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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 5, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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County €,kays education centers 00ith some limits The Mason County Commis- tion centers on agricultural prop- Paul Hirsh, from the salmon sion took action on Tuesday to erties, including Sunfield Farms center board, said it's important add educational learning centers in Jefferson County and Island- to find ways to promote agricul- as a permitted land use in urban wood on Bainbridge Island. ture while protecting the natural growth areas and agricultural re- DURING PUBLIC comment, environment. "It's important to source lands. The commissioners, the commissioners heard from Me- disseminate that information to however, imposed restrictions on son Conservation District Manag- people, particularly the young," he the use with a review process and er John Bolender, who said learn- said, urging the commission to ac- some limitations, ing facilities can be designed that cept the staffrecommendation. Me Those limitations, say propo- do not interrupt resource land and McCrackin of the Mason County- nents of the Pacific Northwest enable demonstration of sustain- WSU Cooperative Extension Of- Salmon Center, could jeopardize able agricultural practices. He rice concurred, as did John Bur- their plans for a facility adjacent asked the county to clarify what gess, president of the IIood Canal to the Theler Wetlands. entities would be able to establish Salmon Enhancement Group and After hearing from a dozen rest- such centers so that special-pur- a member of the salmon center dents and education-center propo- pose entities like conservation dis- board. "We cannot have too much nents who supported the proposal tricts would not be excluded. Greg education on environmental mat- and two speakers who opposed Oldham of Belfair said he support- ters," Burgess said, "and there is permitting the use on agricultural ed Bolender's comments, no place better in this world to pi lands, the commissioners unani- Dr. Michael Pavel, a Skokomish have education than in the field Presidential n mously approved a motion by tribal member, Washington State where theenvironmentexists." Jane Gruver of Shelton, left, receives congratulations Commissioner Tim Sheldon that University professor and "student HIS SENTIMENTS were from Terri Shaw of the Volunteer Center of Retired would set limits on the impact of of Mason County land use," said echoed by those of Fred Barrett, Senior Volunteer Program of Mason County. Gruver facilities outside of urban growth it's important for everyone to learn a resident of Allyn and president areas. was one of a number of people to receive an award and Sheldon's motion provides that how best to live on "this place we of the salmon center board. He call our land," and said learning talked about vanloads of children pin for public service from President Bush. There's a "if the educational learning center centers could help people deal headed for salmon camp activities story about this on page 28. is outside a UGA, on agricultural with land-use dynamics, promote along a streamside or in a wetland. land, then it shall have no more understanding among neighbors, "I wondered what impact the same cumulative impacts than if the and teach people to regard land in lessons would have if they had to Pohce say fighter used land remained in traditional agri- "the most sensitive, most caring stay in classrooms or read it out of * cultural resource use." way possible." a book," he said. IN HIS STAFF report on the Bob Hager, a Hood Canal rest- Amy Kosterlitz, a land-use at- sleeper hold in assault proposed change to the land-use dent who said he spoke from an torney working with the salmon matrix, planner Allan Borden em- environmental standpoint, said center board, called the proposal phasized that in any case propos- allowing learning centers where "well-considered" and consistent By MARY DUNCAN Old Highway 410, Olympia, ap- als for educational centers would improved farm practices can be with the state's Growth Manage- Arraignment on an assault peared in court on Thursday, June require a permit review process, taught and demonstrated "is going ment Act. Outdoor education, she charge is scheduled today in Ma- 28, for identification in an inves- He noted that educational to be an important part of water- said, helps the county strike a hal- son County Superior for a 24-year- tigation of assault in the second learning centers are already in quality protection." Dan O'Neal ance between education and re- old Olympia man who is a trained degree, the matrix as permitted uses for also spoke in favor of anything that source protection. She pointed out professional fighter suspected of He was arrested June 27 by long-term commercial forestlands would help rebuild water quality. (Please turn to page 7.) assaulting a casino patron and Deputy Ruben Castillo of the and in other rural, residential and breaking his prosthetic arm. Mason County Sheriffs Office re- commercial lands. James Michael Marohl of 5833 spending to a report from Little Borden also noted that public Creek Casino of an alleged assault parks, along with greenhouses, on Joseph R. Peterson. Marohl, kennels and stables, are currently DI who said he had been training as permitted on agricultural lands, Union _ ans a fighter for four years, reportedly and he cited the county's permit- to celebrate put "a sleeper hold" on Peterson, tingofa learning center onNorth tel causing him to lose consciousness. Mason School District property at a0 PEOP midsummer Peterson had been involved in an Theler Wetlands as an example incident with Sean P. McFadden in of the kind of educational facility The Hood Canal Improvement the lobby of the hotel. He declined that might be developed in other I/VO WClDt 30 POOIDIO who hove Club is hosting this year's Mid- to be transported to the hospital areas. SUmmer Celebration! fund-raiser against medical advice. During public comment, speak- dIf[GU uDdorgh:/Dd/Dg, eg:)([Ci[ at the Union County Park on July (Please turn to page 7.) ers cited other examples of educa- //3 DoJby SJ'/HOJ/ODS, 21. to demo the new Arrls Personal This year's program will include Hearing Device, only at Avada. both a silent and live auction with net proceeds going towards resto- ration of the Union Pioneer Cem- NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT II|Sl( IFIIEIE etery. The format will be different this In-Office Trial! 0000a00'00t00att00erei00no00o,t,oat- TO KEEP YOUR FUTURE tend. This year's event will be a II potluck picnic open to all comers. ON TRACK We wiflperform HeorlngScreenirlgsATNO CHARGE for the C lub members will provide ham- first 30 callers to determine if you are a candidate for trial. burger and hot dogs, buns and all Applicants that are selected will be asked to wear the the condiments; soft drinks and • latest hearing technology. You wlll be allowed to hear all bottled water; and paper plates, Plastic utensils and such. the things you may be missing. Participants who wish to Persons with last names be- l.ots of times, changes in life also aftct your investments, keep the Instruments can do $o at a tremendous savings. gillning with A-L age requested That's why there's ne.ver been a belier time to schedule This offer i$ good at time of appointment only. to bring a salad or vegetable and ),our free portfolio review. We'll talk aboul the changes in those with last names beginning your life; and help you decide whether it makes s,'nsc to A TWO-MINUTE TEST CAN DETERMINE with M-Z are requested to bring a revise your investments because of them. IF YOU MAY BE A C,ND|DJIkTE dessert. All should bring their own blankets or lawn chairs as tables .............................................................................................................................................................. To take this quiz, ask someone to sit about 4-5 feet from you in a are in short supply at the park. A portfolio review will help ensure your investments quiet setting and read these words aloud. They should speak There will be recorded music, are keeping pace with your goals. (:all your local clearly and at a normal conversational level and say each word dancing on the lawn and a live financial advisor today; one time, without repeating it. The person taking the quiz should auction, close their eyes while taking the test (so as not to get visual cues The festivities will begin at 4 fromthepersonreadingthewords). P.ra. with food served starting at 5 o'clock. The silent auction will Janis Byrd Mark (1() each Incorrect word. close at 6 o'clock, at which time FinancialAdvisor 7" the live auction will begin. The 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. S,] FO  live auction is expected to run Shelton,WA 98584 HIghwoRDPItched Word LiStscORE Ou  about an hour. 360-432-8965 Member SIPC 1 snitch SELF! Union County Park is located 2 sap OnEast Port Townsend Street just 3 pat sOuth of East Fifth Street in Union. 4 c h at Direction signs will be placed at 5 fast appropriate crossroads in the area 6 path t0 help those unfamiliar with the 7 chief rOtation of the park. 8 cease 9 seep - Spa of the Week! 12101131 feetteachCheatpeep "Rendezvous" 14 chip fifth MARQUIS SPAS le safe .uer wAv you Need, 17 faith Thls quiz ls not e formal hearing test and should only be regarded as a screening to help determine if you may Seats 2/3 18 s pace have speech understanding problems, if you missed ,ill ,qi. 19 chase • 12 Jets .: more than 2 words, you should see your Avada Hearing 2 0 t a ste Care Professional to determine an accurate baseline of • 120/240 Volts yourlevel of speech understanding. • Marquis Ozonator If you missed more than 2 words, & Sanitation System please bring this with you. • Underwater Lighting. Total all the incorrect responses from the list, If you have more ' ' than 2 incorrect responses, you may have a speech • Western Red Cedar  understanding loss and we recommend you have your • Energy Cover understanding electronically Checked to identify certain speech • 5yr, 3yr, lyr, Warranty perception issues. CANDIDATES WILL BE SELECTED BY JULY 13, 2007 Appliances • Spas • Fireplaces Thursday, July 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 County €,kays education centers 00ith some limits The Mason County Commis- tion centers on agricultural prop- Paul Hirsh, from the salmon sion took action on Tuesday to erties, including Sunfield Farms center board, said it's important add educational learning centers in Jefferson County and Island- to find ways to promote agricul- as a permitted land use in urban wood on Bainbridge Island. ture while protecting the natural growth areas and agricultural re- DURING PUBLIC comment, environment. "It's important to source lands. The commissioners, the commissioners heard from Me- disseminate that information to however, imposed restrictions on son Conservation District Manag- people, particularly the young," he the use with a review process and er John Bolender, who said learn- said, urging the commission to ac- some limitations, ing facilities can be designed that cept the staffrecommendation. Me Those limitations, say propo- do not interrupt resource land and McCrackin of the Mason County- nents of the Pacific Northwest enable demonstration of sustain- WSU Cooperative Extension Of- Salmon Center, could jeopardize able agricultural practices. He rice concurred, as did John Bur- their plans for a facility adjacent asked the county to clarify what gess, president of the IIood Canal to the Theler Wetlands. entities would be able to establish Salmon Enhancement Group and After hearing from a dozen rest- such centers so that special-pur- a member of the salmon center dents and education-center propo- pose entities like conservation dis- board. "We cannot have too much nents who supported the proposal tricts would not be excluded. Greg education on environmental mat- and two speakers who opposed Oldham of Belfair said he support- ters," Burgess said, "and there is permitting the use on agricultural ed Bolender's comments, no place better in this world to pi lands, the commissioners unani- Dr. Michael Pavel, a Skokomish have education than in the field Presidential n mously approved a motion by tribal member, Washington State where theenvironmentexists." Jane Gruver of Shelton, left, receives congratulations Commissioner Tim Sheldon that University professor and "student HIS SENTIMENTS were from Terri Shaw of the Volunteer Center of Retired would set limits on the impact of of Mason County land use," said echoed by those of Fred Barrett, Senior Volunteer Program of Mason County. Gruver facilities outside of urban growth it's important for everyone to learn a resident of Allyn and president areas. was one of a number of people to receive an award and Sheldon's motion provides that how best to live on "this place we of the salmon center board. He call our land," and said learning talked about vanloads of children pin for public service from President Bush. There's a "if the educational learning center centers could help people deal headed for salmon camp activities story about this on page 28. is outside a UGA, on agricultural with land-use dynamics, promote along a streamside or in a wetland. land, then it shall have no more understanding among neighbors, "I wondered what impact the same cumulative impacts than if the and teach people to regard land in lessons would have if they had to Pohce say fighter used land remained in traditional agri- "the most sensitive, most caring stay in classrooms or read it out of * cultural resource use." way possible." a book," he said. IN HIS STAFF report on the Bob Hager, a Hood Canal rest- Amy Kosterlitz, a land-use at- sleeper hold in assault proposed change to the land-use dent who said he spoke from an torney working with the salmon matrix, planner Allan Borden em- environmental standpoint, said center board, called the proposal phasized that in any case propos- allowing learning centers where "well-considered" and consistent By MARY DUNCAN Old Highway 410, Olympia, ap- als for educational centers would improved farm practices can be with the state's Growth Manage- Arraignment on an assault peared in court on Thursday, June require a permit review process, taught and demonstrated "is going ment Act. Outdoor education, she charge is scheduled today in Ma- 28, for identification in an inves- He noted that educational to be an important part of water- said, helps the county strike a hal- son County Superior for a 24-year- tigation of assault in the second learning centers are already in quality protection." Dan O'Neal ance between education and re- old Olympia man who is a trained degree, the matrix as permitted uses for also spoke in favor of anything that source protection. She pointed out professional fighter suspected of He was arrested June 27 by long-term commercial forestlands would help rebuild water quality. (Please turn to page 7.) assaulting a casino patron and Deputy Ruben Castillo of the and in other rural, residential and breaking his prosthetic arm. Mason County Sheriffs Office re- commercial lands. James Michael Marohl of 5833 spending to a report from Little Borden also noted that public Creek Casino of an alleged assault parks, along with greenhouses, on Joseph R. Peterson. Marohl, kennels and stables, are currently DI who said he had been training as permitted on agricultural lands, Union _ ans a fighter for four years, reportedly and he cited the county's permit- to celebrate put "a sleeper hold" on Peterson, tingofa learning center onNorth tel causing him to lose consciousness. Mason School District property at a0 PEOP midsummer Peterson had been involved in an Theler Wetlands as an example incident with Sean P. McFadden in of the kind of educational facility The Hood Canal Improvement the lobby of the hotel. He declined that might be developed in other I/VO WClDt 30 POOIDIO who hove Club is hosting this year's Mid- to be transported to the hospital areas. SUmmer Celebration! fund-raiser against medical advice. During public comment, speak- dIf[GU uDdorgh:/Dd/Dg, eg:)([Ci[ at the Union County Park on July (Please turn to page 7.) ers cited other examples of educa- //3 DoJby SJ'/HOJ/ODS, 21. to demo the new Arrls Personal This year's program will include Hearing Device, only at Avada. both a silent and live auction with net proceeds going towards resto- ration of the Union Pioneer Cem- NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT II|Sl( IFIIEIE etery. The format will be different this In-Office Trial! 0000a00'00t00att00erei00no00o,t,oat- TO KEEP YOUR FUTURE tend. This year's event will be a II potluck picnic open to all comers. ON TRACK We wiflperform HeorlngScreenirlgsATNO CHARGE for the C lub members will provide ham- first 30 callers to determine if you are a candidate for trial. burger and hot dogs, buns and all Applicants that are selected will be asked to wear the the condiments; soft drinks and • latest hearing technology. You wlll be allowed to hear all bottled water; and paper plates, Plastic utensils and such. the things you may be missing. Participants who wish to Persons with last names be- l.ots of times, changes in life also aftct your investments, keep the Instruments can do $o at a tremendous savings. gillning with A-L age requested That's why there's ne.ver been a belier time to schedule This offer i$ good at time of appointment only. to bring a salad or vegetable and ),our free portfolio review. We'll talk aboul the changes in those with last names beginning your life; and help you decide whether it makes s,'nsc to A TWO-MINUTE TEST CAN DETERMINE with M-Z are requested to bring a revise your investments because of them. IF YOU MAY BE A C,ND|DJIkTE dessert. All should bring their own blankets or lawn chairs as tables .............................................................................................................................................................. To take this quiz, ask someone to sit about 4-5 feet from you in a are in short supply at the park. A portfolio review will help ensure your investments quiet setting and read these words aloud. They should speak There will be recorded music, are keeping pace with your goals. (:all your local clearly and at a normal conversational level and say each word dancing on the lawn and a live financial advisor today; one time, without repeating it. The person taking the quiz should auction, close their eyes while taking the test (so as not to get visual cues The festivities will begin at 4 fromthepersonreadingthewords). P.ra. with food served starting at 5 o'clock. The silent auction will Janis Byrd Mark (1() each Incorrect word. close at 6 o'clock, at which time FinancialAdvisor 7" the live auction will begin. The 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. S,] FO  live auction is expected to run Shelton,WA 98584 HIghwoRDPItched Word LiStscORE Ou  about an hour. 360-432-8965 Member SIPC 1 snitch SELF! Union County Park is located 2 sap OnEast Port Townsend Street just 3 pat sOuth of East Fifth Street in Union. 4 c h at Direction signs will be placed at 5 fast appropriate crossroads in the area 6 path t0 help those unfamiliar with the 7 chief rOtation of the park. 8 cease 9 seep - Spa of the Week! 12101131 feetteachCheatpeep "Rendezvous" 14 chip fifth MARQUIS SPAS le safe .uer wAv you Need, 17 faith Thls quiz ls not e formal hearing test and should only be regarded as a screening to help determine if you may Seats 2/3 18 s pac e have speech understanding problems, if you missed ,ill ,qi. 19 chase • 12 Jets .: more than 2 words, you should see your Avada Hearing 2 0 t a s te Care Professional to determine an accurate baseline of • 120/240 Volts yourlevel of speech understanding. • Marquis Ozonator If you missed more than 2 words, & Sanitation System please bring this with you. • Underwater Lighting. Total all the incorrect responses from the list, If you have more ' ' than 2 incorrect responses, you may have a speech • Western Red Cedar  understanding loss and we recommend you have your • Energy Cover understanding electronically Checked to identify certain speech • 5yr, 3yr, lyr, Warranty perception issues. CANDIDATES WILL BE SELECTED BY JULY 13, 2007 Appliances • Spas • Fireplaces Thursday, July 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3