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You're Invited...
"Candidates in the Park"
Friday, July 13, 2012
11:30 PM- 1:30 PM
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Kona "You ask my kids and wife and trained together with the Washing-
she's ours," he said. "I'll have the op- ton State Patrol for a minimum of
Continued from page B-1 tion to purchase her back when she's 20Ohours.
due to retire." "It started with scent association,"
that Kona makes during an applica- He said Kona is a well-loved mem- Dodge said. "We also worked on sit
tion. ber of the department. Before the drills because she's a passive alert
Kona is trained to find marijuana, sheriffs office received Kona, it'd had dog. She sits when she finds some-
meth. cocaine, crack-cocaine and her- two K-9 dogs that Dodge was aware thing."
oin. of. but the last one was in 1999. Now. Dodge said working with Kona zs
"She's trained to find the odor the the department has a total of four always a joy.
drug emits." Dodge said. dogs in its K-9 unit: Kona. two Ger- "I enjoy the interaction and the
Kona is a toy-driven K-9 dog, man shephard patrol dogs and onecompanionship," he said. "It breaks
meaning that when she makes a find, bloodhound search and rescue dog. up the monotony. It sounds corny
her reward is that Dodge plays with Dodge said Kona has brought~in and funny, but a childhood dream
her for a short time with her favorite a lot of money to the Mason County is to become a police officer. Then I
toy. Sheriffs Office through the work she had to evaluate and see what would
"When she's working, it's basically does and that it barely costs the de- keep me going and that was one of
a game," he said. "We train her to as- partment anything to keep her. my goals."
sociate finding the drugs with her fa- "Her vet. her food, and the materi- He said he will know when Kona is
vorite toy, which is a braided burlap, al to build her kennel were all donat- getting ready to retire.
I take it everywhere with me because ed." Dodge said. "We've had a lot of "She won't be as motivated to come
you never know." great people in the community sup- to work anymore." Dodge said. "She
Though Kona belongs to the sher- port us and that's how we purchased won't go to the door or sit at my feet
ifgs department, she lives with the other dogs." while I get ready for work. If the dog
Dodge and his family and Dodge is Before she became certified as adoesn't think it's fun anymore, she
entrusted with her care 24/7. K-9 narcotics dog, Dodge and Kona won't want to do it."
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Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2012
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