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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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3d a yr 11.11.31,? Most Magncsi MP. gear in Certifiwrile Henry; Lakewood Plat Lots 45- G c .,_;.7:. V ‘45, Blk. 3. Year in Certificate 193“, lukers {10W Phllcate N... HG, Roll stem-titleate $.96. :ent of tile v 26. Assessed m SIIF'ILIMI. 1 Original Certificate No. 68, Roll 6, lble in the l ewood V Plat Lolsipage 16, Line 43. Assessed to Carl- ' ~4Y9ar in Certificate 193?. fson. Geo. A.; Beverly Heights. Lot .9.” 17, Blk. 5. Year in Certificate 193?, n.Bl‘tificate No. 6.. Roll Certificate $1.06. ' 516, Asse ml in Vaughn. Original Certificate No. 69, Roll ti, Illy wilds the Iconomical 3e M .ighf Truck ’assenger Car .ighl Tractor ’ower Plant EEZuhéhméwr IInnInI: ' 4W a 'i. UTAH-IDAHO SUGAR CO.—WASHINGTON 644 /. SERIES ' IV"STATE PROGRESS TALK' Lv. Se 5:45 I 96200 I 6:15 E 7:00 E 8:15 E 8:50 i 9:30 i 10:10 I 10:50 I 11:30 ‘ i 12:10 ‘ i 12:50 ) 1:30 ) 2:00 | 2:35 I 3:00 5 3:40 I 4:25 I 5:15 I i I i I I ) i i IrI'on‘ pm .4" .. '. LOUIS gASMER The Leader We Need ,, R GOVERNOR 6:00 6:30 7:10 7:45 8:40 9:40 , 10:30 Washington’s Mom of the Hour :3! 11:30 1 12:30 a“ If You Hear Him You Will Vote for Him :ept Sunday, I Ball Li . Clip and Follow This Schedule . MONDAY (evening) . 0.....KRKo (Everett) KOL(SeallIe) KIT (Yakima) KFIO (Spokane) KWLK (Longview) KVOS (Bellingham) ...KPQ (WenaIcI-Iee) . ...KMO (Tacomal KXRO (Aberdeen) KGY, LOIympia) KE A (Centralia) KGA (Spo- , i one) TUESDAY (evening) ...KRKO KOL KI? KFIO “KWLK KMO KXRO KGY KELA KVOS KPQ KJR I (Seal-He) ‘ ..... ..KGA I WEDNESDAY ’(‘eveningl‘ 30.....KRK0 KOL KIT KFIO KWLK KVOS ..... __I(pQ ~~~' ..... __KMO KXRO KGY KELA KGA ' ...... __I<Ho THURSDAY (evening) - .KOMO (Seal-He) KHQ e ‘ ........ ,_KRKO KOL KIT KFIO KWLK KMO KXRO KGY KELA KVOS KPQ KJR , I FRIDAY (evening) l .‘3°-....KRKO KOL KIT KFIO KWLK Kvos ~ 1 T """" --KPQ i I ~~~~ ..KMO KXRO KGY KELA KGK ...... ..KGA '0 \‘ . to-witr Page 26, Line 31, Assessed .to Mor- gan, Lloyd W.; Hint-rest, Lot 7. Elk. Eggflgmr in Certificate 1937, Certificate . 4.1 . Original Certificate No. 70, R011 6, Page 33, Line 10, Assessed to Peder- son. Lillian; James First Addition, ,Lots 2-4, Blk. 2. Year in Certificate '1937. Certificate $.47. Original Certificate No. 71. Roll 8, Page 33, Line 17, Assessed to Peder- son, Lillian: James First ‘Addition. Lot 1. Blk. 3. Year in Certificate 1937. Certificate $.16. Original Certificate No. 72, Roll 6, iPage 33. Line 19. Assessed to Peder- ison. Lillian; James First Addition, I Lot 6, Blk. 3. Year in Certificate 1987, -Certificate $.16. . Original Certificate No. 73, Roll 6. ,Page 33, Line 25. Assessed to Rhines. Minnie M.; James First Addition. Lots l1-2, Blk. 4. Year in Certificate 1937, Certificate $.32. Orginal Certificate No. 74. Roll 6, Page 33. Line 27. Assessed to Rhinos. Minnie M.; James First Addition, Lot I4.r Blk. 4. Year in Certificate 1937. PCertiricate $.16. Original Certificate No. 75. Roll 6, Page 33. Line 33, Assessed to Rhines, Minnie M.; James First Addition. Lots 12-16. Blk. 4. Year in Certificate 1937, Certificate $.79. Original Certificate No. 76. Roll 6, Page 35. Line 2. Assessed to Pederson, 'Llllian; James First Addition, Lot 4. Blk. 10. Year in Certificate, 1937, oer-l tlf’icate $.16. . That any of , the foregoing lots, ' tracts, or parcels of land hereinbe- fore. described and having been includ- ed In the Certificate of Delin uency heretofore issued to Mason ounty ‘Wlll be sold subject to any local im- 'DI'ovement. assessments for paving. i drainage. irrigation, or any other kind nor sorter local improvement assess-. ments lawfully assessed. That all :of the - Several amounts hereinabove set opposite the several descriptions of each particular lot, tract. or parcelpf real property hour, interest at the rate of twelve per cent ‘ ~(.1270 per annum from and including the 24th day of June, 1944, until the payment thereof be made, or a judg- ment entered herein. You. and each of you, are hereby summoned to. appear within sixty Idays (60 days) after the. date of the first publication .of-this summons and Inotice. to-WIt: Within sixty days after the 29th day of_June, 1944, exclusive of said date; and defend theabove entitled action In the above entitled court. and serve, a. ,copy of your an- swer upon underst ned attorney for plarntiff, at-his ofice address here- Inbelow given,» or vpaylthe amount as .hereinabove set forth upon eachfif said tracts or parcels of real property of which you are the owner or reputed owner, or in which you own or claim toownhor have. or claim to have, any right, title or interest therein, together With all costs, attached thereto." In the event, of your failure to ap- Pear and defend such action and pay the'amotmt due on such lot, tract, or lparcel of land assessed to you. or in iwhich you have. an interest as here- iinabove stated, judgment will be ren- ,dert:~d' against you and against the ilot,‘tract, or parcel of land, fore- iclosihg thereon the. lieu of Mason iCounty for its certificate or delin- interest or penalties . [quench which included all taxes, pen- ~ ‘ altlcs. Interest, and costs against each lot Said lots, tracts. or parcels of land I up to and including the date on which !said certificate was issued. i Any pleading. answer, appearance, gor process. shall be served upon the , undersigned attorney for the plaintiff, .5 ‘ Mason ‘ County, at his office below stated, and a copy thereof filed with the clerk of the above entitled court, ~' ; MASON COUNTY. A Municipal Corgoration. i By OMER L. DI N, Treasui er CHARLES T. WRIGHT. Acting Prosecuting Attorney and Htorney for the plaintiff herein, Office and Post Office address of Attorney for Plaintiff: Mason County Court House, Shelton, VVa'shin ton. , 6 “7-6-13-20-27—8-3—6t. No. 1670 ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY INV PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of IDAJMAY SCOTT. Deceased. NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN *‘that ,them,. the undersigned, Samuel W. Scott. has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the estate of Ida May Scott, deceased; and that all ersons having claims against the aid estate or the said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified With the necessary vouchers attached, upon the under- signed Administrator or his Attorney of record at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis. Suite 1 Lumbermenfs Build- ing. Shelton, Mason County, Washing- ton, the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the busi- ness of the said estate. and file such claims together with proof of service with the Cleric of the above entitled court, withln six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, _ June 29. 1944, or all such claims not so served and filed shall b i forever barred. ' SAMUEL W. SCOTT, Administrator of the estate of .Ida May scott, Deceased. _Suite 1 Lumberme‘n's Build- mg. Shelton, Mason County, , We hington. CHAS. R. L WIS, Attorney for said estate. Suite 1 Lumbermeirs Building, Shelton. Mason County. Washington. ‘ 6—29—7~6-13-20——4t. If you don't thins It pays to “Venice—place a. Want-Ad in the Journal! I » n I rile Iso . e . m“ , utmen overseas don’t mince any words among .Alnencan jServ1ce men in England by (wthe Way they want to find this the Bfltlsh Institute of Public Opinion. . they When they come marching home... When hundrecls of men were asked met r i Judge?!’ blank how they would vote on prohlbltlom c ey . 35% of Stat“, 1n unmistakable terms. "I certainly don’t, Herb...and they that they would vote against it, There’s no . ting - They’re domg a masterful Job doubt about It, Herbmthe men overseas ,Ir- «v hasver there to protect our rights and don’t want any action taken on that subject Du y'theifsggodkligense to expect us to 2Tliro— while they’re away," ' Ire. mi ac ere at home. One t mg “And theyire 1007 ri ht ud 6 because in hlbltiong'hty clear on is their stand on I know how I felt Wgengl cine goime after «The, . the last War-‘OHIY _to learn that we had ' em” Position on that subject was stated been 0Ver filer}? fighting for so impractical a 37 Dhatlcally in a poll taken recently thin! 39 PFOhlbltion." This adunlislmml Slum-’01“ 1” Cmfnemc of Alcoholic Bunnie I ndustu'es. I M. l . Cause No. 4193 . NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S . SALE OF REAL ESTATE [‘nder General Exocntion IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY ,WASHINGTON snavrca coupon- girIOthf A. I. ALEXANDER, a3signee, aIn “Vt... ROBERT MAIN and CLARA MAIN. Alice M. Grindrcid. Husband and wife. Defendants. Under and by virtue of a general execution issued out of and under the ceased, hes filed with the of the Superior Court of the the above entitled seal State of Washington. in snd‘for said County. on the. 13th day of 1944, upon a judgment rendered said Court on the 28th ember. 1942, in favor Service Corporation. A. . Alexander, assignee. and against Robert Main and Clara Main. husband and wife. Judgment debtors for the sum 01 Three Hundred Sixty Four and 92/100 ($364.92) Dollars. together with attorney's fees, interest. costs and increased costs. and to the directed and delivered, I did on the 27th day of June, 1944, levy upon all the right. title and interest of said judgment debtors in and to the following de- scribed property to satisfy said judg- ment, to-wit: Beginning at the South one-quar- ter corner of‘Section Nine (9). Township twenty-three (23) North. Range one (1) West, W.M., and proceeding thence along the North and South center line' of said Sec— ;tion Nine (9) .North 0". 24' 26" West Eleven Hundred Eight and Twenty-nine Hundredths (1108.29) feet to the North margin of the old Navy Yard Highway; thence along said North margin of the old Navy Yard Highway on a curve to the right'having as initial course of North 47° 15’ 15” East and radius (1%; of Nov- ; tribution. . ofI ashingtonithe persons thereto entitled, I of Fourteen Hundred sixty-two and Seven-tenths (1462.7) feet a distance Fourteen and Ninety-five Hundred- ths (14.95) feet to the Southeasterly corner of the tract herein describ- ed and the true point of beginmng. Thence proceeding, along said Nor- coum . JOURNAIJ .. No. NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION STATE OF WASHINGTON F‘OR- MASON COUNTY . IN PROBATE .In the Matter of the Estate of CHRISTOPHER 1P. GRINDRUD, De- Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the estate of Christopher P. Grindrod, de- Clerk of colirt,. her final report and petition for distribution, Jum’, ! asking the court to settle and approve in. such final report and petition for dis- to to distribute the property and discharge the said cxecutrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report, and petition for dis,- tribution will be heard on Saturday, the 15th day of July, 1944, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the~ fol-enoon, in the! ; court room in the court house in Shel. ton. Washington. Dated this 10th day of June, 1944. (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN. County Clerk,‘ Mason County, Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS. . Suite 1 Luinbermen's Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. Attorney for said Executrix. . 6—15-22—29——7-6—4t. No. 4389 l SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON. COUNTY MAY KEARN, Plaintiff. ~—vs.~ ROY KEARN. Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON to Roy Kearn, Defendant: ‘ You are hereby summoned to ap- Fear within sixty (60) days after he date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit. Within sixty) days after May 25th, 1944, and defend the above entitled action in the above therly margin ofthe 01d Navy Yardi plaint of the plaintiff, May Kearn. Highway on, a curve to the left havin an initial course of South 47d 23" West and radius of Fourteen Hundred sixty-two and Seven Te’nths (1462.7) feet, a dis- tance seventy-six and seventy-three hundredths (76.73) feet; thence South 44° 50' 03" West Seven Hun- dred One and Thirty-six Hundredtlis (701.36) feet; which is the true point of beginning of this description; thence North 44° 50’ 03" East one hundred fifty (150) feet; thence North Five Hundred (500) feet: thence. West one hundred fifty (150) feet; thence South five hun- dred (500) feet to the. place of be- ginning. ' NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Saturday the 29th day of July, 1944, at 10 o'clock in the. forenoon of said day, I will sell the above describEd DIOD- erty, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, together with attorney's fees, inter- est. costs and increased costs. in all amounting to the sum of Four hundred {Thirty—two and 23/100 ($432.23) Dol- ars. Said sale. will take place at the front door of the Court House at Shelton in said County and State, and will be at public auction. for cash (tin hand to the highest and best bid- er. Dated at Shelton, Wash, this 27th day of June, 1944.‘ E. F. MARTIN. Sheriff of said County. 4 6-29—7-6-18r20—27—5f. No. 1667 NOTICE TO canntrons To run CLAIJES IN THE summon collar on THE STATE or r s xroN IN AND FOR THEI )F‘ MASON, ' N . . our. In the Matter Estate of it. of the CHARLES W, PHILLIPS. Deceased. NOTICE IS IIEPEBY GIVEN, that Letters Testaments " on the Estate of Charles W. Phill (incensed. were granted to the undersigned on the 17th day of June, 1944, by the said, Superior Court. 1 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN. that all persons having claims againsti said estate . are required to serve withuthe necessary vouchers attached, upon the undersigned at the Law Office of Alden C. Bayley, Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washing- ton. that being the place designated for the transaction of the business of the estate, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice. to-wlt: within six months after the 22nd'day of June, 1944, and file same with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such service, or the will be forever barred. Dated this (1 day of June, 1944. FAN IE C. PHILLIPS, Executrixcf the Estate of Charles W. Phillips, De- ceased; ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Executrix, Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington. . 6-22-29—776-13~4t. No. 1684 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE‘ STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY I th MN“ PnogAlhE) E f n e a er 0 t e state 0 HERMAN RIETDORF. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Letters of Administration on the Es- tate of Herman Rletdorf, deceased. __ 17.- . we‘re‘ ranted to the undersigned, on the th day .of May. 1944, by the said Superior Court- All persons havmg claims against said estate are required to serve them with the necessary vouchers up- on me at 310 Cqurt House, Olympia, i Wash, Within .SIX months after the‘ :date of the first publication of this notice. to-wit. Within Six months after . the 15th day of June. 1944, and file the some with the clerk of this Court , together with $3,001 of such service.i or the shell _forever barred. ‘ , Date at Olympia, Wash, this 10th! day of June. 1944- ‘ ERNEST RIETDORF, Jr. . Administrator l LEVY JOHNSONv, . 1 Attorney for Admlnlfltrator, £810 court gouhgngton y’mpia, as « 6-15-22-29—7-6—4t. I I Fmfirlhsaefim ‘ NOTICE 0 ‘6 FINAL REPORT ND PE ITION F R 11131111301501? 0 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ‘ ggUN¥%SHINGTON FOR , ixtrnopun 4‘ In the Met er 0 , the Estate 01' CHRISTINA FLANAGAN, Deceased. . Notice is hereby given that Jesse M. Evans, administrator of the Estate of Christina Fiend an. has filed in‘ the office of the Cerk of said Court his final Report and petition for dis- ' tribution. asking the Court to settle‘ said Report, dlstl‘lbute the roperty to the persons theretolentitletf and to discharge said administrator; and thatdsaid £5153:in 13:; Dtgtyion will be hear on 0 u , 1944, at 9:30 A. M.. at the Court Rogm of the to Department of . . nggged this 17th da 3316 Court f .‘ CLARE ENGE‘LSBINIIe’ 1944 Clerk of said Court. 6-22-29-7-6-—3t. NIL—4398 _ summons IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE E OF WASHI ISVI’II‘QAS'SN COvNTY. NGTON FOR RUTH CLARK.v Plaintiff, s.- RICHARD CLARK. Defendant. State Of waShmgtOn to said Rich- ard Clark, Defendant: 7. You are 119mg” summoned to appear within sixty ( (Killers after the date of the first pullcatmn of this sum- mons. to—wfli. Wllhlll‘ Sixty days after the 22nd dayVEOf June. 1944, and de- fend the am" e“titled action in the above entitled coul'tfihd answer the complaint of the Plaintiff and sel‘i‘e 9 mm: (if the u11d0}"5‘ d ‘1 “(I of 1115 C and in 0115 , judgment .Wr you new”, complaint the C‘BFI (SEAL) your )3" against of The WE tl‘ Us net-i from of -n i: to 510' the defendant hon~support and . GRAHAM Attorney for Plaintiff : Office Addres Shelton. Wasii'. Govey Bldg" $22-29—7is-13-ao-27-a-3en. entitled court and answer the com-' and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office address herein~ below stated and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you' according to the. demand of the complaint W'IlICh’ has been filed with the Clerk of said court. The object of 'this action is to se- cure a divorce on the grounds of desertion and a separation continu- ous over a period of 14»years. J. W. GRAHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office Address, Govey Bldg” Shelton, Wash. 5-25—6-1-S-15—22-29—7-6——7t Handle tools and KniVes care- fully, says Watch Your Step, Mis- cellaneous Publication No. 481 of the U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. Be especially careful to keep them out of reach of children. BUTTERMILK ' 1589 I ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. NOTICE m sinners Sealed proposals for the furnishing‘ of hot M-C-Q road oil in carload lots not to exceed 40,000 gallons, I Noricrr or MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION The Board of Equalization of Mason County, Washington. will meet in open For every ten 30-foot ,cruisers that aren’t being built this year our, Navy can have another mosA quito boat. F.O.B.. lShelton. \Vashihgton, to meet Statelsession on Monday, July 3, 1944, at ~ Highway Department specifications. the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at. the , . , " will be received by the City Council office of the County Assessor. in the w of the City of Shelton. Washington, Court House, Shelton. Wash, for the . ,. at the office of the City Clerk until purpose of equalizing the assessments 8:00 P. M., Thursday. July 6, 1944. of the property in the county and will continue in session from time to time 101‘ a period not to exceed two Week's. WARREN LINCOLN. Assessor Mason County. 6-29«7-b’-2t. A. K. McC‘AMPBELL. City Clerk. 6-22-29—7-6~3t. Thurs. Friday - Samulay July 6, 7, 8 DOUBLE FEATURE “FRISCO KID” Starring James Cagney and Margaret Lindsay Also CHARLES SAVAGE NITED with farm- er, worker and small business- man for the com- mom good. A Feature Picture made by the Armed Forces “ATTACK” Sunday - Monday - Tuesday “UP IN ARMS” Danny Kaye, Dinah Shore, AVAGE’S six year recordas legisla- tor p r o v e s his ability to serve Dana Andrews the district. Wednesday Only CTIVE for years Elsa. Lanchester “PASSPORT TO DESTINY” Thurs. Friday saturday in. community life and k n o w s by heart the people’s problems. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE For: CONGRESS AN EXPERIENCED LEGISLATOR' . . \ Key Francis. Carole Landis, Martha Raye “FOUR JILLS IN A- JEEP” MASON COUNTY VOTERS . . . wishing to insure intelligent and aggressive support for PUBLIC POWER and other progressive measures may well support Dr. Donald Black DEMOCRAT —— STATE SENATOR Respectfully Submitted, FRANK ROBINSON (Paid Advertisement) Fire Closures-JuIyIO, 1944 Effective July 10th,- certain areas of high fire hazard in the foothills of the Olympics, including the operations of the Simpson Logging Company, will be closed to entry for the remainder of the fire season, to all persons eXCept perma- nent residents and as otherwise provided by the State For- est Laws. ' Roads and trails leading into these areas will be posted with maps showing the closed areas. These areas involve the rough foothills where the fire hazard is greatest, because of topography and recent log- ging operations. For specific information as to the closed area-s, consult your local fire warden. We appreciate the fine co-operation of our sportsmen friends, and hope that our efforts in better fire protection will result in better hunting and fishing. LOGGING COMPANY s-H‘ELTo'N AND McCLEARY, WASHINGTON