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The Shelton High School Class
of 1982 is seeking information on
a number of former students.
Individual who have any in-
formation on the following class-
mates are encouraged to contact
Cheryl Bassett Earsley at 701-
8467. Deadline to respond is July
For more information, go to
Robert Albright, Jenny Arm-
strong, Sandra Baker, Barbara
Barrett, Richard Beach, Clinton
Benson, Erica Benson, Lonne
Bentley, Debbie Boelk, Frank
Bolduc, Adam Brown, Tim Brown,
Tina Burgdorf, Carla Bush,
Shannon Carr, Suzanne Cason,
Kelly Chakos, Karen Chappell,
Steve Cherry, Steve Clark, Russ
Cleveland, Christine Coleman,
Maria Coleman, Donna Collins,
Butch Conrad, Susan "Mimi"
Cook, Kathy Cooper, Rainy Cun-
ningham, Julian Deans Jr., Brad
Devaney, Michael Duel, Judy
Duncan, John Dupuis, Duane Ed-
wards, William Engels, Barbara
Enger, Colleen Estep, Gail Felix,
Richard Finn, David Free, Karen
Freeman, Thomas Gigstead, Bob
Gilmore, Andy Glenn, Lisa Gloor,
Nita Goetsch, Gerald Goldsby,
Lorraine Gouras, James Grable,
Darla Graft, Teresa Graft, John
Green, Connie Hagen, Jenni-
fer Haller, Kathryn Hanna, Jon
Hart, Mike Hartley, Tim Hawley,
John Heidemann, Joanne Hen-
derson, Kathy Herman, Bob Hill,
Kathy Hill, Duane Housh II, Tom
Howe, Mike Huisingh, William
Jonson, LaDean Johnson, Shan-
non Johnson, Teresa Johnson,
Kathy Jonas, Mark Jorgensen,
Brad Kenyon, Lynette Kidder,
Lisa Kimball, Dwayne Kirk, Te-
resa Lake, David Land, Toby
Lane, Christine Lawson, Kenna
Leffler, Kelly Lewis, Eric Louder-
back, Michael Lovi'tt, Jim Lytle,
Sheila Marcy, Barbara Martin,
Herb McClenahan, Joi McKim,
Lisa McIntosh, Eric Meyer, Ste-
ven G. Miller, Tracy Miller,
Vandy Miller, Mick Million,
Kristi Moller, Lorena Morgan,
Jill Morrison, Charlene Nodes,
Laurie Owens, Michelle Patton,
Cathleen Pede, Leon Perrine,
Pam Place, Jenny Pruter, Jerry
Purcell, Denise Putvin, Karen
Ramey, Steven Ramey, Teresa
Rathbun, Rhonda Redd, Don Rob-
bins, Lori Roberts, Janice Robin-
son, Debbie Russell, Danny Rutt,
Rick Samaduroff, Michelle Say-
ers, Jeff Schneider, Chris Scraf-
ford, Neil Selejestad, Becky Sem-
mel, Billy Sewell, Carol Sharpe,
Lyla Silcox, Mark Simpson, Mike
Sloan, Cammy Sponnick, Wil-
liam Steuer, Lisa Stoehr, Barbie
Strope, Kenny Tarlton, Eileen
Tausa, Elaine Tausa, Billy Thom-
as, Lisa Townsend, Jim Tran,
Lorrie Tremper, Kim Tuttle,
Fred Twidwell, Julie VanCleave,
Lynette Wagers, Kristi Weber,
Kenny Weston Jr., Tracy Weston,
Delores Wharton, Douglas Wil-
liams, Martha Wilson, Glenn
Winkler, Dana Workman, Kelly
Zamke and Tom Zimmerman
Shawn and Katie Beebe are celebrating their 10th wed-
ding anniversary with a friend and family gathering at 6
p.m. on' Friday at the Beebe Homestead in Matlock. For
directions or questions call 490-6957.
Rev. and Mrs. Alan Tinnerstet. former pastors
of Spring Road Chapel Church of God. will be the
honored guests at a 50th wedding anniversary cel-
The event will take place from 1-4 p.m. on July
21 at the Spring Road Chapel Church of God. lo-
cated at 1113 E. Shelton Springs Road.
The event is planned by the couple's sons and
Friends and family are invited to attend and
lunch will be provided.
Mr. James B. Walker
and Mrs. Shirley V. Walker
iCole) of Hartstene Pointe
~¢ish to announce the 54th
~nmversary of their wed-
ling, on Aug. 2. 1958.
Mrs. Walker celebrated
~er 39th birthday (again) on
luly 1.
E{uby Hopper
Ruby Lucille Hopper.
M, died April 30, 2012. in
She was born Ruby Lu-
;file Walker on Nov. 16.
[927, in Tillamook. Ore.,
;o Ernest E. and Ruby
:,. Walker and graduat-
from Bremerton High
~chool in 1944.
She married R. Cal
~Iopper on Jan. 31. 1945.
n Helena. Mont. After
iving in Sun Valley, Ida-
lo, Fort Bragg, Calif.. and
~rkland, Cal and Ruby
rattled in Shelton. where
;hey raised children Kev-
n and Kirby and then
eft to travel through-
mt North America for a
mmber of years before
rattling again near Con-
,Tress, Ariz.
While in Shelton. Ruby
~as a Welcome Wagon
lostess, radio station ad-
rertising saleswoman.
lad a snack food whole-
~ale route and was ac-
;ive politically including
nanaging mayoral and
,ongressional campaigns
md being a Reagan del-
~gate to the National Re-
)ublican Convention in
)etroit. Ruby also loved
.o garden and transplant-
ed many native trees and
bushes from the Olympic
Ruby is survived by Cal,
her husband of 67 years,
and sons Kevin of Forks.
Kirby of Kennewick and
five grandchildren.
Ruby's cremated re-
mains were interred on
June 26 at Tahoma Na-
tional Cemetery near Kent.
Gladys Kemp
Gladys Kemp, 91. died of
natural causes on June 27.
2012. in Port Angeles.
She was born on June 4,
1921. to Dottle Mac Ford
and Lee Orville Boothe in
Durango, Colo.
She is survived by sister
Anita Bellamy of Enum-
claw: brother Dick Boothe
of Irrigon. Ore.; daughter
Bobbi Fuller of Port Ange-
les: and son Steve Boothe
of Shelton, as well as nu-
merous grandchildren and
She was proceeded in
death by sisters Leona
O'Brien and Etrice Rogers;
brother Ray Boothe and
husband Marvin Kemp.
At her request, there
will be no funeral. The
family will hold a private
memorial at a later time.
Virginia Mac Speas; 89; of Shelton, died on June 27,
under the direction of Dave Lucas.
Katherine Deanne Franklin
Katherine Deanne ~anklim 55: died on June 29, 2012,
at Providence St. Peter Hospital in a. MCComb
Funeral Home in Shelton will provide the arrangements
under the ~rectio~ of Ron: ~arson~
home in Shelton. McComb Funeral Home will
...................... pr0~ide
the arrangements under the ~rection of Ron LarS0n.
Complete obituary information is not only an
appropriate tribute to: the deCeased but a pa~ of
of:reSidents and former residents free of charge~
Donald L. Lyon
Donald L. Lyon made his
home in Shelton for most
of his life. Born August
25th, 1931 to Archibald T.
& Arta M. (Givens) Lyon
in Mabton, WA, died on
June 29th, 2012.
Don was married to Lois A.
Perry on November 18. 1950 for
25 years.
He is preceded in death by his parents and brother A1
His family will miss him dearly, children Ted, Jim &
Barbara 'Bunny' Lyon, Donna Davis. Cindy Hyman,
Jim Dailey, 26 grandchildren. 47 great grandchildren
and 3 great, great grandchildren.
"'When tomorrow starts without me,
please try to understand,
that an angel came and called my name,
and took me by the hand.
But as I turned to walk away,
a tear fell from my eye,
for all my life, l'd always thought,
I didn't want to die.
I had so much to live for,
so much left yet to do
It seemed almost impossible,
that I was leaving all of you.'"
What could have been ............
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Ju ,y 5, 2012 - Page B-5