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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lay. 1913164 ‘ay, July 6,1944. ' I {Grapeview Scrib TAgain Active 1 The absence of notes for two l I ‘onger Than Sl ufacturers afé. which they C tensile strengm’ weeks was due to the absence of the. correspondent, not to a lack of news. We found that We could easily start a glad-to—get-back-to- ,Grapeview Club. The several wo- ‘men who have been away recent- ly all express themselVes that ,wayfiand we were as fervent as ,lany, though we had gone the {shortest distance. ,1 Mrs. A1 Okonek, who had gone to Michigan to accompany her mother, returned week before last. Her visit there with relatives she had not seen for nearly 20 years was very happy in spite of heat and a midwest thunder storm. Her journey home was very tire- .some, standing for hours. She ltook time while visiting to make lsome clever birch bark postcards ‘to send to friends. 1 Mrs. Reeves, who attended a 'wedding in California, assured us Ehat Grapeview looked good to er. Mrs. Coleman wrote as soon as she reached Oklahoma that she was ready to come home. Mrs. Will Spooner, been visiting relatives in Van- couver, B.C., for four months, was welcomed home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jermy, of Ta- coma, brought her to Grapeview. Pamela Campbell came for a short visit. 0118 Ver young woman who seems contented to stay away from Grapeview is Evelyn Bar- Cecil Solly lgrandparents in Seattle for three weeks. The Women’s Club met with ‘Mrs. Stratford on June 29. Mrs. Harry Willis, who had the pro- gram, read a very interesting pa- per on Argentina. Plans were laid §for the annual picnic which will [be on July 12. Miss Barker assist- , led Mrs. Stratford. ' , Miss Lottie Stevens, teacher at Milton, Ore., arrived Monday to visit Miss Adeline B. Wyeth. Miss 'Wyeth, who also teaches in Mil- . ton, came two weeks ago to spend Ithe summer at her cabin here. Mr. and Mrs. Bush have had their son and his wife, from Port. land, as guests last week. We were sorry to hear that Mrs. Hoke has been in the hospi- tal ‘recently. She is better now and we hope she continues to im- prove. Mrs. Green, of Willapa Harbor, was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Orin Buckingham last week when she received the startling news Here’s The Man for Congress! 1 l‘i‘AlllOli SEXTON DEMOCRAT ET 3% FRIDAY. JULY 7 KXRO—«Aberdeen-Hoquiam, 8:15 ,‘ KSYLKw-Longview—Kelso, 8:15 {ZILAV~Cuntralia-Clichalis, 8:15 "‘ ’»—-Ol::mpia. 8:15 8:15 K’v’A N—Vancouver, MONDAY, J'ULY 10 who has l I frett, who has been visiting her' Shelton Valley Sewing Club Meets l Shelton Valley, July 5—The. meetinfg of the Home Sewing Club I will be held at Echo Farm next Thursday, July 13. Mr. and Mrs. John Kneeland and little son, Edward Allan, Miss ‘ Mickie Maynoche, Mrs. Bruce Mc- i Cleonand, Lt. Davidson were out. from Shelton Thursday evening: to visit at the Highlands with Mrs. Signe Kneeland and to help Mrs. John Kneeland celebrate her birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Rutledgei and family went to Seattle last‘ week, the former to consult a specialist about a back ailment, the result of an injury last sum- mer. They returned home Monday evening, leaving Miss Neva Dawn to spend the holiday in the big city with relatives. Roy Anderson of Matlock was a visitor at Echo Farm Thursday evening with the Dewey Bennett and Winsor families. The regular meeting of the Grange will be held this Thursday night. Mrs. James A. Cunningham visited in Shelton Saturday with ,ers. Dick McGee and Mrs. L. W. lRice. Mrs. Ina Fort of Tacoma, Mrs. IHazel Healey and daughter Ann ,of Yakima and R. Amos of Agate were additions to the house party at Alder Brook Farm for over the Fourth holidays. Vearl Bennett was a visitor here with relatives the first of last week, having been called here Prosser by the .serious illness of his brother, Dan Bennett, of Shel- ton. He returned home Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, former residents here have bought a 20 acre farm just out of Pros- ser and are engaged in diversified farming. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson of Camp Three visited with his aunt, Mrs. H. A. Winsor, and family Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rutledge were hosts at a neighborhood pic- nic on the Fourth, which was held on the lawn under the sade of the fir trees at Alder Brook Farm. At the request the group stood around the picnic table and sang a verse and chorus of The Star Spangled Banner. The after— noon was enjoyed visiting. , Lee Schuffenhauer visited with relatives at Centralia during the, week-end. : Mrs. Signe Kneeland spent Sat- KXRD;Alierdeen—Hoquiam, 6:45 KTVLKiLIingview-Kelso. 6:45 KELA-«ClIntrzilia—Clichalis, 10:15 KGY—Olympia, 6:45 I‘:\IV,Z\N-7Vran(ftlUl't‘I', {above lll’lll‘ that her home had been com- pletely destroyed by fire. Mrs. Sarah Hansen had her birthday well celebrated. On June 15 she and Mrs. whose birthday is the same day, l were entertained at dinner at Mrs. lCliff Barretts. Then on the 17th, IMrs. Barrett, assisted by Mrs. ,. iCharles Lombard, gave a pinochle party in Mrs. Hansen’s honor. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lombard, Mr. and Mrs. John Lombard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwinn, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Florek from Allyn, Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Palms, Mr. Joe Tchi- da, and the honor guest, Mrs. Hansen. As was fitting, though she had never had the luck be- fore, Mrs. Hansen had 1500 6:45 is p. m.) MARION SEXTON’S YOUR MAN 0LT) ENOUGH TO KNOW \‘(H'NG ENOUGH TO DI)! he Man Who Will Win in November” prize. , Gwenn Dettman of Seattle, has been visiting Leah McGraw re- cently. The L. McGraws have moved to the Hillman house on the bluff. Chester Hansen has gone to Seattle where he will work this summer. Phil Besch and Bob Barker spent the Fourth of July week end with their aunt, Miss Hattie Barker. Phil expects a call to ser- I great State; are prosperl )e built "' undant pow"i wv1ce soon. . nation’s Wat There are several items about; , h P Ci ‘- , some of our community boys in] .n. t e a I, lserv1ce. We were glad .to heari tric power c” 'that Edward Okonek wrote from, Wales on June 9 that he was well. I Dean Buckingham left last week,I lfor Gonzaga where he will have} :several months training in Naval : Aviation. Emmett Peterson is at Fort pm“ and chea e abundant- alien Japan 3d again to nave said lf property Er luired illeg‘ai I by alien JSP' overnor I .1, neral to 113" es invalida’a TX- r to reduction,“ which was ‘ by the pres? , believe it [h , Id unneces’cla '. --‘fi—_ . elder citiZ ions and m For Best W to meet a M‘lZINo FEATURES INCLUDING hat . initials s. I . DE REA TTY IN PERSON "Items 8 of muSt be gw I .‘ :wi'd Animal Trainer of all time MRS. HARRIETT BEATTY Presenting at one lime TWO HOSTILE quitable , (“"6 40 sAvAGE, CRUEL. :, ‘THIRSTV, JUNGLE BRED “all '. . and Nation 8. flARIo ‘ A N Sen‘ fish, will: of .f '85 . "GERS "4 MAMMOTH Loans or TIIEJIINGLE-OIANT as. r’s rights I ,, STEEL ARENA plum nun ROYAL BENGAL TIGER , aintained. W “S a. “,9 won“) 0, WHITE Tops .i their THRILLING BEST illecrfiéif’a T"IE FLYING CONCELLOS 6°r9e°vsly l ‘ "‘"ins exploits on the FI ing Tra - eze c°5"'m°d AERIAL BALLET AMAZING EXCELLOS World's Most Astounding High Pole Ac! Harry P. State Col, - - Nu ESTRELITA INCOMPARABLE DISPLAY l . n “on. m gl°5:::;::;;:,;;;',:nd or SUPER HORSEMANSHIP \ ‘V .TTOMPTON Remarkably TWO BIG SHOWS ' tq'SF . Educated NOW WEI-DEB ; cuWI. "mm 55 INTO ONE! ,f the ma’jaf . ~ oy CHIMPANZE 0 Hundreds of People 8: Anlmols 0 Tons of Performing Elephants 0 Scores of Mognificenlflorses o Clowns GaIOre o Acres of Tents , the state, ” Irantee that we weeks V.“ Republican for U. S. SENATOR l i in I . l pinochle, thus capturing the first I peas and tomatoes—effective July. ,with his family here and in Seat- Lewis. Bob Hansen has completedi I urday evening in Shelton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc-g Conkey. . . I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Westfall of! Buckingham’ lShelton visited at Echo Farm with ' Mrs. J. A. Cunningham Tuesday evening. ' pmmmu (Continued on page eight) pound for July, compared with. 10 points before the two-week: point—free period. 5 Canned milk is increased to 2/3 ‘- red point per pound (2 points for 3 cans) from 1/2 point. Points on Vegetables Points will be restored to three . canned vegetables —— asparagus, 2. The action was taken with the ‘. approval of the War Food Admin- ‘ istration. l Point values, assigned to these' items by OPA, for the popular» No. 2 size container are: aspara- gus, 10; peas, 5; tomatoes, 5. his preliminary training at Great Lakes and wil go to Chicago for' several weeks of pre-radio train-- ing. He is spending his 12 day-, furlough between assignments 1 tie. Voters of Mason County I Regardless of whether you 1 are Democrat or Republican, whether you cast your vote for me or the other fellow, it I is your duty to help govern . this country of ours by casting : your vote. Our fathers, sons and daugh- ters are dying today on the battlefields to preserve our right to exercise this privilege. Do not turn down the men and women Who are giving their all so that those who come back from this war can settle our difficulties by ballot instead of bullets. I I have lived in Mason county 18 years. I am vitally inter- ested in all. the community , affairs of Shelton and Mason I county. I believe the position ‘ of County Commissioner of vital importance to Shelton and Mason county in commun- I ity affairs. I do know it is no part time 101) regardless of the salary’ l y I cannot contact all of you ' ‘ voters before the primaries. I I have no money to carry on ' this Compalgn by placards and extenSIVe traveling. The posi- tion 0f 'CQmmissioner, import- ant as It IS: does not warrant the cost of these in my esti- . mation. I I think Mason county equipment should be housed, painted and taken care of the same as any other business . takes care 0f their equipment. 1 I 35k for, your support in the coming Primaries and promise all Of my tlr{le and my very best efforts 111 looking after your County affairs and prop- erty. road I thank you, Cliff C. Collins (paid adVertisement) SHELTON—MASCN goniii'rr JOURNAL (Ball Games Set i [for better games and better ex- For Friday PEE W’EE LEAGUE \Von Lost 3 . 3 .‘ 2 Deffinbaugh .............. .. 1 4 Pee Wee Leaguers continued to, play sparkling ball last week with all four teams fairly well bunch- ed together. The fact that the! teams are evenly balanced makes' perience for all the players. The game with Olympia sched-g uled for last week was postponed. 5 An all-star Pee Wee aggregation. will play Olympia’s younger Jun- ’ ior Legion team Friday after-I noon. ‘ The opening of Junior Legion play for Shelton last Sunday ‘found the locals taking a pair of drubbings from Port Orchard’s; potent club, 9 to 1 and 11 to 8.l Coach Ned Snelgrove was so‘ short of players that he had to} fill out his team with navy players I and pitch Infielder Gordon Hop-l land in the first game. A double-header will be play-i ed this Friday (July 7) with. Olympia. One will be a regular Legion game the other a game for boys below the Legion age. MARRIAGE LICENSES . J. 0. Roy, Bereley, Calif., and .. old Bjorgen, Paulsbo, and Sylvia E. Staley, Fort Lawton; George Clark, Oakville, and Clara M. Glaver, Oakville; Vetrus Rodgers, Shelton, and Mrs. Lillian Settle, Shelton; Harry Tate, Ketchikan, and Ruth Muller, Bend, Oregon; John Hembury, Farragut, Idaho, and June R. Mescher, Spokane” Helen O. Meyers, Oakland; Har-I' ‘Herbert C. Meyers, Seattle, and Lydia E. Lewis, Seattle. Beetle’s Defense Weapon Australia has a'aombardier beetle which sends out a little cloud of acrid vapor to disable its enemies . temporarily. I l T A X I snnvmn ‘ Phone 392 l cilia) Fresh Bread Julia Lee Wright’s Fresh Milk Lucerne “Country Fresh" Fresh Butler Creamery Butter in prints Fresh Eggs Co-Op. Grade "AA" Large doz. Acme Lard “Kettle Rendered” . . . ' No points! lb. CANE SUGAR C. d. H. or Sea Island Granulated Use Stamps 30, 31, 32, '40 CIGARETTES 1V2-lb. qt. PKGS. RALEIGH or CHESTERFIELD Ctn. $1.55 Prince Alberl 0r VELVET TOBACCO A value! 1 lb. ~‘ 1 , , Delicious Chowder help.» on Label. ; Ideal Ior Stews. Fritters. Etc. PEANUT BUTTER The NEW Chunk Style that everyone likes! 2ll...____....-.........._45c 31¢ 74¢ Shortening ROYAL SATIN All-vegetable Shortening __~ Funeral Friday For Frederick Renn Funeral services will be held at 11 o’clock Friday morning for Frederick M. Renn who passed away July 4 at the hospital. Ser- vices will be held at Acacia Cem- etery, Seattle, with the Rev. Muh- ly conducting the service. Mr. Renn was born November 11, 1866 in Texas. Survivors are one niece, Clara Reed, of Tahuya. ' l Mason County Creamery Says: In 430 B. C. Pericles wrote, “We regard a man who takes no interest in public affairs, not as harmless, but as a useless character." No doubt the mess we are in today is due in part to the fact that many people who should take active interest in public affairs don't even vote. Certainly, if for no other reason than self preservation, we should take an active part in getting the vote out by con- tacting those people who we know in the past have failed to vote. and impressing upon them the importance of the coming elections. You can be sure cer- tain pressure groups are work- ing to get their votes out to their individual advantage. We are not looking for any special favors, all we want is a fair break, and if everyone votes, we won't have to worry too much. En.) or Tara’s I I SII‘IOIII graded “good,” tender and juicy (10 pts.) lb. 40¢ Bib Boast graded “good.” 7" cuts (9 pts.) lb. 32¢ 13¢ 13¢ 48¢, 49¢ Make Zoom "nappies," The new cocky-confection wlllI Inslunl-cooklng Zoom cereal! 20-02. pkg. 15¢ ElBERTA PEACHES FRUIT COCKTAIL BARTLETT PEARS GRAPE JUICE ‘ Church‘s, pure .......... ..16-oz. (10 Dim) TOMATO JUICE 21 c Sunny Dawn............... 46-02. (18 pill) TOMATO JUICE 3 /29c Libby’s ......................... ..18-oz. (6 PtSJ llBBV'S BEANS 2/ 1 9c Deep Brown .............. ..14-oz. (8 915-) APPLE SAUCE. 29-01. 29c I. b y‘s runny ................. ..(30 points) KADOTA FIGS, 141/2-01. 14c Sun Down Brand ............ ..(20 points) rancy grade P13 PUMPKIN . Creamy Smooth! 390 More vitamin A in the diet im- proved the eye of enamel-color matchers stoves and other appliances. .h___ -fl. .s ._ - all... It’s Te ZOOM ‘ 19¢ Fisher’s Biskit Mix 29¢ Try The New Double-Quick Coke . . . with Biskil Mix . . . iusl two steps for take success! 40-01. pkg. VACUUM-PACKED'IN GLASS Sold on o money-back guarantee. Regular Of drip grind, lb. Quality foods your blue points will buy 28c Xunt’o Supreme ...... ..29-02. (43 pts.) 31c Libby'l Fancy .... ..3o-oz. can (43 pts.) 24: Highway Halves ...... "29-02. (43 pts.) 15: PORK G. BEARS. 15‘/z-01. 12c , Dennison’s, rich sauce........10 points llBBY'S PUMPKIN, 31-01. 12c (15 points) NO SALES 'ro DEALERS! Prices start rriday. July 7, 1944. _ . liag‘e3 Governmental Function Nearly half the states in the Unit- ed States operate airplanes in con- nection with some governmental . function. filed RUSSELL H. More Vitamin A o in a factory producing FlUENT (Democrat) , STATE TREASURER As Chairman of the Board of King ' County Commissioners, has helped reduce County indebtedness $6,894,890.00. years legal practice. 8 years experience in elective offices. D " Has constructive program of state financial preparedness for post-war period. VOTE FlUENT FOR Primaries July I l minions? vSALAB TREAT" nderI... It's uicy! ' I; All ME J‘B‘ . Beef Chuck Raul 27¢ Acme “grain-fed” Arm or Blade (7 points) LB. Eireneegr§ryf2c£tggila§goow ino pts.) LB. 31¢ Pork Shoulder Roast Fresh 'Picnic, butt half (NO POINTS) SLICED BACON, best brands (no points) ............ 42¢ PORK BLADE STEAK, Boston butts (no pts.) ....|b. 37¢ BOLOGNA, Type 2, artifical casings .................... .. lb. 34¢ I good/E podium WATEBMELON Fancy, black-seeded Klon- 5¢ dikes, guaranteed ripe. LB. CANTALOUPE lb. 9;: Ripe Calif. sweet cantaloupes NEW POTATOES- lb. 4¢ Shafter White, Calif. Potatoes Santa Rosa Plums lb. 17¢ New crop, California. plums HEAD LETTUCE.- lb. 6¢ Fancy, local, fresh and crisp Sunkist LEMONS- lb. 13¢ Extra fancy, California, large CAULIFLOWER .. lb. 17¢ Firm white heads GREEN PEPPERS lb. 19¢ Bell, fancy RADISHES ........ .. bch. 4¢ Fresh local 28¢ NOB HILL DE-lUXE COFFEE No finer cofieo to ho had at any price! Save cost 01' jars! 24c 47C PORK 6. BEARS 14c Van Camp’s ............... ..27-03. (15 pts.) MUSHROOM SOUP 17c Campbell’s ............. ..10%-oz. (3 pts.) TOMATO SOUP 3 /25c Campbell's. ............ ..1OVg-oz. (3 pts.) APPIE BUTTER 27c AIRWAY Libby's fancy .............. "33-03. (5 pts.) "I" E, T . I are ran an on . . Gardeasldec, spZo{E.f} .......... ..(5 if) 3:113th nu Iguana; 0'. ' F 5', till??? ...... ._ (.33.: 20: i. ....... 59c HURT KETCHUP 19c rancy .......................... ..14-oz. (30 pts.) BLACK TEA CANTERBURY Superbly blended tea u - delightful bouquet! ’ $3.51.? ...... _._ 43c TOMATO SOUP. 11-01. 1 Tc Eolnz, rich, nourishing ...... ..3 points clan sue. 121/2-01. 16c Moneta Brand fancy .......... ..30 points Subject to market changes and stocks on hand...