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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 6 ,____________._——————————————- M O.E.S. Slates Annual Picnic Davidson Recuperating Mrs. W. A. Davidson of White The Order of Eastern Star Past iStar, former Shelton resident, is Matron’s Club has scheduled their leonvalescing at her home follow- annual picnic for Thursday, July 13, at the summer home of Mrs. Art Bennett at Arcadia. Officers of the Eastern Star are invited to attend. ling a major operation. Mrs. Neil ,Leuch (Mary Ellen) ,of New York (is Visiting her mother at White i Star. ANCE _ Kamilclie Grange Hall ' Saturday, July Dancing 9:30 1:30 Music by Miles Orchestra Health needs and beauty aids of highest quality. . . Many are specially-priced savings you won't want to miss. Prepp’s Rexall Drug ' ' CARA NOME FACE POWDER and FLATTER BOX "Twin Magic" -— you’ll agree, once you have tried the new moist make-up base in the Cara Nome Flatter Box. . . followed by Cara Nome face powder. $2.00 FLATTER aox $135 SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT EXALL DRUG STORES FACE POWDER PATIENTS AND PATIENCE lfyout doctor is not able to come promptly to your home when you summon him, please have patience. For civilian doc- tors, just as the doctors in the Armed Forces, are in great de- mand. Therefore, when Signs of sickness appearhtry to call your doctor early in the day (except, of course, in cases of real emergency). You will he] him plan his day to better a vantage and thus to help you. YOUR FAMILY " ' YOUR IIEXILL msmun I . I PIIAIIIIICIST Partner: in Health Service OAIAMINE Lanai MINERAL 0| EPSOM SAL is the HARDEST WORKING MAN that Southwest Washing- ton ever sent to Congress” Says Hon. Joseph Martin, Republican Leader, U. S. House of Representatives. NORMAN MERITS YOUR VOTE IN THE. PRIMARY ELECTION ON JULY‘ ELEVENTH Foundation Cream ............ _. $1.00 Skin Cream Lamson’s American-type mineral oil. Highly refined. Price’s Epsom Salt is an efi'eCtive, economical cathartic. POUND ..................... .. $1.00 Cold Cream ........ $1 Cleansing Cream $1 Skin Lotion ......... .. $1 Finishing Cream $1 Lipstick .......... .. 75¢ Rouge ................ .. $1 Cosmetique ........ .. $1 Bath Powder .... .. $1 Astringent $1.25 Talcum ............ _. 50¢ 21c 35° 9c Delightfully soothing relief from discomforts of sunburn. FULL PINT FULL (Paid Advertisement) l l l i l l l HON. FRIED NORMAN,’M.C. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL SOC Olmle LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor PHONE 103 Rodgers—Chesley Wedding Performed Given in marriage by her un- cle, Emil Rauscher, Miss June Chesley became the bride of Pvt. Gerald Rodgers, U. S. Army, Wed- nesday evening, June 28. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Kay Cheslcy of Shelton, formerly of Montana. The candlelight ceremony was solemnized by the Reverend R. C. Muhly at 9 o’clock before an assemblage of about 40 relatives and friends in the Mt. Olive Lu- theran Church. The altar before which the young couple repeated their vows was decorated with pink and white summer flowers and lighted with many tapers. The bride was lovely in a. white satin brocaded wedding gown with a finger-tip veil. She car- ried a shower bouquet of garden- ias. pink roses and freesia. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Ray Robinson of Bozeman, Mont, gowned in pink crepe and carry- ing a bouquet of pink and white sweetpeas. I Luther Rodgers of Shelton was his brother’s best man. Mrs. Earl Jordan, who played the wedding music, also sang, “The Lord‘s Prayer” and "0’ Per- fect Love." The reception was held in the church parlors decorated with pink and white summer flowers. After the couple traditionally cut the first slice of their tiered cake topped with a miniature soldier and bride, Mrs. Pearl Ristine, aunt of the bride, served. Mrs. Tom Steel of Buffalo, Mont, poured and Miss Freda Rodgers was in charge of the guest book. ,Pvt. Rodgers is stationed in Texas with a tank unit. His bride was employed at the court house and at the Mason County Ab- stract and Title Company. Shelton Girls Attend Grand Assembly Shelton girls attending the Rain- bow Grand Assembly in Wenat— chce June 26, 27 and 28 were Ruth Rowe, grand representativei to Ohio, Juanita Miller, past grand worthy advisor, Jane Mc-, Kay, Marjorie Ann Valley, Jane Clothier, Anna. Lou Elliott, Helen f McBride, Nadine Lauber, Mary, Ann Latham and Elaine Bennett. f Juanita Miller presented the outgoing grand worthy advisor with her jeWel. Jane McKay re- ceived the Grand Cross. Rainbow Girls Slate Picnic The Rainbow Girls will hold‘ their annual picnic at Bayshore this Sunday, July 9th. They will start from the Temple at 12:30.” Potluck will be enjoyed during' the afternoon. I From Seattle Mrs. Frederick Kapp, mother of Mrs. George Cropper and Miss Elsie Collins of Seattle, were week i end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper. The life of your clothes will expand magically if you have them dry" clean- ed regularly. You'll be playing the tune of “war- by bringing your clothes in ti m e conservation" today! Mason County Steam Laundry and Dry I Cleaners l Elsie M. Peterson Weds G. F. Brislawn Of interest to her many Shel- ton friends is the news of the wedding of Miss Elsie M. Peter- son, daughter of Mrs. Hannah T. Peterson and Gerald F. Brislawn, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bris- lawn of Sprague, Wash. The wedding was performed by Father Walsh in the Holy Fam- ily Catholic church, Anchorage, Alaska, at 10 a. m. The bride wore a rose-colored suit with matching hat and brown accessories. She was attended by Mrs. Edward F. Orr whose suit was green with brown hat and accessories. Their corsages were white rosebuds and orchid sweet- peas. Acting as best man was E. F. McElligott, and Mrs. Leo Till was organist for the background mus- ic. Mrs. Dudley Reynolds sang “Ave Maria.” A reception honored the couple in the dining room of The Diner cafe where Mrs. A. F. Marek cut the wedding cake. The bride, formerly employed at the Lumbermen’s Mercantile Company left here about a year ago to take a position with the Star Air Lines. She is now the bookkeeper for the Reliance Gro- cery Co. Mr. Brislawn, who has been in Alaska for five years, is a mechanical engineer for the city. , The couple will make their home in Anchorage at 837 Third Ave, following their return from a wedding trip to Fairbanks. Shelton Music Study Club Has Final Meet The last meeting of the Shelton Music Study Club was held at the 3 home of Mrs. A. L. Ferwerda, re— tiring president, recently. Mrs. Clive Troy was the assisting host- ess. The meeting opened in the us- ual manner, following which Mrs. Troy, historian, gave a resume of the past year’s colorful study and interesting musicafl demonstra- tions. Mrs. John L. Dotson, incoming president, took over the new busi- ‘ness. The club constitution was revised and accepted and the pro- gram for the next year, “Music of Our Allies,” and a study of orchestral instruments as submit- ted by Mrs. R. W. Norvold, pro- gram chairman, was unanimously approved. Mrs. Dotson named the follow- ing standing committee chairmen: publicity, Mrs. O. M. Huseby; in- ter-club, Mrs. Donavan Palmer; hospitality, Mrs. A. L. Ferwerda; membership, Mrs. Bernard Win- iecki;\U.S.O., Mrs. E. A. Middle- brooks, and musical tea. chair- man and music week chairman will be appointed later in the year. The club presented Mrs. Fer- werda with a past president pin 'of the Federated Music Club and membership into the past presi- dent assembly as a token of ap- preciation. Mrs. Charles Lentz gave ‘an in- teresting paper on Rudolph Friml. Rounding out the musical demon- strationsof Frimls as planned by Mrs. Lentz, Mrs. Loui Larson sang his much enjoyed “Sym- path,” Mrs. Dotson accompany- ing and following with a. piano number, “Dance of the Girls,” valse tempo. A trio number, “You’re In Love,” was planned but due to the absence of one of the members could not be given. Mrs. Lentz was most fortunate in procuring the talents of Mrs. Cannon, wife of Lt. Cannon, of the N.A.A.S., who gave a delight— ful performance on the piano. Mrs. Cannon played Malaguena, Lecuona, Piano Concert G major, Cadenza-Beethoven, Dr. Gradus Ad Parnassum-Debussey and Valse G flat-Chopin. Her playing was thoroughly enjoyed. Roll Call was taken during the tea. hour with members answer- ing with some music brief. Delicious refreshments w e r e served by the hostesses and an- other grand evening of study and music was brought to an end. Shelton Guests Attend Wedding at Quilcene Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Durand and Jovita and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith attended the wedding of Stanley E. Parker of Hoquiam and Doris E. Greiner of Quilcene re- cently in Quilcene. Rev. A. D. Fran; performed the ceremony in the irst Presbyterian Church at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. R. H. Reid of Port Town- send and Harold M. Potts of Olympia attended the couple. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Parker of Hoquiam, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Miller and Miss Helen Greiner of Port'l‘ownsend. U.S.O. Sponsors Hades Party Recently As service men and junior host- esses entered the USO. hall last Wednesday they were greeted by the -“Devil” (suit of stuffed red underWear wearing a devil‘s mask) hanging from the center light. Red flames of crepe paper decorated other parts of the hall. Miss Mildred Daniels was chair- man of the.event and the Eastern Star was the senior hostess. A program of piano music by Marjorie Brodt Whaley, of White- ‘ horse, Alaska, was thoroughly en- joyed. Danny Burford Has lirthday Party Danny Burford, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Burford, Celebrated his 9th birthday on June 29 with a. swimming party at Bayshorc. Refreshments were served after- wards. Invited guests were Bobby Strobe, Marilyn and Nancy Lake- burg, Ralph Schlosser, Larry Gid- dings, George Blair of Seattle, Pat, Donna, Jerry and Mike Byrnc and Frances Stiels. Navy Mothers Club Schedules Meeting The Navy Mothers Club will meet on Thursday evening, July at the Eagle Hall at. 8 p. m. for a regular busmess meetms. SEND YOUR NEWS TO THE JOURNAL EARLY We ask for cooperation in reporting the Society Columns news. Social affairs, club meet— ings and other events should i be reported the following day. All copy must be in by three o’clock on Tuesday afternoons. Brides should confer with the Society Editor in advance of the wedding so accounts can be carried promptly. Margaret Mealey Here July 17th Miss Margaret Mealey, regional director in charge of the senior hostesses of the USO, will visit the local U.S.O. on July 17 and will be at the CVty Hall at 8 p.m. on that date. She will discuss problems of the senior hostesses. The chair- man and senior hostess groups are urged to attend. Monday Guests Chief Petty Officer Edward S. Mura, U.S.C.G., and Mrs. Mura and son Merck Edward, accom- panied by Mrs. Mura‘s mother, Mrs. J. D. McDonald of Belling- ham, were over night guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr Monday. Mrs. Carr and chil- dren returned recently from a two week vacation at Ocean City. Juveniles, D. of H. Slate Picnic The Juveniles of the Degree of Honor will have a picnic at the home of Nancy Nutt on Monday, July 10. The children on Hillcrest are to meet at the 20th Century Store and the children downtown are to meet at the hall at_10:30 a.m. From Port Angeles Carl Keithan, U. S. Coast Guard of Port Angeles, spent the week end with his aunt, Mrs. John , Eliason. l Degree of Honor Slates Meeting The Degree of Honor has post— poned its regular meeting until the 25th because election day is ’the lltll. An executive meeting will be held July 18 at the home of its president, Mrs. Mary Cor- mier. Wednesday the Carnation Club will meet at the Cormier home to do Red Cross sewing. A dessert luncheon will be served. V.F.W. Auxiliary Slates July Meeting The V.F.W. Auxiliary will hold its July meeting Friday, the 7th. At the last meeting plans were made to hold only one meeting in the months of July and August. lForest Patterson . Celebrates Birthday Forest Patterson celebrated his ,10th birthday July 1 with a thea- ltre party after which they en- , joyed refreshments at the Arch Ellis home. , I His guests were Freddy Crop- per, Larry Huerby, Glen Maulden, ,Gary Ritner, Kenneth Smith, :Freddy Patterson and Lee Patter- (son. :Scotts Entertain ’On the Fourth Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott en- tertained at their summer home July 4th for Mr. and Mrs. L. C. VanArsdale, Dr. and Mrs. Paul lSchlosser, Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper, Mrs. Frank Baker, Mr. and Mrs. William McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McConkey, Mrs. I. H. Markuson of Olympia, Miss lElsie Collins and Mrs. Frederick lKapp of Seattle. Week End at Bay Mr. and Mrs. Herb Angle and family joined Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy and family of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Barker of Olympia at Horsehead Bay on Saturday for the week end. Mrs. James Dunbar Entertains Club Mrs. James Dunbar entertained the members of her bridge club last Thursday evening with hon- 01'5 going to Mrs. William Nob- lett, Mrs. J. H. Gray and Mrs. L. E. Attwood. Guests for the evening were, Mrs. Bud Pauley and Mrs. Char- lie Hurst. To Canada Mr. and Mrs. William Steven- son haVe returned from a week’s vacation in British Columbia, Canada. IPA Thursday. - Saturday TWO FEATURES I RAMOONT .THEATRE Shelton, Wash. “CHARLEY CHAN OF THE . SECRET SERVICE” ~and~ l I “OVERLAND I MAIL ROBBER —__I Sunday Wednesday Red Skelton l “WHISTLING IN '1 BROOKLYN” l ThurSday - Saturday TWO FEATURES l I “GOOD FELLOWS” and “NABONGA” r ! l l~' tion, Election 1 (Continued from page one) Vancouver are running a close race for the Democratic nomina- with the incumbent,‘ Fred Norman of Raymond, running un- opposed for the Republican nom- , iilation. 1 Three From Shelton Three Shelton residents are in the running for posts in the State : Legislature from the 24th Disr trict. Everett Fourrc and George Adams are candidates on the’ Democratic ticket, with Al Huer- ; by running for the Republican nomination. With three to be nominated from each party, Huer- by is a certainty to enter the general election along with Mrsl Ruth Pyatt, Quilcene, and David Burrowes of Port Angeles. Fourre g and Adams must fight it out for“ the Democratic nomination with; U. S. Ford, M. D., Forks, and: Francis Pearson, Port Angeles,} both incumbents. , County offices are limited tol the nomination for commissioners of districts one and three. In district one Lyle O’Dell is run— ning unopposed on the Democratic ticket while Parry Jones and Jo- seph C. Forrest oppose each other on the Republican ticket. In district three, Don Nye 'is running unopposed on the Repub- | lican ticket, while Clifford C. 001- l lins, Roy Carr, Jack Smith and“ Bert Rau are all seeking the Democratic nomination. All state offices are open to election this year, but because of the many candidates seeking nomination it is impossible to list them all in this space. A few sample ballots are still available at the Journal office. i Following is listed the precinct, ‘ l precinct officer a n d polling place: Allyn, Fred W. Buding, school house; Arcadia, Lawrie B. Hill, Southside school; Camp No. 3, Mrs. Pearl-Schmidt, school house No. 1; Capitol Hill, Mrs. Frances J. Cole, Frances J. Cole resi- dence; Belfair No. 1, Sam B. Theler, Wolf residence; Belfair No. 2, lumber company; Cloqual- llum, John Whiting, community hall. Dayton, Mrs. Dalphine Rishel, community hall; Dewatto, Wm. M. Nance, gym; Eells, Mrs. Edna Hunter, Middle Skokomish school house; Grapeview, Walter O. Eck- ert, school house; Harstine, Mrs. Helen Johnson, community hall; Hoodsport, W. H. Lunt, school of- fice; isabella, Lawrie B. Hill, Stan Spiller residence on Arcadia road; Kamilche, Walter O’Hatton, Grange hall; Lilliwaup, Bert Dav— is, gym; Matlock, Vivia Jacobson, Grange hall; Miller, Mrs. Mary J. Matthes, school house; Northside, Mrs. Delia Moran, school house; Pickering, Mrs. Frank Wylie, school house; Satsop, Mrs. Daisy Benthein, Grange hall; Skokom- ish, Mrs. Lucy Lynn, reservation school house; Tahuya, John W. Huson, gym; Union, Wanta Wy- att, Twana Mercantile; Westside, Mrs. Madeline Quinn, Quinn resi- dence. City precincts—Precinct No. 1, W Say It WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Travis Floral Shop . Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 78M AT iGran-t Lumber Company. Thursday, July 3 1.1in 6, 104, L4 Tides of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour 3: 55 minutes earlier) Low 2:21 a.m. 7.1 ft. Friday High 6:58 a.m. 13.3 ft. Ju1y7 Low 2:21 p.m. -3.1 ft. High 9:43 p.m. 14.9 ft. Low 3:12 a.m. 6.7 ft. Sat. High 7:51 a.m. 13.1 ft. JulyS Low 3:05 p.m. -2.7 ft. High 10:24 p.m. 15.1 ft. 'Low 4:05 a.m. 6.1 ft. Sun. High 8:46 a.m. 12.6 ft. ,July9 Low 3:51 p.m. -2.0 ft. High 11:05 p.m. 15.2 ft. Low 5:03 a.m. 5.4 ft. Mon. High 9:50 a.m. 11.9 ft. July 10 Low 4:41 p.m. -0.9 ft. High 11:47 p.m. 15.1 ft. Low 6:05 a.m. 4.4 ft. Tues. High 11:02 a.m. 11.3 ft. July 11 Low 6202 p.m. 0.5 ft. city hall; Precinct Ito. 2, Court House; Precinct No. 3, New Gym; Precinct No. 4,‘ Mrs. Verne Dav- idson’s basement (East Ellinor Ave); Precinct No. 5, Cement Works; Precinct No. 6, Welfare Building; Precinct No. 7, Bor- deaux School; Precinct No. 8, 1 your: PLANNING“ 7‘“ WWW I 'm' I UTAH-IDAHO SUGAR CO ~WASHINGTON A44 MERRI'I'T "5'" Certified Public Accountant .52., Wed. July 12 Thurs. July 13 The Man BesI Qualified To Fill This Job R E P u B L [C A N Elf-M TISH‘. u... «l, a Z ‘FllEIl. rrrnso Candidate for BLOOWS ‘ DRESS SHO quality work ,VRKELE R PUll , Every Purpos High 12:30 Low 7:08 High 12:28 Low 6:29 High 1:16 Low 8:11 High 2:05 Low 7:33 ~ Large Sizes 38 - 4o 42 - , Llcanizin . Dill Vulcanizt n_ Battery; .hmg and P01 , , ‘ ’3 PLAI ; "629 Alder ;. enient Te , I; ‘ liable R: County Sa 11 Associa " Insuranee Blc v I .‘LLO’S STATE SENATOR 3"“ 24th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT REPUBLICAN TICKET ' OCERIEE Primaries, July 11th, "1,944; SH MEN] FRUITS IS DEEPLY CONCERNED IN THE PROBLEM OF CLALLAM, JEFFERSON AND MASON COUNTIES Resident Port Angeles for 39 Years. 18 Years Successful Operation of retail Lumber Busines5v'; (Paid Advertisement) p. 8T FOODS A .‘l-EST PRICES of “ODDSPOR ewe/Iv . a Get ANOTHER WCII' Bon F $3303 ‘ I“‘"eight should 3 Fl‘eight via .‘ Time S ' V93 Tacoma ( ‘ OI Arrives Sl' CLARENC GET sol (OFF yr I {port of " SON cot Milton, State J '31 warrants . d t receivabl . wand in bani j *x flXtures