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] Letters 'George Orwell, must be twirling in his
grave to hear such a simplification of his
'~ Continued from page A-4 satirical novella on Stalinism. One can
only assume that A. the writer has not
~/ read the work or B, did not understand it.
Stra It would behoove this person noc to first
assume that all environmentalists are
ha ppen i ngs wrong and also, know something about
what you are using as a reference.
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Editor, the Journal Patricia Vandehey
In the June 14 Shelton-Mason County Shelton
Journal, two interesting things were
noted. One was the surprise to find
the notice from the Department of ~| de~
Ecology concerning new permits to be Proper/la
issued ~fresh crab and Simpson Shelton
Mill), permits to be reissued I domestic d i
wastewater facilities municipal North ---S posa I
Bay/Case InletJ and permits 1:o be
reauthorized for domestic wastewater Editor, the Journal
facilities (municipal and City of Shelton) In response to the Vern Morgus letter,
were not in the public notice section but we have co reply. The Flag Disposal
on the back page of the Sports section. It ceremony that was held was proper.
is a strange place to put a public notice According to the Dignified Disposal of
unless you are trying not to make it Unservable Flags, we did everything by
noticeable, the letter for the proper disposal of our
The second was a letter to the editor flag.
titled "Urban vs. rural." The writer is The reason we did it at the cemetery
quite upset that environmental policies two days after Flag Day was to educate
are using "Chicken Little" tactics to scare the public on the proper disposal. We love
people. It has probably never entered his our flag and want it respected. We thank
mind. what the planet would be like if Vern and others who have questions or
everything was polluted and unusable, comments and invite them to come to the
The idea seems to be not to do anything Veteran's Service Office in Shelton. We
until it is too late to save our resources, accept all used and worn flags.
Then the writer refers to "Animal Farm."
stating "Animal Farm said it best -- Bob Stone
animals good, people bad." This is truly Shelton
astonishing and Eric Arthur Blair. a.k.a.
In the June 28 edition of the Belfair Her-question asking how a candidate would bal-
ald in the story "Candidates sound off at fo- ance economic growth and environmental
rum." Randy Neatherlin was paraphrased health, "It's a tough question."
as saying it is difficult ~o balance economic Neatherlin's campmgn said that he is in
growth and environmental health, favor of creating a balance between the two
His exact quote was, in response to a issues.
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YARD SALE. funding new 2 FAMILY garage sale, Friday HUGE SALE at the Skokom-
baby. Books. VHS, DVDs, elec- & Saturday, 8am-4pm. End of ish Grange Hall, 2202 W.
tronics, doll collection, house- Fireweed Road. off of Binns Skokomish Valley Rd, Shel-
hold items, collectables. July Swiger Loop. Some furniture, ton. Friday 9am to 4pm, July
6th & 7th, 9am-5pm. 1324 W. dog kennel, barn items, tack 6th. Saturday 9am to 4pm,
Franklin. B7/5 and saddle, manure spreader. Ju~y 7th. Sunday 9am to
YARD SALE, Friday & Satur- fish tanks, collectable dolls, can- 2pm, July 8th, V2 price day.
day 9am-4pm, Sunday 9am- lites, misc.Too much to list. F7/5 New lot of costume jewelry,
2pm. 549 Birch Street, Capital GUN AND KNIFE show, lots of new Christmas stuff
Hill. Olothes, electronics, mill- July 14th & 15th. Centralia dept. 56, beautiful wreaths,
tary service member moving. Fairgrounds. Saturday 9am- ornaments, lights, cookie
C7/5 5pm, Sunday 9am-3pm. Ad-jars, collector plates, lots of
new dishes and aocess6ries
AVAILABLE LARGE 2 bed- mission $6. 503-363-9564. fro mWilliams-Sonama, Nor-
room apartment, downtown, www,wesjbidek/gunshows, dstroms, Macy's, Restoration
$750 plus deposit, 360-427- com. K7/5-12 Hardware, Crate & Barrel,
0377 or 253-347-9290. L7/5 ESTATE SALE, make offer,Harry & Davids, Pottery Barn
CRAFT & BAKE sale at New cash only. Saturday, 7th 8am- and more. Lawn umbrella, 2
Horizons Church of God. 4pm. 719 Holly Lane, Terrace bolts of upholstery material,
10am-2pm Saturday, July 7th. Heights. Additional informa- beautiful hand painted tole
Proceeds for missionsto India. tion, contact Burk 360-402- mirror, micro with stand, col-
Corner of "F" and Washington 0958. Mc7/5 lector insulators, art work,
streets on Mt.View. W7/5 2012 SPENCER LAKE swap books, cookbooks, movies,
HOOD CANAL rental, 3miles meet! Saturday, July 14th, 9am- cassettes, like new suitcase
North of Hoodsport, 2 bed- 5pm. Parking lot of Spencer set, designer clothes small,
room, 2 bath, 2 car garage, Lake Bar & Grill. Garage Salers, med., large. Halloween
washer and dryer included artists, craftsmen and vendors decorations, lamps, small
as well as appliances. Beach are all welcome! Sell unwanted stands, decorative votive
items. Advertise goods & ser- candles holders small and
rights and access. Deposit vices. Promote your business, large, art glass vases, and
and references required.
$800/mo. 360-490-1800. Meet potential customers. Call much more. Hopeto seeyou
J7/5-26 Kim now for your free spaces! there. Sharon and Kirsten.
360-426-2505. $7/5-'12 H7/5
Coors & Coors Light
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Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2012