terms. WELL ESTABLISHED GOING BUSINESS Tavern and lunch counter in excellent downtown location, doing a fine business. Price reduced for quick sale: Only $4,000 down. "WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN BUY LIKE RENT" 2 BR house, 5 rooms in all, nice location. $5,000, $50 per month until $500 is paid down. LOVELY 2 BEDROOM This immaculate home centrally lo- cated on Mt. View. L-shaped kitchen and dining room, gracious sunken living room w/fireplace. Large covered patio on shady side of house. Ideal for lazy summer-time living, attached 2-car garage, all set on fenced lot and one-half completely landscaped to perfection. Priced below appraisal at $15,000 or completely furnished for $18,000, 10 percent dn, easy terms. 5 UNIT APARTMENT Plus owners' 2 BR home, apartments rarely vacant. Good monthly income. Nice quiet residential area. By appointment only $38,000. LOTSMt. View (large view Lot) $2,270. Angles(de $1,500. Downtown (Hospital area)$2,290. LaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE 119 So. 4th -- Phone 426-4666 Evenings Call Sylvia Carey, Ph. 426-3132 A1 LaBissoniere, Ph. 426-8649 Vivian Ninemire, Ph. 426-8806 Harry (Bob) Wile, Ph. 426,8926 The thrilling facts are that MASON LAKE (one of the big, big lakes in Mason County) *finds the last of its choicest waterfront lots platted and selling and then, like most other Western Washington lakes, no more. *Here's your opportunity. We own and offer 14 waterfront lots, plus a limited number of breath- taking view lots. Every lot a waterfront lot, each with warm sandy beach; private boat moorage for every lot owner; also water, electricity, telephone, schools; sites for fallout shelter and recreation. *How can you compare our warm shallow sandy lake water beaches With cold salt water for bathing? Available to our waterfront owners, of course, but also 350' mutually owned beach for the upland view lots, plus all privileges. Prices from only $1450. ONLY 10% DOWN & 1% PAYMENT PER MONTH Located on Olympic Peninsula 7 miles south of Allyn, 12 miles north of Shelton, on Highway 14A then follow "Para- dise" signs to lake. Or contact PARADISE SHORE ESTATES 100 NW 36th St., Seattle 7, Washington Phone MElrose 2-4306. MAin 3-7596 nights. No obligation just give us: Your Name .......................................................................................... Address Literature Will be mailed that could easily mean a new life .... • 2_ u an a your family. The hottest investment is land of ,m,tyPe an c( especially the ch0iees. Start iow before it's oo tale. aiesmen on nronertv Saturday, Sunday and holi- days only.  " " hibit,'d : a. t-)n(! aXO nt,t less than 26 (niches ill lenglh ,)verall, with head weighing 2 t/OUll(lS Ol' (wer. b. One shovel no1 h,ss ttum 36 inches in hngtll (;v('ratl. with blade liar loss t];an 8 inches with!. C. (-ll( 'atol' conlaia(q,, ea])a(!i|y (,11o gall(in q)l. i]]Ol'e, The!s(! ]'ulPs sad ]'(!gl]iati()ns wilt I)(: ih (,ff[,el and enforc(d du]'ing the lie-. riod July I h) Oclob(r 31, I,¢162, uniess reseinil(.d prior to the latter dat(. l)c- ('llllSe t)f favorabht weather condJth)ns. Any, l(' violatiug any (,f the for(!gt,- (IlK l'lllt!s aad i',rgtllat ions S}lal] be kuilty (If a llliSde]I].aln)l' ill a('coi'(]aa(!t! with Section 76.04,120 of the Wasllhlg- ton Forestry Laws, These rules and t.egtliatioas al'e nlade at the request of ]he United States F(H'est Service and undel' authority of S(,(!tJon 76.0,I.020 t)f the WashinKt(in Fo 'est 'y IMLWS. /s/BERT L, COLE C!)nunissIoner Del)artnlent of Nat Lira: Resources State of Was]lington 7/5 - It NO. 3321 NOTICE OF llEARING FINAL RElq)RT AND PETITION FOIl I)IS'FI(IBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of HANS P. SCHMIDT, Deceased. Mildred A. Schmidt, Executrix of said Estate, has filed with said Court her final report and petition for dis- tributh)n, asking the Court to settle said report, distrihute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to disellarge said Executrix. Said report and petition will be heard on the 18th day of July. 1962, at 10 a,m, in the Courtroom of said Court, In the Coun- ty Courthouse at Shelton, Washing- ton. DATED THIS 8th day of June, 1962. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Superior Court by: Teckla Vernlllllorl Deputy Clerk ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney at Law 125 N. 5Ill Sheluln, Washinglon. 6/14-21-28 7/5 4t There are more than 1,500 daily and 10,000 weekly newspapers pro- duced in the United States. Real Estate SALT WATERFRONT. LAKE SHORE 120' finest Hood Canal prime wa- terfront including tidelands. 105' concrete bulkhead. 15' boat and bathing beach. $11,000 on terms. 90' beach, Lake Isabella, 2 room cabin, bath, well and electric pump. 300' deep. $4,500, $550 dn., $35 per month. Contact John Dev- ereux. 62' beach, Lake Phillips, good fur- nished cabin, 270' deep, tree stud- ded, float. $3,500 on terms. $500 down, $35 monthly. Call John Dev- ereux. 100' Spencer Lakefront, choice property. Small boat dock. Road is in. $500 down, $40 monthly. 165' on good trout creek, 4 miles Northeast, 4),/2 acres. Rich bot- tom land. Excellent trailer site. Well, power and septic tank in. $1150. Terms. Call John Devereux. WATERFRONT HOMES • 150' Hammersley beach with Tidelands. Fine 8 room hom on 2 acres. Master-size bedrooms, huge living room, log-size fireplace, fa- mily-dining and recreation rooms. Sweeping views. $23,500. Terms • 100' waterfront W/TL, 14'x 20' cabin, wired, spring water, over one acre plus trees. $4,500, $550 down. $40 per month. • 60' private cove, Arcadia Point. No bank. W/TL. Teeming with shell fish. Top quality 6-room home log-sized fireplace, magnifi- cent view. Worth more than the $21,000 price. Contact John Dev- ereux for appointment. • 200' Arcadia beach, W/TL and 3 acres in grass. 3 bedroom mod- ern home. Unsurpassed views. Consider part trade for small Grays Harbor home. $19,500. Terms. Call John Devereux. COUNTRY ACREAGE • 10 acres, largely m grass. Good cased well, septic tank, garage and small barn. Move your house trailer on and you are in posses- sion after $350 down. Balance $25 monthly. Call John Devereux. • 4 room home. 32 acres. 7 miles Northeast. Well, trees, lawn. $4,- 950. Terms arranged. Contact John Devereux. • 3 BEDROOM SUBURBAN ON NEARLY 3 ACRES. This attraot- ive home is located 2 miles from Postoffice. You'll iike the rustio beamed ceiling and the log-sized fireplace in a spacious living room. Well planned dining room and kit- chen. Automatic furnace. Double carport, storage and deep drilled well. $12,500 and easy financing. • 6 ROOMS, 2 FIREPLACES, big corner lot, nicely landscaped with cyclone fenced rear lawn. Large living and dining area, par- ty room and bar (makes a versa- tile extra room).. Auto-furnace, basement.garage. Drapes included ; $11,800, terms $1,200 down and fi- nancing. We have many fine Shelton and suburban homes to show you. A telephone call will make an ap- mintment for you. CALL 426-6592. ANYTI M E MANN REAL ESTATE 321 South First Street EVENING CALL JOHN DEVEREUX "HOME-FINDER" AT 426-3500 .Forest Prt)l)erties in tile Sheltt,n Cool,- crative Sllstain(!d Y'iehl Unit entored into by and between till! United Slates of Aumrh:a and lhe Simpson Tinll)cr Colllpany dated l)eemnl)er 12, 1946, all ] llercha Ill el)hi t IIiibtr ]aark(d or (lesignatcd for cuttiIII4 (,n au el'ca eln- [ll'a(!ing 621 a(*r4's, lllt)l't' I,r ItSS, withiu Sections 9, 10, 17, 19, 20, 27, 23, 34, T. 2,|N,, t{. 7W,, W,SI., tlnsnrv(!yed, Sections 3, 7, 9, 10, 18, T. 22N., R. 7W,, W.M,, survey(,d, Sectious 1, 2, 11, H, 15, 22, 26 and 27, T. 22N., I{. 8\\;V., W.M,, surveyed and Sectiuns 35 anti 36, T. 23N.. R. 8W., W.M.. l)artialty surceyed, Wy noochl' It iI'(!l' t]h,ck, (]rays I-[urb(;r Cotlnty, Shctton Cool)(q'at ire Sustained Yield Unit, Olynll)i(: National l"l)rest, State (,f Washington, will I)c sold to the Sinlp- son Thnl)er Cotllt)any, St,stile, Wush- ington, on Jtlly 30, 191i2. Tll,' estIlnated vohnlles are: 9,900 M btIlrd feet of Douglas-fir, 20,400 M board feet of western h (! i ill t/cir, and otht!r Specits, 5,900 M board fee of western red cedar. The lllininltllll acc('ptab]e 1)rice per M board feet is as follows: Doug- lus-fir $8,70, western h,.,nlha:k and other sIIeci('s $3.85, western rcd cedar $4.20. This inchldcs the following stunlpage rates, per M board feet (including dcllosit for sale area betternteat): $3,00 base rate l)lus all additional $5,00 for l)ouglas fir, $2.00 base rate plus an additional $1,15 for wcs|crn heallocl¢ and other species, $3,50 fin' western red cedar and $0.70 for slash disposal for all sp(:cies. The l) hid for stum]/age shall be considert:,d as tenta- tive rates subject to quarterly calendar udjtistlnent upward or downward by 0.5 all the differerlec betweca tile av- erage (if the nlonthly Douglas-fir reg- ion indices, as calculated by the Forest St:rvice lor tile tbrec previOllS nlonths, and the folhiwing base indic(s: Doug- lus-fir 118.10(E), w(!31ern Ii(nnlock and other species 89,5,t(A), wostern red cedar None, Such adjtlslnlenis ill the price for stuulllage shall be applicablo to tinlber scaled durillg the tbrec- months period following ]he quarter for which the adjustnleat is c(anputed. In no event, however, shall the pay- nlent rates for cacti quarter I)e h!ss than the base rates as stated above. When tile adjusted rates by species are lower than lhc base rates, tile difference })etween the total dollar valu( t,f tile tinlbcr cuL at adjusted rates au(1 at base rates will be re- corded for each speci(!s. TlLe stlJInp - age rate for a speci(!s will not bo increased above the base rate until the subsequent a(ljust(d rales above the I)ase rate will dcveloll an aceuulu- lated total dolhlr vahl for tile species In execss iif ]he recorded accunlulatcd difference. If rcqtlested by the State of Washington or by Grays Harbor County or l)y aily i)(l'son deenled to ]lave a reasonable interest in the proposed still', or ill its tcrnls, a public bearing will be held in the office of the For(mL Supervisor, Post Office Building, Olyml)ia, Washington on the 20tb day of Jllly 1962 at 2:00 P.M,, PDT. Requests for public hear- ing will not bc considered unless re- ceived in tlle office of Lhe Forest Supervisor, Post Office Buildlng, Olyn/pia, Washingtou, O)l or beloro July 12. 1962. Dated June 25, ]962. Lh,yd G. GilImor, Iol'est Supervisor, Oiynll)l(: National Forest. 6/'28-7/5-12-19 - 4t NO. 3360 NOTI(E TO CIIE'DITOBS TO I'RESE'NT AND PILE ('I,A1Mt4 IN THE SIJPIRIOR COURT OF TItE STAT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) la (he Matt(,r of (he Estate of FRANK FENTIMAN, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tlle uudersign(,d, Esnl'l I. FenLiman has Ileen al)l)()inted and hall qualified as Execnh'ix of |lie Last Will and Testanwnt and of the ,'state I)f Frank ]lentinlaI1. dec(.aF(,d: and lbat all per- sons llaving CblilllS at4aillst thc said (:state t)l" l]le said do('eas(,d are herelly requh'e(l to serve t.Jl(, ,alll(  duly vtwl- fied in dutllieato wi(h the necessary vouchers attached, u|lon the Ullder- siglled Exeelll fix or her attorney of record at 1lie Law of five of 13. Frank- ]Jn ]otlst.oa, Ang'le B/lildiug, Shelton, Washington, and lile sucil clainls to- gether with proof i)f service with the Ch.rl¢ of tile above entitled C(lurt with- in six (6) n)onths after Ihe date of the first publicalion of this notice to- wit: 21 June 1962. or all elainls not so pr'esentcd and filed will be £orever ll,'ll'I'(!d. ESMA I. FENTIMAN. 1,'xecutrlx, Estate i)f Frank Fentinmn, Decoased. Address : Walker Park Addition, Sllelton, Washl,lgt on. lq. FANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for said Estate. Angle l:]Idg., Shelton, Washington 6/21-28 7/5-12 4t NO. 3359 NOTICI,] TO CItEI)ITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter (if tile Estate of LULA M, JONES. Deceased. Ada C. Clothier is the appointed and qualified Executrix of said estate. All )ersons having clainls against said deceased are required to serve the same In duplicate, duly verified on said Executrix or her attorney, Rob- err L, Snyder at the address below stated, and file the sanle with the Clerk of said Court. together with l)roof of such servtce, within six months after the date of fh,st publi- cation of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: June 14. 1.962. ADA C. CLOTHIER 4O3 N. 7th Sbelton, Washington ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney at Law 1251/z N, 5th Shelton, Washington 6/14-21-28 7/5 41 ROBERTA A. MeCI,ARY, Adndni- sh'atrlx ,,f said Estat(, has filed wiih said Court her final rel)t)rt and peti- t(as ft)r distrihutJon, askiag lhe Courl to sortie said r(!p()rl, distribute llle prol)erty It) (lie p('rst)as thereto entit- lcd and to discharge said Adnlinis- tratrix. Sahl report aad l)ettlion will lie heard on tbc 13th day of July, 1962, at 10 a,nl. ill the C(mrtro()rn uf said Court, ill the County Courthouse ai Shclton, Washingt()n. " J)ATED THIS 8th dlly of June, 1.962. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk I)1' the Superior Court 1)y: Teckla V(uuni|lion, Deputy Ch!rk. ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 1251,5 N(,rtlt 5th Sllelt(m, Washington, 6/14-21-28 7/5 4t CALL F()i£ BIDS Sealed Bids will lie reetdved unlil 1:30 P,M, ill their ()ffice a.t 811 Cola Sh'eet, Slh!iton, Washington Oil Mon- (lay, Angust 6, 1962 by the Colu- InisstonPrs (If Mason County Public Utility Dish'(el No. 3 for four (,l) ele, e- trica]ly c(introIled pow(!r Class II[ Oil Circuit R("closers. at which tinle they will lie Ol)encd and nuldtcly read. Sllecifi(llti(,ns for the Oil Circuit ]:teclt)sers illay b( obtained frOlll tile District's at flee Ill Shelhm, Wasbing- l (,ll, A certified check or bid bund of 5/o (if th,' pric, bid lnllst aecoolpany tile ]lid. Also, the guarauteed delivery date ill Shelton, Washiugt(,n luust lie stated in the Bid. The Conunission reserves the right to reJect ally or all bids and/or to Iw.eept tllat hid which in their (,pinion will best serve the needs of the District. T. V, WEBB Socrctary 7/5 - 12 - 21 CALL FOR BIDS The Board of Directors, N(ll'tl, Ma- son Consolidated School District will accept bids on concrete work at tile i North Mason High Scb,,(tl until 8:001 ILM. July 9th, 1962. Bidder must visit site to lnspeet work to bc done. All bids will lie sealed and will be opened I)y the Board i,f Direetnrs at a school diree- tors ]nceting July tile tTi. Specifications for this project nlay be ohtained by calling at thc Nnrth Ma- son School District Office. The Board of Directors, reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. CHARLES AMACHER, Clerk N(,rth Mason Schools Ilelfair, Washlngton 7/5 - It No. 3371 NOTICE 'FO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Iu rite Matter of the Estate of Jake C, Borst, Deceasod, FLOYD E, BORST is the appointed and qualified Executor of said estate, All persons against said deceased are required lo serve the same in duplicste, duly verified, on said Executor or his attorney, Robert L, Snyder at the addross below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof at such service, within sx months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the same will he barred. Date of first publication: June 26, 962. FLOYD BORST Executor 2112 Island Lake Dr. Shelton. Wasillngton ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney at Law 125 l& N. 5th Shelton, Washington. 6/28-7/5-12-19 - 4t ('ALL FOR IlIDS Sealed bids will be roeeh, ed until 1:00 P.M. on July 14. 1962. by the Shelton Pol District Connnlssloners at tle Mason County Courlhouse and then be publicly Ollened and read for eonstructlng a boat launelling ramp at Grahanl Strcet in the Plat of Arkada. Plans and specifications may be ob- tained at the Ford-Mercm.y Garage at 5th and Railroad or Shelton Print- hlg Company at Second and Railroad, S]lelton, Washington upon deI:Ioait of $I.00, said deposit io be refunded upon return of the plans and speelflcatious in good condition. A I)ld bond or car(lifted check equal to 5% of the bid lnust acc.ompany all I)rop(isals. The commission reserves the right l,) reject any or all bids or to accept that bid deemed most aavantageous to the Port District. JAMES A PAULEY Commission Chairman Attest. GEORGE NICIIOLS Secretary of Conlnlissinn - 2t F()I: of NOTICHi,' TS I:lI!'d:tiH:Y GIVEN that the unde I'signt!d has been appointed aad has (itUllifit,d a:; the Adnlinistrat- ]'ix of till! Estate of Frank A. Or(, d(,c(lased ; tllat d[] I)t q'S('llS having' ehlilllS againHt said deceased are ilel'e- by :'*'(lUll'I'd lo serve tile sallLe, duly vet:fie(l, on the Iladersigll(!d Adnliilis- tratrix or Ilt*l' II|ll)l'llCy O{' record at tlm a(tdrcss bt,h)w xtated and file the Sanle with the Clerk of (lie said coln't, tt)gettler wittl I)C,)of of Sllch 'fi"('[(',(. within six nonths after the date of first I)ulflieation of this llotico ol:.).l same will be barrvd, Date of firlt lml)lication: June 21; 1962, • ' MAXINE PEARL ORI Adnlinist ratrix (3I,ENN E. CORREA ..... Attorney for Estate Boll Building Shelton, Washington NOT [01,] OF "' GROI!ND %VAI'I,'Jt RI(IIlT AI=I)I,ICAT1ON NO. (;2(;3  STATE OF WAStIINGTON, t)FF'E OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RIe,- SOURCES, C)LYMPIA TAKE NOTICE; That Lylnl ' I',. Eldcr (if Seattle, Wasllhlgton on :April 20, 1962, filed al)l)lication for pert)lit ttl w thdr tw I)ul:)lie ground Wa|brs | lu'ough a trench situated Withta. NW!:SWLISE!.I of Section 28, Tdwa- sll[p 23 N., Range 3 W.W.M., in M¢)II County,. in thc aolount of 10 gal]o]ls pl • in nut(, subject tl existing rigtts eonllnuotlsly, Clich year for tile, I)UI'- pOSO o1' dolnestlc supply, All:*' objections nlust be acconlpflll|l by a two dolhlr ($2.00) reeordtnff ]e6" and filed with the Slate Suporv]Ar,, of Water Resources within thirty  (0) days froln July 5, 1962. Wttness my band and official isea|" this 18th day of June, 1962. M. G, WALIER Sta(e Supervisor of Water Resources. .... ' 6/28:,7/6 Poetry lifts the veil from th hidden beauty of the world. --She1,y MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHUR Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............. 9:45 am,'] Morning Worship .... 11:00 a:, | A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p,m I Evening Service ........ 7:00 p. | Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 pm. Eugene Breld, Pastor I FISHERBEII'S CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3rd and Cote SUNDAY, JULY 8 9:30 a.m.  Guest Speaker H. H. HILL  "Alcohol Problems" 10:00 a.m. TOPIC: "Spiritual Inheritance" i ill FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cola Rev. E. C. Knautz, pastor Rev. Alfred Sandoval,Christian Education Director SUNDAY, JULY 8 -- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 8:30 a.m. & 11=00 a.m.  Rev. E. C. Knautz, speaker, "A Pagan Society" 7:30 p.m.  Rev. Alfred Sandoval, speaker "Looseness of a Lax Church" FOURSQUARECHURCH 910 E. Dearborn REV. LEWIS WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Young People's Mtg. 6 p.m. Morning Worship--11 a.m, Evangelistic Service 7 p.m. Wednesday Night--Bible Study'and Prayer Meeting--7 p.m. "The Church Where Everyone Is Someone" You Are Welcome At The Friendly SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 E. Pine-- St-- MASON Y OUNGLUN.D, Pastor REV. and MRS. HARRY LEID Missionaries to Indonesia Sunday, July 8, 7:00 P.M. SUAY"S'H"L ---'--Cl flail" ..............................  a.---.'.'.'.'.'.'.m. MORNING WORSHIP ...................................................... 11:00 a.m. UHRIST'S AMBASSADORS .............................................. 6:00 p.m. i i FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH ., 7th and Franklin 8tree) 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service ° " 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Clam -" 11:00 Morning Worship Service ',,¢( CARL J. CARLSEN. Pastor ...... Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church National Lutheran counl .. ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarenoe A. Lady, Priest 7:30 A.M.  Holy Communion 11:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship The Church is always open for meditatlen and prayer i i i i i ii i i SKOKOMISH COMMUNITY CHURCH Middle Skokomish Valley Wallace Bell  Pastor Lord's Supper ......... 8:30 a.m. Youth Fellowship ...... 6:00 p.m. Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. Evening Worship ...... 7:15 p.m, Worship Service .... 11:00 a.m. Wed. - Bible School .... 7:45 p.m. NurseT Care at All Services u u n I I /I f I ' , I ul t FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard i) ' Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m, Youth Meetinge 5:30 Worship ............ 11:00 a.m, Family Service 6:30 Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m, Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service ..... North 4th,and Pine 8tPeets i | ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister '4 I Church 8ch001, 9:30 am. Morning Worship, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m' i [._ I RRST i)HURI)H OF GIIRIST, SGIENTli'r: 802 Alder St,, 8heltan, Wash. ] Sunday Sohool 9:80 m, (urch 11 &,m 1 Wedeeday evening tes.tlmony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room houri 9 to 4 p.m. Mort. & FrL Wed. evening e:46 to 7:45. .......  , ' \