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July 5, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 5, 2012
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JOURNALEDITORIAL K©M !NCOMMENT City recycling bins give residents options " -rust throw it in the trash. Those bins will cut down the amounttaxpayers didn't have to flip much for the | It's amazing how often we hear orof waste entering our landfills and give bill. ~3 utter these words, whether we're at environmentally friendly residents an Since March, the city has supplied bins home cleaning up the garage or at work easier way to dispose of waste at events big at more than 20 events and h/~s collected Christmas Day 1854, Medicine disposing of our lunch, and small, more than 70 bags ofrecyclable goods. We're Creek, Nisqually Delta- the In- Despite years of public service Another bonus is borrowing the bins hopirig that's a start -- that community dian tribes of south Puget Sound announcements from organizers and is easy. Residents can simply call SheIton members see the benefits of having one or gathered as ordered by Washington government agencies speaking out against senior planner Jason Dose, fill out a few multiple recycle bins at their community Territorial Gov. Isaac Stevens. The growing landfills, we oftentimes fmd documents and provide their driver's barbecues, home owners' association band from little Squaxin Island was ourselves throwing away plastic bottles, license, meetings or even at garage sales. there, along with the Muckleshoots, the aluminum cans and glass bottles simply The city already had 10 bins. Those were Sure, recycling has become easier over Nisquallies and the Puyallups. because we don't have a proper method to typically limited to smaller community the years. Shelton and Mason County The next day Stevens had them on dispose of them. events such as baseball games, residents have had access to residential and the dotted line on the Medicine Creek That's why we're excited that the City of Now, with the additional $2,500 grant, commercial recycling pickup. Treaty, and nine tribes were assigned toShelton -- due in part to a state Department officials have 35 clearly labeled bins, which But too much of a good thing is, in this three reservations. The Squaxin band of Ecology grant -- recently purchased can be checked out for free and used by case, a better thing. got the third reservation, on tiny Squax- 25 additional recycle bins that can be organizations or individuals at any type To borrow the bins, contact Shelton in Island in what is now Mason County. used without charge by event organizers of event. The city only had to spend $500 senior planner and recycling coordinator It wasn't long before the ram-rod pro- thoughout the city. out of its waste utility fund, meaning local Jason Dose at 432-5102. cess of treaty making led to dismay and defiance and conflict. In 1855 the conflict became war, and in D 1856, Stevens had were LETTERSTOTHEEDITORTM declared martial law. Armed settlers formed into militias, and skir- misheswitharmedIn- Keeping fortheU.S. Bicentennial. Until Dicks leaves i The right to unionize; dians resulted. Indians the museum in downtown Shel- • Privatizing our commons and whites killed.~t" ton opened in 1990, itwas the big IIlIJ~l'~ and public lands; Thus the scene was them hon st only museum in Mason County S es i Regulating Wall Street; set for the tragedy of "collecting, preserving and pub- • The Citizens United By JOHN Leschi. Editor, the Journal lishing¢' the history of Mason KOMEN Chief Leschi of the I would like to see nothing County. tofill Supreme Court decision and disclosure of financial contribu- Nisqually Tribe be- more than a person born and When the County Commis- tions for elections; came the leader of the Indian resistanceraised in Belfair become Coun- sion terminated the lease of the Editor, the Jotmral • Revitalizing and updat- and thereby became the targeted villain ty Commissioner and represent fairgrounds, it also in essence After reading an article ing our infrastructure, climate of the white settlers. Even more omi- the north side in a unique way, shut down the museum. In the announcing the June 25 can- change, alternative energies, nous, he became the chief adversary of but not at the expense ofhonest past we would open the muse- didate forum in Belfair, I sug- mass transportation. Gov. Isaac Stevens. government. Honestly, Belfair um about 14 times a year when gested to my husband that we Too much is at stake, it was Chief Leschi is never far from truly does need a voice and I'm events were held at that site. should attend. I was interested said at the candidate forum: thought, even today. Much has been said sure our neighbors in Shelton It was a great time for volun- in hearing what positions the this next election is an impor- and written about Leschi. Ezra Meeker, would not disagree with me on teers and for the society as well. candidates may have on thetaut election. I hope there will who was there in the 1850s, wrote a fa- that, would you? However, I've Now we are limited to the Ma- many issues facing us. While be a debate or another forum mous book about Leschi, and last year learned over the years: if they son Area Fair and OysterFest. all elected positions -- federal, for the 6th Congressional Dis- Leschi was revisited in a new book "The do it with you, they'll do it to Recently, the Mason Countystate and local -- are impor- trict position. One that would Bitter Waters of Medicine Creek." you! And the lack oftranspar- Historical Society has been in taut, I personally am interested provide an opportunity to bet- As described by author Richard ency and response to the basic the process of trying to find in the candidates running for ter illuminate the candidates' Kluger, Leschi was a prosperous mem- questions I have been asking another place in Mason County Norm Dicks' seat in Congress. positions, and allow citizens to ber of the Nisqually Tribe. He lived the North Mason Community to relocate the fairgrounds Representative Dicks had aask questions and make an in- in a "substantial cedar house and Voice and the North Mason Museum, either by building or long, distinguished career and formed decision. accumulate(d) a goodly herd of his own Chamber of Commerce are moving into a building large I believe it is extremely im- horses." quite stunning, so regardless enough to house our acquisi- portant to elect a person who Debbie Axelson Kluger, citing Nisqually lore, wrote of where a person was borntions. The problem, of course, is will do a good job representing Grapeview that "Leschi generously shared the accu-and raised, I will not support a trying to raise enough money to all citizens of this district. I mulcted earnings from his horses, hunt- candidate if they appear to play de this. We hope to eventually have no idea how the forum ing and employment...with his tribe in "dirty politics" by using a seem- have a museum in the county, came about or who decided Save our gift:giving at potlatch feasts and by alms ingly neutral forum as their but time will be on our side if which questions to ask. The : to the infirm, aged, and those otherwisepolitical launch pad. the fairgrounds can continue, forum seemed very structured, |~|~| t.,I 4~"h " ra" w'O U r~ ~'~ s needy." I want to think the best, We applaud the Hansens for/bcused on business, with no So Chief Leschi, then and now, was an however, the best in this case their efforts to keep the fair- real interaction with the audi- important personage, both to his people looks to me like the candidate's grounds going. If we are able to ence. Those in attendance were Editor, the Journal andto the white settlers who were aware forum on June 25th was noth- keep and maintain the museum asked to submit questions on I guess I'm somewhat sur- of his status, ing more than a stage to ignite at the fairgrounds then our a card. One question from the prised and disappointed that They hanged Chief Lescl~i. the followers of one particular questions and our fears have audience was asked for each no one seemed to care enough He was executed Feb. 19, 1858, from a candidate for county commis- been answered. Let's get behind position. I heard the usual about our fairgrounds to write scaffold on the prairie about a mile east sioner and nothing more. John and Rachel Hansen and "talking points" relating to a letter of response about the of the U.S. Army post at Fort Steilacoom. Secrecy and honest govern-try to get this thing done. Sup- "jobs, jobs, jobs," "deregulation" proposal that our Port Com- The Army had refused to hang Leschi, ment don't work! Remember:port the fair and all activities and "debt," but no real informa- missioner Jay Hupp spent so the task fell to an Olympia resident,if they do it with you, they'll that are held there. Let's give it tion or plan on how each candi- much time and effort on to Charles Grainger, appointed hangman do it to you! I'm still asking a chance, date proposes to address those save our fairgrounds. He more by the acting Sheriff of Thurston County. for answers to the questions I issues. I was disappointed, or less said that the FAA has "I felt that I was executing an inno- asked three weeks ago! Was Bil]ie L. Howard Recent congressional activ- been lying to us, the taxpay- cent man,, Grainger says in a post-exe- this June 25th supposedly neu- Sheltonity and Congress' focus on is- ers, for years. cution interview quoted by Ezra Meeker tral candidate's forum a stra- sues that will directly affect us Do you think if the FAA in his 1905 book "The Tragedy of Leschi." tegic part of any candidate's all are extremely important, forces the county to tear down Leschi had been convicted of killing run for county commissioner? I Much will be determified by our the fairgrounds buildings that Col. A. Benson Moses of the Territorial don't care whether everything ~U r~r~oi~• representative's views on the the FAA is going to pay to move Militia. There is much more to the story, "appeared" neutral in the way ~ I~l~" "" role of government and the role it to a new location and build especially Stevens' unrelenting pursuit the forum was conducted. Only "~ ~IJ of an economy. I would like to new buildings? No, the taxpay- of Leschi's execution. Stevens adamantlycomplete idiocy would make J e., re.1 s hear whether the congressio- ers will have to do it if we are to rebuffed Leschi's defenders who pointed it look otherwise. I'm asking hal candidates would support ever have another fairgrounds. out that even if he had slain Moses, andfor simple answers to simple Editor, the Journal amendments and proposals As a kid, one of the things there was considerable doubt he did, a questions and I'm asking those I am writing in regards to that were proposed or voted on I always looked forward to murder charge could not be brought be- in charge be held accountable the upcoming elections for Ma- by the Republican-controlled was the county fair, and all cause they were lawful combatants in a for the answers they give. How son County Commissioner. As House of Representatives of the other events held there time of war. complicated is that? a small business owner, I rec- which many or most could be throughout the year. In talk- And that was the verdict handed down ognize the importance ofhav- determined by this next elec- ing to some of the groups and by a seven-judge panel convened in 2004 John Guntering the support of the county tion, such as: clubs that have used the fair- especially to rehear the Leschi case. The Belfairbehind you, especially in these • Elimination of funding for grounds in the past for their panel's exoneration of Chief Leschi came challenging economic times. It's Planned Parenthood; events, it is hard for me to un- on Dec. 10, almost exactly 150 years to vital to our health as a commu- • The Blunt amendment derstand their reasoning. I've the day since the signing of the Medicine Save tb e nity to have individuals in gov- which would allow employers asked why they don't move up Creek Treaty. ernment that understand the to determine coverage for wom- there to support the Hansens. This time what reminded us of Chief economic landscape and have a en's health including contracep- Their answer was "Let's wait Leschi was a tiny reference in a news m use u m strategy in place to help us all rive use based on their "moral" and see how they do and if story about an exhibit at the State Capi- to excel, convictions; they get another lease." Well tal Museum in Olympia. Starting July Editor, the Journal In my opinion, Terri Jeffreys • Paul Ryan's budget pro- if we all do that they won't be 14, the museum will display a seldom The Mason County Com- is one such individual. Her posal which would significantly there to get another lease. To seen Indian artifact. It is said to be from mission terminated its 50-year business experience and politi- cut health care for women succeed one has to have sup- the 1850s. lease on the county fairgrounds cal savvy alone qualify her for and children, eliminate Medi- port. So let's get out and sup- It is an old canoe paddle. It once be- in 2009. The Port of Shelton the job. If voters are serious care as we know it, creating a port them. longed to Chief Leschi. honored the lease through 2013 about improving our county, voucher system which fails to I can't help but think of how so that the fairgrounds could they'll vote for people like Terri. address the ever growing "cost" hard it would be for our car • John Komen, who lives on Mason continue as a site for commu- I have known Terri since of health care while shifting club to do the many charity Lake, was for 40 years a reporter and nity events. We commend them moving to Mason County in increasing costs to seniors, and things we do if the community editor, TV anchorman, national TV net- for their action. 2008. I have always found her to shifts more costs to the states, did not support us. I hope you work correspondent, producer, columnist, The fairgrounds museum extremely fair and to be some- • Social security cuts; will read this and respond, be it editorial writer and commentator. His was constructed by inmatesone who takes all the issues into • More tax cuts for those in in favor or opposed. It would be column, Komen Comment, appears each from the Washington State consideration before deciding on the top I percent as well as cor- nice to let Mr. Hupp know that week in the Shelton-Mason County Jour- Correction Center, grange an action to be put forth,porations; you do appreciate the fact that hal. members, contract loggers and I highly support her in • The No Child Left Behindhe works for us, the taxpayers. others, for the sole purpose of a obtaining the Mason CountyAct, charter schools and fund- museum of local history. The Commissioner for District 3. ing of education; Bob Drinkwine Shelton-Masoni~LL~i re R~ ~c°unty ~ i Mason County Historical Soci- • Drug testing of those filing Shelton ~~;U: ~!ii ::~:i ~ ety took over the responsibility David Wagner for unemployment or govern- : ofthe museum in 1976 in time Hoodsport ment services; See Letters on page A-6 Shelton-Mason County Journal is a member of Karl Sleight, publisher Advertising: Composing room: USPS 492-800 Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association. Dave Pierik, Sr. Acct. Executive William Adams, graphics Newsroom; Sharee Miller, ad representative POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shelton-Mason SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Adam Rudnick, associate Maggie Burich, ad representative Pressroom: County Journal, RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. $37 per year for Mason County addresses, editor KelliAlexander, ad representative Kelly Riordan, production manager Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. $51 per year in state of Washington but outside Natalie Johnson, reporter Jesse Mutlen Travis Miller, press operator at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington Mason County, $61 per year out of state. Emily Hanson, sports reporter Front office: Mary Northover, press operator Mailing address: P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper Margot Brand, circulation Telephone (360)426-4412.www.masoncounty.corn Owned and published by Cricket Carter, mailroom Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, Washington Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc supervisor Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2012 L I I