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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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($59.4... ' i ‘ Candidate Dahl { Former Resident l nal here some years ago. Of Special interest to local vot- ers is the candidacy of State Sen- ator B. J. Dahl for the office of Lieutenant Gox'ernor. on the Re- publican ticket. Barney Dahl who is a newspaper publisher at Che- newspaper circles. welah in eastern Washington was 5' a former resident of Shelton, hav- :lng been connected with the Jour- l He has represented his district in the legislature for several years} and is also a member of the state IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE planning council. He has been act- ive ill state and civic affairs anal is highly thought of in northwest! E. 0. Ed Horton Candidate for State Senator 24th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT County Commissioner Clallam County Five Years Wholesale Fish and Ice Business at Neah Bay, Washington, for thirteen years Member American Legion. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Affiliated With Local 1028, LA. M. Property Owner and Taxpayer . . Advertisement ATTENTtON VOTERS at '* ~Av at You Are SelectingA New UNITED STATES SENATOR On July 1:. 1944 You want the best man for the lab. This man must serve all the people. The best qualified man is ' HERB: SIELER Former State Senator. Twenty years of legislative experionfl. Veteran of World War I. Son in World War II. Gradqu of Spokane High School and Ubi- versity of Washington. A capable campaigner who will be on the fab , when elected. A man with background, character, personality. Vote for Experience, Honesty, Ability HERB SIELER FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR ***** (Paid Adv.) Re-Ele-ct FRANCS . PEARSON DEMOCRAT State Representative- 24th District Four Sessions Experience Knows Where to Go and How to Get Results When He Gets There During the 1943 Session an average of only 2 out of every 10 bills introduced were passed. Pearson introduced 7 bills and 6 were passed and signed by the Governor. (Paid Advertisement) Elect DONALD E. BAKER Nonpartisan Candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction Donald B. Baker, for- mer teacher in Shelton schools is a candidate for the position of State Superintendent of Public Instruction on a.platform guaran- teeing both large and small districts a fair deal, both in reorgan- ization and in the fin- ancial structure of the state’s school sys- tem as a whole. “Our children are our greatest as- sets —— let’s give them a fair start in life with a good education.” DONALD B. BAKER (paid adv.) i Page 48. .- l 23 I; . State of Washington, l l No. 351 NOTICE AND SUMMONS IN COLNTY EORECLOSERF‘. .' . ~8 STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON. ’A Municipal Corporation and one of Ithe Counties of the Slate of Wash- Ft )1". ifigton, Plaintiff. ._VS_.. l RAYMOND HAMMOND. all per- "sons hereinafter named as owners of any of the hereinafter described real property. and all persons unknown owning or claiming to own. or having or claiming to have, any right. title. estate. interest or equity in and to said property or any part thereof. Defendants. You, and each of you. are hereby notified that the above named plain- tiff. Mason County. a municipal cor- poration, and one of the lawfully organized and existing counties of the State. of Washington. is the owner and holder of a certificate of delin- quency issued ill one certificate ill book form and dated the 24th day of June, 1944. by the Treasurer of said Mason County, Washington. and is- sued to the said Mason County for the several amounts due and owing for taxes on each and every lot. tract. or parcel of land hereinafter more particularly described and set forth, said amount being set out opposite each particular description and being the amount due and delinquent upon each particular lot. tract. or parcel of land respectively for taxes for the year of 1937. for which said Mason County claims right of foreclosure as will more speciflally appear by refer- ence to each particular description herein. together with all interest. costs, and penalties thereon up to and including the 24th da’y of June. 1944, :the name of the person. firm or cor- .poration to whom or which said prop- erty is assessed being set forth with each particular description, all of said pro erty being situated in Mason Cou ty. State of Washington, and be- ing more particularly described as fol- lows, to-wit: Original Certificate No. 1, Roll 1, Page 27, Line 19, Assessed to Ham- mond, Raymond; Tract No. 10 of Lot 3 Ex R of W. Sec. 28. Twp. 22 N.. R. 1, Tract No. 10 is de- icribed as fellows: BeginningJr at a point on the. East line of ‘overn- ment Lot Three (3) in Section 28. Twp. 22 N. Range 1 270 feet northerly from the SE. corner of said Lot 3, Thence westerly 1560 feet more or less to Beach along a. line which is parallel with and 270 feet north of the South line of said Lot 3, Thence Northwesterly along Beach 310 feet more or less to a line which is parallel with and 540 feet north of the South line of‘ said Lot 3. Theme Easterly along the line 1675 feet more or less to the East line of said Lot 3, Thence Southerly along the line 270 feet to place of beginning. containing 10.26 acres of land. more me less. Vonr in Certificate 1937. Car-1 1. , tificate $2.91. 1 Original Certificate No. 2, Roll Page 44. Line 23. Assessed to Mickel- son, Sena und 1/2, Mickelson. Chester "nd 1/2: Tract N0. 6 of SEE/4 NE»; ’Chestcr Mickelson's 1/2 Interest). Sec. 29 Twp. 23 N.. R. 1. Tract No. 6 is described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the North- east ouarter of Seetion 29, Town- ship 23 North. Range 1 West W.M.. thence West along the South line of said Southeast of Northeast 270 feet to a point; thence North 270 feet; thence East 270 feet to the East line of said Section 29; thence South on said section line to the point of be- ginning; except from the above de- “ibed tract of heretofore deeded to State of Wash- ington for Public Highway. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $1.09. Original Certificate No. 3. Roll 1. Pace 47. Line 24. Assessed to Puget Mill 00.: Tax No. 742. Sec. 31. Twp. 23 N.. R. 1. Tax No. 742 is described as follows: All tide lands of the Second class owned by the State of Washington. lying between the line of mean low tide and the line. of extreme low tide and in front of Lots 9, 10 and 11. section 31. Twp. 23 N. R. 1 W. with a total frontage 30.10 lineal chains. more or leSs meas— ured along the meander line. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $17.32. Original Certificate No. 4. Line 30, Assessed to Puget Mill Co: Tax No. 741. Sec. 32. Two. N.. R. 1, W.W.M. Tax No. 741 lis described as follows: All tide lands of the second class, owned by the lying between low tide and the the line of mean . ‘ line of extreme low tide and m front of Lot 3 and the West side of Lot 2. I . l l Sec. 32 with a frontage of 28.70 lineal chains. more or less measured along the meander line. Year in Certificate 19:27, Certificate $6.14.. Original Certificate. No. 5, Roll 1. Page 51. Line 2, Assessed to Norton, George E.: S 30 Acres of Lot 1, Sec. 1. Two. 20 N.. R. 2. Year in Certificate 1937, Certificate $14.54. Original Certificate No. 6, Roll 1, l Page 52. Line 18. Assessed to Murphy, iF‘rank L.: N14, SE14. SE14 SE14. Sec. l 2. Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $.49. : Original Certificate No. 7. Roll" 1, lPage 52. Line 19. Assessed to Hol- ilick, Katherine: 8%. SE13 SEl/A SE17“ {Sec. 2. Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1937, Certificate , . Welcome TO THE Church of Christ 7:45 pm. each Sunday EAGLES HALL Second & Grovo Streets 11. 5. Ford, M. o. AND CANDIDATE FOR NOMI- 'T\TATION FOR THE SAME POSI- lTlON IS OF THE HOPE EVERY ONE VOTE HIS OR HER HONEST WILL REGISTER AND PRIMARIES JULY 11 Primaries are July 11 and we .will all go to the polls to vote for those we have confidence in to l l l CONVICTIONS AT THE C l . [conduct the business of the state. v i We wish them to express the 1 views of the majority in the dis- trict from which they come. On the Democratic Ticket are 'four men of which three are to be " lnominated, George Adams, Ever- lett Fourre, Francis Pearson and U. S. Ford, M. D. Of these four l, candidates it is your duty to nom- 'inatc the three who you believe will represent the Olympic Pen- insula and the state, taking into consideration whether they repre- sent your ideas as to present .management and future progress. (Paid Adv.) land Right-of-way ‘ Roll 1. : Representative] 1 . l l 0F 24TH DISTRICT l l—l 349. Original Certificate ‘No. 8, Roll 1. Page 58. Line 9. Assessed to Snori- grass. R. L.: Tract No. 2 of SEE-'1 lNW‘s. Sec. 9, Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. Wm lW.l\1. Tract No. 2 is described as fol- lows: Beginning at the NE cor. of the SE1,+ of the NW}. of Sec. 9.: Twp. 20 N. R. 2 W.W.M. run south; on quarter SCl‘llnll lllll‘ 330 ft: thence W 660 fi.: thech N 330 1'1.; thence E in place of beginning excepl right of way for county l'Oall. Year in (‘erlifi- lcate 1937. Certificate $.96. Original Certificate No. 9, Roll l,l Page 106, Lllll‘ 7. Assessed lo Bankl of Calif. Nat’l. Ass‘n: SW1;J NWH. Sec. 7. Twp. 22 N.. R. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $5.37. Original Certificate No. 10. Roll 1, Page. 106. Lille 10. Assessed to Bank of Calif. Nat‘l. Ass‘n.; NW», SVVh, Sec. 7. Twp. 22 N.. R. 2 W.W.M. Year lll Certificate 1937. Certificate $5.87. Original Certificate No. 11. Roll 1, l ‘) .4. Page 106. Line 11, Assessed to Bank of Calif. Nat‘l. Ass'n.; swig, swl/i. .Sec. 7. Twp. 22 N.. R. 2, W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1937, Certificate $5.87. Original Certificate No. 12, Roll 1, Page 106. Line 41, AsSessed to Hewitt. Anna Elizabeth 1/3, Hewitt, Mary lBl-cwer et :11 2/3: NEH SE14, Sec. 8. Twp. 22 N.. R. 2. W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1937, Certificate $6.74. Original Certificate No. 13. Roll 1. Page 120. Line 13. Assessed to North Pacific Public Service (70.; 8161/4 NW5. See. 29. Twp. 22 N., R. 2, W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1937, Cer- l l l I Original Certificate No. 14, Roll 2, Line 22. Assessed to Vcr- Page 8. SE14 SW 1/1. beck. Albert; Twp. 19 N... R. 3, Certificate 1937, Certificate $12.00. Original Certificate No. 15, Roll 2, Page 55. Line 26. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; NW9, SE14. Sec. 27. Two. 20 N.. R. 3, W.W.M. Year in Certi- lflcatc 1937, Certificate $4.84. Original Certificate No. 16, Roll 2. Page 55. Line 28. Assessed to Puget SE14 SE91. Sec. 27. Twp. Year in Certifi— cate 1937. Certificate $4.84. Sec. 8. Year in Mill C0.; 20' N.. R. 3. I l 1 Original Certificate No. 17, Roll 2. Page 70. Line. 17. Assessed to Gordon. Mabel V.: NWM. SW14, Sec. 1. Twp. 21 N.. R. 3. Year in Certlfl- cate 1937, Certificate $5.77. Original Certificate No. 18, Roll 2. Page 96, Line 13, Assessed to Raleigh Chinn 3/4. Cary, Walter Edward et lal 1,4,: NEIA snarl. Sec. 8. Twp. 22 ,N.. R. 3. Year in Certificate 193', Certificate $8.19. Original Certificate No. 19. Roll. 2. Page 96, Line 35. Assessedlto Raleigh Chinn 3/4. Cary, Walter Edward et a1 1.4; SW11 NEl/t. Sec. 9, Twp. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certificate] I193: Certificate $5.77. Original Certificate No. 20. Roll 2. Page 96. Line 39, Asse ed to Raleigh Chinn 3/4. Cary. Wal .r Edward et a1 1.4; SVVl/l NWIQ, Sec. 9. Twin. 22 N.. R. 3. W.W.M. Year in Certifi— cate 1937. Certificate $40.43. I Original Certificate No. 21, Roll 2, Page 96, Line. 40, Assessed to Raleigh Chinn 3/4. Cary. Walter Edward et a1 14; SEl/A NWif, Sec. 9, Twp. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $9.17. Original Certificate No. 22, Roll 2. 'Page 97, Line 8. Assessed to Raleigh Chin Co. 3/4, Cary. Walter Edward et a1 1,4: SE14 NW1/4. Sec. 10. Twp. 22 N.. R. 3. W.W.M. Year in Certlfi- -c 1937. Certificate. $21.29. l Original Certificate No. 23, Roll 2. Page 97. Line 9, Assessed to Raleigh Chinn Co. 3/4 and Carv. Walter Ed- ward et al 1/4: NEl/l SW14. Sec. 10. Twp. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $5.77. Original Certificate No. 24, Roll 2. Page. 97. Line. 12, Assessed to Raeligh .Chinn Co. 3/4 and Carv. Walter Ed- ,ward et a1 1,4: SE12 SW14, Sec. 10. Twp. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $5.77. Original Certificate No. 25, Roll 2. Page 99. Line 8. Assessed to Raleigh . Chinn 3/4 and Cary. Walter Edward et a1 1.4: Lot 4. Sec. 14. Twp. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $5.63. Original Certificate No. 26, Roll 2. Page 99. Line 9. Assessed to Raleigh Chinn 3/4 and Carv. Walter Edward et a1 1/1: NEW. SW14. Sec. 14. Two. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate 1937. Certificate $5.77. Original Certificate No. 27. Roll 2. Page 99. Line. 12. Assessed to vRaleigh Chinn 3/4 and Carv. Walter Edward ‘n et ~31 1.4; SE14 SVVM. Sec. 14. Two. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi- call- 1937. Certificate $5.77. Original Certificate No. 28. Roll 2. Page 100, Line 17. Assessed to Wood. John B.: NEH. NEl/g. Sec. 17. Two. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate 1937. Certificate $20.07. Original Certificate No. 29. Roll 2. P'Wc 100, line. 20 Assessed to Wood. John B.: SE14 NEi/l. Sec. 17. Twp. 22 N.. R. 3. W.W.M. Year in Certifi~ cafe. 1937. Certificate $9.65. Original Certificate No. 30. Roll 2. Page .100, Line 31. Assessed to Wood. John B.: SW14. SW14. Sec. 17 Two. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi— cate. 1937. Certificate $91.80. l Original Certificate No. 31. Roll 2. Page 118. Line 10. Assessed to Hewitt. Anna Elizabeth 1/3 and Hewitt. Henry ‘Rrewer et a1 2/3: NWM SW14. Sec. ,5. Two. 23 N.. R. 3. Year iin Certificate. 1937. Certificate 3‘6 03. I Original Certificate No. 32. Poll 2. Page, 113. Line. 11. Assessed to Hewitt. Anna Elizabeth 1/3 and Hewitt. Henry Brewer et al 2/3: SW14 SW14, Sec. 5. Two. 23 N.. R. 3. Year 'in Certificate 1937, Certificate $6.03. Original Certificate No. 33. Roll 2. Page 118. Line 12. Assessed to Hewitt. Anna Elizabeth 1/3 and Hewitt. Henry Rremer et :11 2/3: SE1/. SW14, Sec. ‘5, Twp. 23 N.. R. 3. Year i11 Certificate. 1937. Certificate 560.03. 1 Original Certificate No. 34. Roll 2. Page, 11.0. Line 33. Assessed to Hewitt. Anna Elizabeth 1/3 and Hewitt. Henrv “rower of a1 2’3: NFJA NW1/4. Sec. Twp. 23 N.. R. 3. Year in Certificnfo 1937. Certificate $3.34. Original Certificate No. 35. Roll 2. Page 121, Line 14. Assessed to Knee.- lnnd Invest. Co.' Lot 3. Sec. 11 Two. 23 N.. R. 3 W.W.M. Year in Certifi- cate 1937. Certificate $9.70. Original Certificate No. 36. Roll 2. Page 121. Line 15 Assessed to Knee- land Invest. 00.: Lot 4, Sec. 11. Twp. 23 N.. R. 3. Year in Cer- tificate 1937. Certificate $9.70. Original Certificate No. 37. Roll 2. Price, 122. Line 33 Assessed to Knee,- lanrl UN. (70.: NW% NW% 0r Lot 1. Sec. 14. Tom. 23 N.. R. 3. sting; in Certificate 1937, Certificate 0.1 . OrlP‘iV‘l'tl Certificate No. 38. Roll 2. Page 123. Line. 1. Assessed to Knee- land Invest. (10.: Lot 1. Sec. 15. Two. 23 N.. R. 3 WWJVL Year in Certifi- cate 1937. Certificate $6.58. Original Certificate No. 39. Roll 2. Page 128 Line 45 Assessed tn‘Al- l'hriszht Emma: NWL/t SFll/l. SW14. Sec. 23. Twp. 23 N.. R. 3. lgéegg in Certificate 1937. Certificate 1 Original Certificate No. 40. Roll 2 Page 153. Line 42. Assessed to Run) Logging Co.: Lot 4. Sec. 31. Two. 24 N.. R. 3. W.W.M. Year in Certifi- cate 19.37. Certifinate $183.39, 1 Original Certificate No. 41, Roll 3. .‘Pavn 4, Tine 3 Assessed to Nichols. ‘Valter; SVVV. NEH. Sec. 5. Two. 19 N.. R. 4. W.W.M‘ Year in Certificate 1937 Certificate $7.69. Original Certificate. No. 42. Roll 3 Assessed to Ander- 'Pagc 4 Line, 4. son. Ella Ms! SE14 NEIL. Sec. 5. Two. 19 N.. R. 4. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $7.69. Original Certificate No. 43. Roll 3. Pas-re 6. Line 43. Assessed to Rico. Tyrone: No. 196 SW15 NEM, NWIC. lgnc. '7. Two. 19 N.. R. 4, W.W.M $208!;- in Certificate 1937. Certificate Original Certificate No. 44. Roll 3. Page 8. Line 13. Assessed to hind, (‘nwmnrt No. 184 NEIA NWIA NWV..| 6"" 8. TWO. 19 N.. R. 4. W.W.NI in Certificate 1937. Certificate i Original Certificate No. 45. Roll 3. lPage 8, Line 27, Assessed to Rice.. 3 l l a V o I ; Washing Machine l ‘ Service I j Complete Stock Wringer Rolls l l l l l l ’ NASH l BROTHERS Phone 334 123 So. 2nd M k .SHELTpN-M§50N COUNTY JOURNAL Tyrone : No. 232 NE 1;; NW 1,1 SW 1,11, Sec. 8. Twp. 19 N.. R. 4. W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate 1 $1.61. Original Certificate No. 46. Roll 3, Page 73. Line 16, Assessed to Yarr, Anastasia' SE‘, SE},4 ex. Nkfg. Sec. 31. Twp. 21 N.. R. 4, W.W.M. Year in Certificate 193’", Certificate $2.67. Original Certificate No. 47. Roll 3, Page 89, Line 18, Assessed lo Hanson. Buster F.: SH.- of Tr. 2 in 1101 3 ex Tr. 3 and R of W, Sec. 26. Twp. 22 N.. R. 4. Tract 3 is de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point 10 chains south by government llleasure and 16 chains east from the West quarter section corner of said section 26; running thence east 350 feet: thenfie south 5 chains by gov- ernment measure; thence west 350 feet; thence north 5 chains to the beginning containing 2.66 acres. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $51.63. Original Certificate No. 48. Roll Page 89. Line 21. Assessed to Frink. Jeanette and Hanson. Ellen: Lot 4 ex R of W, Sec. 26, Twp. 22 N.. R. 4, Year in Certificate 193". Certificate $97.56. Original Certificate No. 49. Roll 4, Page 1. Line 30, Assessed to Nel'l‘, Geo; Tract 6. Sec. 1, Twp. 19 N.. R. 5, Tract 6 is described as follows: Commencing at a point sev- en (7) chains North of SE. corner of Sec. 1 Twp. 19. R. 5 W.W.M. run thence W. to the meander line of the lake: then in a northerly direction following the meandering of said lake to a point directly west of a point seven (7) chains north of the point of beginning; thence E. to said point seven (7) chains north of said point of beginning: thence S seven I7) chains to point of beginning. This deed is given subject to a reserve of a road two (2) rods wide along the east end of said tract for a highway and a path ten (10) feet wide along the lake shore for a footpath in com— mom with the abutting property. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $5.79. Original Certificate No. 50. Roll 4. Page 9, Line 1, Assessed to Gleason, Tomes R.; NEIA NE1/, Sec. 16, Twp. 19 N., R. 5. Year in Certifi- ‘ate 1937. Certificate $9.00. Original Certificate No. 51. Roll 4,l Page 21, Line 45. Assessed to White, Toe Wren; E12 El/z SE14 SE14. Sec. 4, Twp. 20 .. R. 5, Year "n Certificate 1937, Certificate $1.60. Original Certificate No. 52, Roll 4. P.M. .lOWElI. THOMAS NEWS TIME. DON LEE-MUTUAL Standard of California Page 30. Line 20, Assessed 1o Taylor, Margaret; Esrom Place Traci 75, Sec. 21 N.. R. 5, VV.W.M, Year in Certifi-‘v .-..,. 1 f .3 .13. ’l‘wl). 20 N.. R. s. W.W.M. Year catgylem. Certiflcate 33.3, 1 [which mukers {10W lin C(‘l-tifir-a'm 1937, Ccl'til’lcali. $2.40. DUl'lggllflIl Comma: \In. cl‘l,Jnoll 7.. about 70 per cent of the ma Oriental Certificate No. 53, Roll 4. -1151? .l, sine 16. As sec! to ohnsoll. m «w ’v 1 ' Pasebfio. Line 21. Assessed it) Taylor. Carrie: Allyn, Lots 1120. Blk. 17. Elm“ “‘alldb‘e the Margaret; Esrom Place Tract 76. SIT-gr in CPI‘IIflf‘EIF‘ 1937. Certificate States- 13, Twp. 20 N.. R. 5. W.‘V.M. Year $.95. in Certificate 1937. way. A. B.: SW1. Twp. 20 N.. R. 5. 1937. 25. in Certificate Original Page 43, Line 19. A. B.: 81/2 35, Twp. 20 N.. in Certificate Wily. Sec. Year $2.40. Original Certificate No. Page ‘13, Line 23. Assessed to Gallo- way, A. B.: NI/Z SE13 SW14. Twp. 20 N.. R. Certificate 1937. Original Certificate No. Page 43. Line 27. Assessed to Gallo- A. B.: 20 N.. way, SW 1.4 35. Twp. Certificate $1.76. Original Certificate No. Page 58. Line 22. Assessed to Eige- in Certificate 1937. low, W. L. 1/2 and Thompson. Susie W. 1L»: SW14 SW11 SE1". ex EVg Certificate $2.40. i Original Certificate No. Page 37. Line 9, Assessed to NVVM Certificate No. 54. Roll 4, Page 4;. Line 111, Assessed to Ismay, Gallo- Pal: Ml-Reavy‘s First Addition in NVVh. Sec. lioodsporl. Lots 1-10. Blk. 34. Yearl W.W.M‘ Yogu- lll Certificate 1937. Certificate $5.39. I Certificate $1.61. Original Certificate No. 62. Roll 5,; 55. Roll 4. Assessed to Callo- Pal: McReayy First Addition to 81/2 NEW, SVVE... Homdsporf. Fro Lots 41-42. Blk. 34;, R. .7, Year in Ceriiflcatv- 1937, CerllfiCateg’ 1937, Certificate $.28._ 5 Original Certificate No. 63. Roll 5,1 56, Roll 4, Page 47. Line 45, Assessed to Ismay, Pat; MGR—eavy's First Addition to Sec. 35. HoodSport. Frac. Lot 10, Blk. 35. 5, Year in Year in Certificate 1937, Certificate; Certificate $3.53. vii-06., 57, Roll 4, VUl'l‘Elllal Certificate No. (31. Roll 5. Page 47. Line. 46, Assessed to Ismay. NEIAL SE14. Sec. Pal: McRcavy's First R, 5‘ W.W.M. Year Hoodsport, Lots 11—20. Blk. 35. 59, Roll 4, Page (Thompson in Interest). Sec. 27. Twp. . Original Certificate Page ~17, Line 42. Assessed to Ismay. in Certificate 1937. Certificate $.68. Original Certificate No. 65. Roll 5. cnbachel‘. » Thursday. July} No. 61, Roll 59, Line 2, Assessed to Motsch- Lillie: Lakewood Plat “B”. (Continued on page Five) ! l l Addition to Year ms 515;! car/mock — ' be; 77/; :tnrrlr. I'm- ” Upon Today’s Foundation . "763 Build l for Tomorrow” 4;: A Radio Address by Governor ’ Alllllllll .B. LANGLIE Thursday, July KOMO KHQ 7:30 P. M. Saturday, July KIRO 8:00 P.M. 5:50 am 7:00 ’7:30 8:15 8:35 9:35 10:10 10:50 11:30 12:15 pm 1:20 1: 0 2:10 3:00 3:40 ‘ 4:40 4:55 5:10 5:50 6:30 7:15 7:50 8:25 9:00 10:00 11:10 12:15 am 12:55 that "you vote cl «inst Referendum 25! Few peeple in the State of" Washington.v-realiie' the serious dangers to our Americanrightsthot exist in this ’ measure. The present program is tovtakerover toll-ribo- power companies in the state. In our opinionfihe eventual step will be to take over every other business of every kind. It can definitely sound the-death knell of free labor and every form of personal-initiative. Chairman wnsmuorou S'I‘A'I‘E crnzcus COMMITTEE AGAINST REFERENDIIM 25 A STATEWIDE GROUP OF MEN AND WOMEN REPRESENTING IABOR, BUSINESS, AGRICULTURE AND THE PROFESSIONS. AMONG THEM ARE: Wylie Hemphill, Seattle Matthew W. Hill, Seattle Executive Secretary Joseph K. Alderson, Wilbur Emmett T. Anderson, Tocomc Henry N. Clerf, Ellensburg Roger Cutting, Seattle N. A. Davis, Walla Walla Dove DeSeIle, Snohomish l J. N. Donovan, Bellinghom J. N. Emerson, Pullman leo F. Flynn, Seattle 5. A. Gagliordi, Totomo Lloyd E. Gondy, Spokane W. E. Ginder, l Camos Denney Givens, Bremerton Ed Holberg; Port Angeles 305. E. Hall, Vancouver Harrison J. Hort, Seattle Bruce Hood, Montesano L. B. Hope, Cheholis E. S. Johnson, Posco Eric Johnston, Spokane Mrs. H. B. Jones, Seattle c. B. Lofromboise, Enumclow Gerald Longstreth, Tacoma Ben Meeks, Tacoma S. S. McIntyre, SedrO-Woolley Forlin Nye, Tacoma Dl. John O'Sllea SPOkcne Ed Roe ll, Wenutcl'tee l_ . , *For further facts on how RGfer’endum 25 would seriously curtail Not 5. Rogers, Seattle Sam A. Rossier, Sunnysicle -J. E. E. Royer, Spokane Chas. Rumbolz, Okonogan Ed P. Ryan, Spokane Poul Sceva, Tacoma Gordon Scott, Seattle Howard Seobury, Tacoma Alfred S. Shemanski, Seattle Don Smith, Toppenish Sam Stocking, Tacoma l. J. Tholler, Tacoma Mrs. Grover Thornton, Kelso Stanton Warburton, Tacoma Willard Young, Sumner f your rights, drop a card HOW it0: Citizens Committee Against Refer- endum 25, Northem Lilli? FGWSS‘, wish to make a personal comfibution to the cost of this campaign your help will be apprecialw» in any event, get the facts! Seattle 1, Washington. If you t/ Light Truck t/ Passenger Car t/ Light Tractor Power Plant Lv. Bremerl'on‘ Consume Most Magnesi c v Willy economical Lv. Sc 7 Iifirtificate : July 6, 194 ke- §.m;i'enr in (“twiddle No. 6 e 26. Assessed II 53W00d Plat ' Agear in Cerlif l 16, A, ,< ~. UTAH-IDAHO 5:45 96:00 6:15 7:00 8:15 8:50 9:30 10:10 10:50 11:30 12:10 -T 11:50 1 :30 :00 2:35 3:00 3 :40 4:25 5:15 6:00 6:30 7:10 7:45 8:40 9 :40 10:20 11:30 12:30 of? a 0 Except Sunday. tic vitally important . (Bellingh ....KPQ (Vi ~-.._......KMO (T LOlympi. one) TUE :--* .... ..KRKO ' KXRO ) (Seattle) ~--.....KGA WEDI :30...__KRKO ,......,__KpQ ~~....._..KMO l ....____KHQ THUl r~-:...».-..KOMO ."--......KRKO KXRO , FR ’30-...KRKO -.. ..... __ KPQ '.'-~~-...KMO l . ------ ..KHQ ...... ..KGA —_——— OLD JUD ,\