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it rues, but during the corn- "All of the extension op-
U mission meeting in which tions had been extended and
Continued from page A-I the contract was approved, no longer existed," Hagen
representatives from Mason said. "They want to couch
with the requirements of Re- County Garbage and Recy-this as a renewal., (It is a)
vised Code of Washington cling, Waste Management new and independent agree-
• (RCW) 36.58.090 when itand Wilson Recycling showed ment."
approved a contract with Re- up to speak out against the Sheldon has said that the
giona] Disposal Company/Al- contract, county got a better deal by
lied Waste for long haul and The contract was first he- renewing the contract with
disposal of solid waste, gotiated in August 1993 for Allied Waste than it would
The lawsuit specifically a five-year termwith options have if it went out to bid.
is a petitioh for writ of mar~- to renew for three additional 'There's a tremendous ad-
damus, writ of prohibition, five-year terms, vantage to the taxpayers of
declaratory relief and injunc- This year, the county Mason County to continue
tive relief, commission voted 2-0, with this contract," he said.
Essentially the suit asksCommissioner Lynda Ring Hagen said that this isn't
the court to prohibit Mason Erickson abstaining, to ap- a good enough reason to not
County from entering intoprove a contract extension go out forbids.
the contract with the waste with Allied Waste for seven "I do not think any judge
removal company, and to years with an option to re- will buy offon that logic," Ha-
instruct the county to gonew for an additional three gen said.
through a bid process to se- years. The lawsuit was filed
cure a contract. The contract states thatin Grays Harbor Superior
The RCW requires coun- the county will be charged Court. Hagen said the first
ties to use competitive bid- $56 per ton for trailer weights hearing on the matter is
ding procedures for mostcon- less than 26 tons and $35 a preliminary injunction
tracts, and outlines require- per ton for trailer weights of scheduled for 1:30 p.m. July
ments for those procedures, more than 26 tons. 16. Hagen, a lawyer based
Mason County Commis- Hagen said the contract in Aberdeen, filed the suit
sioner Tim Sheldon said the could amount to $10 million in Grays Harbor County be-
suit is entirely without merit, over its life. cause he said it would be dif-
"I think the lawsuit is to- "Given the economic cli-ficult to sue Mason County in
tally politically motivated, mate ... we all have to want its own court system.
That's what happens during to make sure the county is However, Sheldon said
an election," he said. "The getting the best bang for that parties suing the county
people who are unhappy their buck," he said. are first required to submit a
with this garbage haulingCounty officials have ar- claim with the county claim
(contract) ... are not garbage gued that because it wasmanager, then 30 days later,
haulers." renewing the contract, not that party can file a suit. The
Advocates for Responsiblenegotiation an entirely new Advocates for Responsible
Government is not made upone, it did not need to go out Government have not filed
of garbage hauling compa:for bid. such a claim.
omicide Burke's trial is scheduled to start on July
17 at the Mason County Courthouse.
Continued frompageA-1 Charles Sydney Longshore has been
charged with two counts of aggravated murder
wheel of a car involved in a fatal crash on May in the first degree and is being held without
15 in which local resident Terra Dittmer was bail at the Washington Corrections Center.
killed. Authorities say Longshore murdered Tyler
According to authorities, Burke was under Drake and Anitrea Taber in their Harvard
the influence of alcohol when he crashed a Avenue home on Memorial Day.
2003 Mercedes registered to Dittmer. Longshore has waved his right to a speedy
He was charged with one count of vehicu- trial. His next court appearance, an omnibus
lar homicide and two charges of vehicular as- hearing, is scheduled for Oct. 1. A pre-trial
sault and pleaded not guilty on May 29. His hearing is scheduled for Feb. 11, 2013, with
bail was set at $100,000. an expected trial date of Feb. 26, 2013.
Wanted tween 1997 and 2001 he was warrants for arrest in Grays
under the supervision of the Harbor, and a bench warrant
Continued from page:A=1 sheriffs office as a registered for Assault 4 issued by a Ma-
sex offender, son County judge.
and green eyes. His date of After that, he moved to "When these guys fail to.
birth is Dec. 30, 1963. He has Aberdeen in Grays Harborregister warrants go out,"
a 1/2-inch scar on his right County. A warrant was is- Byrd said. "According to'the
hand and another 1/2-inch sued on Feb. 12, 2002, after DOC, the case has gone cold."
scar on his upper lip. he failed to register as a sex Law enforcement officials
Deputy Chief Dean Byrd offender, work together in circum-
of the Mason County Sheriffs If he were living in Mason stances such as these, he said.
Office said Barr has actually County, Barr would be classi- To report information
not been a Mason County fled as a level 3 sex offender, about Barr's whereabouts to
resident for some time. Be- Byrd said Barr had two the DOC, call 1-866-359-1939.
In Appreciation
• The Mason County Historical Society and the YesteryearCar Club greatly
appreciates and thanks all the participants, volunteers and those who
• contributed to the success of our June 24, 2012, Twelfth Annual Car Show
AAA Septic
Shelton Vet. Hospital-Gary Olson
Hudson's-Transmissions Plus
Mason Co. Septic
State Farm-Melanie Bakala Agent
Lynch Creek Floral
Shepherd's Soap Co,
Sage Book Store
Spike Hydraulics & Fire
Allstate Ins. Co.-Marcy Johnson
Mariano's Fine Jewelry
Olsen Furniture
Sundance R.V. & Auto Center
The Finish Line Auto Detail
B.C.R Landscape Supplies
Cut Rate Auto Parts- Shelton
Patty Hughes
Timberland Bank- Tumwater
Washington Tractor-Olympia
Grahams Hair Works
Top Flight Espresso
Hoodsport Winery
El Sarape- Shelton
AAA of WA.- Olympia
Ray and Ann Kimbel
The Strip Steak House-Shelton
Vem & Virginia Honstain
Blondie's Restaurant
Log Cabin Bar & Grill
Cooper Studios
Wright Brothers
Nita's Coffee Shop
-- Contributors --
Key Bank-Shelton P.U.D. #3
Carol & Jeff Sayer Green Diamond Resource Co.
Walter Dacon Winery WA. State Patrol
Little Creek Casino- Resort City of Shelton-All Department's
Richard's Upholstery-Olympia Shelton Restaurant's
Verle's LLC Shelton Businesses
Larson's Auto Repair- Olympia Owl in the Attic Antiques
Les Schwab- Shelton Fire District #4
Mother's Very LTD Antiques
Charlie & Terry Holman Gary Vig
Napa Auto Parts- Shelton Taylor Insurance
Olympic Mountain Millwork Bank of America- Shelton
Schuck's O'Reilly Auto Parts-Shelton Surf City
John Hannukaine Mason Co. Chamber of Commerce
Safeway- Shelton Advanced Automotive Service Inc.
Cameo Boutique Bob & Kathy Drinkwine
Shelton Beauty School Linda Benton
Ma. Co Historical Society David & Linda Dally
Bill Valley Lou & Ella Confoni
Chris and Victoria Veblen Tom & Carol Lundbom
Yesteryear Car Club Gene & Sherry Meyer's
The Shopper's Weekly Justin Cowling
All of our car show judges Thomas Printing
Xinhs Clam & Oyster House Ray Drinkwine- Camas, WA.
Alderbrook Golf & Yacht, The Grill Restaurant
Todd Robertson- Tractor Shop Hunter Farms
Alderbrook Resort Robin Hood Restaurant
Blaze Gorny Steven's on Railroad
Island Enterprises Jack Webber
KRXY- Radio-Olympia Bill & Annette McGee
KMAS Richard Gates
Columbia Bank- Olympia Hood Canal Grocery
Griot's Garage- Tacoma
Mason Co. Transportation Authority
McClanahan Moody, PLLC .~t~r.~,~t~,
www.elderlawwitbca re.corn
Life Care elan.ing. Guardianship ', Estate Planning
Probate • Special Needs Trusts - Wills & Trusts
Acro~ the parking lot ]rom Tumwa~er Fred Meyer
501 Tyee Dr SW • Tumwater, WA 98512 ~
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"A Full Time Commitment to a Full Time Res oonsibilitj - An Less is Neglect"
• A Strong Leader • Fair
Gary Burleson
Former Mason County Prosecutor
Don & Lisa Welander
• Responsible • Compassionate • Team Oriented • High Degree of Integrity
The Following Have Endorsed Mark Core
Bruce & Marjorie Adsero
Find us on
l Paid for by Core for District 2 (R)
Pat Carney Melissa Puhn Anne Marie Ryan Tad Rutherford Colton Twiddy
Jenny L. McGee-Morgan Don Lyons Darren Lohmeyer Bob Armanino Bob Smith
Dave Kamin Lisa Nelson Cameon BenningtonJim Lanman Mike Albaugh
Brad Wilson Taylor Muenchow Dave Haukeli Kathy Fuller Marty Rodgers
Michael Mclrvin Rodger Garrick Eric Eagle Ann Galland Susan Halbert
Sandy Carney Carroll Kelley Marcie Lohmeyer Marc Galland James Halbert
Gregg Graham Gary M. Holt Kyle Graham Mike Seymour Bruce Lund
Margaret Wilson Jerry Newcomb Pam Haukeli Bob Gilman Jennifer Renecker
Lynette Mclrvin Alan Muenchow Joe Strand Bill Johnson Danielle Lund
Mike Eddy Jodene Garrick Justin Whitley Char Hanson Chase Lund
Sky ar Core Barbara Kelley Mike Woods G.E Coker San dy James
Bill Hrbacek William R Reed Laura Wheeler Teresa Gilman Michael Luke
Dave Harkness Mary Newcomb Pat Wheeler Herb Baze John Kilts
Steve Renecker Randy Smith Shawn Hoage Lanny Wilson Jennifer Kilts
Lisa Eddy Larry Waters Cheryl Woods Roger Wilson Jacob Kilts
Tracie Core Greg Twiddy Cassie Eagle Ned Wilson Dean Secor
Mary Jean HrbacekDiana Renecker Mike Lund Kevin Pennington Sharon K. Secor
Kris Harnkess Elizabeth Smith Jared Hanson Bill Sincliar Keith Fuller
Leslie Barrett Rene Chamberlin Andrew Spear Dave Boling Joe Colo
Mark Yergeau Shannon Twiddy Debi Kadoun Sheri Wilson Kimberly Rodgers
Mike Holt Pete Janda Ty Kadoun Margie Schirato Jeanne Blanton
Codi Nelson Brad Morris Debbie RichardsonAustin Schirato John H. Blanton
Rick Stevens Jon Ryzek Marcy Spear Debbie Huston Gaff Brewer
Joe Puhn Jim Bennett Gary Wilson Kenn Mackintosh Phil Chamberland
Bev Yergeau Rick Ryan Bill Hoage Tony Huston Bruce Shurtz
Martin Nelson Trina Morris Greg Schirato Steve Holt
Meghan Muenchow Don Putvin B & T Morris Mick Uffelman
Dawn Stevens Karin Bennett Construction Laurie Mackintosh
I [ ' I "~1 "' 11" II" ~ [I" [ "'" "l rH i I I I
• 40 W Shadow Valley Ct. Shelton, WA. 98584 • (360)432-1602
votecoredistrict2@hotmail.com I
Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, July 5, 2012 - Page A-3