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Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Sheiton High School head girls' basketball coach Aaron Leth passes the ball during the last day
of the girls' Highclimber Hoops Camp on Saturday at the Shelton Mini Dome.
g g'rls I
By EMILYHANSON girls' basketball coach Aaron Leth During the three-day Camp, 19
ernily~n~a,~'onco~nb,~com, and eight varsity Lady Highclimbers young ballers hit the court in the Shel-
taught third- through eighth-grade ton Mini Dome to play games and work
girls the basics of basketball during on drills.
For three days last week, the Shel- the Girls' Highclimber Hoop Camp. Leth and the varsity players were
ton varsity girls' basketball team "The purpose of the camp was to get joined by recent SHS graduate Jor-
worked with younger players on the younger kids more involved with bas- danne Krumpols and SHS alumna
fundamentals of the game. ketball," Leth said. "To start the base Madison Gaa, who graduated two
Beginning on June 28 and continu- for the fundamentals of shooting, pass- years ago. Both are alumna of the Lady
ing through Saturday, Shelton head ing and dribbling." Highclimber basketball program.
poured on at outdoor sport-
ing events, I've decided to
use the recent nice weather
to explore Mason County.
This exploration began
about:two week~ a~go witl~ .... and try
mysister: ": ~ ............ By EMILY to hide
Hoodsport HANSON from some
One day when she children
got home from work, we who were
decided that it was nice trying to pet it. That was
enough outside to go for a entertaining for a few rain-
little drive and ended up in utes.
Hoodsport. Unfortunately, After checking out the
this was one of those tricky •gazebo and admiring the
almost-summer days. flowers in the park, we got
It was sunny and warm back in the car and headed
in Shelton when we left south toward Shelton but
but by the time we got to we decided to take a little
Hoodsport, it was cold and detour.
windy, with heavy clouds Fair Harbor Marina
rolling in. Instead of heading
We walked on the rocky straight down On Highway
shore of Hood Canal for a 3, we turned off onto the
few minutes and looked north end of Grapeview
around the main part Loop Road to find the Fair
of town, but since we'd Harbor Marina as the fa-
dressed for warm weather, ther of the children playing
the trip was aborted sooner with the seal had told us it
than we'd planned and we was "like something out of
went home. a storybook."
Waterfront Park at Allyn The marina was deft-
Our next trip was about nitely beautiful, though I
a week later when we was once again disappoint-
decided to check out the ed by the rock shore. I don't
Allyn Waterfront Park. know about everybody else
This was a better day to go in this county, but when I
on a short trip, as it was go to the water, I want to
still warm in Allyn when walk barefoot on sand, I
we got there. We walked don't want to wear shoes
I explore Mason County public parks and waterways
fter spending months down the while I stumble around Jarrell Cove State Park
~.~on end cooped up in pier to a rocks. Next, we discoved a
.i.the house or being blast I had forgotten from
small dock Another disappointing
where we aspect of this drive throflgh
watched Grapeview Loop Road, af- as we
a baby ter we left the marina, was
seal swim that each time we saw a
around sign for an area that sound-
For more information call Olympia
my past: we found Jarrell
Cove State Park and
drove toward the entrance,
I kept thinking: "I've been
here before."
ed interesting'i~t: turned Turns out, my parents
out to be privafe property took my siblings and me
and we had to turn back there when we were chil-
and continue on with our dren. It's strange to come
journey. I don't know why across areas like that and
there are so many private actually recognize them,
areas along the water in even after what I'm sure
Mason County, but I think was at least 15 years.
it's really unfortunate, as Anyway, since I haven't
that takes away enjoyment gotten around to buying a
of some of the beauty avail- Discover Pass -- the $10
able. per day or $30 per year
Harstine Island pass required by Washing-
At the beginning of last ton State Parks to use state
week, my sister and I took parks -- we had to turn
another little journey, this back at the entrance to the
time out to Harstine Is- park, but it's nice to know
land. There, we found Jar- where it is, I guess.
rel's Cove Marina, which is On our way back from
the most well-kept marina the island, we stopped at
I've ever seen. There were Latimer's Landing and
picnic tables available and had fun taking photos of
benches to sit on along the Harstine Island Bridge
water. The grass was lush from the dock, despite the
and green, waves~lightly rocking it.
After hanging out at the We walked along the rocky
marina for about a half- shore there and got photos
hour, we continued to ex- of interesting trees.
plore the island. We found For those who haven't
the entrance to Hartstene explored this county, I
Pointe, but since it is a highly recommend you do.
private, gated community, As I've recently discovered,
we once again had to turn there is a lot to see here
back and continue on our and if you've got the proper
way. permits, there's also a lot •
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, July 5, 2012 - Page C-3