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Ross to offer Kiwanis report
i Patty Ross of William G. Reed Public Library, will present a
book report to the Shelton Kiwanis Club next week. The
will meet at noon on Tuesday, July l 0, at Xinh's Clam and
House, 221 West Railroad Avenue in downtown Shelton.
plan meeting
The Mason County Republican Central Committee will meet at
3:30 p.m. on Monday, July 9, at Alpine Way Retirement Apart-
900 West Alpine Way in Shelton. During this meeting,
Representative Doug Erickson, R-Ferndale, will recap this
session of the Washington Legislature.
social set for July 17
AAUW Olympia will meet Tuesday, July 17, at the Chinook
Center at 4031 21st Avenue SE, Lacey. The evening,
to local spokesperson Helen Brewer, will start with an
cream social at 7 p.m. At the business meeting that follows,
will hear reports from Mary Alice Peterson and Jeanette
who recently returned from the national AAUW convention
Phoenix, Arizona..They will lead a discussion of association
and their impact on national, state and local branches.
are welcome. For additional information, those interested
Brewer at 426-8585.
etired public workers to meet
,, Retired Public Employees of Washington will hold its regular
niuncheon meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, July
ixdll, at the Mason County Senior Activities Center, 801 West
,edailroad Avenue in Shelton The group will formulate resolutions
m/Ira be presented at the state convention Information is available
:from Jacque Johnson at 426-6835.
)00 L
Adopt-a-Pet is a nonprofit volun-
teer group whose placement services,
kennels and spay-neuter assistance
program are financed through month-
ly garage sales held on the second
Saturday of the month at 210 Grove
Street. All dogs are vet-checked and
spayed or neutered.
Call 432-3091 to set up a kennel
visit. To donate items call 426-4269.
For spay-neuter assistance call 426-
5523. More information is available
at www.adoptapet-wa.org on the
Feline Friends
Feline Friends is a nonprofit vol-
unteer group whose mission is rescu-
ing and finding homes for homeless,
abused or abandoned cats and kittens.
The group provides foster care in vol-
unteers' homes until the animals can
be placed in permanent homes. Adop-
tion fee includes spay-neuter service,
feline AIDS test and parasite control.
To adopt a kitten or adult cat, call
426-2588 or 360-866-0599. Donations
are accepted at P.O. Box 27, Shelton,
Kitten Rescue
Kitten Rescue of Mason County is
a nonprofit volunteer group which res-
cues and finds homes for abandoned
kittens. Adoption fee includes spay-
neuter service, feline leukemia test
i0000aounty establishes fund
fairgrounds facilities
IT new Capital Facilities Fair-
bunds Fund in the amount of
,800 has been set up by the
n¢itson County Commission
P:Established last week "by a
lget amendment, this fund
Friends of Our Future Fair
!serve Fund, which contained
272.16. This money will be
to the new fund.
designs with an
kitchen space and
dings for animals assembled
a rodeo arena were pre-
to regular users of the
fairgrounds at a meeting held
earlier in June at Memorial Hall
in downtown Shelton.
County officials have been
making plans for a new fair-
grounds at the intersection of
Highway 101 and the Dayton-
Airport Road as the day in 2013
approaches when its lease with
the Port of Shelton for the cur-
rent fairgrounds expires. Port
officials have indicated that the
lease will not be renewed because
they want to have more room for
industrial development
In a related action taken on
June 26, commissioners autho-
rized a change order with Sim-
roe Contracting, Incorporated in
the amount of $17,596 to install
a handicap ramp at the fair-
grounds stage. A contract had
recently been awarded to build
a new stage at the current fair-
grounds facility after the 2006
windstorm damaged the old one.
Code requires a handicap ramp.
Barking dogs
will never bite;
but, when barking
stops, they might.
and immunizations. Quarterly garage
sales support the group. For informa-
tion on kitties available for adoption
or to donate items for the garage sales,
call 426-2455 or go to www.kitten-
City of Shelton
Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75 plus $5 for a
city license. New dogs are brought in
all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the
shdlter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs
currently available may be viewed at:
Shelton.petflnder.com on-line.
Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Here's a listing of some of the dogs
available this week:
Shepherd mix, female, 1 year old.
Rottweiler mix, male, 3 years old.
XENA HAS just finished nurs-
ing a litter of six pups and un-
dergone spaying. Now she's
ready for a home where she
can be just a dog without the
responsibility for puppies.
She's 4 or 5 years old and prob-
ably all Labrador retriever,
according to volunteers who
say she knows commands,
is housetrained and loves to
please. Adopt-a-Pet requires a
secure environment for its dog
adoptees. Call 432-3091 to meet
SPUNKY, AN "adorable red-
head" according to volunteers,
is packed up and ready for an
adoptive home. They add that
his beautiful tortie sister Re.
gina would like to be adopted
with him. Both are immunized
and vet-checked. Call Kitten
Rescue of Mason County eve-
nings at 426-2455.
00cz00zz'00 z /
- Now o
Sat & Sun
kend -
Labor Day
i i _ ?L:
For more inform,please call: 427.6062
or visit: www.paifI'dbirdceramics.com
ries set for
The Garden of: Good Eotin"
00outh program S&S Farm Fresh Produce
career o,00,ons 00i,.e00,loy00ent
:en holding a search and placement assistance, ! ALWAYS TOP QUALITY PRODUCE
thly lottery for program en- rdsumd assistance and occupa-
es on Monday, July 9. tional soft skills training. The
]oPep!!!]ii!: ultimate goal is to help young NO W FEA TURT_NG
adults obtain unsubsidized em-
ployment. All natural local veggies %
,, geared towards helping low- Those planning to participate
are asked to bring their Social
i!°cmal young people with their * Green beans
ionalneeds These include Security card, proofofcitizenship " Cucumbers
"a_ining a high-school diploma and a birth certificate to prove
general educational develop- age as well as photo identifica-
at certificate and providing tion and verification of personal Chemical free
roriag and post-secondary ed- or family income for the last six
-'tion guidance, months. Males over the age of 18
A youth training program must be registered for the Selec-
i1 )vides Supportive services for tive Service System.
• '>
• Freshest produce available
II 0:
all the
l ancial needs and personal, ed- Mason County Youth Pro-
tional and employment coun- grams is located at 428 Birch
ing to those who qualify. It Street, Suite 12 in Shelton. The
o helps young people explore phone number is 426-1200.
West Coast Bank parking Days. The cost will be $5. Children
on Saturday, July 7
. under age 6 will eat free when ac-
lub members will serve the companied by an adult.
IVSU Master Gardeners of Mason County Present
? JULY 14
= Featuring gardens in the ,
Shelton and Alderbrook areas
Compare our
fresh fruit &
to your local
We have lhe BEST lomaloes around
Look for our sign -- Hwy 3 at Deer Creek
5962 H 3, Shelton - 253-405-2832
Thursday, July 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17
,00wanians to serve
![reakfast on canal
pe Hood Canal Kiwanis Club meal from 7 a.m. until noon as
;2 fhSeP°nsor a pancake breakfast part of the Celebrate Hoodsport
I I[ Sge Book Store, Lynch Creek Floral, Ferguson's Flowers, Lost Lake Nursery,
eklond Bo Garden ' en Center Cameo Boutique (Umon),
I IP , Y Center, Sharon s Gord , ' '
I II Laurie s Hoodsport Gift & Liquor, The Troding Post Liquor & Girls (Allyn), x , n
AG GQ For more reformat o
I It! rden Center, Belfair Valley Nursery, McLendon s Hardware, Homine ' l
nd Fo ' contact Morgie Plebuch
J,, rmers Market, Shelton Farmer's Market and Oakland Bay Organic Farm 427-2827
Ross to offer Kiwanis report
i Patty Ross of William G. Reed Public Library, will present a
book report to the Shelton Kiwanis Club next week. The
will meet at noon on Tuesday, July l 0, at Xinh's Clam and
House, 221 West Railroad Avenue in downtown Shelton.
plan meeting
The Mason County Republican Central Committee will meet at
3:30 p.m. on Monday, July 9, at Alpine Way Retirement Apart-
900 West Alpine Way in Shelton. During this meeting,
Representative Doug Erickson, R-Ferndale, will recap this
session of the Washington Legislature.
social set for July 17
AAUW Olympia will meet Tuesday, July 17, at the Chinook
Center at 4031 21st Avenue SE, Lacey. The evening,
to local spokesperson Helen Brewer, will start with an
cream social at 7 p.m. At the business meeting that follows,
will hear reports from Mary Alice Peterson and Jeanette
who recently returned from the national AAUW convention
Phoenix, Arizona..They will lead a discussion of association
and their impact on national, state and local branches.
are welcome. For additional information, those interested
Brewer at 426-8585.
etired public workers to meet
,, Retired Public Employees of Washington will hold its regular
niuncheon meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, July
ixdll, at the Mason County Senior Activities Center, 801 West
,edailroad Avenue in Shelton The group will formulate resolutions
m/Ira be presented at the state convention Information is available
:from Jacque Johnson at 426-6835.
)00 L
Adopt-a-Pet is a nonprofit volun-
teer group whose placement services,
kennels and spay-neuter assistance
program are financed through month-
ly garage sales held on the second
Saturday of the month at 210 Grove
Street. All dogs are vet-checked and
spayed or neutered.
Call 432-3091 to set up a kennel
visit. To donate items call 426-4269.
For spay-neuter assistance call 426-
5523. More information is available
at www.adoptapet-wa.org on the
Feline Friends
Feline Friends is a nonprofit vol-
unteer group whose mission is rescu-
ing and finding homes for homeless,
abused or abandoned cats and kittens.
The group provides foster care in vol-
unteers' homes until the animals can
be placed in permanent homes. Adop-
tion fee includes spay-neuter service,
feline AIDS test and parasite control.
To adopt a kitten or adult cat, call
426-2588 or 360-866-0599. Donations
are accepted at P.O. Box 27, Shelton,
Kitten Rescue
Kitten Rescue of Mason County is
a nonprofit volunteer group which res-
cues and finds homes for abandoned
kittens. Adoption fee includes spay-
neuter service, feline leukemia test
i0000aounty establishes fund
fairgrounds facilities
IT new Capital Facilities Fair-
bunds Fund in the amount of
,800 has been set up by the
n¢itson County Commission
P:Established last week "by a
lget amendment, this fund
Friends of Our Future Fair
!serve Fund, which contained
272.16. This money will be
to the new fund.
designs with an
kitchen space and
dings for animals assembled
a rodeo arena were pre-
to regular users of the
fairgrounds at a meeting held
earlier in June at Memorial Hall
in downtown Shelton.
County officials have been
making plans for a new fair-
grounds at the intersection of
Highway 101 and the Dayton-
Airport Road as the day in 2013
approaches when its lease with
the Port of Shelton for the cur-
rent fairgrounds expires. Port
officials have indicated that the
lease will not be renewed because
they want to have more room for
industrial development
In a related action taken on
June 26, commissioners autho-
rized a change order with Sim-
roe Contracting, Incorporated in
the amount of $17,596 to install
a handicap ramp at the fair-
grounds stage. A contract had
recently been awarded to build
a new stage at the current fair-
grounds facility after the 2006
windstorm damaged the old one.
Code requires a handicap ramp.
Barking dogs
will never bite;
but, when barking
stops, they might.
and immunizations. Quarterly garage
sales support the group. For informa-
tion on kitties available for adoption
or to donate items for the garage sales,
call 426-2455 or go to www.kitten-
City of Shelton
Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75 plus $5 for a
city license. New dogs are brought in
all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the
shdlter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs
currently available may be viewed at:
Shelton.petflnder.com on-line.
Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Here's a listing of some of the dogs
available this week:
Shepherd mix, female, 1 year old.
Rottweiler mix, male, 3 years old.
XENA HAS just finished nurs-
ing a litter of six pups and un-
dergone spaying. Now she's
ready for a home where she
can be just a dog without the
responsibility for puppies.
She's 4 or 5 years old and prob-
ably all Labrador retriever,
according to volunteers who
say she knows commands,
is housetrained and loves to
please. Adopt-a-Pet requires a
secure environment for its dog
adoptees. Call 432-3091 to meet
SPUNKY, AN "adorable red-
head" according to volunteers,
is packed up and ready for an
adoptive home. They add that
his beautiful tortie sister Re.
gina would like to be adopted
with him. Both are immunized
and vet-checked. Call Kitten
Rescue of Mason County eve-
nings at 426-2455.
00cz00zz'00 z /
- Now o
Sat & Sun
kend -
Labor Day
i i _ ?L:
For more inform,please call: 427.6062
or visit: www.paifI'dbirdceramics.com
ries set for
The Garden of: Good Eotin"
00outh program S&S Farm Fresh Produce
career o,00,ons 00i,.e00,loy00ent
:en holding a search and placement assistance, ! ALWAYS TOP QUALITY PRODUCE
thly lottery for program en- rdsumd assistance and occupa-
es on Monday, July 9. tional soft skills training. The
]oPep!!!]ii!: ultimate goal is to help young NO W FEA TURT_NG
adults obtain unsubsidized em-
ployment. All natural local veggies %
,, geared towards helping low- Those planning to participate
are asked to bring their Social
i!°cmal young people with their * Green beans
ionalneeds These include Security card, proofofcitizenship " Cucumbers
"a_ining a high-school diploma and a birth certificate to prove
general educational develop- age as well as photo identifica-
at certificate and providing tion and verification of personal Chemical free
roriag and post-secondary ed- or family income for the last six
-'tion guidance, months. Males over the age of 18
A youth training program must be registered for the Selec-
i1 )vides Supportive services for tive Service System.
• '>
• Freshest produce available
II 0:
all the
l ancial needs and personal, ed- Mason County Youth Pro-
tional and employment coun- grams is located at 428 Birch
ing to those who qualify. It Street, Suite 12 in Shelton. The
o helps young people explore phone number is 426-1200.
West Coast Bank parking Days. The cost will be $5. Children
on Saturday, July 7
. under age 6 will eat free when ac-
lub members will serve the companied by an adult.
IVSU Master Gardeners of Mason County Present
? JULY 14
= Featuring gardens in the ,
Shelton and Alderbrook areas
Compare our
fresh fruit &
to your local
We have lhe BEST lomaloes around
Look for our sign -- Hwy 3 at Deer Creek
5962 H 3, Shelton - 253-405-2832
Thursday, July 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17
,00wanians to serve
![reakfast on canal
pe Hood Canal Kiwanis Club meal from 7 a.m. until noon as
;2 fhSeP°nsor a pancake breakfast part of the Celebrate Hoodsport
I I[ Sge Book Store, Lynch Creek Floral, Ferguson's Flowers, Lost Lake Nursery,
eklond Bo Garden ' en Center Cameo Boutique (Umon),
I IP , Y Center, Sharon s Gord , ' '
I II Laurie s Hoodsport Gift & Liquor, The Troding Post Liquor & Girls (Allyn), x , n
AG GQ For more reformat o
I It! rden Center, Belfair Valley Nursery, McLendon s Hardware, Homine ' l
nd Fo ' contact Morgie Plebuch
J,, rmers Market, Shelton Farmer's Market and Oakland Bay Organic Farm 427-2827