July 5, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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CLASSIFIED" is wors or less- $6.50 .Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
10 cents for each additional word over 15 .Classified display- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES Four insertions for the price of three .Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(36o) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple Insertion ads,
The Journal will be responsible
for errors in the first
Insertion only.
FURNITURE FOR sale: mattress and
box spring sets with frame, sofa with
matching chair, chests of drawers, large
desk, gun cabinet, coffee table, end
table. Call (360) 426-0824 or see at
1007 So. 9th this Saturday and Sunday.
KEMP SHREDDER/Chipper, brush.
31/2"-4" capacity. 5 h.p. Briggs & Strat-
tan. Portable, on wheels. $500 OBO.
(360) 898-4440. S7/5
OAK DROP leaf table, seats 4, 2 com-
fortably, $20.2 oak chairs, go with table,
$20. Large framed picture, ships, light
pastels, $20. VCR, $25. Light oak din-
ing chair with arms, $25. Blue recliner,
like new, $300. 1950's cedar chest, $30.
Small wooden desk, 1 drawer, $25. Bob
(360) 426-4581. $7/5
PEELED FURNITURE logs all 8' long. Di-
ameter 1 "-5". Prices $3-$8 each. Will sell
remaining logs (about 1,200) and burls
for $2,400. (360) 877-0602. H5/3tfn
DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus-
tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood-
smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29ffn
LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Picketing
Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort
- open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./
accepts VlSNMC - (360) 426-8632) an-
nounces a spectacular sale July 6th-9th
featuring half off all separates including
Chico, Coldwater Creek, St. John, Clai-
borne, etc.! New items include a 71/2
ft. farm table w/chairs, a sculpted bear
coffee table, an oak armoire and china
cabinet and a mahogany china cabinet.
Hundreds of new items are added each
weekl Also, a new vendor, "Lifetime Ar-
bors", has a wonderful sample on dis-
play. Come see what's newl July 14th
and 15th, the Lady will host the first an-
nual "Art Fair at the Lake". This outdoor
festival will feature numerous artisans
including stained glass, jewelry, bath
and body products, stationery, candles,
hats and handbags, custom built bird-
houses, garden arbors and highlight rare
and antique books as well as in-store
discounts. Almost all of these artisans
will contract custom work so bring your
ideas and discuss them with the artist in
personl Don't miss this unique opportu-
nityt The final weekends tn July wtll lea,
ture "surprise sales"- announced at the
door on opening that Friday. Mark your
calendars for August 3rd-6th, the Lady
of the Lake's Second Anniversary salel
This will be the biggest sale of the year
and include discounts on every house
item in stock. L6/28-7/19
those suffering from painful knees, an-
kles, hips, $750. (360) 426-1138. $6/28-
FRANCISCAN CHINA, pattern is Oa-
sis. 10 dinner plates, 9 salad/luncheon
plates, 9 cup and saucers, 2 vegetable
bowls, salt and pepper shakers, cream
and sugar bowls, plus an additional
sugar caddy. Made from 1954-1963.
Six liquor decanters, some musical, all
from the 1970s. See to appreciate. All in
excellent condition. Sold for highest bid.
Call (360) 426-4870 to see. A6/28-7/5
First: Corn Art: Fairj
Hunter Farms/Union.
/Ausust zz an(:{ zz
Please ca[l for booth info
(36ol 4zT-6o6z or email:
<paintcdbirdccramics(qYnotmail.com >
High quaUty sandy loam
Top cut * No Rocks No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe Dozer
Bulkheads Ripraps
Deflverlu Anywhere
I I i I
Fatten your Wallet I
MASON COUNTY Optimist sale, at Tay-
lor Towne parking lot, July 6-7, Friday-
Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. M7/5
MOVING SALE. Friday-Saturday 10
a.m.-5 p.m. 170 N. Ayock Beach Drive,
Lilliwaup. C7/5
3RD ANNUAL Spencer Lake swap meet.
Sunday, July 14, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Artists,
craftsmen, garage salers, all welcome.
Parking lot of Spencer Lake Bar & Grill.
For a free space call Kim at (360) 426-
2505. $7/5-12
HUGE GARAGE sale. All under cover.
Rain or shine. July 6th/7th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
220 Schoolhouse Hill Road, Hoodsport.
Items A to Z. Follow signs from Shell gas
station up Schoolhouse Hill Road. C7/5
LARGE AIR conditioner. Rims with tires
for 1995 F350 4x4. Fuel exchanger,
floor model dehydrator, windows, col-
lectibles. 20 N. Diamondhead Court, Lil-
liwaup, Hwy. 101 north past Shar Lane
(milepost 324). Follow capital G sale
signs. Saturday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-4:30
p.m. Rain or shine. P7/5
Public Auction
Pallets of 2x4x8, 6x6x10, Cottage Stone, Cedar Fencing
and Stove Pellets.
5-100 gallon Propane - Mosquito Magnet for a large
area up to 5 acres.
Gift Certificates for Merchandise, Golfing, Kayaking,
Boat Charters and more.
Saturday, July 7, 2007 2:00-5:00 p.m.
At the Hoodsport Model "T" Pub & Eatery
Preview: July 7, 2007
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
for all the listings
IhNLport l'ommunity
Events AssN,iation
(:NNI) 1177-,,,,:1111
ii iiii
Mason County lfirgrmmds
200 r Swap Meet Sehedlde
9:00 a.m.. 6:00 p.m.
Friday- 8mlday
10' x 10' indoor booth rental - 850.00
Set up Thursday
Call now to reserve your booth!
MULTI FAMILY, Friday, Saturday, 9
a.m.-3 p.m. 51 E. Wysteria Court. Oak
entertainment center, 2004 YZF 450, old
video camera, treadmills, electric type-
writer, something for everyone. W7/5
HUGE YARD sale. Furniture, puzzles,
barbecue grills, pot and pan set, house-
hold, Coleman tent, vacuum cleaner,
lots of misc. Saturday and Sunday, 9
a.m.-3 p.m., rain or shine. Backyard
at 1007 So. 9th St., between 10th and
7th streets on corner of Grant and 9th
streets. 1/2 price on Sunday. W7/5
, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 101 SE Majestic View
Drive (off Phillips Road). Everything
must gel W7/5
ESTATE/GARAGE sale. Kids toys, baby
stuff: crib, highchair. Sporting goods,
snowboard, Yamaha Banshee parts,
Honda Pilot parts, snow/water skis. Jew-
elry, coins/currency, guns. Cash only.
Saturday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. 121
E. Sterling Drive, Allyn. M7/5
101 N. Duckabush Drive, Friday-Sun-
day 9 a.m.-5 p.m. D7/5
MOVING SALE. Saturday-Sunday, 9
a.m.-3 p.m. New/used items. Furniture,
clothing, kitchen items, gardening sup-
plies, much more. 41 East Peebles Court,
off Olde Lyme Road (Lake Limerick. J7/5
ANTIQUE/GARAGE sale. Mason County
Fairgrounds, Building 13. Friday-Sun-
day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Lots of new and used
items, scrapbooking, decorations, picnic
supplies, sets of dishes, pots and pans,
glassware, small appliances, blankets,
linens, quilts, tablecloths, baskets all sizes
and shapes, lamps, clothes, collections
of knickknacks. Ashton Drake porcelain
dolls new in box, costume jewelry, books,
cookbooks, collectors' plates, toys, lots
of artwork, boxes of picture frames, din-
ing room table, sofa, stools, arrowheads,
tools, old record albums, German knives,
stainless steel barbecue for boat. H7/5
FANTASTIC SALE at the Shelton Fair-
grounds Building 13. Fri., Sat., Sun. 9
a.m.-? The building will be full of mer-
chandise to shop from. There will be a
carousel horse collection, Native Ameri-
can dolls, pottery, old Avon in boxes,
books, Texaco banks, new bedding,
comic books, collectible glassware, lots of
knickknacks, collectible Russian plates,
collectible Oriental plates (Toyo, Imperial
Jingdezhan and Ketsuzan Kiln), Oriental
dcor, picture frames and more. There's
so much we can't list all of it, so come out
and see for yourself. H7/5
BIG SALE (Huge), Mgson County Fair-
grounds, Fri., Sat., Sun. 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
My space has tons of furniture. Sleeper
sofa, 1930's cupboard, dressers, rock-
ers. 1920's Craftsman desk, antique
school desks, file table, living room fur-
niture, bedroom furniture, etc. Too much
to list. Bldg. 14. (360) 463-0935. K7/5
SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 6050 E.
Pickering Road, numerous house-
hold goods, small women's and boys'
clothes, toys, games, children's books
and more. $7/5
MASON COUNTY Fairgrounds Swap
Meet Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9 a.m.-
5 p.m. Multiple vendors, free public ad-
mission. M7/5
MULTI-FAMILY backyard sale. Tools,
clothes, bikes windows, golf, lots of mis-
cellaneous. Saturday-Sunday 9 a.m.-?
51 SE Old Arcadia Road. T7/5
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County is
holding our next garage sale on July
21, Saturday. There is still time to make
those tax deductible donations of house-
hold items, kids items, and guy stuff. We
are altering and feeding 115 kitties, let's
make this sale a big one! For informa-
tion call (360) 426-2455 or (360) 584-
0594. K6/14-7/5
a certified
Nursing "
Evergreen Healthcare is offering
day, evening and night shifts
Competitive wages ranging from $9,50-$11 DOE
not pass up this opportunity to start a career in which you
will make a difference in the fives of those you care for
With employment we offer:
Vacation and sick pay
Flexible scheduling
Unlimited job growth
Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2007
WANTED - BMWs - dead
Dan (360) 495-0006, McCleary.
WANTED: BAND to rein me in
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit
and a little bit '80's metal/
like music that delivers a positive
sage and emphasizes the value of
als. Some would call me lame
I don't listen to bands with
Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the
fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm
ing for a group that's happy just
heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540.
trucks, vans, travel trailers,
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3,
(360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
BUYING SCRAP gold, costume
DVDs, old stuff. Kiss Me Clothing
tiques, 129 W. Railroad. K7/5-26
(360) 427-7316. C7/5-26
WANTED - GRASS to mow for ht
graze, 10 acres plus please. (360)
0840. T7/5
within 5 miles of Shelton
rienced, fun loving, and personable,
ply at Ernie's Fir Cone Bar & Grill,
W. Cota, Shelton. E6/28-7/19
SAIL ON In Espresso expanding,
rienced barista. Send resume: P.O.
4, Allyn, WA 98524 or call (360)
6940. $6/21-7/12
TAXI DRIVER, part time to full
days, evenings, and weekends,
2nd income. 5 year good driving
good people and driving skills,
commercial experience required.
be able to pass drug screening. Kr
edge of area a plus. Have to be
older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5i
(360) 426-8294. M6/21-7/12 .
STYLIST/NAIL Tech needed for I
salon in Hoodsport. Call Alisa (.
877-5999. M6/14-7/5
____ ._..,,
NOW HIRING experienced part-t
and on-call waitresses. Also part-t
kitchen helper, experience prefe
Apply in person Monday-Friday, i
a.m.-2 p.m., Kobe Teriyaki, 118 W.!
der. No phone calls. K6/14-7/5
is recruiUng the following posiUon:
Closes 7/16/07
Screening begins 8/06/07 '+
online at www.centralia.edu ’g_
TDD A(’ess (360) 807-6227 AA/EOE/ADA:,
CLASSIFIED" is wors or less- $6.50 .Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
10 cents for each additional word over 15 .Classified display- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES Four insertions for the price of three .Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(36o) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple Insertion ads,
The Journal will be responsible
for errors in the first
Insertion only.
FURNITURE FOR sale: mattress and
box spring sets with frame, sofa with
matching chair, chests of drawers, large
desk, gun cabinet, coffee table, end
table. Call (360) 426-0824 or see at
1007 So. 9th this Saturday and Sunday.
KEMP SHREDDER/Chipper, brush.
31/2"-4" capacity. 5 h.p. Briggs & Strat-
tan. Portable, on wheels. $500 OBO.
(360) 898-4440. S7/5
OAK DROP leaf table, seats 4, 2 com-
fortably, $20.2 oak chairs, go with table,
$20. Large framed picture, ships, light
pastels, $20. VCR, $25. Light oak din-
ing chair with arms, $25. Blue recliner,
like new, $300. 1950's cedar chest, $30.
Small wooden desk, 1 drawer, $25. Bob
(360) 426-4581. $7/5
PEELED FURNITURE logs all 8' long. Di-
ameter 1 "-5". Prices $3-$8 each. Will sell
remaining logs (about 1,200) and burls
for $2,400. (360) 877-0602. H5/3tfn
DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus-
tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood-
smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29ffn
LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Picketing
Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort
- open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./
accepts VlSNMC - (360) 426-8632) an-
nounces a spectacular sale July 6th-9th
featuring half off all separates including
Chico, Coldwater Creek, St. John, Clai-
borne, etc.! New items include a 71/2
ft. farm table w/chairs, a sculpted bear
coffee table, an oak armoire and china
cabinet and a mahogany china cabinet.
Hundreds of new items are added each
weekl Also, a new vendor, "Lifetime Ar-
bors", has a wonderful sample on dis-
play. Come see what's newl July 14th
and 15th, the Lady will host the first an-
nual "Art Fair at the Lake". This outdoor
festival will feature numerous artisans
including stained glass, jewelry, bath
and body products, stationery, candles,
hats and handbags, custom built bird-
houses, garden arbors and highlight rare
and antique books as well as in-store
discounts. Almost all of these artisans
will contract custom work so bring your
ideas and discuss them with the artist in
personl Don't miss this unique opportu-
nityt The final weekends tn July wtll lea,
ture "surprise sales"- announced at the
door on opening that Friday. Mark your
calendars for August 3rd-6th, the Lady
of the Lake's Second Anniversary salel
This will be the biggest sale of the year
and include discounts on every house
item in stock. L6/28-7/19
those suffering from painful knees, an-
kles, hips, $750. (360) 426-1138. $6/28-
FRANCISCAN CHINA, pattern is Oa-
sis. 10 dinner plates, 9 salad/luncheon
plates, 9 cup and saucers, 2 vegetable
bowls, salt and pepper shakers, cream
and sugar bowls, plus an additional
sugar caddy. Made from 1954-1963.
Six liquor decanters, some musical, all
from the 1970s. See to appreciate. All in
excellent condition. Sold for highest bid.
Call (360) 426-4870 to see. A6/28-7/5
First: Corn Art: Fairj
Hunter Farms/Union.
/Ausust zz an(:{ zz
Please ca[l for booth info
(36ol 4zT-6o6z or email:
<paintcdbirdccramics(qYnotmail.com >
High quaUty sandy loam
Top cut * No Rocks No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe Dozer
Bulkheads Ripraps
Deflverlu Anywhere
I I i I
Fatten your Wallet I
MASON COUNTY Optimist sale, at Tay-
lor Towne parking lot, July 6-7, Friday-
Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. M7/5
MOVING SALE. Friday-Saturday 10
a.m.-5 p.m. 170 N. Ayock Beach Drive,
Lilliwaup. C7/5
3RD ANNUAL Spencer Lake swap meet.
Sunday, July 14, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Artists,
craftsmen, garage salers, all welcome.
Parking lot of Spencer Lake Bar & Grill.
For a free space call Kim at (360) 426-
2505. $7/5-12
HUGE GARAGE sale. All under cover.
Rain or shine. July 6th/7th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
220 Schoolhouse Hill Road, Hoodsport.
Items A to Z. Follow signs from Shell gas
station up Schoolhouse Hill Road. C7/5
LARGE AIR conditioner. Rims with tires
for 1995 F350 4x4. Fuel exchanger,
floor model dehydrator, windows, col-
lectibles. 20 N. Diamondhead Court, Lil-
liwaup, Hwy. 101 north past Shar Lane
(milepost 324). Follow capital G sale
signs. Saturday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-4:30
p.m. Rain or shine. P7/5
Public Auction
Pallets of 2x4x8, 6x6x10, Cottage Stone, Cedar Fencing
and Stove Pellets.
5-100 gallon Propane - Mosquito Magnet for a large
area up to 5 acres.
Gift Certificates for Merchandise, Golfing, Kayaking,
Boat Charters and more.
Saturday, July 7, 2007 2:00-5:00 p.m.
At the Hoodsport Model "T" Pub & Eatery
Preview: July 7, 2007
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
for all the listings
IhNLport l'ommunity
Events AssN,iation
(:NNI) 1177-,,,,:1111
ii iiii
Mason County lfirgrmmds
200 r Swap Meet Sehedlde
9:00 a.m.. 6:00 p.m.
Friday- 8mlday
10' x 10' indoor booth rental - 850.00
Set up Thursday
Call now to reserve your booth!
MULTI FAMILY, Friday, Saturday, 9
a.m.-3 p.m. 51 E. Wysteria Court. Oak
entertainment center, 2004 YZF 450, old
video camera, treadmills, electric type-
writer, something for everyone. W7/5
HUGE YARD sale. Furniture, puzzles,
barbecue grills, pot and pan set, house-
hold, Coleman tent, vacuum cleaner,
lots of misc. Saturday and Sunday, 9
a.m.-3 p.m., rain or shine. Backyard
at 1007 So. 9th St., between 10th and
7th streets on corner of Grant and 9th
streets. 1/2 price on Sunday. W7/5
, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 101 SE Majestic View
Drive (off Phillips Road). Everything
must gel W7/5
ESTATE/GARAGE sale. Kids toys, baby
stuff: crib, highchair. Sporting goods,
snowboard, Yamaha Banshee parts,
Honda Pilot parts, snow/water skis. Jew-
elry, coins/currency, guns. Cash only.
Saturday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. 121
E. Sterling Drive, Allyn. M7/5
101 N. Duckabush Drive, Friday-Sun-
day 9 a.m.-5 p.m. D7/5
MOVING SALE. Saturday-Sunday, 9
a.m.-3 p.m. New/used items. Furniture,
clothing, kitchen items, gardening sup-
plies, much more. 41 East Peebles Court,
off Olde Lyme Road (Lake Limerick. J7/5
ANTIQUE/GARAGE sale. Mason County
Fairgrounds, Building 13. Friday-Sun-
day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Lots of new and used
items, scrapbooking, decorations, picnic
supplies, sets of dishes, pots and pans,
glassware, small appliances, blankets,
linens, quilts, tablecloths, baskets all sizes
and shapes, lamps, clothes, collections
of knickknacks. Ashton Drake porcelain
dolls new in box, costume jewelry, books,
cookbooks, collectors' plates, toys, lots
of artwork, boxes of picture frames, din-
ing room table, sofa, stools, arrowheads,
tools, old record albums, German knives,
stainless steel barbecue for boat. H7/5
FANTASTIC SALE at the Shelton Fair-
grounds Building 13. Fri., Sat., Sun. 9
a.m.-? The building will be full of mer-
chandise to shop from. There will be a
carousel horse collection, Native Ameri-
can dolls, pottery, old Avon in boxes,
books, Texaco banks, new bedding,
comic books, collectible glassware, lots of
knickknacks, collectible Russian plates,
collectible Oriental plates (Toyo, Imperial
Jingdezhan and Ketsuzan Kiln), Oriental
dcor, picture frames and more. There's
so much we can't list all of it, so come out
and see for yourself. H7/5
BIG SALE (Huge), Mgson County Fair-
grounds, Fri., Sat., Sun. 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
My space has tons of furniture. Sleeper
sofa, 1930's cupboard, dressers, rock-
ers. 1920's Craftsman desk, antique
school desks, file table, living room fur-
niture, bedroom furniture, etc. Too much
to list. Bldg. 14. (360) 463-0935. K7/5
SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 6050 E.
Pickering Road, numerous house-
hold goods, small women's and boys'
clothes, toys, games, children's books
and more. $7/5
MASON COUNTY Fairgrounds Swap
Meet Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9 a.m.-
5 p.m. Multiple vendors, free public ad-
mission. M7/5
MULTI-FAMILY backyard sale. Tools,
clothes, bikes windows, golf, lots of mis-
cellaneous. Saturday-Sunday 9 a.m.-?
51 SE Old Arcadia Road. T7/5
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County is
holding our next garage sale on July
21, Saturday. There is still time to make
those tax deductible donations of house-
hold items, kids items, and guy stuff. We
are altering and feeding 115 kitties, let's
make this sale a big one! For informa-
tion call (360) 426-2455 or (360) 584-
0594. K6/14-7/5
a certified
Nursing "
Evergreen Healthcare is offering
day, evening and night shifts
Competitive wages ranging from $9,50-$11 DOE
not pass up this opportunity to start a career in which you
will make a difference in the fives of those you care for
With employment we offer:
Vacation and sick pay
Flexible scheduling
Unlimited job growth
Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2007
WANTED - BMWs - dead
Dan (360) 495-0006, McCleary.
WANTED: BAND to rein me in
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit
and a little bit '80's metal/
like music that delivers a positive
sage and emphasizes the value of
als. Some would call me lame
I don't listen to bands with
Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the
fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm
ing for a group that's happy just
heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540.
trucks, vans, travel trailers,
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3,
(360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
BUYING SCRAP gold, costume
DVDs, old stuff. Kiss Me Clothing
tiques, 129 W. Railroad. K7/5-26
(360) 427-7316. C7/5-26
WANTED - GRASS to mow for ht
graze, 10 acres plus please. (360)
0840. T7/5
within 5 miles of Shelton
rienced, fun loving, and personable,
ply at Ernie's Fir Cone Bar & Grill,
W. Cota, Shelton. E6/28-7/19
SAIL ON In Espresso expanding,
rienced barista. Send resume: P.O.
4, Allyn, WA 98524 or call (360)
6940. $6/21-7/12
TAXI DRIVER, part time to full
days, evenings, and weekends,
2nd income. 5 year good driving
good people and driving skills,
commercial experience required.
be able to pass drug screening. Kr
edge of area a plus. Have to be
older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5i
(360) 426-8294. M6/21-7/12 .
STYLIST/NAIL Tech needed for I
salon in Hoodsport. Call Alisa (.
877-5999. M6/14-7/5
____ ._..,,
NOW HIRING experienced part-t
and on-call waitresses. Also part-t
kitchen helper, experience prefe
Apply in person Monday-Friday, i
a.m.-2 p.m., Kobe Teriyaki, 118 W.!
der. No phone calls. K6/14-7/5
is recruiUng the following posiUon:
Closes 7/16/07
Screening begins 8/06/07 '+
online at www.centralia.edu ’g_
TDD A(’ess (360) 807-6227 AA/EOE/ADA:,