July 5, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Courtesy photo
The Shelton Rotary Club recognized four outstanding caregivers and
Nursing Assistants Certified at its June 21 luncheon Pictured from left:
Lee Ayers, executive director of Shelton Health and Rehabilitation
Center and Rotary program chair, 2012 award recipients Tierney Gibbs
of Shelton Health and Rehabilitation Center, Stephanie Jeffries of
Maple Glen Senior Living, Paula Wood of Mason General Hospital and
Lisa Johnson of Fir Lane Health and Rehabilitation Center.
ors caregwers
STAFF REPORT Eileen T. Bransc0me, chief operating of-
/,~;~'n,a~oncpn~nb,.com ricer at Mason General Hospital and Family
......................... of Clinics, delivered the keynote address to
more than 60 Rotarians, guests and care-
The Shelton Rotary Club held its fifth givers at the Thursday luncheon.
annual Caregiver and Nursing Assistants This year's honorees were Lisa Johnson,
Certified (NAC) awards program on June , Nurses Aide Certified at Fir Lane Health
21. and Rehabilitation Center, Stephanie JoE-
The program was created as a way to fries, caregiver at Maple Glen Senior Liv-
recognize exceptional caregivers in the com- ing, Paula Wood, Nurses Aide Certified at
munity and thank them for providing out- Mason General Hospital and Tierney Gibbs,
standing care to those no longer able to care Nurses Aide Certified at Shelton Health
for themselves, and Rehabilitation Center.
Town Kiwanis thanks the community and local businesses for the tremendous
support of the Wood Duck Race and Bluegrass from the Forest.
All proceeds benefit local youth programs.
2012 Wood Duck Race Winner: Dawn Pannell
Thank You to the following community partners:
8t-" Annual Bluegrass from the Forest:
Tupper's Floor Covering & Interiors Manke Lumber Co. Green Diamond Resource Co.
Shelton-Mason County Journal KMAS Shelton Veterinary Hospital Don Gardner,
CPA Simpson Lumber Pro-Build Heritage Bank Peninsula Community Credit Union
Hood Canal Communications Thomas Printing The Shopper's Weekly Castle &
Coleman Logging Shelton Lions Club Sundance RV & Auto Center Sage Book Store
Olympia Master Builders, Mason County Chapter
1Jth Annual Wood Duck Race:
Shelton Veterinary Hospital BCP Landscape Supply D&L Automotive Bob's Tavern
Pine Tree Restaurant Logger's Bar & Grill Spike's Hydraulics Womer Trucking
Active Underground Mountain View Shellfish Shelton Kiwanis Westside Lanes
Bluegrass from the Forest: May 17, 18 & 19
2013 Wood Duck Race: June 2
It's easy to have the Journal
delivered to your home or office.
Call 426-4412 to subscribe.
Lions Club to sell concessions,
raise funds at Lady of the Lake
The Morning Star Lions vice projects. Those proj- their time to humanitarian
Club will provide the food ects help support home- causes in their community.
concessions at the Ninthless students in the Shel- Members of the Lions
Annual Lady of the Lake ton School DistricL sight Club participate in service
Art Fair on July 14 and 15. and hearing screenings, activities emphasizing dia-
Baked goods donated scholarships, school sup- betes awareness, education
from Olympic Bakery, plies, diabetes education at and research, work with
along with grilled ham- Camp Leo and Project Newthe physically impaired,
burgers and hot dogs, will Hope, which is designed environmental issues,
be served, to help returning veterans community welfare and a
The club will also be readjust to family and corn- global sight ; conservation
Serving floats, chips, soda munity life. program. ~
and bottled water. The Lions Club, includ- For more information
One hundred percent ing the Morning Star club, about the Lions Club or its
of the funds raised by the represent a group of men - involvement with the fair,
sales will support local ser- and women who volunteer call 426-5601.
Continued from page B-1
road. They felt cross roads on the island
were badly needed. Harstine Island resi-
dents are working to secure a road across
the island from the Lott farm to that of
George Wells. Part of the road has al-
ready been opened. The only county roads
on Harstine run lengthwise and is not of
general use to the residents."
Another note for those who want to
have information put into the Harstine
article -- my deadline has been moved up
from Sunday evening to Thursday eve-
ning. So, when the paper comes out on
"i'm thinkin9 the
(Harstine) island
roads have always
been an issue
of one kind or
Thursday, let that be a reminder that you
will need to get your info into me that
day for the following week.
i Grace Baptist Church Comactus:
................ ~ M~liling address:
............ ...for the faith @hegospd p() Box Phone:1025'(3G0) Nhclt011,462 X~:~'xJ85841611
Times of Services: ~! ~,= ............ :, E-mail: pastor@gbcshelton.0rg
Sunday School ........................ 10 a,m. ~f':~Ng:~! www.gbcsllehon.org
Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m.Listen on
Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m. ~4
............. ~ &~ ~,
Wednesday Prayer Meeting .,... 7 p.m. i ~i'~ IOJAS 1030 AM
~::~i Stud@ 9'30- lO,OOam
Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop Rd. ~ ' '
Sunda 9:30 a.m., 728 Railroad Ave.
Worship Service ,
...... ::!::Z:I!!::::: ......... 10:00 a.m.
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM Childcareboth services
S nda S vi s
9:00 ,\M [ Celebration Service
IO:30 ,\,~i I Celebration Nervlce
At tended Nursery
Children's Classes
4:oo I'M I Gateway [O Re(' )very
ADDRESS 1405 S 71:h St, Sheltorl PHONE I 3OO-42~ 2758 WEBSITE I www.gat ewayc t:com
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, July 5, 2012
.... 1212 Connection St
Faith Lutheran Church 1
'~. Shelton, WA
.d Christ-centered Church (360) 426-8611
/~Sunday Morning Worship~ ~ ~
/' Traditional-8:45a.m. /~iqJ X~L2~z~
[Contemporary-11:00 a.m. J ~~ ,~\ Bible Study
Pastor Steve Olsen ~ ~~
Paster Brian Weinberer, www.FLCWA.org~
%~ ........ A plac:e;whe;;::aifare ::~ei/ome .....
324 W. Cedar St. Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 www.sdow.org
7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Christianity Class
9:15 Conversational Bible Study Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Lutheran Church ................ ;/ ................. .......
~/IJSS()UFJ ~ynod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue www.sheltonfbe.org 360 426-8461
Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
('ante Fllpo rary ~ervice .......... 8;30 d.D]. Sunday School for all ages
Christian Education ................. 9:45 a.m. NightChurch 6 pn
Traditional Worship ............... 11:00 a.m. Domingo La Iglesia Bautlsta 6 pm
Servicio an Espafiol
Office 42@6353
Wednesdays 6 pm
Daycare 427-3165 Youth Church, AWANA K-6, Adult Classes
www.mtoliveshelton.org . Jueves6pm ElgrupodelesLatinosJGv~nes
Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed
1113 E. Shelton Springs Road in RiversofGrace
Shelton, WA 98584 NEW LOCATION
(360) 427-6998 Alliance Church
2320 Washington St.
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. www.riversofgrace.org
New Community
Church of Union
Sunday Gatherings
(All are welcome/)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site: www.thenccu.org