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IERICORPS VISTA 1 year Internship,
)ia. Assist in coordinating disaster
activities for Homeland Security
3 (Thurston, Mason, Lewis, Pa-
Grays Harbor). Monthly allowance
$833, and includes education award
cash stipend. See www.co.thurston.
.us/em or call Shelley South at (360)
B-5206. Deadline 5 p.m., 7/18. T7/5-12
!LP WANTED: Workers for small shell-
company, daytimes. Send resume
Box 658, c/o The Journal, P.O.
Shelton, WA 98584.7/5-26
.,,ANCIAL SERVICES firm seeks
"Elponsible entry-level person with a
imum of 2 years genera off ce expe-
--nce. This individual must be able to
in Idle administrative, client service and
coarketing support responsibility. Excel-
baltt communication skills are required.
te iase send a resume to: PO Box 1908,
of elton, WA 98584-5021. Equal Oppor-
)erlity Employer. E7/5-12
e VERS: A steady lifestyle. Top miles
'm top pay. Call Werner Enterprises
., regional openings today. 1-800-346-
4/1 18, ext .126 . A7/5-12
n Plumber valid dr ver's icense Ex-
/S'rienced resident a and commercial.
'='11 (36 O) 275-3599. $7/5
j°--")USEKEEPER NEEDED, ex erience
v P
_ ferred but will train. Apply in person,
g per 8 Motel, 2943 Northview Circle.
bes TREE worker. Shearing,
__ltivating, shaping. Experienced only.
ha ;k for Sherman, (360) 427-2544. D7/5
0):WANTED. Some hardware
perience preferred. Able to work
ekends. Benefits available. Apply in
)UTH PUGET Sound Community
|. )liege is seeking a Dean of Natural
;iences-lnterim _ Position closes 5
'n. Tuesday, July 31, 2007 For spe-
n Ic position requirements and applica-
=t ; packet, visit the website at www.
cc.ctc.edu. An employment applica-
n packet can also be obtained in the
Jman Resources Office, South Puget
)n und Community College, 2011 Mott-
an Road SW, Olympia WA 98512.
1one (360) 596-5500; or call the Hu-
an Resources Job Line at (360) 596-
,73; or e-mail jobline@spscc.ctc.edu.
_J)D access call (360) 596-5439. AA/
)E. $7/5
i)UTH PUGET Sound Communit
)liege is seeking a F scal Technician 2
,, Position closes 5 p m Thursda Jul
a i _.. y, Y
t=iJ ' 2007. Electr clan - Re-o ened, o en
...... P P
• t itil fdled. Program Specialist 4 - Posi-
'"' c,oses 5 p.m Wednesday, August 1,
_.,, . t-or specific position requ rements
,ee d app cation packet wslt the webslte
i, ' , ' ' "
'O.| www.spscc.ctc edu. An employment
plication packet can also b ined
..... e obta
• me Human Resources Office, South
get Sound Community College,
II 11 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA
; 512. Phone (360) 596-5500; or call
're Human Resources Job Line at (360)
, s6-5473; or e-mail jobline@spscc.ctc.
j. Iu. TDD access call (360) 596-5439.
K00EOE. ST/5
PPY eriyaki, Shelton. H7/5
r (
E! Mexicano
.. * Port Orchard *
hysical position requiring
ability to lift up to 65
Ibs. Must communicate
effectively in English.
• Class A or B CDL
• Clean driving record
and must meet all DOT
• 40-55 hours/week
on Competitive Pay &
Excellent Benefitsl
all or go online to apply!
Media code: DBW
Job code: WPFDT
Waste Management
DRIVERS: CDL-A. Home most nights,
all weekends. No-touch, dedicated
freight. Nice trucks. Garry: (360) 683-
1272. A7/5
START YOUR Professional Nursing ca-
reer with Fir Lane ... "Certified Nursing
Assistants." Free training classes now
forming. Application deadline is July 18.
Classes start promptly Monday, July
23, 2007. Fir Lane Health & Rehab is
qualified under Washington State and
federal regulation to select and train the
most loving and caring individuals to be-
come a "Certified Nursing Assistant." If
you are thinking about a future in the re-
warding career of healthcare, then start
with Fir Lane Health & Rehab., 2430 N.
13th St., Shelton, WA 98584. Deb Ad-
ams and Donna Rawlings, (360) 426-
1651. F7/5-12
PART-TIME COOK needed. Experience
preferred, but willing to train. Pick up ap-
plication at: Fir Lane Health & Rehab,
2430 N. 13th. Ask for Gloria Bowman.
EOE. F7/5-12
ston County Roads and Transportation,
Services/Construction Section. Closing
date: 7-13-07, Salary: $3,925-$5,221/
mo. Job duties/qualifications/ appli-
cation form available on-line at www.
co.thurston.wa.us or call (360) 754-
3800 or TDD (360) 754-2933. T7/5
SOLID WASTE Assistant I for Mason
County Solid Waste Facility, part-time,
Saturday-Monday, 22 hours/week plus
on call, $11.29 to $12/hour with bene-
fits. Primarily responsible for evaluating
and determining charges for waste from
public and commercial contractors. Min-
imum requirements: High school grad
or GED, valid WSDL, ability to work in-
dependently, operate cash register and
calculator, and physical ability to perform
standing, sitting, bending, and reaching
in variable weather conditions. Experi-
ence working with the public, math and
record keeping skills. Closes 7/9/07 at 5
p.m. Application required and available
at Mason County Human Resources,
411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584;
www.co.mason.wa.us; (360) 427-7265.
tice, 2 years experience minimum. (360)
432-2293. N6/28-7/19
clerk, fast-paced. Drug and background
check. Matlock (360) 426-6806, Judy.
Full-time position. For complete job de-
scription, go to www.sheltonschools.org
and click on Employment Opportunities
or contact Shelton School District (360)
426-1687, 700 1st Street, Shelton, WA
98584. EOE. S6/28-7/5
WE'RE PASSIONATE about everything
we dol Located in Shelton, we're a grow-
ing agency that offers a dynamic CSA
role to stretch your talents, reward your
"can do" spirit and relationship skills. Li-
censed P&C Personal Lines agent with
3-5 years experience of multi-line car-
riers. Excellent benefits package, ne-
gotiable salary, and flexible hours. Call
Kendra at (253) 473-3010. F6/28-7/12
good general skills. Belfair/Shelton
area. (360) 426-2056 or (360) 286-
7911. C6/14-7/5
SEEKING TWO mature, experienced
elder caregivers for mother in private
country home. Weekend shift: Friday
3 p.m.-Sunday 5 p.m. $200 weekly.
Night shift Sunday-Thursday (on-call,
on the premises) 4 p.m.-7 a.m., room
and board plus $250 weekly. Oyster
Bay area. Must have valid driver's li-
cense. Fax resume or letter of interest
to (360) 867-4146. Literate in English,
non-smoking, background checks will
be done. A 6/28-7/5
Make a Difference
in Your Communibfl
We are hiring full-time (40 hrs/wk) tutors to
serve local elementary schools• Positions start
September 4th. To apply, you must be 17
years old and have HS diploma/GED. AmeriCorps
service comes with a $830-900 monthly stipend,
education award and other benefits.
Find out more on our website
(follow the "Programs" link to
"AmeriCorps-Washington Reading Corps")
or call Beth at 888-698-1816 ext. 126.
o i
EXPERIENCED COOK for retirement
and assisted living. Must have food
handlers card, be organized, reliable/
dependable, enjoy working with se-
niors. Some days/evenings/weekends,
full time. Wages DOE, benefit pack-
age available. Please apply - Beehive
Retirement, 401 W. Maple Street, Mc-
Cleary or fax resume to (360) 495-3903.
openings for entry-level staff to assist
our disabled clients in their own homes.
We provide all training. Benefits include
company paid medical, dental, life and
vision insurance for full-time employees,
paid time off and room for advance-
ment. Full-time, part-time, and fill-in
hours available on all shifts. $9 hourly
to start. Must have diploma or GED,
valid WSDL, be 21 or over, able to pass
a criminal background check and drug
screen. Applications and further infor-
mation is available at EFrs offices at
2009 W. Railroad Avenue, Monday-Fri-
day, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. EFI is an equal
opportunity employer. E6/28-7/5
CARING PEOPLE neededl You can
make a difference in the lives of seniors.
Come join our team. Home Instead Se-
nior Care (360) 570-0049. H6/28-7/19
LOCAL COMPANY looking for experi-
enced flatbed drivers, 48 states. Must
have current CDL, clean driving record.
Call (360) 427-7652. C6/28-7/19
ment Operator. Class A CDL a plus.
Send resume to 2840 Black Lake Blvd.
SW, Ste. C, Tumwater, WA 98512-5107.
OFFICE ASSISTANT, must be proficient
with Excel, Power Point and Internet
marketing. (360) 426-4024. R6/28tfn
LIVE-IN CAREGIVER needed for my
mother on weekends. Salary negotiable.
Inquire at (360) 426-5817. B6/28-7/19
Adult Family Home is looking for that
special someone who enjoys caring for
elderly while running household. Prior
experience a plus but not a must. Will
train right person, pick up application at
1109 Northcliff Road, Shelton. Susan,
(360) 427-2646. N6/28-7/5
LONG HAUL truck driver wanted. DJ's
Trucking, 2 years minimum experience.
Refrigerated trailer, experience pre-
ferred, clean driving record. Call (360)
426-1443. D6/28-7/5
(360) 432-8837. E6/28-7/19
CASHIER - MUST be over 21. Expe-
rienced only. Apply at Taylor Towne
Store, 70 SE Lynch Road. T6/21tfn
SHELTON HEALTH and Rehabilitation
is accepting applications for an experi-
enced Medical Records person. Atten-
tion to detail and a positive attitude are
required. Please send resumes to: Jay-
son at 153 Johns Court, Shelton, WA
98584. $6/21-7/12
Must have valid driver's license. Ap-
plications can be obtained at 1650 E.
Shelton Springs Road between 9 a.m.-
3 p.m. Monday thru Friday (360) 426-
7057. M5/24ffn
For details see www.healingtherapy.net/
visits. H7/5-26
STARVING COLLEGE student looking
for work till Americorps job assignment
begins. Strong as an ox and frequently
as smart, I will do most any home- and
yard-type work with a smile. Shane,
• (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous-
es inside and out. Also garages, gutters,
roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and
spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel.
$15 per hour/per person. (360) 451-
2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627.
P 11/23tfn
START YOUR own landscape curbing
business. High demand. Low overhead.
High profit. Training available. Priced
from $12,000. 1-800-667-5372. www.
edgemaster.net. A7/5-26
KAREN'S COUNTRY Loving Daycare in
Totten Shores has openings, ages 2-5.
(360) 426-8610. K7/5-26
NEW STATE licensed daycare oper-
ated by a college graduate now accept-
ing applications. Opening in Oak Park
neighborhood in July. Call Happy Home
Daycare to apply today, (360) 868-2085.
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has openings,
age 2 and up. Great learning environment,
large fenced yard. USDA Food Program
participant. 3 blocks from Mt. View School.
(360) 427-3763. R6/28tfn
JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids, licensed
childcare, Monday-Friday, small friendly
group. Lauri, (360) 426-7669. N6/28-7/19
School District. Kindergarten transporta-
tion available. Over 7 years daycare ex-
perience. References available. Call for
appointment, (360) 432-0306. W6/14-7/5
SMALL IN-HOME daycare is accepting
applications for 1 child full time or part
time. Preference will be given to a child
31/2-5. Country setting, Mt. View School
District. Easy, close Hwy. 101 access.
(360) 427-7828. B6/21-7/12
HELP! IF you witnessed accident Sun-
day 6/24/07 on Highway 3 at Dawn
Drive, where a green truck and horse
trailer left the roadway, please call (360)
275-4204. $6/28-7/5
TENOR SAX, Yamaha, $250. Electric
bass, with amp and stand (new), $150.
(360) 427-3131. H7/5-26
WEDDING MUSIC by cello soloist Dave
Pierik. Any size wedding, indoor or out-
door. More than 8 hours of repertoire
for your service and reception, "Bach to
the Beatles." Requests welcome. Rea-
sonable rates, Paypal okay at www.cel-
Iodad.blogspot.com. E-mail cellodad@
juno.corn or call cell (360) 490-4895 for
advance bookings. P6/14tfn
LOST. FAMILY heirloom golden dia-
mond bracelet. If found, contact (360)
490-0957. $6/14-7/5
Journal Classifieds 360-426-44]2
TAKE ADVANTAGE of today's explod-
ing real estate market. Get your real
estate license/sales training while you
keep your job. Unlimited income, 100%
freedom in your new career in real es-
tate sales. Contact Vicki at Exit NW Re-
alty (360) 791-3117. E7/5-26
MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin,
viola, and electric bass. Includes mu-
sic theory, ear training and advanced
techniques. Over 20 years experience.
Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages
and musical styles welcome. Call Dave
at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@
juno.com for available times. P5/25tfn
I AM J Edgar Hoover. I am 4 months old.
All shots, summer coat, registered. Oh
yesl I am a little 21/2 Ib.Yorkie and I am
$800. (360) 432-9253. W7/5
LARGE FLIGHT cage with 20/25 various
finches/pair canaries - $250. New par-
rot cage with 3 parakeets, $150. (360)
427-3949. H6/28-7/19
REGISTERED BORDER collie, blue fe-
male, 6 months. ABCA champion blood-
lines. Great work instinct, obedience
trained. Great with children and other
pets, $400. Call Chris (360) 229-0735.
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af-
fectionate companion cats and kittens.
Reasonable adoption fee includes alter-
ing, immunization, testing, and parasite
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455,
or cell (360) 584-0594, website www.kit-
tenresq.net. K4/26tfn
PET SITTER for your worry-free vaca-
tion. Now accepting reservations for
in-home pet care. Sarah's At Home
Pet Care Services. (360) 239-1076. Li-
censed and bonded. M6/21-7/12
CALLING ALL Dogsl Dog obedience
lessons, hands-on training. Puppy and
manners classes starting every month.
AKC Rally and Conformation. Get ready
for those new titles. K9Kapers, Karen
(360) 432-1478. www.K9Kapers.com.
DOG MANNERS, obedience, agility.
Gentle, positive methods only. Group
or private lessons and in-home behav-
ior consults with September Morn (30+
years professional). (360) 432-3633.
HAYLAGE IN dry round bales. 3 miles
from Little Creek Casino. (360) 701-
5695. R6/28-7/19
Take stock in
The Journal
• 25+ years e×perience
• References
• Free estimates
* Senior discounts
I 360-432-8847
ltcrll 360-49985
General cleanup
Pressure washing
Free estimates, lowest prices
Leave message for David
Thursday, July 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31
IERICORPS VISTA 1 year Internship,
)ia. Assist in coordinating disaster
activities for Homeland Security
3 (Thurston, Mason, Lewis, Pa-
Grays Harbor). Monthly allowance
$833, and includes education award
cash stipend. See www.co.thurston.
.us/em or call Shelley South at (360)
B-5206. Deadline 5 p.m., 7/18. T7/5-12
!LP WANTED: Workers for small shell-
company, daytimes. Send resume
Box 658, c/o The Journal, P.O.
Shelton, WA 98584.7/5-26
.,,ANCIAL SERVICES firm seeks
"Elponsible entry-level person with a
imum of 2 years genera off ce expe-
--nce. This individual must be able to
in Idle administrative, client service and
coarketing support responsibility. Excel-
baltt communication skills are required.
te iase send a resume to: PO Box 1908,
of elton, WA 98584-5021. Equal Oppor-
)erlity Employer. E7/5-12
e VERS: A steady lifestyle. Top miles
'm top pay. Call Werner Enterprises
., regional openings today. 1-800-346-
4/1 18, ext .126 . A7/5-12
n Plumber valid dr ver's icense Ex-
/S'rienced resident a and commercial.
'='11 (36 O) 275-3599. $7/5
j°--")USEKEEPER NEEDED, ex erience
v P
_ ferred but will train. Apply in person,
g per 8 Motel, 2943 Northview Circle.
bes TREE worker. Shearing,
__ltivating, shaping. Experienced only.
ha ;k for Sherman, (360) 427-2544. D7/5
0):WANTED. Some hardware
perience preferred. Able to work
ekends. Benefits available. Apply in
)UTH PUGET Sound Community
|. )liege is seeking a Dean of Natural
;iences-lnterim _ Position closes 5
'n. Tuesday, July 31, 2007 For spe-
n Ic position requirements and applica-
=t ; packet, visit the website at www.
cc.ctc.edu. An employment applica-
n packet can also be obtained in the
Jman Resources Office, South Puget
)n und Community College, 2011 Mott-
an Road SW, Olympia WA 98512.
1one (360) 596-5500; or call the Hu-
an Resources Job Line at (360) 596-
,73; or e-mail jobline@spscc.ctc.edu.
_J)D access call (360) 596-5439. AA/
)E. $7/5
i)UTH PUGET Sound Communit
)liege is seeking a F scal Technician 2
,, Position closes 5 p m Thursda Jul
a i _.. y, Y
t=iJ ' 2007. Electr clan - Re-o ened, o en
...... P P
• t itil fdled. Program Specialist 4 - Posi-
'"' c,oses 5 p.m Wednesday, August 1,
_.,, . t-or specific position requ rements
,ee d app cation packet wslt the webslte
i, ' , ' ' "
'O.| www.spscc.ctc edu. An employment
plication packet can also b ined
..... e obta
• me Human Resources Office, South
get Sound Community College,
II 11 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA
; 512. Phone (360) 596-5500; or call
're Human Resources Job Line at (360)
, s6-5473; or e-mail jobline@spscc.ctc.
j. Iu. TDD access call (360) 596-5439.
K00EOE. ST/5
PPY eriyaki, Shelton. H7/5
r (
E! Mexicano
.. * Port Orchard *
hysical position requiring
ability to lift up to 65
Ibs. Must communicate
effectively in English.
• Class A or B CDL
• Clean driving record
and must meet all DOT
• 40-55 hours/week
on Competitive Pay &
Excellent Benefitsl
all or go online to apply!
Media code: DBW
Job code: WPFDT
Waste Management
DRIVERS: CDL-A. Home most nights,
all weekends. No-touch, dedicated
freight. Nice trucks. Garry: (360) 683-
1272. A7/5
START YOUR Professional Nursing ca-
reer with Fir Lane ... "Certified Nursing
Assistants." Free training classes now
forming. Application deadline is July 18.
Classes start promptly Monday, July
23, 2007. Fir Lane Health & Rehab is
qualified under Washington State and
federal regulation to select and train the
most loving and caring individuals to be-
come a "Certified Nursing Assistant." If
you are thinking about a future in the re-
warding career of healthcare, then start
with Fir Lane Health & Rehab., 2430 N.
13th St., Shelton, WA 98584. Deb Ad-
ams and Donna Rawlings, (360) 426-
1651. F7/5-12
PART-TIME COOK needed. Experience
preferred, but willing to train. Pick up ap-
plication at: Fir Lane Health & Rehab,
2430 N. 13th. Ask for Gloria Bowman.
EOE. F7/5-12
ston County Roads and Transportation,
Services/Construction Section. Closing
date: 7-13-07, Salary: $3,925-$5,221/
mo. Job duties/qualifications/ appli-
cation form available on-line at www.
co.thurston.wa.us or call (360) 754-
3800 or TDD (360) 754-2933. T7/5
SOLID WASTE Assistant I for Mason
County Solid Waste Facility, part-time,
Saturday-Monday, 22 hours/week plus
on call, $11.29 to $12/hour with bene-
fits. Primarily responsible for evaluating
and determining charges for waste from
public and commercial contractors. Min-
imum requirements: High school grad
or GED, valid WSDL, ability to work in-
dependently, operate cash register and
calculator, and physical ability to perform
standing, sitting, bending, and reaching
in variable weather conditions. Experi-
ence working with the public, math and
record keeping skills. Closes 7/9/07 at 5
p.m. Application required and available
at Mason County Human Resources,
411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584;
www.co.mason.wa.us; (360) 427-7265.
tice, 2 years experience minimum. (360)
432-2293. N6/28-7/19
clerk, fast-paced. Drug and background
check. Matlock (360) 426-6806, Judy.
Full-time position. For complete job de-
scription, go to www.sheltonschools.org
and click on Employment Opportunities
or contact Shelton School District (360)
426-1687, 700 1st Street, Shelton, WA
98584. EOE. S6/28-7/5
WE'RE PASSIONATE about everything
we dol Located in Shelton, we're a grow-
ing agency that offers a dynamic CSA
role to stretch your talents, reward your
"can do" spirit and relationship skills. Li-
censed P&C Personal Lines agent with
3-5 years experience of multi-line car-
riers. Excellent benefits package, ne-
gotiable salary, and flexible hours. Call
Kendra at (253) 473-3010. F6/28-7/12
good general skills. Belfair/Shelton
area. (360) 426-2056 or (360) 286-
7911. C6/14-7/5
SEEKING TWO mature, experienced
elder caregivers for mother in private
country home. Weekend shift: Friday
3 p.m.-Sunday 5 p.m. $200 weekly.
Night shift Sunday-Thursday (on-call,
on the premises) 4 p.m.-7 a.m., room
and board plus $250 weekly. Oyster
Bay area. Must have valid driver's li-
cense. Fax resume or letter of interest
to (360) 867-4146. Literate in English,
non-smoking, background checks will
be done. A 6/28-7/5
Make a Difference
in Your Communibfl
We are hiring full-time (40 hrs/wk) tutors to
serve local elementary schools• Positions start
September 4th. To apply, you must be 17
years old and have HS diploma/GED. AmeriCorps
service comes with a $830-900 monthly stipend,
education award and other benefits.
Find out more on our website
(follow the "Programs" link to
"AmeriCorps-Washington Reading Corps")
or call Beth at 888-698-1816 ext. 126.
o i
EXPERIENCED COOK for retirement
and assisted living. Must have food
handlers card, be organized, reliable/
dependable, enjoy working with se-
niors. Some days/evenings/weekends,
full time. Wages DOE, benefit pack-
age available. Please apply - Beehive
Retirement, 401 W. Maple Street, Mc-
Cleary or fax resume to (360) 495-3903.
openings for entry-level staff to assist
our disabled clients in their own homes.
We provide all training. Benefits include
company paid medical, dental, life and
vision insurance for full-time employees,
paid time off and room for advance-
ment. Full-time, part-time, and fill-in
hours available on all shifts. $9 hourly
to start. Must have diploma or GED,
valid WSDL, be 21 or over, able to pass
a criminal background check and drug
screen. Applications and further infor-
mation is available at EFrs offices at
2009 W. Railroad Avenue, Monday-Fri-
day, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. EFI is an equal
opportunity employer. E6/28-7/5
CARING PEOPLE neededl You can
make a difference in the lives of seniors.
Come join our team. Home Instead Se-
nior Care (360) 570-0049. H6/28-7/19
LOCAL COMPANY looking for experi-
enced flatbed drivers, 48 states. Must
have current CDL, clean driving record.
Call (360) 427-7652. C6/28-7/19
ment Operator. Class A CDL a plus.
Send resume to 2840 Black Lake Blvd.
SW, Ste. C, Tumwater, WA 98512-5107.
OFFICE ASSISTANT, must be proficient
with Excel, Power Point and Internet
marketing. (360) 426-4024. R6/28tfn
LIVE-IN CAREGIVER needed for my
mother on weekends. Salary negotiable.
Inquire at (360) 426-5817. B6/28-7/19
Adult Family Home is looking for that
special someone who enjoys caring for
elderly while running household. Prior
experience a plus but not a must. Will
train right person, pick up application at
1109 Northcliff Road, Shelton. Susan,
(360) 427-2646. N6/28-7/5
LONG HAUL truck driver wanted. DJ's
Trucking, 2 years minimum experience.
Refrigerated trailer, experience pre-
ferred, clean driving record. Call (360)
426-1443. D6/28-7/5
(360) 432-8837. E6/28-7/19
CASHIER - MUST be over 21. Expe-
rienced only. Apply at Taylor Towne
Store, 70 SE Lynch Road. T6/21tfn
SHELTON HEALTH and Rehabilitation
is accepting applications for an experi-
enced Medical Records person. Atten-
tion to detail and a positive attitude are
required. Please send resumes to: Jay-
son at 153 Johns Court, Shelton, WA
98584. $6/21-7/12
Must have valid driver's license. Ap-
plications can be obtained at 1650 E.
Shelton Springs Road between 9 a.m.-
3 p.m. Monday thru Friday (360) 426-
7057. M5/24ffn
For details see www.healingtherapy.net/
visits. H7/5-26
STARVING COLLEGE student looking
for work till Americorps job assignment
begins. Strong as an ox and frequently
as smart, I will do most any home- and
yard-type work with a smile. Shane,
• (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous-
es inside and out. Also garages, gutters,
roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and
spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel.
$15 per hour/per person. (360) 451-
2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627.
P 11/23tfn
START YOUR own landscape curbing
business. High demand. Low overhead.
High profit. Training available. Priced
from $12,000. 1-800-667-5372. www.
edgemaster.net. A7/5-26
KAREN'S COUNTRY Loving Daycare in
Totten Shores has openings, ages 2-5.
(360) 426-8610. K7/5-26
NEW STATE licensed daycare oper-
ated by a college graduate now accept-
ing applications. Opening in Oak Park
neighborhood in July. Call Happy Home
Daycare to apply today, (360) 868-2085.
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has openings,
age 2 and up. Great learning environment,
large fenced yard. USDA Food Program
participant. 3 blocks from Mt. View School.
(360) 427-3763. R6/28tfn
JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids, licensed
childcare, Monday-Friday, small friendly
group. Lauri, (360) 426-7669. N6/28-7/19
School District. Kindergarten transporta-
tion available. Over 7 years daycare ex-
perience. References available. Call for
appointment, (360) 432-0306. W6/14-7/5
SMALL IN-HOME daycare is accepting
applications for 1 child full time or part
time. Preference will be given to a child
31/2-5. Country setting, Mt. View School
District. Easy, close Hwy. 101 access.
(360) 427-7828. B6/21-7/12
HELP! IF you witnessed accident Sun-
day 6/24/07 on Highway 3 at Dawn
Drive, where a green truck and horse
trailer left the roadway, please call (360)
275-4204. $6/28-7/5
TENOR SAX, Yamaha, $250. Electric
bass, with amp and stand (new), $150.
(360) 427-3131. H7/5-26
WEDDING MUSIC by cello soloist Dave
Pierik. Any size wedding, indoor or out-
door. More than 8 hours of repertoire
for your service and reception, "Bach to
the Beatles." Requests welcome. Rea-
sonable rates, Paypal okay at www.cel-
Iodad.blogspot.com. E-mail cellodad@
juno.corn or call cell (360) 490-4895 for
advance bookings. P6/14tfn
LOST. FAMILY heirloom golden dia-
mond bracelet. If found, contact (360)
490-0957. $6/14-7/5
Journal Classifieds 360-426-44]2
TAKE ADVANTAGE of today's explod-
ing real estate market. Get your real
estate license/sales training while you
keep your job. Unlimited income, 100%
freedom in your new career in real es-
tate sales. Contact Vicki at Exit NW Re-
alty (360) 791-3117. E7/5-26
MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin,
viola, and electric bass. Includes mu-
sic theory, ear training and advanced
techniques. Over 20 years experience.
Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages
and musical styles welcome. Call Dave
at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@
juno.com for available times. P5/25tfn
I AM J Edgar Hoover. I am 4 months old.
All shots, summer coat, registered. Oh
yesl I am a little 21/2 Ib.Yorkie and I am
$800. (360) 432-9253. W7/5
LARGE FLIGHT cage with 20/25 various
finches/pair canaries - $250. New par-
rot cage with 3 parakeets, $150. (360)
427-3949. H6/28-7/19
REGISTERED BORDER collie, blue fe-
male, 6 months. ABCA champion blood-
lines. Great work instinct, obedience
trained. Great with children and other
pets, $400. Call Chris (360) 229-0735.
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af-
fectionate companion cats and kittens.
Reasonable adoption fee includes alter-
ing, immunization, testing, and parasite
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455,
or cell (360) 584-0594, website www.kit-
tenresq.net. K4/26tfn
PET SITTER for your worry-free vaca-
tion. Now accepting reservations for
in-home pet care. Sarah's At Home
Pet Care Services. (360) 239-1076. Li-
censed and bonded. M6/21-7/12
CALLING ALL Dogsl Dog obedience
lessons, hands-on training. Puppy and
manners classes starting every month.
AKC Rally and Conformation. Get ready
for those new titles. K9Kapers, Karen
(360) 432-1478. www.K9Kapers.com.
DOG MANNERS, obedience, agility.
Gentle, positive methods only. Group
or private lessons and in-home behav-
ior consults with September Morn (30+
years professional). (360) 432-3633.
HAYLAGE IN dry round bales. 3 miles
from Little Creek Casino. (360) 701-
5695. R6/28-7/19
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Thursday, July 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31