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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 5, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Grads awarde.,cl Lions s(:holarship The Shelton Morning Star Li- ons Club awarded scholarships to four Shelton High School graduat- ing seniors this year. Morgan Pendon received the Bob Wotton Memorial Scholar- ship named in honor of one of the founding members of the club. Wotton died in 2006. The other scholarships went to Caitlin Mc- gee, Kaila Navarre and Markus Berndt. Pendon received a $1,000 schol- arship. He plans to attend Central Washington University, study mu- sic education and become a music performer or teacher. While at SHS, Pendon was in the marching band, symphonic band, jazz band, Illusions jazz choir and many musical plays. He was junior class president and the school mascot in 2005-2006. He also participated in Big Buddies, the Ryan Johnson memorial battle of the bands and the Midsummer Night's Cabaret. He was an as- sistant stage manager and stage technician at SHS and worked at Domino's Pizza. MAGEE ALSO received a $1,000 scholarship. She plans to attend Saint Martin's University and study psychology or pre-law. She was in the Running Start pro- gram at South Puget Sound Com- munity College. Her SHS activities included be- ing a member of the dance team, junior class treasurer and a work- er at the basketball concession stand. She also participated in OysterFest, Mason County For- est Festival and the Christmas Parade. She volunteered at Kitten Rescue and was a junior dance camp instructor. She worked at the law office of Steve Whitehouse, for Shelton accountant Rick Thorn- Markus Berndt brue, at Ferguson Flowers and as a childcare provider. Navarre received a $500 schol- arship. She plans to attend South Puget Sound Community Col- lege and begin her studies with the idea of becoming a veterinary technician or perhaps pursuing a career in psychology. At SHS, she was on the honor Caitlin Mcgee roll and a member of the National Honor Society and Key Club. She was also involved in annual food drives, volunteered at Kitten Res- cue and was a mentor with Kids With Potential, or KWiP. She works at Hollywood Video and has done babysitting, house sitting, house cleaning and landscaping. BERNDT RECElVED a $500 Kaila Navarre scholarship. He plans to attend Oregon State University and ma- jor in physics and business ad- ministration and would like to do research into nuclear fusion. He attended the Running Start pro- gram at South Puget Sound Com- munity College. He was on the SHS swim team and a member of the German Morgan Pendon Club. He was a Boy Scout. earned a pilot's license and diver's license. This plans to work with a line an airport in Nevada. The Morning Star Lions members sta community to support the arships and other causes. Gruver gets presidential award! Shelton resident Jane Gruver has been awarded a President's Volunteer Service Award for 2006. The presentation was made re- cently at the Shelton-Mason Coun- ty Chamber of Commerce, where Gruver, a retired teacher, volun- teers several hours each week. The President's Volunteer Ser- vice Award is issued by the Pres- ident's Council on Service and Civic Participation on behalf of the President of the U.S. to rec- ognize the best in the American spirit, and to encourage all Ameri- cans to improve their communi- ties through volunteer service and civic participation. Forty-one Mason County vol- unteers qualified for a President's Volunteer Service Award for vol- unteer service in 2006. Some of the awards were presented on May 21 at the Senior Recognition Lun- cheon of" the Retired Senior Vol- unteer Program, or RSVP. Others are being presented around the county to volunteers unable to at- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 00.,otettab3ment and 00)hflng CSulde LOUNGE SPECIALS Tuesdays 5pm-closing BnR-SruD CLAMS SV THE LB. S6.99.r,*. w/sarlic bread Wednesdays 5pm-closing 50¢ TAcos ,   d mashes, Io,,,IDV to rent'or  no .. "ep. and laver packages to odd some heat back into your relationip. Open 7 Days A Week Men-Sat 8am-2am • Sun lOam-lOpm Serving Elmo's ADULT BOOKS Puget ,ffn, d s,nce,voy 338N. Callaw, Bremert360.373.0551 Thursdays 5pm-closing 6 Top Sirloin I' BAn & GRILL [J talk Try0ur GIANT Emie Burger 114 WEST COTA" SHELTON, %IVA ; 426-2221 ll I M I| $6.99 w,,0.00 fries 11am-6pm Day Pa#o d/n/ny open for season 62 SE Lynch Road Shelton • 426-8501 Come See Our 1st-Run MOVIES! 7/10 Midnight Showl (Tickets on sale noon Tuesday) 7/11-12 Dally 1:15, 4:05, 6:50 , Starred Attraction * Daily 7/6-10  :0, 4:45, 7:50 ! FrI-Sat 9:10 [] i: • Starred Attacfl0n * ::- AIIJIIN .: I €'4$r-_II _.II I¢I II.II I IInl • ALWAYS FEWER THAN 8 MIN. OF PREVIEWS * ................ muu Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2007 tend that event. All award recipients receive a personalized certificate of achieve- ment, a congratulatory letter from President George Bush, a congrat- ulatory letter from the President's Council on Service and Civic Par- ticipation and an official Presi- dent's Award pin. RSVP is one of the largest vol- unteer organizations in the nation ibr vohmteers age 55 and older. It sponsors the awards nationally and is registered as a certifying or- ganization for the award. The Volunteer Center of Le¢ Mason and Thurston Counties : isters,- local volunteers for R: certifies the one or more org tions where the volunteers sd i and reports volunteers' appr0 service hours to qualii  tbr !" awards. € The presentatmn to Gruver made by Tern Shaw, local v teer services coordinator for  Volunteer Center of Lewis, M and Thurston Counties. SI095 ALLAN DALE BAND Country & Old Country Rock Fri & Sat, July 13th & 14th, 9pm-Closing , Prime Rib Friday & Saturday ' Family dining restaurant open until 8pm I:LAM I:HIIWI}EII Fill. DALLY LtII:H ;iEI:IALS! 7431 W. Shelton-Matlock Road at Daytoi Mon-Thu 9am-8pm • Fri, Sat, Sun 7am-8pm & Thu Bingo Nights 6-8pm • Grads awarde.,cl Lions s(:holarship The Shelton Morning Star Li- ons Club awarded scholarships to four Shelton High School graduat- ing seniors this year. Morgan Pendon received the Bob Wotton Memorial Scholar- ship named in honor of one of the founding members of the club. Wotton died in 2006. The other scholarships went to Caitlin Mc- gee, Kaila Navarre and Markus Berndt. Pendon received a $1,000 schol- arship. He plans to attend Central Washington University, study mu- sic education and become a music performer or teacher. While at SHS, Pendon was in the marching band, symphonic band, jazz band, Illusions jazz choir and many musical plays. He was junior class president and the school mascot in 2005-2006. He also participated in Big Buddies, the Ryan Johnson memorial battle of the bands and the Midsummer Night's Cabaret. He was an as- sistant stage manager and stage technician at SHS and worked at Domino's Pizza. MAGEE ALSO received a $1,000 scholarship. She plans to attend Saint Martin's University and study psychology or pre-law. She was in the Running Start pro- gram at South Puget Sound Com- munity College. Her SHS activities included be- ing a member of the dance team, junior class treasurer and a work- er at the basketball concession stand. She also participated in OysterFest, Mason County For- est Festival and the Christmas Parade. She volunteered at Kitten Rescue and was a junior dance camp instructor. She worked at the law office of Steve Whitehouse, for Shelton accountant Rick Thorn- Markus Berndt brue, at Ferguson Flowers and as a childcare provider. Navarre received a $500 schol- arship. She plans to attend South Puget Sound Community Col- lege and begin her studies with the idea of becoming a veterinary technician or perhaps pursuing a career in psychology. At SHS, she was on the honor Caitlin Mcgee roll and a member of the National Honor Society and Key Club. She was also involved in annual food drives, volunteered at Kitten Res- cue and was a mentor with Kids With Potential, or KWiP. She works at Hollywood Video and has done babysitting, house sitting, house cleaning and landscaping. BERNDT RECElVED a $500 Kaila Navarre scholarship. He plans to attend Oregon State University and ma- jor in physics and business ad- ministration and would like to do research into nuclear fusion. He attended the Running Start pro- gram at South Puget Sound Com- munity College. He was on the SHS swim team and a member of the German Morgan Pendon Club. He was a Boy Scout. earned a pilot's license and diver's license. This plans to work with a line an airport in Nevada. The Morning Star Lions members sta community to support the arships and other causes. Gruver gets presidential award! Shelton resident Jane Gruver has been awarded a President's Volunteer Service Award for 2006. The presentation was made re- cently at the Shelton-Mason Coun- ty Chamber of Commerce, where Gruver, a retired teacher, volun- teers several hours each week. The President's Volunteer Ser- vice Award is issued by the Pres- ident's Council on Service and Civic Participation on behalf of the President of the U.S. to rec- ognize the best in the American spirit, and to encourage all Ameri- cans to improve their communi- ties through volunteer service and civic participation. Forty-one Mason County vol- unteers qualified for a President's Volunteer Service Award for vol- unteer service in 2006. Some of the awards were presented on May 21 at the Senior Recognition Lun- cheon of" the Retired Senior Vol- unteer Program, or RSVP. Others are being presented around the county to volunteers unable to at- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 00.,otettab3ment and 00)hflng CSulde LOUNGE SPECIALS Tuesdays 5pm-closing BnR-SruD CLAMS SV THE LB. S6.99.r,*. w/sarlic bread Wednesdays 5pm-closing 50¢ TAcos ,   d mashes, Io,,,IDV to rent'or  no .. "ep. and laver packages to odd some heat back into your relationip. Open 7 Days A Week Men-Sat 8am-2am • Sun lOam-lOpm Serving Elmo's ADULT BOOKS Puget ,ffn, d s,nce,voy 338N. Callaw, Bremert360.373.0551 Thursdays 5pm-closing 6 Top Sirloin I' BAn & GRILL [J talk Try0ur GIANT Emie Burger 114 WEST COTA" SHELTON, %IVA ; 426-2221 ll I M I| $6.99 w,,0.00 fries 11am-6pm Day Pa#o d/n/ny open for season 62 SE Lynch Road Shelton • 426-8501 Come See Our 1st-Run MOVIES! 7/10 Midnight Showl (Tickets on sale noon Tuesday) 7/11-12 Dally 1:15, 4:05, 6:50 , Starred Attraction * Daily 7/6-10  :0, 4:45, 7:50 ! FrI-Sat 9:10 [] i: • Starred Attacfl0n * ::- AIIJIIN .: I €'4$r-_II _.II I¢I II.II I IInl • ALWAYS FEWER THAN 8 MIN. OF PREVIEWS * ................ muu Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2007 tend that event. All award recipients receive a personalized certificate of achieve- ment, a congratulatory letter from President George Bush, a congrat- ulatory letter from the President's Council on Service and Civic Par- ticipation and an official Presi- dent's Award pin. RSVP is one of the largest vol- unteer organizations in the nation ibr vohmteers age 55 and older. It sponsors the awards nationally and is registered as a certifying or- ganization for the award. The Volunteer Center of Le¢ Mason and Thurston Counties : isters,- local volunteers for R: certifies the one or more org tions where the volunteers sd i and reports volunteers' appr0 service hours to qualii  tbr !" awards. € The presentatmn to Gruver made by Tern Shaw, local v teer services coordinator for  Volunteer Center of Lewis, M and Thurston Counties. SI095 ALLAN DALE BAND Country & Old Country Rock Fri & Sat, July 13th & 14th, 9pm-Closing , Prime Rib Friday & Saturday ' Family dining restaurant open until 8pm I:LAM I:HIIWI}EII Fill. DALLY LtII:H ;iEI:IALS! 7431 W. Shelton-Matlock Road at Daytoi Mon-Thu 9am-8pm • Fri, Sat, Sun 7am-8pm & Thu Bingo Nights 6-8pm •