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Items o Note
Letter to
the editor...
Ditch 'reform'
Editor, The Herald:
Apparently some teachers
aren't quite sold on new-age
"constructivist" education meth-
ods. The newspapers report that
there are problems implement-
ing the BERC Group's Powerful
Teaching and Learning Project
in the North Mason schools, not-
ing, that after two years, 68 per-
cent of the teachers are still not
aligned with powerful teaching
and learning.
It turns out that the teachers
might have good reason to resist
the change.
There is increasing evidence
that the "reform" movement
in education, which Powerful
Teaching and Learning repre-
sents, and which was initiated
by the Office of Superintendent
of Public Instruction in the
1990s, is seriously short-chang-
ing our children. This is most
noticeable in math and science,
but it cuts across all subjects.
For example, the concept of
small groups working together
to solve problems actually dis-
courages individual achieve-
ment. Emphasis on the teaching
of "concepts" rather than "facts"
doesn't prepare kids for the real
world, where getting the right
answer is expected. Dumbing
down curriculum to the level of
slow-learners doesn't challenge
the more capable students and
cheats them out of a quality edu-
And there is a lot of "feel
good" emphasis on the cultural
aspects of the curriculum. Even
in math, OSPI uses criteria such
as: "Incorporates multicultural
information, resources and ma-
terials in all subjects and skills
routinely taught," to judge the
alignment of textbooks with
state curriculum objectives.
Is it any wonder that a lot of
parents are home schooling or
sending their children to private
schools? Local school boards still
have the power to select tradi-
tional, and in many cases, inter-
nationally recognized curricu-
lum and teaching methods. They
should stand up and do so before
this misguided experiment com-
pletely wrecks our schools.
Bob Benze
Willman to perform
later this month for
Music on the Hill
Dan Willman, a "0ne-man band"
from Grapeview, will be perform-
ing as part of the North Mason
United Methodist Church's Music
on the Hill series this month.
Event organizers say that Will-
man will play music from the '40s
to the '70s and that the songs will
be easy to sing along with and tap
one's toes to. The one-hour show
is set to get under way at 7 p.m.
at the church which is located at
25140 NE State Route 3 at the
north end of Belfair.
Daisies meeting on
Mondays at Theler
Center this summer
There is a Daisy Girl Scouts
program planned this summer for
girls who are 5 years old or going
into kindergarten next year. The
Daisies will meet from 2 to 3 p.m.
on Mondays, June 18 through July
23, in the Fern Room of the Mary
E. Theler Community Center, lo-
cated at 22871 NE State Route 3
in Belfair.
The Daisy program is designed
to offer girls fun and friendship,
as well as training for kindergar-
ten readiness, and is an introduc-
tion to the Girl Scout program.
For more information contact Lori
Patterson at 277-0540.
Pancake breakfast
set to run Saturday
at Union location
A free pancake and waffle
breakfast will run from 8 to 11
a.m. on Saturday, July 7, at the
Alderbrook Deli and Store
The event is being sponsored
by the New Community Chuich of
Union and all free-will donations
will go towards building church
and community center.
Sheriff's volunteers
needed to assist at
Belfair substation
The Mason County Sheriffs Of-
fice is again in need of volunteers
at the Belfair substation.
Volunteers donate four hours
a week to assist deputies in fin-
gerprinting, writing reports, issu-
ing permits and teaching various
child safety and public awareness
programs. A 20-hour trair
gram is provided. For mox
mation visit the substation
ed at 23910 NE State Ro
the heart of downtown Be
call 277-3097.
New group fern
for friendly tenr
matches in Belfl
A local adults' tennis gr
now begun meeting at the
Mason High School courts
formal play. The group gat
about 9 a.m. on Tuesdays;
days and Saturdays, and l
levels are welcome. For
formation and directions
courts, call Bill Graham
Farmers' Mark00:
open on Saturd4
in Theler Center
The Belfair Farmers' ]
is open for its 14th seas0
market opens at 9 a.m. o
days, in the south parkin
the Mary E. Theler Con
Center, located at 22871 N]
Route 3. For more informat
the market or becoming a
call Norma Stencil at 275-P
visit the market Web site at!
Thursday, July 5
7:30 a.m., Allyn Community As-
sociation no-host breakfast meet-
ing, Lennard K's, Allyn. For more
information call 275-9744.
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
ing, dancing and lunch. For reser-
vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898.
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-
tion call 277-3282.
Noon, Mason Benson Club
monthly potluck. For more infor-
mation call 427-0785.
1 p.m., North Mason Seniors As-
sociation board meeting, Confer-
ence Room 1 at the Mary E. Theler
Community Center, Belfair. For
more information call 275-4898.
Friday, July 6
6 p.m., Victor Improvement
Club social hour, 7 p.m. potluck, 8
p.m. meeting, at Victor Hall, Vic-
tor. For more information call 275-
6 to 8 p.m., Girl Scout Cadette,
Senior, Studio 2B, Mary E. Theler
Community Center. For more in-
formation, call 277-0540.
Saturday, July 7
10 a.m., Humane Society of
Mason County, at QFC upstairs
meeting room. For more informa-
tion leave message at 275-9310.
Sunday, July 8
North Mason invites you to wor-
ship at the church of your choice.
Noon to 3 p.m., Hood Canal
Metal Detectors Club, Mary E.
Theler Community Center. For
more information call 377-6530.
Monday, July 9
3:40 p.m., Brownies and Junior
Girl Scouts, Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center. For more informa-
tion call 277-0540.
6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter
1197, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Tuesday, July 10
8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
ing, dancing and lunch. For reser-
vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898.
8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church,
Belfair. For more information call
10 a.m., Friends of the North
Mason Timberland Regional Li-
brary, inside the library meeting
room. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Kiwan-
is, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
3:30 p.m., Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center Board of Directors,
Theler Center. For more informa-
tion call 275-9241.
5:30 p.m., Fire District 2 com-
missioners' meeting, Belfair Fire
Hall. For more information call
6 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information call
Robin at 275-9262.
6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up-
stairs meeting room. For more in-
formation call 372-2613.
6 p.m., Tahuya Community
Club potluck, Tahuya Fire Hall.
For more information call 275-
6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel-
fair Community Baptist Church.
For more information call 275-
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
7 p.m., Fire District 6 commis-
sioners' meeting, Union Fire Hall.
For more information call 898-
7 p.m., Belfair Water District
monthly meeting, 22451 NE State
Route 3. For more information call
7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles
Women's Auxiliary, Eagles Hall,
Belfair. For more information call
Wednesday, July 11
9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321,
Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For
more information call 277-0362.
10 a.m., Fire District 5 (Central
Mason) commissioners' meeting,
Mason Lake Fire Hall. For more
information call 275-2889.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group,
Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair.
For more information call 275-
Noon, Allyn Birthday Club. For
location, call Hazel Carpenter at
4:30 p.m., Daisy Girl Scouts,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information call 277-
6:30 p.m., North Mason School
District Board of Directors' work-
study session at district offices. For
more information call 277-2300.
6:30 p.m., Belfair Cemetery Dis-
trict, QFC upper meeting room.
For more information call 275-
People dealing with alcohol is-
sues may note the following
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
42 Old Belihir Highway
Sunday: 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m.
Monday: noon, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday: noon, 7 p.m. Step
Study, Legacy
Wednesday: noon, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Big
Book study
Friday: noon Step study, 7 p.m.
for women, 9 p.m. candlelight.
Saturday: 9 a.m., noon, 7:30
p.m. speaker meeting. A potluck
is held at 6:30 p.m. on the last
Saturday of every month.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Allyn Historic Church
P,O, Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Shelton.-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
State Route 3, Allyn
Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors
Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big
Book study
42 Old Belfair Highway
Monday: 7:30 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous
Fiesta Restaurant
23730 NE State Route 3, Belfair
Wednesday: 6 p.m.
More information on AA is
available at 275-9868 or 275-
4395. For M-Anon, call 275-3833;
and for Narcotics Anonymous,
call 432-0542 or 731-5051.
Construction, Inc.
Serving the North Mason area
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-construction and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, July 5, 2007
Thursday, July 12
8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play- Valerie
ing, dancing and lunch. For reser-
vations cal1479-4874 or 275-4898.9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, ]1PIysitI(II:a'FhIrIIlPl
Belfair Community Baptist 70 NE Ned 1 Center R
Church. For more information call 2 7 5 4 3 5 2
Driveway Gravel Custom Spread FREE"
Bark (U-haul) ...... $9/Yard '
River Rock
25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs.
Topsoil Compost * Cedar and Alder Chsps S
Foreign Domestic
Mark and Dnitra Ayers gl
By appointment only
shop 360-00'75-0405 or 360463-0725h
Grapeview, WA Be:
Z3owZ '
Vietnamese Food
Pho -Vietnamese Noodle Soup
Homemade Egg Roll & Spring Roll
Chinese Food
Teriyaki Bubble Tea
23690 NE Hwy 3 Belfair
(Next to Nina's Nails & Tan)
'03 Toyota Camry XLE
Fully loaded, warranty. $13,300
'97 Nissan Altima
4 cyl, A/T, A/C. $3,277
Extra clean, room for 7.
NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair ° -o- INTEREST
See Bob, Mark or Jackie GOOD SELECTION
Items o Note
Letter to
the editor...
Ditch 'reform'
Editor, The Herald:
Apparently some teachers
aren't quite sold on new-age
"constructivist" education meth-
ods. The newspapers report that
there are problems implement-
ing the BERC Group's Powerful
Teaching and Learning Project
in the North Mason schools, not-
ing, that after two years, 68 per-
cent of the teachers are still not
aligned with powerful teaching
and learning.
It turns out that the teachers
might have good reason to resist
the change.
There is increasing evidence
that the "reform" movement
in education, which Powerful
Teaching and Learning repre-
sents, and which was initiated
by the Office of Superintendent
of Public Instruction in the
1990s, is seriously short-chang-
ing our children. This is most
noticeable in math and science,
but it cuts across all subjects.
For example, the concept of
small groups working together
to solve problems actually dis-
courages individual achieve-
ment. Emphasis on the teaching
of "concepts" rather than "facts"
doesn't prepare kids for the real
world, where getting the right
answer is expected. Dumbing
down curriculum to the level of
slow-learners doesn't challenge
the more capable students and
cheats them out of a quality edu-
And there is a lot of "feel
good" emphasis on the cultural
aspects of the curriculum. Even
in math, OSPI uses criteria such
as: "Incorporates multicultural
information, resources and ma-
terials in all subjects and skills
routinely taught," to judge the
alignment of textbooks with
state curriculum objectives.
Is it any wonder that a lot of
parents are home schooling or
sending their children to private
schools? Local school boards still
have the power to select tradi-
tional, and in many cases, inter-
nationally recognized curricu-
lum and teaching methods. They
should stand up and do so before
this misguided experiment com-
pletely wrecks our schools.
Bob Benze
Willman to perform
later this month for
Music on the Hill
Dan Willman, a "0ne-man band"
from Grapeview, will be perform-
ing as part of the North Mason
United Methodist Church's Music
on the Hill series this month.
Event organizers say that Will-
man will play music from the '40s
to the '70s and that the songs will
be easy to sing along with and tap
one's toes to. The one-hour show
is set to get under way at 7 p.m.
at the church which is located at
25140 NE State Route 3 at the
north end of Belfair.
Daisies meeting on
Mondays at Theler
Center this summer
There is a Daisy Girl Scouts
program planned this summer for
girls who are 5 years old or going
into kindergarten next year. The
Daisies will meet from 2 to 3 p.m.
on Mondays, June 18 through July
23, in the Fern Room of the Mary
E. Theler Community Center, lo-
cated at 22871 NE State Route 3
in Belfair.
The Daisy program is designed
to offer girls fun and friendship,
as well as training for kindergar-
ten readiness, and is an introduc-
tion to the Girl Scout program.
For more information contact Lori
Patterson at 277-0540.
Pancake breakfast
set to run Saturday
at Union location
A free pancake and waffle
breakfast will run from 8 to 11
a.m. on Saturday, July 7, at the
Alderbrook Deli and Store
The event is being sponsored
by the New Community Chuich of
Union and all free-will donations
will go towards building church
and community center.
Sheriff's volunteers
needed to assist at
Belfair substation
The Mason County Sheriffs Of-
fice is again in need of volunteers
at the Belfair substation.
Volunteers donate four hours
a week to assist deputies in fin-
gerprinting, writing reports, issu-
ing permits and teaching various
child safety and public awareness
programs. A 20-hour trair
gram is provided. For mox
mation visit the substation
ed at 23910 NE State Ro
the heart of downtown Be
call 277-3097.
New group fern
for friendly tenr
matches in Belfl
A local adults' tennis gr
now begun meeting at the
Mason High School courts
formal play. The group gat
about 9 a.m. on Tuesdays;
days and Saturdays, and l
levels are welcome. For
formation and directions
courts, call Bill Graham
Farmers' Mark00:
open on Saturd4
in Theler Center
The Belfair Farmers' ]
is open for its 14th seas0
market opens at 9 a.m. o
days, in the south parkin
the Mary E. Theler Con
Center, located at 22871 N]
Route 3. For more informat
the market or becoming a
call Norma Stencil at 275-P
visit the market Web site at!
Thursday, July 5
7:30 a.m., Allyn Community As-
sociation no-host breakfast meet-
ing, Lennard K's, Allyn. For more
information call 275-9744.
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
ing, dancing and lunch. For reser-
vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898.
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-
tion call 277-3282.
Noon, Mason Benson Club
monthly potluck. For more infor-
mation call 427-0785.
1 p.m., North Mason Seniors As-
sociation board meeting, Confer-
ence Room 1 at the Mary E. Theler
Community Center, Belfair. For
more information call 275-4898.
Friday, July 6
6 p.m., Victor Improvement
Club social hour, 7 p.m. potluck, 8
p.m. meeting, at Victor Hall, Vic-
tor. For more information call 275-
6 to 8 p.m., Girl Scout Cadette,
Senior, Studio 2B, Mary E. Theler
Community Center. For more in-
formation, call 277-0540.
Saturday, July 7
10 a.m., Humane Society of
Mason County, at QFC upstairs
meeting room. For more informa-
tion leave message at 275-9310.
Sunday, July 8
North Mason invites you to wor-
ship at the church of your choice.
Noon to 3 p.m., Hood Canal
Metal Detectors Club, Mary E.
Theler Community Center. For
more information call 377-6530.
Monday, July 9
3:40 p.m., Brownies and Junior
Girl Scouts, Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center. For more informa-
tion call 277-0540.
6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter
1197, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Tuesday, July 10
8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
ing, dancing and lunch. For reser-
vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898.
8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church,
Belfair. For more information call
10 a.m., Friends of the North
Mason Timberland Regional Li-
brary, inside the library meeting
room. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Kiwan-
is, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
3:30 p.m., Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center Board of Directors,
Theler Center. For more informa-
tion call 275-9241.
5:30 p.m., Fire District 2 com-
missioners' meeting, Belfair Fire
Hall. For more information call
6 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information call
Robin at 275-9262.
6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up-
stairs meeting room. For more in-
formation call 372-2613.
6 p.m., Tahuya Community
Club potluck, Tahuya Fire Hall.
For more information call 275-
6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel-
fair Community Baptist Church.
For more information call 275-
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
7 p.m., Fire District 6 commis-
sioners' meeting, Union Fire Hall.
For more information call 898-
7 p.m., Belfair Water District
monthly meeting, 22451 NE State
Route 3. For more information call
7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles
Women's Auxiliary, Eagles Hall,
Belfair. For more information call
Wednesday, July 11
9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321,
Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For
more information call 277-0362.
10 a.m., Fire District 5 (Central
Mason) commissioners' meeting,
Mason Lake Fire Hall. For more
information call 275-2889.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group,
Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair.
For more information call 275-
Noon, Allyn Birthday Club. For
location, call Hazel Carpenter at
4:30 p.m., Daisy Girl Scouts,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information call 277-
6:30 p.m., North Mason School
District Board of Directors' work-
study session at district offices. For
more information call 277-2300.
6:30 p.m., Belfair Cemetery Dis-
trict, QFC upper meeting room.
For more information call 275-
People dealing with alcohol is-
sues may note the following
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
42 Old Belihir Highway
Sunday: 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m.
Monday: noon, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday: noon, 7 p.m. Step
Study, Legacy
Wednesday: noon, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Big
Book study
Friday: noon Step study, 7 p.m.
for women, 9 p.m. candlelight.
Saturday: 9 a.m., noon, 7:30
p.m. speaker meeting. A potluck
is held at 6:30 p.m. on the last
Saturday of every month.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Allyn Historic Church
P,O, Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Shelton.-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
State Route 3, Allyn
Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors
Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big
Book study
42 Old Belfair Highway
Monday: 7:30 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous
Fiesta Restaurant
23730 NE State Route 3, Belfair
Wednesday: 6 p.m.
More information on AA is
available at 275-9868 or 275-
4395. For M-Anon, call 275-3833;
and for Narcotics Anonymous,
call 432-0542 or 731-5051.
Construction, Inc.
Serving the North Mason area
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-construction and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, July 5, 2007
Thursday, July 12
8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play- Valerie
ing, dancing and lunch. For reser-
vations cal1479-4874 or 275-4898.9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, ]1PIysitI(II:a'FhIrIIlPl
Belfair Community Baptist 70 NE Ned 1 Center R
Church. For more information call 2 7 5 4 3 5 2
Driveway Gravel Custom Spread FREE"
Bark (U-haul) ...... $9/Yard '
River Rock
25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs.
Topsoil Compost * Cedar and Alder Chsps S
Foreign Domestic
Mark and Dnitra Ayers gl
By appointment only
shop 360-00'75-0405 or 360463-0725h
Grapeview, WA Be:
Z3owZ '
Vietnamese Food
Pho -Vietnamese Noodle Soup
Homemade Egg Roll & Spring Roll
Chinese Food
Teriyaki Bubble Tea
23690 NE Hwy 3 Belfair
(Next to Nina's Nails & Tan)
'03 Toyota Camry XLE
Fully loaded, warranty. $13,300
'97 Nissan Altima
4 cyl, A/T, A/C. $3,277
Extra clean, room for 7.
NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair ° -o- INTEREST
See Bob, Mark or Jackie GOOD SELECTION