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Shelton-Mason County Journal
......... iii i
By EMILY HANSON by 15s co-head coaches Chris Nesmith and the boys' U19 team, a boys' U16 team, the
emily@masoncounty.com Kasey Robbins. girls' U19 team and a men's team.
"I like working with the kids here and know The men's team's season began on June 9
everybody in town," Duchene said. "Nesmith at the Tatunka Sevens Tournament at The
Despite lower turnout, the Shelton rugby • and Robbihs are good people. They've helped Evergreen State College.
7s' seasons will go on this summer, me out:a!:]6t. They've been having a lot ofcom- ,We went 1'3, which was kind of an im-
Fewer players have caused the boys' U19 :'~ mittmen'ts lately and I thought they could use provement from last year," Duchene said. "We
team to combine with the Tacoma team while a break.!' should have two tournaments in July and we
the Budd Bay girls' U19 team is combining
with the Shelton girls' U19 team.
"The two boys' teams will practice sepa-
rately and then play together at tourna-
ments," Shelton head coach Josh Duchene
said. "(With) the girls, we're going to try to
practice together."
Duchene is taking over the team from rug-
Duchene began playing rugby on Shelton's may have to go to Canada for the Second one."
first team in 2009. He was an assistant coach He said the men's team tries to play in
for Nesmith and Robbins the following season four tournaments each summer, though it is
and has played at Central Washington Uni- difficult to find tournaments because Rugby
versity for the last two seasons. Washington -- a 501(c)(3) non-profit organiza-
He will be assisted this season by Nick tion that work to increase tl~e number ofyouth
Dean, another former Shelton rugby player.
The new coaches will oversee four teams: See Rugby on page C-4
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Stephen H. Bowers, DDS, soccer.player Megan Peppers, left, and Jo's Hair Studio soccer player Ruby Ramirez, both
4, chase after the soccer ball during a game for 3- and 4-year-olds as part of the South Mason Youth Soccer Club's
summer soccer season on June 27 at South Mason Soccer Park.
'like baby Sahalee'
By EMILY HANSON Lake Limerick Golf Course opened
ernily@masoncouniy.com in 1966 and has four sets of tees, ~wo
for women and two for men. The area
around the course was originally built
Due to Lake Limerick Golf Course's as a campground and has evolved into
variety of hole layouts, it's been de- the Lake Limerick housing develop-
scribed as a "baby Sahalee." ment with 1,200 home sites. Though the
At least by the course's PGA head course is owned by the homeowners as-
golf professional Bobby Brown. sociation, it is open to the public. Brown
"Some holes are easier than others," said golf memberships can be purchased
Brown said. "The thing that makes this or golfers can pay to play each time they
course easier than others is the condi- come in.
tion of the grounds, the layout with dog "A lot of people take advantage of the
legs that go left to right and some right , twilight rate, which begins at 3 p.m.,"
to left: It's like a baby Sahalee, which :he said: :
is where the U.S, Open was held last During the summer, Lake Limerick
year." has two golf tournaments scheduled.
He said people are often surprised The first is the third annual Turning
with the condition of the course. Pointe Domestic Violence Shelter tour-
Journal photo by Emily H ....... They think that because it's a nine- nament on July 21, a fundraiser for the
Lake Limerick is visible from the tee sets of hole course, they can tear it up, but
hole No. 8 at Lake Limerick Golf Course. that's not the case," Brown said. See Lake Limerick on page C-4
Journal photo by'Emily Hanson
Jason Benedict
pitches for the A 24/7
Bail Bonds adult
softball team during a
Cascade League game
against Hood Canal
Communications on
June 28 at Mason
County Recreation
Castle &
emily@rnasoncc unty corn
There are still two unde-
feated adult softball teams,
one each in the Cascade and
Olympic Leagues.
Steph's Espresso is lead-
ing the Cascade League with
a 5-0 record after defeating
the Camco team 15-8 on June
26. ........
Following Steph's is A
24/7 Bail Bonds, 4-2, after a
15-14 victory over Hood Ca-
nal Communications on June
28 and a 15-5 victory over
Camco that same night.
In third in the Cascade
League is Shelton Athletic
Club with a record of 3-2.
Shelton Athletic Club defeat-
ed Not This Time 12-10 on
June 26 but fell to Lucky Dog
Casino on June 28 16-8.
In fourth in the Cascade
League is Hood Canal Com-
munications with a record of
3-2 and Lucky Dog Casino is
in fifth with a 1-4 record.
Camco and Not this Time
are tied for last in the league,
each with a record of 0-3.
Cascade League teams
play at 6:15 p.m. and 7:15
p.m. on Tuesdays and Thurs-
days in Callanan Park and
Mason Country Recreation
Area (MCRA).
Due to the Fourth of July,
the next Cascade League
games are slated for Tuesday
instead of tonight.
Castle & Coleman Log-
ging is leading the Olympic
League with a 6-0 record af-
ter defeating the Fuddpuck-
ers 21-16 on June 25 and
Team Griffey 18-6 on June
Sage Bookstore is hold-
ing on to second place in the
Olympic League with a re-
cord of 5-2 after defeating
Team Griffey 10-9 on June
25 and RE/MAX 15-3 on June
In third place in the
Olympic League are the Fud-
dpuckers with a 4-2 record.
The team defeated Joey B's
15-4 on June 27.
Team Griffey is in fourth
place in the Olympic League
with a record of 3-3 while
Joey B's is in fifth place with
a 1-6 record. Joey B's defeat-
ed RE/MAX 21-6 on June 25.
RE/MAX is in last place in
the Olympic League with a
0-6 record.
Olympic League teams
play 6:15 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.
on Mondays and Wednesdays
in Callanan Park and MCRA.
Due to the Fourth of
July, there were no Olympic
League games last night and
the teams are slated to play
next on Monday.
County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 2012 - Page C-1