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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 5, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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w: ............ t.&apos;age 16 Dayton Ladies Club Plans Annual Picnic For July 11 By Mahel Kidd I)AYTON -l)ayton Ladies' Club will have their annual picnic July II at the Wolden cabill on l.ake Nahwatzel weather permitting. OIhcrwisc il will be i]eld at the llall. Mrs. Warren XViiliams will be hostess. MI'S. [)ehncF SchI1F Slid (lallgh* tel, Geraldine arrive;d hon)e on Saturday evening f)'onl a visit ]n tle soutlL They motored back with Mrs. Scimr's brotiler and wife, Mr. and Mrs. 13urnell Dupuy, New Orle, ans. The Dllpuys plan tO .,;lay in this vicinity for a while. TIIE JAMF;N |ll(lt,'4ON family and houseguest, Tina Bezley, Shel- Io1"i, at.tended a falnily i'ellnion Slln  day at the Lake Nahwatzel home of 1Vlv, and Mrs, Allen Hickson. Others present were Rev. and Mrs. Richard Meyers and children of Beaverton, Ore., Mrs. Mabel Cloth- ier, Mrs. Martha Cooper and Mrs. Gladys Mitchell, Seattle. The three Seattle ladies stopped in on their way home and had coffee in the home of Mr. a.nd Mrs. James l-tickson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry of Yaidma, were housegt,msts for several da.ys last week of Mr. and M'rs. A, N, Lemke, AlTjving' Satnrdty flea1 COOS Bhy, Ol'e., were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chappell and sons who are staying for a while witi] his brother and family, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Chappell. WEEKENI) GUESTS of Mr. and Mrs. VVarren Williams were Mr. and Mrs, Irving Jewett of Monroe, Mrs. Betty Knutzcn and three children of Seattle and Miss Da.wneile Tiedeman of I,ake Stevens. The group arrived in time lo he]p Mrs. Williams celebrate her birthday on Friday evening. Mike Murphy, Kansas City, Me. visited Friday and aga,in Sunday wilh Mr. and Mrs. Gel'aid Needhaln of Dn, yton Peak. Pie wa,s their fol'lney distmtehcr here in Shelton. Ste, ven Nee(lilam is spcnding some time. witll his brother, Clmrlie aL lnc l)onny Ah[ LOOICt)uL above La]¢e (J/lsbJlla I1. ) Weekend guest  of Mrs. Mildred, l,ewal't \\;VC!l'e son /)lid fanlily, Mr. ] artt! Mrs, lobert Schul, 0£ Seattle. I (.ANNANIIIIA and rarren Carr Jr., Shelton, spent Friday and] S;tiAH'day nhrht witil the "Vttller' Cbappell family, I.alph Pauley and sons and Alvla Chaplnan molol'c,d I.o I.llby Beach Satllrday fop Sl)lcliJII} r. They l'e- till'ned ilOllle oil Sl)lldlty evening well po),:;od witil thoiv success. Sllllday visitors in tlle he)he of MPs, Mildred Steamrl were Mr. and Mrs. Viace Gvui)er and chil- d I'(ll, Bl'ertll'LOl I. Friday dimler guests of Mr. aud Mrs. ,lames Hicksoll wel'e Rcv. and Mr, R, ichavd Me.yers and cifiidren of Bevel'ton, Ore. The Lester Adams family of Ta.eoma were unday visitors in the 1)oll Adanls' lmme. MINN ,'4A LLY I)OIIMAN of I,t;lt IHt I,dt lie \\;ua, Si I Ill'day guest of Mis< I3))'bara Goldy. 'l'h,: C. N. Allen family, Kent, :i)I11 V/dllosday through Stlnday v<ith ll(r l);t)'elll,% MI*. and Ml's. (h,ra/d N(,(dham. (]ladys Zoyer. Liliiwaup, visited Sunday m IJw honlc of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy. Tills Bt,zley ¢)f Shelton spent lily weekend with I)orts Hickson. ,Mill AND MRN. Bill (3happell via;lied rm Satllrday evening witll Mrs, l,obert (]oh-ly and MI'. arid 5I)'s. AI Chappeil, Mr. and Mrs, ,l. C. Tibbtts and chiMron, CheJlalis. were Saturda,y evening guests of M.r, and Mrs. I)oil Adam:, Doris Hiekson had as Tuesday overni!,hl gUeSt. Sharou Meffett of Shdton, Tues(ly dinner guests ill the l'otne of Mr. and "Mrs. Ta, rFen Williams were ,h:e Licgel anti Percy FUll I, MI'S. Alvin (]hapl))afl a,lld Non. ];l'Jlt t/, .qCll| Sat Ill'rill y aftel'lloon ith Mrs. tlalpll Pauley. ,%'Illlday, Mr, a31tl Mrs. Ga.ry Cole, Winlock, spoilt ihe day il'l the home Of ]V2r parouls, Mr. mid Mrs. Ws )'l'm Williams. GEH,ALIIINE NEEIIIIAM left m Saturday nlol'nlllg for Los Ageles with Mr. and Mrs, Eizy Cleiland -rod daughter, Shelton, Mauvic,,, and Leslie Pearson left Monday for their home in Seattle for a, few dsys bat expect shortly to be back again to spend the )'est. of the sumnmr with their grand- i)a,I'l,nt. Mr. slid Ml's. Seab Combs. Jkl):, and Mrs, C. (I. Chaptn, Lillt- .A-a,ll]) , MI'. tlld iMr. 1.. 8. Htley and chihh'aI1 slid Mr and MI'R. ,brim Andersm and family enjoyed clamming at Twin Harbors Sun- I day. Clifford Ewms and "Whitey" Pettinger had a successful day of fishing on tie canal at Hoodsport on Sunday. They caught both salnlon and cod. Michael and I-'hillip Ande)'son bad as houseguest Thursday ,through Saturday their cousin, Kenaeth, Port Angeleu. Nit. AND MRF,. Byron Hyde mxd elfildren, Hoquiam, bronght their houseguests, Mr. and Mrs. George Baunmnn of White River, S,D. over to visit with Mr. and Mrs, Merlin FU(,.kards and family Stmday. Joining the group for din- ner and visiting was Mrs. Ruby Hitchings, Sheltou. Mrs. Calvin Byrd and Sharon and Mr. Bill Spear, Sltokomish, were afternoon drop-in callers, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and children, Chehalis, also called on his parents the Allen Tibbits on Saturday evening. Little Lester spent the night with his grand- parents and they took him home on Sunday and spent the day. The Merlin Rickards family visited Saturday evening in Pick- ering Pass with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin 'Woodall. MRS. J. W. STONEIt spent Tuesday through Thursday in Paulsbo witll Mr. and Mrs. Earl King. Sunday evening callers In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield were Iris sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eh'ling Olson of Shelton. Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson of Shelton. Saturdtcy, Mr. and Mrs. L, A. Todd spent the night at Oyehut with Mr and Mrs. Harry Ryme. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stoner spent Stmday along the canal enjoying the water and scenery. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert, Donna and Mike and Jerry Dona- hoe we)'e Sunday dimlcr guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley, Skokomisb Valley. The occasion was the wedding anniversary of MI'. and MI'N, Hulhert. Mr. arm Mrs. L, A. Todd (:ailed on the Eldon Todds of Shelton Wednesday and met their house- guests, Mr. and Mrs. Chance Sutherland of CMifornia. Mrs. Eldon Todd and Mrs. Sutherland arc sisters, tilliwauPClubs Slate Meetings By Mrs. Nell Va,I)(,e. IILLIWA lIP Hood Canal Gardeu Club will hold its next meeting Thursday July 12 at the ]'lon')e of M1's. [arie Turner on Lh( Union side of the Canal. 'Ehe meeting will be called to o)'dm' al ,11 a.m. by 1)resident Lilts F'ierco. Pol luck hmeh will lie served at 12:30. A report on (ie garden club collv(lltion in Yakima will be Kiveu bv M:tttie Backlund. Lilliwaup Comnn,nity Club card party July 13, 1st Lt. Robert Knutson and his wife Lynn, stationed at McCllord fiehl in Tacoma (mjoyed :, .ay on I-lood Canal Thursday which they ;:peal with his Uncle, ,lack Joilns- ton and wife Marion. a,nd his falh(n', Floyd Johnston and ti wilk, who are visiting with hi.n brother Jack and Ma.rion Johnston. The Johnsi.ons are fronl Sail Fran- (;isco and expect to attend the Fair before returning home after the 4th of Jnly. They are really enjoying their visit getting their fill of fre oysters and clam,s and will take home with them a nice suntan they received on the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Knutson and children ef Seattle have moved into the house of M)-. and Mrs. Catto. (the former Frances Hill) on Hood Canal Mr. Knutson ia contractor for the Correction Center north of Shelton. Nell and Daisy Vance motored I o Tacoma Wednesda y, where I)a.isy celebrated her birthday at a family g'aihering at the home of ])er gl'allddaughter, M)-. and Mrs. Allan Tongedahl. Tllere were four generations attending the dinner. Thc Vances returned home Thin's- day, glad to get. home to the quiet of Hood Canal after two days in Ibe noisy, hot city of Tacoma. No lflace like home. If we turn away from the poor, we are nat ready to receive the re- ward of Him who blesses the poor. --Mary Baker Eddy For A Big Deal On A DODGE SEE BUD PAULEY 1955 GHEVRoLET /.lon P.U, $845,00 Heavy Tires  4 Speed 1954 PONTIAG 4.dr, . . • $295.00 6 Cylinder . Standard Transmission 1954 PONTIAG . . . . . . $245.00 4 Door  Automati 1953 FORD 4.dr, . . . . . $i95.00 1952 OHEVRoLET 4.dr... $150.00 54 Motor PAULEY MOTORS 1st & RR. Phone 426-8183 SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A."' Shelton, Washington Th PRICES E] FE(,TIVE THURS. - FRI. - SAT. JULY 5 - 6 - 7 Right To Lim* ROUND STEAK Top Cut Boneless U.S. Choice Ib C Groun d Beef 200/2i,1" Ib BONELESS BEEF ROAST from the round U.S, Choice ¢ HORMEL'S DELICIOUS LUNCH OR; PARTY MEAT 12-OZ. TIN i!;;)!i:Gi!i:, GAKE MIXES BETTY CROCKER LAYER  ASSTD. 3/'1 LETTUCE BANANAS ¢ BEVERAGES MEAT SOUPS SPARKLE ASSORTED MIXES -- EARGE 28-OZ. NO RETURN BOTTLES CAMPBELL'S 10-OUNCE FRISKIES 26-OUNCE DOG FOOD 15-OUNCE LIBBY'S 12-OUNCE TIN DOG FOOD... FRISKIES . .. CORNED BEEF BETTY CROCKER'S "OWN" 40-OUNCE PKG. Large Full Local Heads Golden Ripe let Quality o. 9 c SHUR.FRESH, 3-LB. JAR P.NUT BUTTER SHUR FRESH COFFEE o. o.,,. " 2 LB, Tin $1.13.--1 Lt' 2 25 LesLie SALT "'""°" ,oo,z,o C ..................................... , ............ 26-OUNC ' FRONTIER SYRUP CAKES BETTER .... CARROTS 2/23 c TOILET TISSUE ,oo,,.,,o,,,o Crisp, Tender COLORS .................... 4.ROLL PA II "'" HARGARINE ' WESTERNER .................................... I-L.P' CUCUMBERS 2/19 c MEAT HES "°"""" long, green, FROZEN .................................................... Callf, Slicers oa SH UR-FRESH DIHNERS ................................................ BUTTERHORNS .R-RESH 29,¢ .............................. .. o DONUTS .0R REH 29* JELLY CENTER .................... 6 FOR FRESH BREAD S.OR-F.SH 33* .................... 221/Z-0 U NCE LOAF AMIDOne of the mo Circus which will pm ,s this balancing trio ..... Z ............ Fire, [0 $ A s( Are lice av Million esaed value= million this Burnett, this week 1lion. not in- property is T he assess- 1963 tax- igure for la,st $1A49,585 made up og Properly, $.l,- a.lld B(mts. at 20 - TValtle, Burnett is sub- When board are corn- made a few sessions to COunty rest- on their 'Pel'ty, which figure for all util- railroad prop- For Slow " recreation of serious funds start to date in- of $4100 is out the ex- Of OUr city's which an eight lo be Weeks. All wel,e to Period may Weeks. notice, and (let those llow hlg" nlus[; to Lreas- Shel ton to Dae: $ 10.00 10.00 1,000.00 15.00 5.00 1.00 Voit Mayor Chef d ] Butler, school .l-yea r at last Miss .',chola r ;is silo was in- Olive and last Shelton ]