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F00eaders' 00ournal:
Miles made issue of streets
Editor, The Journal:
Jack Miles, a few months ago,
announced his intentions to run
for mayor of Shelton. "Commis-
sioner of public safety" is the may-
or's actual title and responsibility.
Jack stressed the importance of
safety, the streets of Shelton being
a priority, and superior training,
staffing and equipping of the fire
department and law-enforcement
In 1998, after my husband (who
graduated from Shelton High
School) retired from the Air Force,
we moved back here. The streets
of Shelton have been a byword of
neglect. Nothing ever happened
until Jack made an issue of them
this spring. Mayor John Tarrant
wrote a letter to the editor in the
June 7 Journal headlined, "Let's
fix the streets." His words in-
cluded, "Time is of the essence,"
and "...the sooner we address the
problem, the less it will cost." He
made an impassioned appeal to
the populace: "Please help us fix
them and keep them that way."
Were all the previous years not "of
the essence?"
It was nice of Ray Harley of Puy-
a!lup, in his June 21 letter ("Re-
elect Tarrant"), to write, "Mayor
Tarrant thinks ahead with a dedi-
ated plan for the city's future..."
t that opinion must not apply to
the streets. It took Jack Miles to
get the ball rolling.
Additionally, there have been
Small news references in the June
21 and 28 editions of The Jour-
nal to the "Annexation Feasibility
Study for Mason County Fire Pro-
tection District 5 and City of Shel-
ton." Anyone who reviewed the
final report (info@fireservice-
consultinginc.com) would have
read the following statements on
page 8: "The fire department in
the city does not appear to be on
the top of the city's priority list."
"It has taken the city over seven
years to get a replacement fire sta-
tion to the top of the 'to do' list."
"Without proper funding, there is
a high risk of serious injury to fire
department personnel due to un-
derstaffing." "While plans of late
will certainly help the situation, it
is far from adequate to meet the
needs of the city or its citizens."
What has the mayor, commis-
sioner of public safety, been doing
all these years that things can be
in such a mess? I'm sure Mayor
Tarrant is nice, and I feel for him
because he is dealing with the ef-
fects of his fall last winter, and
hope he has no more episodes like
the one last week at the city com-
mission meeting, but it is probably
time for someone progressive, as-
sertive, determined and steadfast
in the face of pressure to replace
him. Jack Miles has all those qual-
Look at Jack's record. As port
commissioner he has been on
the front lines of timely, fiscally
profitable programs, notably the
Shelton drag races. As a gradu-
ate of the Firefighter Academy, he
faithfully serves the community
with Fire District 5 and is sched-
uled for emergency medical tech-
nician (EMT) training in the fall.
He's the chairman of the Mason
County Housing Authority, work-
ing steadily for the needs of less
advantaged community members.
When he found that Shawn Don-
nelly had reprehensible reports in
his Mason County sheriffs person-
nel file, Jack immediately resigned
as Shawn's campaign manager. In
the Republican flap that ensued,
he resigned as chair of local Re-
People are more important to
Jack than politics. Can that be
said of his other political oppo-
nent, Gary Cronce? Gary's ads re-
fer to "the city we live in." A few
months ago I sat enjoying a latte
at Urraco Coffee Company. Across
the street, new people were mov-
ing into the historical home on the
opposite corner. I learned it was
Gary and his wife moving into that
house in "the city we live in." The
grapevine has it that Gary has
lived in Grapeview most of the 30
years mentioned in his ad, and it
appears he only moved into town
in order to run for mayor.
Because of Gary's expertise as
a businessman I wondered why
he did not run for commissioner
of finance against Michael Byrne.
It takes astute consideration for
finances for anyone to survive in
business during this day and age.
It seems such a waste of Gary's
talent to run for "commissioner of
public safety," an office for which
he has no known experience. Gary
espouses the same values that
Jack Miles long ago verbalized in
Jack's original press release. If
you like Gary's ideas, then vote for
Jack Miles.
Julie Moore
Bush more inept than forecast
Editor, The Journal:
A few years ago I wrote a se-
ries of letters critical of Governor
Bush, who had been acclaimed
: President of these United States
with the assistance of his brother
and Kathy what's-her-name. I was
critical of his plan to invade Iraq
and Iran, writing that the results
Would be horrible, counterproduc-
tive and illegal.
I was Wrong about the war. My
miscalculations included not real-
iti ag Unacceptably high cost
ne war in terms of lives lost and
lives ruined on both sides, but also
the trillions of dollars borrowed
fora foreign, investors and given
to the war industrial complex for
ur poor grandchildren to pay
ack in a declining economy.
I was wrong about Mr. Bush.
He has proven to be mucl more
inept than I had predicted. Many
of his associates have turned out
to be crooks, liars and ballot-
stuffers. The man who occupies
the vice presidential position has
delusions of grandeur. The staff
at the White House lost a war and
lusts after a third war. Their idea
of fighting terrorists was to attack
a stable country that had fought
against the very same terrorists
for years (i.e., al-Qaida).
The population of much of New
Orleans remains scattered to this
day as a result of White House in-
We are soon going to have a
chance to bring democracy back
to the United States of America.
Our media has made a bogey out
of a ragtag group of zealots who
had one spectacular success that
was allowed by our CIA's inepti-
tude. (They had virtually no Arab
speakers anywhere in the world
and in conventional intelligence
operations a great amount is
learned just from newspapers and
magazines delivered to the door of
the embassy.) The neocon answer
to this threat was to begin the ero-
sion of our freedoms, but we really
can seize them back.
And what are the chances of the
Arab radicals hurting us again at
home? If they had had the re-
sources they could have sent mas-
sive shipping-container bombs all
over our country; we were letting
containers in with no inspection
(some with Chinese immigrants
inside) while we fought a futile
war for the petroleum corpora-
Edwin Bush Keyt III
Terrific assets to Shelton
Editor, The Journal."
I was walking through down-
town the other evening and took a
tour through the Olsen Furniture
tore parking lot. I had noticed it
ztrora a distance earlier and wanted
o get a closer look. It is beautiful!
The Olsen family has been so
much a part of the community for so
long, and I have appreciated them
all - from Rod Sr. and his store and
cars, to Carolyn most recently with
Sage Book Store, to Karin and her
massage business and now to Rod
Jr. and Sandy taking over their fa-
ther's business. They have all been
great assets to Shelton.
We don't often take the time to
just appreciate all of the people
who have made, and continue to
make, Shelton a great place to live
and work.
Ran Pannell
City of Shelton - Public Works
Sidewalk Plan and Impact Fee
Open House
Date: July 18, 2007
• • • m •
Time. 5.30 7.00 p.m.
Shelton Civic Center
525 West Cota Street
Come and hear staff, and the City's consultant Shea,
Carr, & Jewell present important information on
planning and funding sidewalks for our city streets.
Contact Public works at 426-9731 for more information.
Refreshments Available!
63.99 •
• 2 speed
5000 Btu 4204657
6000 Btu 4204665
8000 Btu 4204673
i: ¸• ;:
I0,000 Btu 4204699
9000 Btu Portable
42y7€, 12,000 Btu 4204715
{518"X50" HOSE
518"X75" HOSE
" 5/8"X2S"
• 6' diameter,
15" high
• 8'x30" First & Mill, Shelton
• Includes filter pump 426-4373 or 426-2411
817339 Monday-Saturday 7:30-6:00
Sunday 8:30-5:00
Thursday, duly 5, 2007 - Sholton-Mason County dournal - Page 5
F00eaders' 00ournal:
Miles made issue of streets
Editor, The Journal:
Jack Miles, a few months ago,
announced his intentions to run
for mayor of Shelton. "Commis-
sioner of public safety" is the may-
or's actual title and responsibility.
Jack stressed the importance of
safety, the streets of Shelton being
a priority, and superior training,
staffing and equipping of the fire
department and law-enforcement
In 1998, after my husband (who
graduated from Shelton High
School) retired from the Air Force,
we moved back here. The streets
of Shelton have been a byword of
neglect. Nothing ever happened
until Jack made an issue of them
this spring. Mayor John Tarrant
wrote a letter to the editor in the
June 7 Journal headlined, "Let's
fix the streets." His words in-
cluded, "Time is of the essence,"
and "...the sooner we address the
problem, the less it will cost." He
made an impassioned appeal to
the populace: "Please help us fix
them and keep them that way."
Were all the previous years not "of
the essence?"
It was nice of Ray Harley of Puy-
a!lup, in his June 21 letter ("Re-
elect Tarrant"), to write, "Mayor
Tarrant thinks ahead with a dedi-
ated plan for the city's future..."
t that opinion must not apply to
the streets. It took Jack Miles to
get the ball rolling.
Additionally, there have been
Small news references in the June
21 and 28 editions of The Jour-
nal to the "Annexation Feasibility
Study for Mason County Fire Pro-
tection District 5 and City of Shel-
ton." Anyone who reviewed the
final report (info@fireservice-
consultinginc.com) would have
read the following statements on
page 8: "The fire department in
the city does not appear to be on
the top of the city's priority list."
"It has taken the city over seven
years to get a replacement fire sta-
tion to the top of the 'to do' list."
"Without proper funding, there is
a high risk of serious injury to fire
department personnel due to un-
derstaffing." "While plans of late
will certainly help the situation, it
is far from adequate to meet the
needs of the city or its citizens."
What has the mayor, commis-
sioner of public safety, been doing
all these years that things can be
in such a mess? I'm sure Mayor
Tarrant is nice, and I feel for him
because he is dealing with the ef-
fects of his fall last winter, and
hope he has no more episodes like
the one last week at the city com-
mission meeting, but it is probably
time for someone progressive, as-
sertive, determined and steadfast
in the face of pressure to replace
him. Jack Miles has all those qual-
Look at Jack's record. As port
commissioner he has been on
the front lines of timely, fiscally
profitable programs, notably the
Shelton drag races. As a gradu-
ate of the Firefighter Academy, he
faithfully serves the community
with Fire District 5 and is sched-
uled for emergency medical tech-
nician (EMT) training in the fall.
He's the chairman of the Mason
County Housing Authority, work-
ing steadily for the needs of less
advantaged community members.
When he found that Shawn Don-
nelly had reprehensible reports in
his Mason County sheriffs person-
nel file, Jack immediately resigned
as Shawn's campaign manager. In
the Republican flap that ensued,
he resigned as chair of local Re-
People are more important to
Jack than politics. Can that be
said of his other political oppo-
nent, Gary Cronce? Gary's ads re-
fer to "the city we live in." A few
months ago I sat enjoying a latte
at Urraco Coffee Company. Across
the street, new people were mov-
ing into the historical home on the
opposite corner. I learned it was
Gary and his wife moving into that
house in "the city we live in." The
grapevine has it that Gary has
lived in Grapeview most of the 30
years mentioned in his ad, and it
appears he only moved into town
in order to run for mayor.
Because of Gary's expertise as
a businessman I wondered why
he did not run for commissioner
of finance against Michael Byrne.
It takes astute consideration for
finances for anyone to survive in
business during this day and age.
It seems such a waste of Gary's
talent to run for "commissioner of
public safety," an office for which
he has no known experience. Gary
espouses the same values that
Jack Miles long ago verbalized in
Jack's original press release. If
you like Gary's ideas, then vote for
Jack Miles.
Julie Moore
Bush more inept than forecast
Editor, The Journal:
A few years ago I wrote a se-
ries of letters critical of Governor
Bush, who had been acclaimed
: President of these United States
with the assistance of his brother
and Kathy what's-her-name. I was
critical of his plan to invade Iraq
and Iran, writing that the results
Would be horrible, counterproduc-
tive and illegal.
I was Wrong about the war. My
miscalculations included not real-
iti ag Unacceptably high cost
ne war in terms of lives lost and
lives ruined on both sides, but also
the trillions of dollars borrowed
fora foreign, investors and given
to the war industrial complex for
ur poor grandchildren to pay
ack in a declining economy.
I was wrong about Mr. Bush.
He has proven to be mucl more
inept than I had predicted. Many
of his associates have turned out
to be crooks, liars and ballot-
stuffers. The man who occupies
the vice presidential position has
delusions of grandeur. The staff
at the White House lost a war and
lusts after a third war. Their idea
of fighting terrorists was to attack
a stable country that had fought
against the very same terrorists
for years (i.e., al-Qaida).
The population of much of New
Orleans remains scattered to this
day as a result of White House in-
We are soon going to have a
chance to bring democracy back
to the United States of America.
Our media has made a bogey out
of a ragtag group of zealots who
had one spectacular success that
was allowed by our CIA's inepti-
tude. (They had virtually no Arab
speakers anywhere in the world
and in conventional intelligence
operations a great amount is
learned just from newspapers and
magazines delivered to the door of
the embassy.) The neocon answer
to this threat was to begin the ero-
sion of our freedoms, but we really
can seize them back.
And what are the chances of the
Arab radicals hurting us again at
home? If they had had the re-
sources they could have sent mas-
sive shipping-container bombs all
over our country; we were letting
containers in with no inspection
(some with Chinese immigrants
inside) while we fought a futile
war for the petroleum corpora-
Edwin Bush Keyt III
Terrific assets to Shelton
Editor, The Journal."
I was walking through down-
town the other evening and took a
tour through the Olsen Furniture
tore parking lot. I had noticed it
ztrora a distance earlier and wanted
o get a closer look. It is beautiful!
The Olsen family has been so
much a part of the community for so
long, and I have appreciated them
all - from Rod Sr. and his store and
cars, to Carolyn most recently with
Sage Book Store, to Karin and her
massage business and now to Rod
Jr. and Sandy taking over their fa-
ther's business. They have all been
great assets to Shelton.
We don't often take the time to
just appreciate all of the people
who have made, and continue to
make, Shelton a great place to live
and work.
Ran Pannell
City of Shelton - Public Works
Sidewalk Plan and Impact Fee
Open House
Date: July 18, 2007
• • • m •
Time. 5.30 7.00 p.m.
Shelton Civic Center
525 West Cota Street
Come and hear staff, and the City's consultant Shea,
Carr, & Jewell present important information on
planning and funding sidewalks for our city streets.
Contact Public works at 426-9731 for more information.
Refreshments Available!
63.99 •
• 2 speed
5000 Btu 4204657
6000 Btu 4204665
8000 Btu 4204673
i: ¸• ;:
I0,000 Btu 4204699
9000 Btu Portable
42y7€, 12,000 Btu 4204715
{518"X50" HOSE
518"X75" HOSE
" 5/8"X2S"
• 6' diameter,
15" high
• 8'x30" First & Mill, Shelton
• Includes filter pump 426-4373 or 426-2411
817339 Monday-Saturday 7:30-6:00
Sunday 8:30-5:00
Thursday, duly 5, 2007 - Sholton-Mason County dournal - Page 5