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July 5, 2007 |
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Anothe:" hearing is set o
county 00,;tormwater plan
A public hearing on proposed been scheduled for July 2 has been Copies of the revised
drafts of stormwater management canceled and rescheduled, available for public revie
plans for Allyn and Belfair will be The hearing will begin at 6 lic libraries in Belfair an
held on Monday before the Mason p.m. on July 9 in the Commis- sport, and can also be vi4
County Planning Advisory Com- sion Chambers at411 North Fifth the county's Web site at
mission. Street in downtown Shelton. mason.co.wa.us.
The plans were presented for
public review and comment at a Way will hol(
public meeting held at the Port of United
Plans for Allyn call for spending 2007 annual meeti
$660,000 over the next six years,
with most of this going to culvert
maintenance and the acquisition United Way of Mason County Representatives of the
of property needed for a long-term has scheduled its annual meet- health and human servic
plan with a price tag of more than ing for Thursday, July 19, from cies will also be present to
$15.1 million. 7:30 until 8:30 a.m. at the Colonial important resources that
The Belfair plan is based on House, 222 West Pine Street in able to our community.
projections that in time the Bel- Shelton. For more information,
fair Urban Growth Area will be Coffee and pastries will be Web site at www.unitedl
69 percent residential, 17 percent served. The board of directors will son.org or call 426-4999.
commercial and 14 open space and host the meeting. Donors will hear
Electric services parks. As it now stands, 70percent a report on use of donations and
of an area of about 2,314 acres is elect new directors. Anyone who
Bob Sund of the Hood Canal Kiwanis presents a yet to be developed, has donated $10 or more to United
plaque to Darin Hall, a PIED 1 journeyman lineman. Belfair plans call for establish- Way of Mason County since Au-
The presentation was made at a meeting of the PUD ment of "dedicated stormwater gust 2006 is considered a member
funding" and adoption of a "low and is eligible to vote for new di-
1 Commission in recognition of outstanding service impact development ordinance." rectors and on any topics that are t-ion S
and commitment during adverse conditions produced County staff envisions improve- introduced at the meeting. ° NiCd
by the storms of last winter, ments to State Route 3 made in The meeting is open to the pub- Panda
cooperation with the Washington lic and will provide an opportunity * Sony ° Ca
State Department of Transporta- to meet the directors, community ° RC.A &
tion. Early attention would be giv- officials and leaders of local busi- BattedesPlu
Watershed contracts amended en to the relocation ofMindy Creek nesses that support United Way.
and improvements to fish passage
The Mason County Commie- fifth amendment to the county's in Belfair Creek and Sweetwater /
sion on Tuesday approved amend- contract with Cascadia Consult- Creek.
ments to existing contracts related ing Group and the second is the County officials said a signifi-
to Watershed Resource Inventory seventh amendment to the coun- cant number of comments regard-
Area 16, also known as WRIA 16. ty's contract with Sound Resolu- ing these plans were received on
Action taken on June 26 autho- tions. June 20. Officials of Mason Coun-
rized Commissione Lynda Ring- The agreements will provide ty's Department of Public Works
Erickson to sign two no-cost con- meeting facilitation and manage- and their consultants need time to
tract extensions to existing set- ment associated with the WRIA address all the comments received,
vice agreements. The first is the 16 watershed plan. and so a public hearing which had
Faith daycare takes care Most sizescrushedrockdeliveredintoShelt
when funding MD group One for $185. Special savings to outlying areas.
(Continued from page 19.) grants, she hopes to develop a bet- ease characterized by the ruin- Plus tax. Price effective 5/15/07. Prices subject to change without notice. :
research into the causes and cures ter understanding of how muscle ation of motor neurons that afflicts
of muscular diseases and sup- cells grow and are maintained only men by Dr. Albert LaSpada of I
port 11 studies now under way in with the goal of developing better the UW. He is working to develop
Washington. These include: treatments for diseases, a mouse that gets this disease as a
An investigation into how A study of "forceful contrac- step toward curing or preventing
genes interact in muscle cells tions of skeletal muscles" by Dr. it.
by Dr. Lisa Mares at the Fred William A. Catterall of the Uni- All told, the research into mus-
Hutchinson Cancer Research versity of Washington. Supported cular dystrophy in Washington has CONSTRUCTION GRADE Creek
Center. Supported by $130,000 in by $298,859 in grants, he is look- attracted more than $2.5 million CRUSHED ROCK$,_9 5
ing into the possibility that muscle in grants from the MDA and other Ouarrv
cells may be damaged by the fail- benefactors. The biggest funding 3" Minus '=-J:froN
ure of a body to properly metabo- package is $499,968 granted to Dr.
Students cam .-eoc.m Sgo,.todee]o, JeffreyS. Chamberlain of the UW Located onHighway 101 Call for detai
ways to prevent damage to muscle in support of his studies in gene between Shelton and Olympia
Pioneer honors cell,, transfer technology and work in -
Year-round delivery (360) 426 47
An investigation into a dis- diagnostic and genetic counseling.
(Continued from page 13.)
neth Raymond, Scan Rogers, Alex-
ander Spencer and Jeremy Whit-
Seventh-graders in that GPA
range were:KandyceBragg, Zsolt and PARTS TEAM
Dudas, Amy Menzies, Brandon SERVII C
Morlock, Kelsi Morris, Nicole Os- Scoff Fred
berg, Layci Thompson, Aaron Tor-
manen, Matthew Williams and
Brandi Zieber. Cars .Trucks SUVs RVs Motorhomes
Eighth-graders who earned
grade-point averages between 3.0 "Complete service all makes and models"
and 3.69, included: Jennies Beem,
MacKenzie Chakos, Dominic Dea- Reid FREE shuttle service Everyday Price! Jo,u
con, Kyle Dunnington, Kathryn
Znslow, Peter Zwert, David Farr, Complimentary wash LUBE, OIL
Madisoh Gaa, Kaela Hembry, Wishing
Keith Jones, Arianna Ketcham, with any service
Daneille Kilmer, Colby Kingery, yOU and F I LT E R
Blake Krause, Robert Larribas, . J yours
Shawn Rhoads, Lorraine Rusher, Most Makes & Models
Daniel Staley, Christopher Tay- Perry The Quality Care Auto Service Card/ a safe (Some vehicles extra) RO
lor, Cydnee Twidwell, Michael "It's fast I "5 qt capacity engines
Warnlan, Alisha Wells and Zach- - and (Add only 1 48/qt over5 qts)
ary Zazueta Decisions while you wait (usually about 5 minutes) ,, i s2 0,, I
Seventh-graders in that GPA .It's dependable | enjoyable l((
range were: Ian Amaro, Jesica Bai- Use in the dealership for maintenance and repairs | /]l.
Ariel Cook, Kelsey Holloway, Eliz- tynda ' It's user friendly | of M.
abeth Honeywell, A/aura Jones, No annual fees |
Sheri Lea, Katrina Marsh, Ariana July
McCullough, Jonathan Paulzine, 90 days same as cash!! |
II Plus tax and disposal foe II
KeAndra Radchenko, Wendi Red- (On any purchase or service over $150) |
clinger, Anthony Richley, Ashley
Samson, Monies Sandoval, Jordan
Southerland, Melanie Souther- Jim OPEN SATURDAYS FOR PARTS and SERV/CE Case
land, Shanmarie Statzer, Michael
Striplin Jr. and Brittany Wilcox. r % ..... ' .:' : ] ..
' ......... : # I1 Railroad Avenue & U.S. 101 Interchange, Shelton
!NllR, _1 m, 5Star Certified
13601 426-SS8$
Complete $5 9 5 Lori 1:7
4r--r 4r
Parts and Service open
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Eric
Saturdays 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. WnN.glllisautocenter.com
or 1-800-575-8823 24 hours
Always low cost with dignity
Aaron Michelle Bob G. Bob A. Jack Tom Darren Amie
Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2007
Anothe:" hearing is set o
county 00,;tormwater plan
A public hearing on proposed been scheduled for July 2 has been Copies of the revised
drafts of stormwater management canceled and rescheduled, available for public revie
plans for Allyn and Belfair will be The hearing will begin at 6 lic libraries in Belfair an
held on Monday before the Mason p.m. on July 9 in the Commis- sport, and can also be vi4
County Planning Advisory Com- sion Chambers at411 North Fifth the county's Web site at
mission. Street in downtown Shelton. mason.co.wa.us.
The plans were presented for
public review and comment at a Way will hol(
public meeting held at the Port of United
Plans for Allyn call for spending 2007 annual meeti
$660,000 over the next six years,
with most of this going to culvert
maintenance and the acquisition United Way of Mason County Representatives of the
of property needed for a long-term has scheduled its annual meet- health and human servic
plan with a price tag of more than ing for Thursday, July 19, from cies will also be present to
$15.1 million. 7:30 until 8:30 a.m. at the Colonial important resources that
The Belfair plan is based on House, 222 West Pine Street in able to our community.
projections that in time the Bel- Shelton. For more information,
fair Urban Growth Area will be Coffee and pastries will be Web site at www.unitedl
69 percent residential, 17 percent served. The board of directors will son.org or call 426-4999.
commercial and 14 open space and host the meeting. Donors will hear
Electric services parks. As it now stands, 70percent a report on use of donations and
of an area of about 2,314 acres is elect new directors. Anyone who
Bob Sund of the Hood Canal Kiwanis presents a yet to be developed, has donated $10 or more to United
plaque to Darin Hall, a PIED 1 journeyman lineman. Belfair plans call for establish- Way of Mason County since Au-
The presentation was made at a meeting of the PUD ment of "dedicated stormwater gust 2006 is considered a member
funding" and adoption of a "low and is eligible to vote for new di-
1 Commission in recognition of outstanding service impact development ordinance." rectors and on any topics that are t-ion S
and commitment during adverse conditions produced County staff envisions improve- introduced at the meeting. ° NiCd
by the storms of last winter, ments to State Route 3 made in The meeting is open to the pub- Panda
cooperation with the Washington lic and will provide an opportunity * Sony ° Ca
State Department of Transporta- to meet the directors, community ° RC.A &
tion. Early attention would be giv- officials and leaders of local busi- BattedesPlu
Watershed contracts amended en to the relocation ofMindy Creek nesses that support United Way.
and improvements to fish passage
The Mason County Commie- fifth amendment to the county's in Belfair Creek and Sweetwater /
sion on Tuesday approved amend- contract with Cascadia Consult- Creek.
ments to existing contracts related ing Group and the second is the County officials said a signifi-
to Watershed Resource Inventory seventh amendment to the coun- cant number of comments regard-
Area 16, also known as WRIA 16. ty's contract with Sound Resolu- ing these plans were received on
Action taken on June 26 autho- tions. June 20. Officials of Mason Coun-
rized Commissione Lynda Ring- The agreements will provide ty's Department of Public Works
Erickson to sign two no-cost con- meeting facilitation and manage- and their consultants need time to
tract extensions to existing set- ment associated with the WRIA address all the comments received,
vice agreements. The first is the 16 watershed plan. and so a public hearing which had
Faith daycare takes care Most sizescrushedrockdeliveredintoShelt
when funding MD group One for $185. Special savings to outlying areas.
(Continued from page 19.) grants, she hopes to develop a bet- ease characterized by the ruin- Plus tax. Price effective 5/15/07. Prices subject to change without notice. :
research into the causes and cures ter understanding of how muscle ation of motor neurons that afflicts
of muscular diseases and sup- cells grow and are maintained only men by Dr. Albert LaSpada of I
port 11 studies now under way in with the goal of developing better the UW. He is working to develop
Washington. These include: treatments for diseases, a mouse that gets this disease as a
An investigation into how A study of "forceful contrac- step toward curing or preventing
genes interact in muscle cells tions of skeletal muscles" by Dr. it.
by Dr. Lisa Mares at the Fred William A. Catterall of the Uni- All told, the research into mus-
Hutchinson Cancer Research versity of Washington. Supported cular dystrophy in Washington has CONSTRUCTION GRADE Creek
Center. Supported by $130,000 in by $298,859 in grants, he is look- attracted more than $2.5 million CRUSHED ROCK$,_9 5
ing into the possibility that muscle in grants from the MDA and other Ouarrv
cells may be damaged by the fail- benefactors. The biggest funding 3" Minus '=-J:froN
ure of a body to properly metabo- package is $499,968 granted to Dr.
Students cam .-eoc.m Sgo,.todee]o, JeffreyS. Chamberlain of the UW Located onHighway 101 Call for detai
ways to prevent damage to muscle in support of his studies in gene between Shelton and Olympia
Pioneer honors cell,, transfer technology and work in -
Year-round delivery (360) 426 47
An investigation into a dis- diagnostic and genetic counseling.
(Continued from page 13.)
neth Raymond, Scan Rogers, Alex-
ander Spencer and Jeremy Whit-
Seventh-graders in that GPA
range were:KandyceBragg, Zsolt and PARTS TEAM
Dudas, Amy Menzies, Brandon SERVII C
Morlock, Kelsi Morris, Nicole Os- Scoff Fred
berg, Layci Thompson, Aaron Tor-
manen, Matthew Williams and
Brandi Zieber. Cars .Trucks SUVs RVs Motorhomes
Eighth-graders who earned
grade-point averages between 3.0 "Complete service all makes and models"
and 3.69, included: Jennies Beem,
MacKenzie Chakos, Dominic Dea- Reid FREE shuttle service Everyday Price! Jo,u
con, Kyle Dunnington, Kathryn
Znslow, Peter Zwert, David Farr, Complimentary wash LUBE, OIL
Madisoh Gaa, Kaela Hembry, Wishing
Keith Jones, Arianna Ketcham, with any service
Daneille Kilmer, Colby Kingery, yOU and F I LT E R
Blake Krause, Robert Larribas, . J yours
Shawn Rhoads, Lorraine Rusher, Most Makes & Models
Daniel Staley, Christopher Tay- Perry The Quality Care Auto Service Card/ a safe (Some vehicles extra) RO
lor, Cydnee Twidwell, Michael "It's fast I "5 qt capacity engines
Warnlan, Alisha Wells and Zach- - and (Add only 1 48/qt over5 qts)
ary Zazueta Decisions while you wait (usually about 5 minutes) ,, i s2 0,, I
Seventh-graders in that GPA .It's dependable | enjoyable l((
range were: Ian Amaro, Jesica Bai- Use in the dealership for maintenance and repairs | /]l.
Ariel Cook, Kelsey Holloway, Eliz- tynda ' It's user friendly | of M.
abeth Honeywell, A/aura Jones, No annual fees |
Sheri Lea, Katrina Marsh, Ariana July
McCullough, Jonathan Paulzine, 90 days same as cash!! |
II Plus tax and disposal foe II
KeAndra Radchenko, Wendi Red- (On any purchase or service over $150) |
clinger, Anthony Richley, Ashley
Samson, Monies Sandoval, Jordan
Southerland, Melanie Souther- Jim OPEN SATURDAYS FOR PARTS and SERV/CE Case
land, Shanmarie Statzer, Michael
Striplin Jr. and Brittany Wilcox. r % ..... ' .:' : ] ..
' ......... : # I1 Railroad Avenue & U.S. 101 Interchange, Shelton
!NllR, _1 m, 5Star Certified
13601 426-SS8$
Complete $5 9 5 Lori 1:7
4r--r 4r
Parts and Service open
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Eric
Saturdays 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. WnN.glllisautocenter.com
or 1-800-575-8823 24 hours
Always low cost with dignity
Aaron Michelle Bob G. Bob A. Jack Tom Darren Amie
Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2007