July 5, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 5, 2007 |
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A number of students fl'om
the Mason County have been
named to the dean's list {br
academic excellence during
the spring quarter at the
University of Washington.
They are: from Allyn, se-
nior Jeff D. Eck and soph-
omore Niekolas Charles
Southerland; from Belfhir,
Alecia Marie Allaway, a
senior, and Lindsay Su-
san Fitzmorris, a fresh-
man; from Grapeview, se-
niors Anna Laura Hoover,
Amelia Dale Wallace and
Emma Willa Yantis; from
Shelton, seniors Benjamin
Charles Drew, Rebecca
Nancy Patrice Jay, Lind-
say Kaye Orme and Rob-
ert Joseph Smith, juniors
Sadi A.K. Hassouneh and
Taylor Morgan McKay and
sophomore Taylor Thomas
Sloane; and f?om Union,
Kristoffer Robert Martin-
son, a senior.
Three people from Ma-
son County graduated from
George Fox University in
Newberg, Oregon, during
commencement ceremonies
held April 28. Staeey Ozga,
the daughter of John and
Margaret Ozga of Shelton,
received a bachelor of arts de-
gree with a" major in history.
Heidi Korver, the daughter
of" Richard and Jeanne Ko:
rver of Shelton, received a
bacheh)r of arts degree in his-
tory, graduating cum laude,
an honor fbr those with at
]east a 3.5 grade-point aver-
age. Jennifer Miser, the
daughter of Dave and Connie
Miser of' Hoodsport, received
a bachelor of arts degree in
music, graduating summa
cure laude, an honor tbr those
with at least a 3.7 GPA.
Study says fire merger makes financial sense
(Continued from page 2.)
positions in the new organization.
That will require agreements with
the two locals of the International
Association of Firefighters that
currently represent firefighters in
the two departments.
Also, a facilities plan will need
to be developed, Crossen said. The
city and fire district will need to
agree on use of the Shelton Fire
Station and equipment and about
who will pay for the equipment
and use it.
The consultants recommended
the city contract with Fire District
5 for fire marshal and emergency
management services. The fire
district should also develop service
contracts with Shelton, Mason
County, the state, Port of Shelton
and Shelton School District for fire
protection services. The fire dis-
trict has the authority to contract
with those other agencies, Crossen
The funding sources for a com-
bined fire district are stable, he
said. Currently, the fire district's
funding is stable, but the city fire
department has to fight for funds
with the police department and
other city departments.
"THE SHELTON Fire Depart-
ment is, and has been for several
years, struggling to provide mini-
mal acceptable delivery of fire
department related services," the
study notes. "As of this report, they
are falling short of that goal due to
limited fire department funding."
About future financial projec-
tions, the consultants paint a far
from rosy picture. "The fire depart-
ment in the city does not appear to
be on the top of the city's priority
list," they wrote.
"The financial future &the city's
fire department is not good. Based
upon the city's history related to
the fire department, it is not likely
that additional financial resources
will be available any time soon.
Without proper funding, there is a
high risk of serious injury to fire
department personnel due to un-
The consultants also note that
while the city has hired two addi-
tional'firefighters and plans to hire
a third this year, and its plans for
a new fire station downtown will
help the situation, that is far from
adequate to meet the needs of the
city or its citizens.
IN 2006 THE city allocated 9.5
percent of its budget to the fire de-
partment. From that budget, the
fire department's total expendi-
tures were $1,050,791.
By contrast, the largest single
source of revenue for Fire District
5 comes from regular levy proper-
ty taxes, which reoccur each year
without a requirement for voter
approval. The district also receives
money from a voter-approved six-
year emergency medical services,
or EMS, levy. The consultants did
not provide annual budget totals
for either of the above.
They did include one significant
revenue figure for Fire District
5. That is, in 2005, the district
collected $428,356.72 in patient
transport fees for medic units the
district uses to take injured or
ill persons to the hospital. That
breaks down to $1,173.58 for each
day of that year.
Fire District 5, the city and
Mason County are currently con-
solidating dispatch and commu-
nications services into one dis-
patch center. When complete, the
process will eliminate a revenue
source for the district for fire ser-
vice dispatching and place the dis-
trict in the position of paying a fee
for dispatching with other users in
the county, the study notes.
patch centers will reduce staff ex-
penses and other miscellaneous
expenses and will provide a net
savings to the district of $290,000.
The consultants estimate the
cost to the city for its fire depart-
ment would be approximately
$1,350,000 in 2008. But the tax
revenue projection for the fire dis-
trict for the city, if the annexation
proceeds, is $918,000, which falls
short of the needed revenue by
some $400,000.
Once annexation of the Shelton
Fire Department is complete, Fire
District 5 will need to provide the
same level and type of services to
citizens of the city as it does to the
unincorporated areas of the dis-
trict, the study points out.
The consultants presume the
district will extend its paramed-
ic program into the city. "Con-
servatively, this could generate
the needed $400,000 in revenue
through patient transport fees,"
the study says.
The two commissions directed
their staff members to begin nego-
tiations with the firefighter union
locals and begin work on draft con-
tracts for interim fire protection
service, if the annexation proceeds.
The next meeting of the com-
missions will be at 3:30 p.m. on
Thursday, July 26, at Fire District
5's Station 5-3 at the intersection
of Mason Lake and Mason-Benson
The Professionals
The choice of people who are particular about their cars!
2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467
Shelton, WA 98584 Dan enhauer, owner
Buy 1, Get 1 FREE!
20% OFF
:'l All Remaining
Hanging Baskets!
antiques, plus size/children's clothing.
Little Tykes outdoor toys, treadmill, patio
furniture. Chrome diamond-plated small
truck toolbox, like new, $55. Friday-
Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 401 E. Thornton
Rd. (Harstine Island). K7/5
DINING SET: 47" round oak table/leaf/4
side, 2 captain chairs, $350. 48"x22"
library table/3 drawers, 2 upholstered
chairs, $80. All good condition. (360)
898-3021. $7/5-12
1982 MERCURY Cougar, good body,
new tires, runs, needs work. $500. (360)
426-0984. D7/5
bath with den. Many upgrades. $183,500.
#27090190. Shelton Land & Homes,
(360) 426-5555. Sheltonlandandhomes.
com. $7/5
BANG UP lakefront, dock. New brilliant
custom-built 3 bedroom, 21/2 bath. Bonus
room. Large decks. Only $644,000.
#27063256. Shelton Land & Homes,
(360) 426-5555. Sheltonlandandhomes.
com. $7/5
YARD SALE. Saturday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Many household items, books, clothing,
etc. 104 W. University Ave. L7/5
SATURDAY 9 a.m.-3 p.m. English
................................................................................................. saddle, western tack, metal hay/saddle
NEW TAILGATE, 1994 Ford F250, $300. cart, bunkbeds, oak desk, daybed, girls
1994 overhaul books, $50. (360) 426-
8599. R7/5
OPEN HOUSE Sunday, July 8, 1-3 p.m.
1605 Puget Street, Shelton. 2,153 sq.ft.,
3 bedroom, 2 bath, $264,900. Van Dorm
Realty. Host: Diane Pitzler, (360) 701-
bedroom set, brush chipper, clothing,
collectibles, housewares, much more.
2240 SE Arcadia Road. L7/5
.71 ACRE park-like setting, fantastic view
of Hood Canal. 2 bedroom, 2 bath plus
2000. P7/5 bonus room. l-level home. Wonderful
........................................................................................................ open floor plan. Must see. $285,000.
1716 FERRY, charming 3 bedroom,
1 bath home with 2 car garage on
fenced lot. Fireplace/woodstove insert,
W/D included, l-year lease, credit
check, deposit, references required. No
smoking, small dog negotiable. $800
#27113822. Shelton Land & Homes,
(360) 426-5555. Sheltonlandandhomes.
com. $7/5
SUMMER IS beret Low bank lake
front, new 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. 2
monthly. (360) 427-1889. A7/5-12 decks overlook take. Asking $379,500.
.................................................................................................... #27105449. Shelton Land & Homes,
ROOM TO roam! 5 lush, level acres. (360) 426-5555. Sheltonlandandhomes.
3 bedroom manufactured home. com. $7/5
Only $165,000. #27094530. Shelton
Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555. 1.21 ACRE, nice, level buildable lot.
Sheltonlandandhomes.com. $7/5 Spencer Lake beach access. Bring your
................................................................................................................ floor plans. Only $69,000. #27030780.
IT DAZZLES in the sun! Spectacular Shelton Land& Homes, (360)426-5555.
custom built 2 story home. 2 bedroom, 2 Sheltonlandandhomes.com. $7/5
Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
(25 + Years Experience)
General Dentistry
full service practice
Restorative care (Crowns, Bridges, Fillings)
Extractions • Full & Partial Dentures
Repairs * Relines
Most Insurances Accepted
S. Peters, DPD C. Ngo, DDS
At the intersection
of Highway 101 and
108, just minutes
away from Olympia
and Shelton
TOBACCO ,,, Made fresh at our own factory
We now have 2 locations to serve
you our award winning barbecue
913 Capitol Way South
(between 9th and 10th)
Downtown Olympia
Take Out Only
Mon-Fri 11am-6pm
10841 Kennedy Creek Road SW
(0.6 mi. past Summit Lake Dr.
westbound on Hwy. 8)
Dine In or Take Out
Open Daily 11am-9pm
Walk-In Humidor
of Fine Cigars &
Humidor Accessories
Have Ranch House BBQ cater your event --
"Large or small, we do 'era all"
Complete menus available at www.ranchhousebbq.net
ii i ii iii iiiiii iiii i i ii ii ii ii i iii
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2007
• Camel - $356, Carton/S3 sv Pack - USA Gold - $320' Carton/S3 =' Pack
• Winston - $35" Carton/S3 Pack • Liggett - $3 o4° Carton/S3 ° Pack
• Basic - $35 7 Carton/S3 ss Pack - Newport - $44 °9 Carton/S44' Pack
All dus tax
;' .... : 7 7,'', ' ",,, 1 LAR6E SELECTION
l l
, ' ' '' ,I iII
,I m00c00-ivs ee¢ I,I .
HOURS: Mon-Thur 6am-12am I Fri & Sat 6am-2am I Sun 6am-llpm
The Kamilche Trading Post operates under a compact with the State of Washington "Safe To Shop"
TOBACCO PRODUCTS DRIVE -THRU OPEN Sun-Thur 7am0pm ' Fri & Sat 7am-10pm [
A number of students fl'om
the Mason County have been
named to the dean's list {br
academic excellence during
the spring quarter at the
University of Washington.
They are: from Allyn, se-
nior Jeff D. Eck and soph-
omore Niekolas Charles
Southerland; from Belfhir,
Alecia Marie Allaway, a
senior, and Lindsay Su-
san Fitzmorris, a fresh-
man; from Grapeview, se-
niors Anna Laura Hoover,
Amelia Dale Wallace and
Emma Willa Yantis; from
Shelton, seniors Benjamin
Charles Drew, Rebecca
Nancy Patrice Jay, Lind-
say Kaye Orme and Rob-
ert Joseph Smith, juniors
Sadi A.K. Hassouneh and
Taylor Morgan McKay and
sophomore Taylor Thomas
Sloane; and f?om Union,
Kristoffer Robert Martin-
son, a senior.
Three people from Ma-
son County graduated from
George Fox University in
Newberg, Oregon, during
commencement ceremonies
held April 28. Staeey Ozga,
the daughter of John and
Margaret Ozga of Shelton,
received a bachelor of arts de-
gree with a" major in history.
Heidi Korver, the daughter
of" Richard and Jeanne Ko:
rver of Shelton, received a
bacheh)r of arts degree in his-
tory, graduating cum laude,
an honor fbr those with at
]east a 3.5 grade-point aver-
age. Jennifer Miser, the
daughter of Dave and Connie
Miser of' Hoodsport, received
a bachelor of arts degree in
music, graduating summa
cure laude, an honor tbr those
with at least a 3.7 GPA.
Study says fire merger makes financial sense
(Continued from page 2.)
positions in the new organization.
That will require agreements with
the two locals of the International
Association of Firefighters that
currently represent firefighters in
the two departments.
Also, a facilities plan will need
to be developed, Crossen said. The
city and fire district will need to
agree on use of the Shelton Fire
Station and equipment and about
who will pay for the equipment
and use it.
The consultants recommended
the city contract with Fire District
5 for fire marshal and emergency
management services. The fire
district should also develop service
contracts with Shelton, Mason
County, the state, Port of Shelton
and Shelton School District for fire
protection services. The fire dis-
trict has the authority to contract
with those other agencies, Crossen
The funding sources for a com-
bined fire district are stable, he
said. Currently, the fire district's
funding is stable, but the city fire
department has to fight for funds
with the police department and
other city departments.
"THE SHELTON Fire Depart-
ment is, and has been for several
years, struggling to provide mini-
mal acceptable delivery of fire
department related services," the
study notes. "As of this report, they
are falling short of that goal due to
limited fire department funding."
About future financial projec-
tions, the consultants paint a far
from rosy picture. "The fire depart-
ment in the city does not appear to
be on the top of the city's priority
list," they wrote.
"The financial future &the city's
fire department is not good. Based
upon the city's history related to
the fire department, it is not likely
that additional financial resources
will be available any time soon.
Without proper funding, there is a
high risk of serious injury to fire
department personnel due to un-
The consultants also note that
while the city has hired two addi-
tional'firefighters and plans to hire
a third this year, and its plans for
a new fire station downtown will
help the situation, that is far from
adequate to meet the needs of the
city or its citizens.
IN 2006 THE city allocated 9.5
percent of its budget to the fire de-
partment. From that budget, the
fire department's total expendi-
tures were $1,050,791.
By contrast, the largest single
source of revenue for Fire District
5 comes from regular levy proper-
ty taxes, which reoccur each year
without a requirement for voter
approval. The district also receives
money from a voter-approved six-
year emergency medical services,
or EMS, levy. The consultants did
not provide annual budget totals
for either of the above.
They did include one significant
revenue figure for Fire District
5. That is, in 2005, the district
collected $428,356.72 in patient
transport fees for medic units the
district uses to take injured or
ill persons to the hospital. That
breaks down to $1,173.58 for each
day of that year.
Fire District 5, the city and
Mason County are currently con-
solidating dispatch and commu-
nications services into one dis-
patch center. When complete, the
process will eliminate a revenue
source for the district for fire ser-
vice dispatching and place the dis-
trict in the position of paying a fee
for dispatching with other users in
the county, the study notes.
patch centers will reduce staff ex-
penses and other miscellaneous
expenses and will provide a net
savings to the district of $290,000.
The consultants estimate the
cost to the city for its fire depart-
ment would be approximately
$1,350,000 in 2008. But the tax
revenue projection for the fire dis-
trict for the city, if the annexation
proceeds, is $918,000, which falls
short of the needed revenue by
some $400,000.
Once annexation of the Shelton
Fire Department is complete, Fire
District 5 will need to provide the
same level and type of services to
citizens of the city as it does to the
unincorporated areas of the dis-
trict, the study points out.
The consultants presume the
district will extend its paramed-
ic program into the city. "Con-
servatively, this could generate
the needed $400,000 in revenue
through patient transport fees,"
the study says.
The two commissions directed
their staff members to begin nego-
tiations with the firefighter union
locals and begin work on draft con-
tracts for interim fire protection
service, if the annexation proceeds.
The next meeting of the com-
missions will be at 3:30 p.m. on
Thursday, July 26, at Fire District
5's Station 5-3 at the intersection
of Mason Lake and Mason-Benson
The Professionals
The choice of people who are particular about their cars!
2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467
Shelton, WA 98584 Dan enhauer, owner
Buy 1, Get 1 FREE!
20% OFF
:'l All Remaining
Hanging Baskets!
antiques, plus size/children's clothing.
Little Tykes outdoor toys, treadmill, patio
furniture. Chrome diamond-plated small
truck toolbox, like new, $55. Friday-
Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 401 E. Thornton
Rd. (Harstine Island). K7/5
DINING SET: 47" round oak table/leaf/4
side, 2 captain chairs, $350. 48"x22"
library table/3 drawers, 2 upholstered
chairs, $80. All good condition. (360)
898-3021. $7/5-12
1982 MERCURY Cougar, good body,
new tires, runs, needs work. $500. (360)
426-0984. D7/5
bath with den. Many upgrades. $183,500.
#27090190. Shelton Land & Homes,
(360) 426-5555. Sheltonlandandhomes.
com. $7/5
BANG UP lakefront, dock. New brilliant
custom-built 3 bedroom, 21/2 bath. Bonus
room. Large decks. Only $644,000.
#27063256. Shelton Land & Homes,
(360) 426-5555. Sheltonlandandhomes.
com. $7/5
YARD SALE. Saturday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Many household items, books, clothing,
etc. 104 W. University Ave. L7/5
SATURDAY 9 a.m.-3 p.m. English
................................................................................................. saddle, western tack, metal hay/saddle
NEW TAILGATE, 1994 Ford F250, $300. cart, bunkbeds, oak desk, daybed, girls
1994 overhaul books, $50. (360) 426-
8599. R7/5
OPEN HOUSE Sunday, July 8, 1-3 p.m.
1605 Puget Street, Shelton. 2,153 sq.ft.,
3 bedroom, 2 bath, $264,900. Van Dorm
Realty. Host: Diane Pitzler, (360) 701-
bedroom set, brush chipper, clothing,
collectibles, housewares, much more.
2240 SE Arcadia Road. L7/5
.71 ACRE park-like setting, fantastic view
of Hood Canal. 2 bedroom, 2 bath plus
2000. P7/5 bonus room. l-level home. Wonderful
........................................................................................................ open floor plan. Must see. $285,000.
1716 FERRY, charming 3 bedroom,
1 bath home with 2 car garage on
fenced lot. Fireplace/woodstove insert,
W/D included, l-year lease, credit
check, deposit, references required. No
smoking, small dog negotiable. $800
#27113822. Shelton Land & Homes,
(360) 426-5555. Sheltonlandandhomes.
com. $7/5
SUMMER IS beret Low bank lake
front, new 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. 2
monthly. (360) 427-1889. A7/5-12 decks overlook take. Asking $379,500.
.................................................................................................... #27105449. Shelton Land & Homes,
ROOM TO roam! 5 lush, level acres. (360) 426-5555. Sheltonlandandhomes.
3 bedroom manufactured home. com. $7/5
Only $165,000. #27094530. Shelton
Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555. 1.21 ACRE, nice, level buildable lot.
Sheltonlandandhomes.com. $7/5 Spencer Lake beach access. Bring your
................................................................................................................ floor plans. Only $69,000. #27030780.
IT DAZZLES in the sun! Spectacular Shelton Land& Homes, (360)426-5555.
custom built 2 story home. 2 bedroom, 2 Sheltonlandandhomes.com. $7/5
Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
(25 + Years Experience)
General Dentistry
full service practice
Restorative care (Crowns, Bridges, Fillings)
Extractions • Full & Partial Dentures
Repairs * Relines
Most Insurances Accepted
S. Peters, DPD C. Ngo, DDS
At the intersection
of Highway 101 and
108, just minutes
away from Olympia
and Shelton
TOBACCO ,,, Made fresh at our own factory
We now have 2 locations to serve
you our award winning barbecue
913 Capitol Way South
(between 9th and 10th)
Downtown Olympia
Take Out Only
Mon-Fri 11am-6pm
10841 Kennedy Creek Road SW
(0.6 mi. past Summit Lake Dr.
westbound on Hwy. 8)
Dine In or Take Out
Open Daily 11am-9pm
Walk-In Humidor
of Fine Cigars &
Humidor Accessories
Have Ranch House BBQ cater your event --
"Large or small, we do 'era all"
Complete menus available at www.ranchhousebbq.net
ii i ii iii iiiiii iiii i i ii ii ii ii i iii
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2007
• Camel - $356, Carton/S3 sv Pack - USA Gold - $320' Carton/S3 =' Pack
• Winston - $35" Carton/S3 Pack • Liggett - $3 o4° Carton/S3 ° Pack
• Basic - $35 7 Carton/S3 ss Pack - Newport - $44 °9 Carton/S44' Pack
All dus tax
;' .... : 7 7,'', ' ",,, 1 LAR6E SELECTION
l l
, ' ' '' ,I iII
,I m00c00-ivs ee¢ I,I .
HOURS: Mon-Thur 6am-12am I Fri & Sat 6am-2am I Sun 6am-llpm
The Kamilche Trading Post operates under a compact with the State of Washington "Safe To Shop"
TOBACCO PRODUCTS DRIVE -THRU OPEN Sun-Thur 7am0pm ' Fri & Sat 7am-10pm [