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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 5, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Michael's Farm Fresh Meats Locker Packs Available, Locally Owned, Now Accepting EBT PRICES EFFECTIVE 7-5 to 7-10 Flank Steak Pork Blade Steak Lb. ~/ Pork Blade Popcorn Breaded Roast Chicken ..... .o By the lOIb. box H00dCanal COMMUNICATIONS Hood Canal Communications has ::ii begun construction to bring broad- band to more homes in Mason County! After over a year of engi- neering, permitting and environmen- .... tal reviews the construction is un- derway. The $3.5 million dollar proj- ........ ect is part of the American and Reinvestment Act's Broadband Initiatives Program (BIP). Beginning ....... By JESSE MULLEN nity events like fun runs or Dose said. "The state re- space to store our trash on jesse@mas~mcounty.combaseball games, quires recycling ... The city this planet." ........................................................... I called David Baker and county are eligible for The city provides the at Wilson Recycling and (the grant)throughthe De- bins, without charge, to Shelton senior planner Rik Fredrickson at Mason partment of Ecology. event organizers and plans and recycling coordinator County Garbage to see if "I argued to our [city]to continue to do so unless Jason Dose has a plan tothey could help," Dose said. commission that provision the bins start disappear- clean up after all the events The result was Mason of the containers to event ing. "They're very portable," in Mason County. County Garbage providedorganizers would further Dose said. Recently Dose applied for large containers and haul- the city's interest in reduc- . To borrow an event-re- d grant through the Wash- ing services while Wilson ing the amount of wastecycle bin contact Dose at ington Department of Ecol- Recycling provided recy- heading to the landfill. They 432-5102. The city requires ogy to provide resources to cling sorting services and agreed and approved an ap- some paperwork, contact local governments to divert recycle cans. "(The recycle plication for grant funding information and a driv- waste from landfills. With cans were) basically 50 gal- to acquire 30 additional ers' license. Dose also asks the grant money and an ad- lon drums with huge decals event containers." that whoever borrows the ditional $500 kicked in from on the side that said, 'recy- The Department of Ecol-bins provide the city with the city, Dose has been able cling only,'" Dose said. ogy awarded the grant and information on what type to provide 35 recycle bins "Unfortunately, we didn't gave a 75 percent reim-of event is taking place, the for any community event,get nearly the amount of re- bursement for the $2,024.96 length of time the bins are "This whole event re- cycling we expected," Dose the city spent on 25 new needed and coordinate pick cycling thing started out. said. "Better than nothing, event-recycle bins. The to- up and drop ofttimes. kind of. on a whim last but a big letdown for the tal cost to the city to acquire "The city can provide year," Dose said. "My wife amount of effort we put in." the bins was $506.24 and logistical support to all was working with the fair According to Dose, the was paid for from the city's events, and, for some organizers so I was a little main problem was that waste utility fund. events, we provide boots on involved just by association, people didn't want to read Dose said it will be offset the ground recycling man- "I noticed that there while at the events. The by reduced amounts of re- agement," Dose said. "didn't really seem to be a co- event-recycling bins that cyclables being dumped at Since March, the city has hesive plan for recycling at are clearly labeled to accept the landfill "and it also fur- supplied bins at more than the event so [ pretty much only recyclable materials thers our goal of increasing 20 events and has collected imposed myself on them contained nearly 100 per- recycling ... it's hoped, that more than 70 bags of recy- and dove in to recycle the cent recyclables at the end people become more 'hard cling. event for them." of the fair, while the "50 gal- wired' to search out recycle "We'll be out at the fair At the time, the city only Ion drums" contained more containers rather than toss this year hoping to improve had access to ten even~-trash than recycling and their can or bottle in the on the dismal recycling recycle bins that had been had to be dumped as trash, nearest receptacle, numbers from last year," used for smaller commu- "So I got to thinking,""We only have so much Dose said. Shelton Hills project moving forward By NATALIE JOHNSON Part of the about 700 total City plans to dredge Canyon, Shelton creeks By NATALIE JOHNSON nata~ie.@fftaeoT~, n the Dayton area, the p roectj co n .... ........ natafieCa ma' °nc untvc°m., acres of land owned by Hall sists of 50 miles of new fiber-optic !:i!i is the Shelton Hills proper- ty, which includes 160 acres facilities and :ii:i!i After years of planning of land about 1/2 mile from ~, ~ .~:~ ~ ,~,--~ ¢-~r~nln :~ ~ and working to rezone 160 the Port of Shelton's Sander- ~:~ :t::t:: ,,.~,~,,~, ~w'-"' '~'-',,,IJ,~" i?'~'[ acres of land in Shelton, sonField. ......... " ...... .... tlon will reach ,~:;:;.~;: Hall Eqmtms has startedHall Equities worked a^ roximatel" the process of applying for with the City of Shelton for ~~ I")1"9 Y ::ii~::[I permits for its planned de- years to rezone that land i~Ji ~Vf ],300 homes, igz.i, velopment this month, said from commercial/industrial ~:~~ ~ , ~:i:iI Steve Coins, community to residential, to allow a ,: - ::-(~! ~(-~,~ ~4;~~i • h(::" r~:+i and economic developmenthousing development. director for the City of Shel- However, the Port of Shel- ~" ~: ~,\ Lk ~, \' ton. ton objected to the rezone re- ~.~ '~ W "~ W ~ ~ W~'e.~ P~oins said the companyquest, saying that building a ~ ~ • _ ~a w ~ ~ applied for "an array of per-' housing development that l~/~, "I~ ~~ ~ I~k/~ ~ .{~~r~ /