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HOODSPORT MANE, (360) 877-9409,
Hwy 101, Hoodsport (across from Shell
Station) announces extreme prices for
tanningf Increase your Vitamin D and
save money! Single tan, $4.5 tans, $18.
10 tans $38. One month unlimited, $49
(includes 1/2 off on all lotions of $20 val-
ue). Bring this ad in and a friend and get
unlimited package for 2 for 1 of $49. Up-
right tanning, sanitary and fast. Prices
subject to change. H7/5-26
SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re-
pair, land clearing, digouts, utility ditch-
ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union
City Excavation. UNIONCEO5207.
(360) 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U7/5-
TURNING LEAVES Lawn Care. Mainte- I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360)
nance, mowing and more. I'm motivated 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for
so call Dan for your outside chores. (360) Jerry. P5/17-7/5
432-7935; (360) 789-5570 (cell). L5/3tfn ............................................
.......................................................................................... CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe-
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years.
(360) 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn
SHUFF'S FENCING. Locally owned and
operated fence company. Specializing in
residential fencing. Licensed, Bonded,
Insured. Call for a free estimate. (360)
427-2914. SHUFF*940K5 $4/19-8/2
cializing in finish carpentry (including
crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur-
rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering,
sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459-
0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP-
C981 RE• C11/9tfn
LOOKING FOR someone honest and
...................................................................................... reliable to clean your house, yard main-
LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE and tenance, mowing and trimming, errands
more. Attention to detail, "Imagine That." and shopping? Please call for free esti-
26 Call (360) 402-1757. email: Imagine- mates and reasonable rates. (360) 427-
............................................ Landscape@msn.com. E3/29tfn 0484. $6/14-7/5
FURNITURE REPAIR, refinishing and ..............................................................................................................
custom built. Lowest prices around. Call HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs I PAINT anything - inside or out. (360)
Walter at (360) 275-8421. A7/5-26 and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe- 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805 ask for Jer-
K&L YARD Services and Landscaping
work. Hard working people. Mowing,
weeding, weedeater, trimming, hauling,
blowing, barking, graveling and more.
Please call Kris or record your mes-
sage. (360) 432-5919. Free estimates.
aspects of landscape installation, reor-
ganization and reclamation, toxic-free.
Consultations. Extensive references.
(360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte-
nance. Q6/7tfn
cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin ry. P6/14-7/5
(360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn .........................................
................................................... PRESSURE WASHING, spring clean-
SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways, ing, moss removal and treatment•
tree removal, excavating, utility ditches. Competitive rates. (360) 427-1176. Lic.
Roan Construction, ROANCC*941PB #HERREBM950JE. H6/14-7/5
(360) 426-7181. J3/8tfn
............................................................................ MARTIN'S PAINTING. Specializing
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart-
ment. Open Monday thru Saturday,
"Your key to any automotive services."
All makes and models including mo-
torhomes. Call us - some services re-
quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road
at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-
5585. G 1/29tfn
in exterior work. Licensed, bonded,
insured. 30 years experience. Lic.
#MARTIP*931JP. Major credit cards
accepted. (360) 277-9303. M6/14-7/5
TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LLC. Home
repair/remodel/new construction. Decks,
pressure washing, painting, roof and gut-
JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years ...............................................
experience. Landclearing, septic sys- HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free re-
tern installation, digouts, rock walls moval. Call me at (360) 427-7724. Within
and logging. Just about anything• ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn
Quality work the first time. (360) 898 .............................................................
7286 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30tfn E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction, Inc.
ter cleaning, and much more. Call (360)
490-0228. TCSHOHR933LN. S6/21tfn
FEELING A little overwhelmed? Give
us a call. We offer many services such
as house cleaning, organizing, organic
.......................................................... 10,000 lb. excavator and operator for cleaning supplies available, run errands
HANDYMAN. WE'RE springing into hire. Two hour minimum. No job too big and much more. We can help. (360)
summer but no matter what the sea- or small. Lic.#EIKRIKS950QD. Call (360) 888-6262. N6/21-7/12
son I'U "get 'er done"! Odd jobs, yard 432-3147• E5/3tfn
work, hauling etc. Ray, (360) 440-9009. - .............................................
Q6/28-7/19 W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new
................................................................. construction and repairs. 50 years expe-
JOEL GARCIA Landscaping. Brush/ rience, free estimates. (360) 432-8663.
blackberry clearing. Hauling, trimming, Lic.#WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn
mowing, pruning. Flowerbed cleanup,
barking. Free estimates. Year round.
(360) 432-1900. G6/28-7/1)
• Topping • Licensed
• Chipping •Bonded
• Stump • Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic, #JAYBUT5053R2
Complete Automotive
Service & Repair
Foreign & Domestic Auto,
LightTruck & RV
We Service & Repair Trailers, Toot
Mon-Fri. 8-5 ()pen Sat 9-3
O Nationwide Warranty
462-0403 ¢UPA
1022 EJolms Prairie Rd., Shelton
1,000 gal., 1,150 gal.,
1,200 gal.
Drain Fields, Ditching,
Backhoe, Conc. Pump
Tanks, Pumps
Sharer Digging Service
Phone 426-3660
275-2157 Belfalr
Lic, flSHARfDS207OB
G[T ILT00m00I
PAUES ROCK Walls & Landscap-
ing, dedicated to your satisfaction. Ex-
perienced, honest, dependable. Free
estimates. Licensed, bonded, insured.
PAULSRL954JO. (360) 427-1011 or
PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides
and documents by having them scanned
to disc. Retouching and color restoration
available. Call Koleen at CometNW, (360)
426-0824, for more information. Calls will
be returned in the evening. W1/25tfn
SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating, de-
molition work, rockeries, retaining walls,
storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain
(360) 490-6670• K3/ltfn drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047,
........................................................... call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W.
I CAN fix anything and build anything. Z3/11tfn
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
490-8008 PERPEC931DL. P5/17-7/5
CALL PAUL Handy Person. 25 years
experience, reasonable rates. Refer-
ences. (360) 427-5941. K5/31-7/19
Recycle Your
Look for the BLUE RE-
at Shelton Safeway &
Support the United Way &
Shelton Kristmas Town Kiwanis
Four Season
We'll make your lawn beautT"ful
Mowing • Edging
Weeding ,, Trimming
Pressure Washing
360-229-9443 (Cell)
,Leave message for Pedro
South Sound Senior Services in Mason County
Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2
Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3
Stars Adult Day Care located
in Shelton and Allyn
gentle exercises,
memory exercises, music, singing,
dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and
field trips. Lunch and snacks served.
Transportation available.
360-586-6181 ext. 115 c,,,,,,=.,,,
Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit
A Full-Service General Contractor
Serving Mason and Thurston counties
• All types of projects welcome
• New homes
• Remodels
• French drains
• Siding
• Decks
• Excavating
• Additions
• Foundations
• Finish
Free estimates
• Framing
• Garages
• Logging
• Roofing
Visa/MasterCard accepted
2004 JOHNSON 8 h.p. 4-stroke, short
shaft, under 30 hours. $1,400. (360)
427-8872. A7/5
1984 ARIMA 15' Sea Hunter, 1985 gal-
vanized EZ Loader trailer, 1994 48 h.p.
Evinrude, Honda potpuller 400 series,
Hummingbird depth/speed/water tem-
perature, new top/side curtains, troll
bracket, $5,500. 1974 Reinell 15' open
bow, 1980 EZ Loader galvanized trailer,
1989 48 h.p. Johnson, Hummingbird
sounder/speedometer/water tempera-
ture, troll bracket, $2,000. 7' Livings-
ton with oars, excellent, $250. British
Seagull outboard model 170 (late mod-
el), long shaft, like new, $1,000. (360)
877-5563. A7/5
17' DOMINATOR jet boat, 351 Windsor,
Berkley jet, new stringers, $3,200 OBO.
(360) 427-3127 or (360) 490-8681.
2001 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1200. 2nd
owner. Excellent condition, $4,500.
(360) 877-9328. P7/5
HONDA QUAD 300 EX, 2002, $2,750.
Railing materiall posts, rails and lattice,
150' plus, $275. (360) 427-3131. H7/5-
1995 EAGLE Vision ESI, 3.3 liter, 4
door, power everything, air, 6-way door
seat. Well maintained, 183,000 miles.
$2,500 includes 4 snow tires. Contact
Susan (360) 426-9713, Monday-Friday,
8 a.m.-5 p.m. M7/5-12
EARLY 1965 Mustang Coupe, 289-4v.
Don't want to sell - but family emergen-
cy requires. Over $8K invested in proj-
ect. $6,500 OBO as is. (360) 426-8381.
1998 CHEVY Extended Cab, excellent
condition, under 90,000 miles, $7,500
OBO. (360) 426-1712 home or cell (360)
481-2978. $7/5-12
19705 VildngAve NW Poul, WA
The Largest RV dealer In the
entire Pacific Northwestl #1 in
service, volume and pdeasl
Over 60 Million dollars of new
and used RV's at amazing low
788 $116;,I00
Price :$12,995
VIN # 4CF2F181472318413
MSRP $31,040
Price: $25,995
VlN # 4X4TWCB237T009063
07 VlCll)RY LANE 36,5
MSRP $49,489
Price: $39,995
VIN # 47CFD3U387P617912
MSRP $89,047 $488;iI
Ie: $'/2,995
VIN # WDXPD944865935954
MSRP $83,788
Itce: $73.995
VlN # 1F6MF53Y560A12302
19705 VikingAve NW Poulsbo, WA 1-360-697-4445
www, poulsborv, com
It/lTIrll 1,BA9%f'144 3 79% for Ilnloi14. 7.k 240111olk PrllBl¢plqflgelldOno[itlJ(lllnor rnznty
gelder av,ble hx, 7,1/07 -7/30/07. The dwe¢ mwf cqe a oumentMy 8varvice fee ol p le $36, Ptl ml not appease to dNtenl or
re,Jlz, Sale ers 7/30/, NI eSers net te be Cemtxl w wy or offers, and are not , d ,
Page 32 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2007
CARGO VAN, GMC 2000, 1-ton,
excellent condition, one
New tires, $5,800. (360)
H6/28-7/19 _-.a't
1997 CHEVROLET Astro van. 4.3Ls,
rear AC, cruise, 8-passenger, well Ii11.
tained, Super Clean! $4,750 OBO,:¢ I-'
(360) 490-8976. U6/21-7/12 itl"
2002 F150 super crew, 4x4, 8 F
miles, very clean, loaded. $15P n
(360) 427-6960. S6/21tfn ;,
2003 PT Cruiser, Turbo Custom r
rior, loaded, 'Mom's car" 61,000 /
$11,895. (360) 427-6960. $6/21ffn :.rt
• ___ -/
1995 TOYOTA Forerunner, autord:
2-wheel drive, air, power windowSe
door locks, good tires, new front bT
and rotors. Set of studded tires and
Good condition. $4,000 OBO. (360)1iv{
0608. C6/28tfn o
1993 F150 XLT pickup, $2,800. _17
Bolens lawn tractor, never used, $E
(360) 898-8234. V6/28-7/5 rc
NOW SELLING consignments. 00
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. ht
Auto Sales 5961 E. Highway 3 0]
ton, (360) 426-2907. S1125tfn
CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350il
gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO.Ile
Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn 3(
CARS UNDER $2,000• Good seled]E
Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. HighWatdi
Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360)tilt
2907. S3/ltfn t5
als, 3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, g'
Fenced backyard $925 per month [
deposit. Shirley, Real Estate USA, (lil
427-4488.. R7/5 6,
GOOD AREA - 2 plus bedroom, 1
mobile on 1 quiet, secluded acre. £.,
fenced, no charge for sewer/water.' I
okay. $650 monthly. First, last,
damage deposit. (360) 426-2315. N
SHELTON SPLIT level, 1,800 sq_fl
bedrooms, 2 baths, bonus room. (.
pletely redone, new floor, carpet, I.
Month to month rental, $1,500 per m,
plus deposit. Shirley, Real Estate ff
(360) 427-4488. R7/5
2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome,
monthly. Pets okay. Quiet country
ting. (360) 352-9223; (360) 7013
SHELTON- HUGE 1 bedroom, 1,
downtown apartment with coin-opA
dry room. City water/sewer/garbageJ
by owner ($100 value). Rent $495/|
deposit. Available approximately 7/21
or sooner. Invest Realty LLC, (360)
3567.17/5 _j(
BELFAIR COZY 2 bedroom, 1
home with very private yard. O
pays sewer, private well ($80 va
Available soon. Invest Realty LLC,
NEARLY NEW, 3 bedroom, 2 bath.
monthly plus deposit. Section 8 cot
ered. (360) 277-3474. B7/5-26
2 bedrooms, gas heat, woodstove, dL
washer, W/D, large deck overloolt"
lake. No Pets. $785 monthly. (360) ;
9059. B7/5-26
LARGE 3 bedroom, 2 bath home
2-car garage plus huge shop. Hood
nal, Skok Valley and mountain vii
2 decks, 1.5 acres and morel $1,
month plus deposit, credit check
quired. Call Melissa at John L. S
(360) 426-3319. J7/5
1 BEDROOM apartment downt)
available now. Roomy, new paint t,:
carpet, coin operated laundry fa
$485 month, $450 deposit. Credit cli
and references required. Call MelisS
John L. Scott, (360) 426-3319. J7/5
3 BEDROOM, 1.5 bath home in,l
View school district. Available
fenced yard plus garage. $825 mo
$825 deposit and credit check requi,
Call Melissa at John L. Scott, (360)
3319. J7/5
All real estate advertising in this
newspaper is subject to the Fall
Housing Act which makes it illeg I
to advertise "any preference, limi"
tation or discrimination based o
race, color, religion, sex, handicap,
familial status or national origin,
or an intention, to make any sucl
preference, limitation or discrimina"
tion." Familial status includes chll"
dren under the age of 18 living witli
parents or legal custodians, preg"
nant women and people securing
custody of children under 18.
This newspaper will not knoW"
ingly accept any advertising :
real estate which is in violation of
the law. Our readers are hereby
informed that all dwellings adver'
tised in this newspaper are avail'
able on an equal
opportunity basis.
To complain of 41-mlp
discrimination call
HUD toll-free at ,o=,,%.,,,,
HOODSPORT MANE, (360) 877-9409,
Hwy 101, Hoodsport (across from Shell
Station) announces extreme prices for
tanningf Increase your Vitamin D and
save money! Single tan, $4.5 tans, $18.
10 tans $38. One month unlimited, $49
(includes 1/2 off on all lotions of $20 val-
ue). Bring this ad in and a friend and get
unlimited package for 2 for 1 of $49. Up-
right tanning, sanitary and fast. Prices
subject to change. H7/5-26
SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re-
pair, land clearing, digouts, utility ditch-
ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union
City Excavation. UNIONCEO5207.
(360) 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U7/5-
TURNING LEAVES Lawn Care. Mainte- I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360)
nance, mowing and more. I'm motivated 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for
so call Dan for your outside chores. (360) Jerry. P5/17-7/5
432-7935; (360) 789-5570 (cell). L5/3tfn ............................................
.......................................................................................... CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe-
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years.
(360) 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn
SHUFF'S FENCING. Locally owned and
operated fence company. Specializing in
residential fencing. Licensed, Bonded,
Insured. Call for a free estimate. (360)
427-2914. SHUFF*940K5 $4/19-8/2
cializing in finish carpentry (including
crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur-
rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering,
sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459-
0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP-
C981 RE• C11/9tfn
LOOKING FOR someone honest and
...................................................................................... reliable to clean your house, yard main-
LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE and tenance, mowing and trimming, errands
more. Attention to detail, "Imagine That." and shopping? Please call for free esti-
26 Call (360) 402-1757. email: Imagine- mates and reasonable rates. (360) 427-
............................................ Landscape@msn.com. E3/29tfn 0484. $6/14-7/5
FURNITURE REPAIR, refinishing and ..............................................................................................................
custom built. Lowest prices around. Call HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs I PAINT anything - inside or out. (360)
Walter at (360) 275-8421. A7/5-26 and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe- 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805 ask for Jer-
K&L YARD Services and Landscaping
work. Hard working people. Mowing,
weeding, weedeater, trimming, hauling,
blowing, barking, graveling and more.
Please call Kris or record your mes-
sage. (360) 432-5919. Free estimates.
aspects of landscape installation, reor-
ganization and reclamation, toxic-free.
Consultations. Extensive references.
(360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte-
nance. Q6/7tfn
cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin ry. P6/14-7/5
(360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn .........................................
................................................... PRESSURE WASHING, spring clean-
SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways, ing, moss removal and treatment•
tree removal, excavating, utility ditches. Competitive rates. (360) 427-1176. Lic.
Roan Construction, ROANCC*941PB #HERREBM950JE. H6/14-7/5
(360) 426-7181. J3/8tfn
............................................................................ MARTIN'S PAINTING. Specializing
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart-
ment. Open Monday thru Saturday,
"Your key to any automotive services."
All makes and models including mo-
torhomes. Call us - some services re-
quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road
at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-
5585. G 1/29tfn
in exterior work. Licensed, bonded,
insured. 30 years experience. Lic.
#MARTIP*931JP. Major credit cards
accepted. (360) 277-9303. M6/14-7/5
TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LLC. Home
repair/remodel/new construction. Decks,
pressure washing, painting, roof and gut-
JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years ...............................................
experience. Landclearing, septic sys- HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free re-
tern installation, digouts, rock walls moval. Call me at (360) 427-7724. Within
and logging. Just about anything• ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn
Quality work the first time. (360) 898 .............................................................
7286 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30tfn E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction, Inc.
ter cleaning, and much more. Call (360)
490-0228. TCSHOHR933LN. S6/21tfn
FEELING A little overwhelmed? Give
us a call. We offer many services such
as house cleaning, organizing, organic
.......................................................... 10,000 lb. excavator and operator for cleaning supplies available, run errands
HANDYMAN. WE'RE springing into hire. Two hour minimum. No job too big and much more. We can help. (360)
summer but no matter what the sea- or small. Lic.#EIKRIKS950QD. Call (360) 888-6262. N6/21-7/12
son I'U "get 'er done"! Odd jobs, yard 432-3147• E5/3tfn
work, hauling etc. Ray, (360) 440-9009. - .............................................
Q6/28-7/19 W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new
................................................................. construction and repairs. 50 years expe-
JOEL GARCIA Landscaping. Brush/ rience, free estimates. (360) 432-8663.
blackberry clearing. Hauling, trimming, Lic.#WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn
mowing, pruning. Flowerbed cleanup,
barking. Free estimates. Year round.
(360) 432-1900. G6/28-7/1)
• Topping • Licensed
• Chipping •Bonded
• Stump • Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic, #JAYBUT5053R2
Complete Automotive
Service & Repair
Foreign & Domestic Auto,
LightTruck & RV
We Service & Repair Trailers, Toot
Mon-Fri. 8-5 ()pen Sat 9-3
O Nationwide Warranty
462-0403 ¢UPA
1022 EJolms Prairie Rd., Shelton
1,000 gal., 1,150 gal.,
1,200 gal.
Drain Fields, Ditching,
Backhoe, Conc. Pump
Tanks, Pumps
Sharer Digging Service
Phone 426-3660
275-2157 Belfalr
Lic, flSHARfDS207OB
G[T ILT00m00I
PAUES ROCK Walls & Landscap-
ing, dedicated to your satisfaction. Ex-
perienced, honest, dependable. Free
estimates. Licensed, bonded, insured.
PAULSRL954JO. (360) 427-1011 or
PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides
and documents by having them scanned
to disc. Retouching and color restoration
available. Call Koleen at CometNW, (360)
426-0824, for more information. Calls will
be returned in the evening. W1/25tfn
SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating, de-
molition work, rockeries, retaining walls,
storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain
(360) 490-6670• K3/ltfn drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047,
........................................................... call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W.
I CAN fix anything and build anything. Z3/11tfn
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
490-8008 PERPEC931DL. P5/17-7/5
CALL PAUL Handy Person. 25 years
experience, reasonable rates. Refer-
ences. (360) 427-5941. K5/31-7/19
Recycle Your
Look for the BLUE RE-
at Shelton Safeway &
Support the United Way &
Shelton Kristmas Town Kiwanis
Four Season
We'll make your lawn beautT"ful
Mowing • Edging
Weeding ,, Trimming
Pressure Washing
360-229-9443 (Cell)
,Leave message for Pedro
South Sound Senior Services in Mason County
Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2
Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3
Stars Adult Day Care located
in Shelton and Allyn
gentle exercises,
memory exercises, music, singing,
dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and
field trips. Lunch and snacks served.
Transportation available.
360-586-6181 ext. 115 c,,,,,,=.,,,
Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit
A Full-Service General Contractor
Serving Mason and Thurston counties
• All types of projects welcome
• New homes
• Remodels
• French drains
• Siding
• Decks
• Excavating
• Additions
• Foundations
• Finish
Free estimates
• Framing
• Garages
• Logging
• Roofing
Visa/MasterCard accepted
2004 JOHNSON 8 h.p. 4-stroke, short
shaft, under 30 hours. $1,400. (360)
427-8872. A7/5
1984 ARIMA 15' Sea Hunter, 1985 gal-
vanized EZ Loader trailer, 1994 48 h.p.
Evinrude, Honda potpuller 400 series,
Hummingbird depth/speed/water tem-
perature, new top/side curtains, troll
bracket, $5,500. 1974 Reinell 15' open
bow, 1980 EZ Loader galvanized trailer,
1989 48 h.p. Johnson, Hummingbird
sounder/speedometer/water tempera-
ture, troll bracket, $2,000. 7' Livings-
ton with oars, excellent, $250. British
Seagull outboard model 170 (late mod-
el), long shaft, like new, $1,000. (360)
877-5563. A7/5
17' DOMINATOR jet boat, 351 Windsor,
Berkley jet, new stringers, $3,200 OBO.
(360) 427-3127 or (360) 490-8681.
2001 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1200. 2nd
owner. Excellent condition, $4,500.
(360) 877-9328. P7/5
HONDA QUAD 300 EX, 2002, $2,750.
Railing materiall posts, rails and lattice,
150' plus, $275. (360) 427-3131. H7/5-
1995 EAGLE Vision ESI, 3.3 liter, 4
door, power everything, air, 6-way door
seat. Well maintained, 183,000 miles.
$2,500 includes 4 snow tires. Contact
Susan (360) 426-9713, Monday-Friday,
8 a.m.-5 p.m. M7/5-12
EARLY 1965 Mustang Coupe, 289-4v.
Don't want to sell - but family emergen-
cy requires. Over $8K invested in proj-
ect. $6,500 OBO as is. (360) 426-8381.
1998 CHEVY Extended Cab, excellent
condition, under 90,000 miles, $7,500
OBO. (360) 426-1712 home or cell (360)
481-2978. $7/5-12
19705 VildngAve NW Poul, WA
The Largest RV dealer In the
entire Pacific Northwestl #1 in
service, volume and pdeasl
Over 60 Million dollars of new
and used RV's at amazing low
788 $116;,I00
Price :$12,995
VIN # 4CF2F181472318413
MSRP $31,040
Price: $25,995
VlN # 4X4TWCB237T009063
07 VlCll)RY LANE 36,5
MSRP $49,489
Price: $39,995
VIN # 47CFD3U387P617912
MSRP $89,047 $488;iI
Ie: $'/2,995
VIN # WDXPD944865935954
MSRP $83,788
Itce: $73.995
VlN # 1F6MF53Y560A12302
19705 VikingAve NW Poulsbo, WA 1-360-697-4445
www, poulsborv, com
It/lTIrll 1,BA9%f'144 3 79% for Ilnloi14. 7.k 240111olk PrllBl¢plqflgelldOno[itlJ(lllnor rnznty
gelder av,ble hx, 7,1/07 -7/30/07. The dwe¢ mwf cqe a oumentMy 8varvice fee ol p le $36, Ptl ml not appease to dNtenl or
re,Jlz, Sale ers 7/30/, NI eSers net te be Cemtxl w wy or offers, and are not , d ,
Page 32 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2007
CARGO VAN, GMC 2000, 1-ton,
excellent condition, one
New tires, $5,800. (360)
H6/28-7/19 _-.a't
1997 CHEVROLET Astro van. 4.3Ls,
rear AC, cruise, 8-passenger, well Ii11.
tained, Super Clean! $4,750 OBO,:¢ I-'
(360) 490-8976. U6/21-7/12 itl"
2002 F150 super crew, 4x4, 8 F
miles, very clean, loaded. $15P n
(360) 427-6960. S6/21tfn ;,
2003 PT Cruiser, Turbo Custom r
rior, loaded, 'Mom's car" 61,000 /
$11,895. (360) 427-6960. $6/21ffn :.rt
• ___ -/
1995 TOYOTA Forerunner, autord:
2-wheel drive, air, power windowSe
door locks, good tires, new front bT
and rotors. Set of studded tires and
Good condition. $4,000 OBO. (360)1iv{
0608. C6/28tfn o
1993 F150 XLT pickup, $2,800. _17
Bolens lawn tractor, never used, $E
(360) 898-8234. V6/28-7/5 rc
NOW SELLING consignments. 00
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. ht
Auto Sales 5961 E. Highway 3 0]
ton, (360) 426-2907. S1125tfn
CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350il
gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO.Ile
Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn 3(
CARS UNDER $2,000• Good seled]E
Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. HighWatdi
Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360)tilt
2907. S3/ltfn t5
als, 3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, g'
Fenced backyard $925 per month [
deposit. Shirley, Real Estate USA, (lil
427-4488.. R7/5 6,
GOOD AREA - 2 plus bedroom, 1
mobile on 1 quiet, secluded acre. £.,
fenced, no charge for sewer/water.' I
okay. $650 monthly. First, last,
damage deposit. (360) 426-2315. N
SHELTON SPLIT level, 1,800 sq_fl
bedrooms, 2 baths, bonus room. (.
pletely redone, new floor, carpet, I.
Month to month rental, $1,500 per m,
plus deposit. Shirley, Real Estate ff
(360) 427-4488. R7/5
2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome,
monthly. Pets okay. Quiet country
ting. (360) 352-9223; (360) 7013
SHELTON- HUGE 1 bedroom, 1,
downtown apartment with coin-opA
dry room. City water/sewer/garbageJ
by owner ($100 value). Rent $495/|
deposit. Available approximately 7/21
or sooner. Invest Realty LLC, (360)
3567.17/5 _j(
BELFAIR COZY 2 bedroom, 1
home with very private yard. O
pays sewer, private well ($80 va
Available soon. Invest Realty LLC,
NEARLY NEW, 3 bedroom, 2 bath.
monthly plus deposit. Section 8 cot
ered. (360) 277-3474. B7/5-26
2 bedrooms, gas heat, woodstove, dL
washer, W/D, large deck overloolt"
lake. No Pets. $785 monthly. (360) ;
9059. B7/5-26
LARGE 3 bedroom, 2 bath home
2-car garage plus huge shop. Hood
nal, Skok Valley and mountain vii
2 decks, 1.5 acres and morel $1,
month plus deposit, credit check
quired. Call Melissa at John L. S
(360) 426-3319. J7/5
1 BEDROOM apartment downt)
available now. Roomy, new paint t,:
carpet, coin operated laundry fa
$485 month, $450 deposit. Credit cli
and references required. Call MelisS
John L. Scott, (360) 426-3319. J7/5
3 BEDROOM, 1.5 bath home in,l
View school district. Available
fenced yard plus garage. $825 mo
$825 deposit and credit check requi,
Call Melissa at John L. Scott, (360)
3319. J7/5
All real estate advertising in this
newspaper is subject to the Fall
Housing Act which makes it illeg I
to advertise "any preference, limi"
tation or discrimination based o
race, color, religion, sex, handicap,
familial status or national origin,
or an intention, to make any sucl
preference, limitation or discrimina"
tion." Familial status includes chll"
dren under the age of 18 living witli
parents or legal custodians, preg"
nant women and people securing
custody of children under 18.
This newspaper will not knoW"
ingly accept any advertising :
real estate which is in violation of
the law. Our readers are hereby
informed that all dwellings adver'
tised in this newspaper are avail'
able on an equal
opportunity basis.
To complain of 41-mlp
discrimination call
HUD toll-free at ,o=,,%.,,,,