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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[igh 12:30 40w 7:08 [igh 12:28 Low 6:29 [igh 1:16 now 8:11 [igh 2:05 "now 7:33 POLITICAL ANNOUNCE , EN S Keep America Democratic Register Now —' and Vote V JACK SMlTl-l Democratic Candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER District No. 3, Mason County Every Purpose New = BROTHERS I VA Large Sizes - 40 .. 42 - 45, and , leanlzmg Have You Registered Yet? 3 ‘ Cliff C Collins . 'Ve just installed a I Dill Vulcanizer for LESS quality Work. Democratic Candidate ‘1‘ Battery Service thing and Polishing ;;3’s PLACE ' 629 Alder County Commissioner District 3 Vote For BERT RAU DEMOCRAT ' lYlE .O’IIELL “Isis; County Commissioner District No. 1 Six Years County Road Foreman Candidate for County Commissioner f enient Terms Road District No. 3 ‘=nable Rates JITOR]; DELAY II This Job Roy Carr DEMOCRAT Candidate for County Commissioner Road District No. 3 18 years experience in road building George N. Adams DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE For State Representative Joe Forrest REPUBLICAN Candidate For County . Commissmner District No. 1 A County Savings ‘ .11 Association ' Insurance Bldg. i MEATS 24th DISTRICT ’ I: FRUITS Experienced Dependable Efficient ' (paid adv.) ST FOODS AT ; l WEST pmcas l The lumber in two average: ’11 desks would provide enough ma-l rs. 18 Years 0,1 I ODDSPORT terial to build a trailer for a war Inber Business: ,3 \ . , worker. I ) WM?le FREIH ' BY BOAT NC" Ban . Wl‘lélSOrOgRRgflEILquEg-‘YSINEXEISIOJN ‘ FWight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, FI‘eight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 IN AND H. Parry Jones Republican Candidate for County Commissioner District 1" l l ’ Experienced in Public and Business Affairs N T th Wlll, on or after the 15th day. of July, 1944, sell the following described real property situated in the County of Mason, State of Washington, and an 9f the right, title, claim. equity and interest of the said deceased therein l 01‘ thereto. to-wit: Lots 9. 10.. 11 and A 12 Block 1, Cyphert's Addition to l l (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ' A11 bids or of ers must be in writih I. law office 0 ' Shelton“ Mason ounty, OF X/ashington, or delivered to t e un- Shelton, Washington. together with of Financial Condition :13: be ‘9“ at "‘6 .~ eI-si ne minis ratrix ersona SON COUNTY SAVINGS & LOAN g d M t p , No. 1541 NOTICE OF SALE REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE 1 STREESURRIORRRRR Rs , Time Schedule as follows: MASON coumvl'y 1 Ves Tacoma daily, except Su'nday at 5 p. m. for In the figt§R%?Athé Estate of Olympia and Shelton JOHN T'. SMITH. Deceased. Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday NOTICE .IS HEREBY GIVEN that 6 undersigned offers for sale and CLARENCE CARLAN DER, President ,, . GET 30:1an FREIGHT LINES Clerk of the above entitled court at appurtenances ereunto belonging. Chas. R. Lewis, Suite 1 Lumbermen's or may be filed in thefioffice of the a any time after the first publication of j halt 011. State of Washington, at the close of buSunflss on JUNE 30, 1944 RESOURCES loans, including advances for the sale. . , All bids shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by cash or cer- tified check equal to 10% 0f the am- ount of bid. Such sale shall be_ for cash and/or cash and credit, subJCCt to the ratifi- " f rlrst mortgage cation. confirmation and approval of ~ mince, etc, ................................................................ --$ 83,501.38 tinghabovedentitle?i giggimm . . 8. , e um ersime , rix re- ‘etldili‘flfiiEZl‘ rill: ::::::: 232,833.33 girth?“ “g” ‘° “y “d d warrants _______________________________________________________ .. 3,060.00 Dated this gang dgfififHJune. 1944.: .V,‘ at receivable on bonds and warrants .......... .. 101 426.70 g§n§nistiatrix .of'the estate , and 1}d in banks ................................................. -- I 24-53, of John T- Sm‘th- 1350621866- . fixtures ............... .. 343_71‘ CHAS. R. LEWIS. ‘ ,y ............................................... éttgrniy Ifor bsaid eggatghilding _. . men I .‘lL .................................................................................. --$423v356.32 Slilellon. Mg):rcountyg-$i%¥énfit°§} LIABILITIES ~ . @Olaér’s investments) .............................. .... --$394.449-59 .w ' ‘ “‘1. Federal insurance reserve, undIVIded A ............................................................................. .. 22.689.01 t es for depreciation of assets -------------------------- -- 6217-72 e ‘L 423 3 ' . A - ~ . . . . . . . . . .. , 56.3 , Mam“ ............................................................. .. $ . Masany t , son, ) UnltS , ham ) ss. en, . BAYLEY, Secretary of the above name as5001a- Swear that the foregoing statement is true to the W AND V ledge and belief. FOUNDATIONS , ALDEN C. BAYLEy, secretary. . Strong 0 Permanent 0 Economical Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July, 1944. PHIL C. BAYLEY, Notary public in and for the State of Washington, resid- ing at Shelton. (SEAL) "" PRODUCTS CO. Seventh St. Bridg'e PHONE 123 Correct Attest: GUY A. CALL, F. H. DIEHL, VINCENT T. CONNOLLY, ' Directors. . l this notice and before the making of' Classified SerVIce V'VVV v v v 'vvvvmvmvvv , NEED A PLUMBER? Phone 42 I IF YOU WANTS/CARPENTERS) contact C. L. Collins, Business! Agent, 1612 Division, phoneI ! “_CHARIS” SLAX SLIM, some- l ‘m“s o thing different for slack wear- ers. Brassieres and foundations. Phone 372R Corsettiere for ap- pointment. Bernice J. Stewart. 6-22—7-6—«3t. SWEDISH MASSAGE treatments Tuesdays and Fridays at 320 North Fifth, home of Mrs. Fra- ser. 06-22—7-27—v—6t. AFTER THE DATE of this pub- lication I will not be respon- sible for any bills not contract- ed by myself. H. J. Reynolds. 7-6-20fl3t. FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi- gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Fir Drug Store. 5-18—8-24—15t. ICHRISTMAS TREES: I wish to let my friends know that I will be buying Christmas Trees this fall, and will pay top prices for top trees. To contact me, write 1700 Yew Ave., Olympia—tele- phone 3759, Olympia. C. P. ROUNDTREE. 6-15—7-6—4t FOR PLUMBING Call HILLCREST HARDWARE Phone 499 SWEDISH MASSAGE treatment, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday e‘venings after 7:30 p. m. at Star Route 1, Box 154( near Indian school on Sko- komish reServation). A. F. Op- pelt. 6-22—7-27—6t. Lawnmowers and Knives SHARPENED Sleyster’s Fix-It Shop HEMSTITCHING: 404 Franklin. Mrs. Martha Jacobs 2-1tfn. I FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER By Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE I LEGAL PUBLICATIONS l N 0 T I C E The following described area. is hereby declared A REGION OF EXTRA FIRE HAZARD SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY AREA: (Mason County) Township 21 North, Range 6 West: Sections 12. 13. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 22, 23 24, 25., 30. 31 and 36. Townshl .21 North, Range 5 West: Sections to 10 inclusive: Sections I15 to 22 incluswe; and sections 27 to 34 inclusive. Township 22 North, Range West: All of Sections 1. 2, 3 and 9 lying south of the Forest Service road; Sec- tions 10 to 15 inclusive; Sections 21 to 29 incluswe; and Sections 32 to 36 inclusive. , Township ,21 North, Range 4 West: Sections.4. 5 and 6 I Townshi 22 North. Range 4 West: Sections to .10 inclusive; Sections 15 to 22 incluswe; Sections 27 to 33 inclusive exoept Cushman-Staircase road. .. . Township 23 North. Range 4 West: Sections 1, 2;, Sections 10 to 29 inclu- sive; Sections 32., 33. 34 and 35 ex— Cept Cowman—Staircase road; and also excepting a oO-ft- Strip on either side of Prices Lake mad and extending around Prices Lake and to the mouth of Lilliwaup Creek- Township 23 North. Range 3,West: Sections 5. 5. 7‘ 3r 18- Township 24 N9l‘th. Range 3 West: Portions of SGCPOHS 16. 17, 21 and 28 lying south of the Hamma Hamma, and all of Sections 18. 19, 20, 29, 30, 81 32 and 33.. For protectlor,l Of the above de- scribed area agalnst fire the following rule will be enforced: . Entry into thl_s area is rohibted except as prOVIded by aw with reference to Permanent residents and industrial operations. Violators of the foregoing rule are sub'ect to fine, ,of $10.00 to $100.00 or 0 days In Jail: 01‘ both. Effective from July 10. 1944 to October 15, 1944- ED DAVIS, Director Department of Conservation and DeVEIODment, t t f Washington. S iélfi, No. 1572 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL EPORT AND PETIT n DISTRIBUngqu FOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE TE OF WASHI gil'IAASoN coUNTY NGTON I‘OR Mutt PROBATE In the a 61‘ 0f the Estate of NELLIE ,JAMIESON.. Deceased. Notice is herebx given that Stella % Goehrmg Administratrix with the ill annexe of the Estate of Nellie iJamieson. deceased. has filed in the office of the Clerk of_ said Court her final ,Report. and Petition for distri- bution. askmg. the Court to settle said Report- dIStUbute the property to the persons. thereto entitled and to discharge 581d Administratrix with the Will annexed: that said Report and Peftltlon will be heard on the 5th day“;) gugust, 1944, at 10:00 A,%., at .. em ourt Room of the pro ateDer’ard ant of said court, at Whig}; gm}? ‘1“. (113113;? tany person in- teres e . a e may a car and file Objections thereto andpgom test the same- Dated thls ISt day of July, 1944. ELSEN, (SEAL) CLARE EN Clerk of sai 7-6-13-20-27—4t. \_ h NOTICE FormerIY- 1t has been our custom to keep our.0fflce open all night to receive-election retllrlls. with a view of keeping t e DUbllc informed on the results of the election. This yeah bfgause of Gas and Rub- ber shortage: 1- full, be impossible to insist thz1t 5995,11: trips be made with returns ,Tomu toutlying Precincts. We will m he returns as early as posSI ednesday. CDEYETTE. Ounty Auditor. 7-6—-1t. . l SI‘IELTON?MASON.. COUNTX JOURNAL J O URN). L W -» v- — -vvvvvvov‘vvwvvvvwvv‘ Real Estate cwwvvv-vvvvvvv'vvv ~ v - v- . - vvvwv- 'vvvmuvvvvm For Sale . uvvvv-ovvvvvvvvvvvvvo. l l FOR SALE: Hillcrest lot 50x125, VFOR SALE; three year old ball, on corn er Mrs. Ann E. Sandy, East off Cascade Mason St. Cheap. Fredson, 8051 N. Portland, Oregon. 7-6—9-6—2M I FOR SALE: waterfront, 100 feet with tide lands, house, 3-room utility room and shower, elec- tric refrigerator, wired for range, electric. About 21/2 acres. Write Box “J. W." c-o Journal. FOR SALE: 40 acres Skokomish Valley, 11 acres cleared. 1,4 acre FOR orchard, good water system. Modern house. Phone 217J3. T7-6-20-3t. FOR SALE: ranch. Five room modern house, spring water, 15 acres cleared land. More acre- age if desired. Small barn, chicken house. Terms if desired. Also separator, for sale. E. G. Davis, Matlock Route. Seven miles out. 6-29~—7-14——3t. FOR SALE: equity in 30-acre farm. Modern seven room house. Electric lights and running wa— ter. TWenty acres cleared, ‘10 virgin timber. 18 ton standing hay. For, further information phone 217.12. J6-22—7-6-43t FOR SALE: up and going ranch, stock and equipment. Good house, outbuildings, gravity wa- ter, good road. Four miles Shel- ton. Inquire Box S, Journal. S6-22—7-13—3t. FOR SALE: 5 room house, gar- age and woodshed, chicken shed and chickens. Two and one-half lots. City water. $1750. Pierre Cenotto. Inquire Ford Garage. 6-22—7-6—3t. FOR SALE: ,5 acres on Arcadia road 1,42 mile from city limits. 2 acres cleared, 4 room modern house, wood shed, garage, chi- cken house and root cellar. In- quire Journal office. , L6-22—7-6—3t. VV7-6—20—3t. l FOR SALE: 5 acres, 1 acre—iii garden and fruit, 1 in blue grass. House, barn, garage. E1- ectric water system. On bus line. Price $2750, terms. In- cluding 2 sows, boar, 2 dozen hens, stove, etc. Six miles east Shelton on 14A. Donald Bell, Route 2, Box 112, Shelton. milking short horn breed; also two and one-half year old horse. See both at Hama Hama Farm seven miles north of Lilli- , waup or write H. M. Robbins,i 1411 4th Ave, Seattle, Wash. 7-6-20—3t. FOR SALE: 18 foot double end-3 er, 4-h.p. semi-heavy Regal ma- rine engine, $200, or will Sell! boat minus engine and wheel‘ for $75. Delmar Cole, Journal office. 7-6tfn. SALE: Setter pup, spaed female 71/; months old. Distem- per vaccinated. Sire and dame both registered. Just right age- to start hunting this fair! Price $20.00. Cook’s Feed Store. ‘ Phone 28. 7-6—1t.‘ IFOR SALE: three genuine Orien- l I l tal throw rugs. Phone 19W. D7-6—1t.‘ FOR SALE: pure bred Jersey bull calf, 3 months old, $50. Mary Watson, Rt. 2, Box 267, Agate. 7-6-20—'3t. VICTORY GARDEN INSECT DUST: pay last year’s bulk prices. 20c per pound. A post card will, bring it to your door. The Watkin’s Man, 812 Frank- lin. 6-22—7-6~3t. FOR SALE: discharged Great Dane War Dog. Registered. Go- ing south. Mrs. Vernon Pagel, c-o Frank Smith, Star Rte. 1, Box 45. wvwvvaWWVvvivii‘vv Used Cars vvvvvvv‘vvvvvv'v‘vvvvvvfiv FOR SALE: 1937 Plymouth two- door sedan. $250. Phone, 119M, after 5 p. m. F7-6—1t. mv‘vvvvvvvvvvaVVWv ml’l’vanted To Rent . . RAYONIER CHEMIST desires to rent four or 5 room modern house. Good local references. Phone 272W. 6-29—7-13—3t. . WANTED: apartment, s m 8.1 l l house or room in a home for servicemen and wife. Frank Smith. Call Shelton Hotel. , 7-6-13—2t. 7-6-20——-3t. . .. ‘ wwvvummmvvw For Sale. ._ . , DRY.ALDER and Maple slab and edgings. 16” length. $10 dump cord load. 8-ft. slab $5.00 cord on the ground. Write F. M. Nagle, R. 1, Box 116, Shelton. 7-6—9—6—2M COWS FOR SALE: H. Shirk, Rt. 2, Box 302. Agate District. 7-6-20—-—3t. urn er. lie Prentice, 8th and T 7-6-1t. FOR SALE: pure bred Guernsey bull calf born June 20. Beau- tiful markings. From well known Fred Bell herd. Price $65. Will register. Dickinson's Staircase Camp, Hoodsport. Phone 2F11. 7-6-20——3t. FOR SALE: male Springer span- iel pup. Call 319J or see Andy Hansen. 7-6—1t. FOR SALE: Flemish giant rah—- bits, young does and bucks. ’1409 Railroad. E7-6—’-1t. F to farrow. Come and bargain or phone 215R3. Fifteen weaner pigs for sale, $3 apieceor bar- gain. E. P. Fourre, Skokom- ish Valley. 7-6—1t. FOR SALE: (Eire-war bedroom set, spring an mattress, kitchen table, four chairs, 9x 12 rug. Write Box 156,. HOodsport, Wn. McC7-6—1t. FOR SALE: second growth pole wood. Call 14M after 5:00 p. m. Jake Cole, Capitol Hill. 7-6—20——3t. PIGS FOR SALE: Ray Moore, John’s Creek, Route 2, Box 314. 6-22—7-6—3t. FOR SALE: Remington cash reg- ister, $125. Davis Cafe, Lilli- waup, Wash. 6-22—7-6—312. FOR SALE: almost new 22 foot house trailer. Completely furn- ished. Inquire O. K. Tire Shop. 6-22—7—6—3t. FOR SALE: Lang range with coils and gas plate attached. Inquire 618 Laurel Street or phone 159W. W6-22--7-6—3t 6-15-7'13glM WANT TO LEASE: home for two PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do FOR SALE: fine large home in Hoquiam, fireplace, utility room, hot water heating system, two bathrooms, full cement base- ment, space for two cars, cor- ner lot, near Schools. Write Box C c-o Journal. 6-8—7-13 FOR SALE 15 acres of land, cleared, with small house and outbuilding. Also good well, located about one mile from city limits. $1500 on easy terms. * 5k 1 lot on Arcadia Ave., unimprov- ud. $95. * * * Tourist camp on Hood Canal. 17% acres with 1500 feet of water- front, 13 furnished cabins, one 5-room house, also large dance or recreation hall with living quarters. Tidelands and water rights to creek running thru property. Plenty of wood timber for camp. This property is lo— cated just north of Hoodsport and is a wonderful tract of land, a real money-maker for the right party. Excellent sal- mon and trout fishing make boat rentals good. Owner is wi- dow and can not take care of property. Priced at $14,500 and owner will take small market- able home as part payment. Must have sufficient down to in- sure sale. * * It 7 acres of land. good home, gener- al repair shop and service sta- tion located on good highway With lots of travel. This is ex- cellent surburban property for anyone handy with [general re- pairs to make a fine living. Owners age forces sale. Has always made excellent living before retiring. Priced at $7,- 000, and well worth it. a: * 40-acres of land with small liv- able house and outbuildings, 20 acres cleared. Also some mer- chantable timber, plenty of Wood. Located about 7 miles Southeast of Shelton. Priced at $2,000 terms or $1850 cash. * =8 * 20 acres of land on the bay lo- cated about 11 miles East Of Shelton by road, 5 miles by wa- ter. Land is unimproved but has ,been logged years ago. Would make a good tract of land to have as investment for future or present use. terms. I I t l 5 acres of good land with some timber located just about 1/4 mile from city limit on Arcadia road. Good value at $585 cash. 1’ t HERBERT G. ANGLE “Phone 304 Angle Bldg. *— I ,COLIMISSIONERS’ NOTICE OF HEARING ON SUPPLEMENTAL COUNTY ROAD BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the .Board of County Commissioners of Mason County have completed and placed on file their Preliminary Su - plemental Road Budget of receips and expenditures for the year 1944. and that a copy of said budget will be furnished any citizen who will call at the office of the Board for the some. Further Notice is given that the said Board of County Commissioners Will meet at their office at the Court Rouge in Shelton, on Monday. July 10th. 1944, at 2:00 p. m.. for the pur— Pose of adopting said proposed road budget and that at said time and place any taxpayer may appear and be, heard for or against any part of 531d budget. DATED at Shelton. Washington. this 26th day of June. 1944. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By VINCENT E. PAUL, Chairman. Attest: HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of the Board. 6-29—7-6—2t. years. Three bedrooms neces- l sary. Consider buying. R. W. Oltman, Shelton. Phone 75. , 7-6—8-6—1M I or Rent FOR RENT: 4-room house. Look for sign 1% miles down Cole road. H. W. Cook, Route 3, Box 265. 7-6-20——3t. FOR RENT: 2 room modern fur- nished cabin. Mill Creek Cabins. Phone 466M after 3 p. m. One mile south on Olympia hwy. A2-10tfn. No. 1672 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY - IN PROBATE I In the Matter of the Estate of GEORGE TROWBRIDGE, Deceased. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, the undersigned, Mrs. Ethel Soule. has been appointed and has qualifieul as Executrix of the Last Will andj Testament and of the estate of George Trowbridge. deceaSed: and that all persons having claims against the said 1 deceased or the said estate are hereby required to serve the same, duly veri— fied with the necessary vouchers at— tached, upon the undersigned Execu- trix or her Attorney of record, at the law o'l'fice of Chas; R- LEWI'S. Suite 1 Lumbermen’s Building. Shelton, Ma- son County, Washington. the same , being designated as the place for the I l $900, ' transaction of the business of the said estate; and file such claims to- gether with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled court. within six months after the. date of the first publication of this notice to-wit: July 6, 1944, or all such claims not so served and filed shall be for- ever barred. MRS. ETHEL SOULE, Executrix of the estate of Geor e Trowbridge, Deceas- ed. ,uite 1 Lumbermen’s Building, Shelton. Washing- on. . CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said estate“ . Suite il Lumbermen's Building, Shelton, Mason County. Washington 7-6-13-20-27—4t. I MASON COUNTY CALL FOR BIDS REACHING FERRY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of County Commissmners 0? Mason County, Washington. that bids will be received for the complete §onstructi%ri of a woodterll grilled 980 ’ng erry, approxima e y ee 9iénlc‘lies long. by 25 feet 4 inches w e. Complfte plans for the construction ofthis‘ erry may be. examined at the office of W. C. Nickum and Son at the Polson Building in Seattle after JUly 6th. 1944 when detail plans will, be completed. Preliminary plans of: the ferry to be built may be exam- ined at said Naval architects office. or at the office of the Board of Coun- ty Commissioners at any time from date of this notice. Complete plans of the ferry may be .had by prospective bidders at the office of W. C. Nickum and Son. Poison Building, Seattle on de osit of $25.00 when the same have een completed. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners at their office at the Court House at Shelton. Washington up to. 2:00 p.m. July 20. 1944, and then publicly opened. The time for completion of this contract Shall be, September 1, 1944. The right to reject any and all bids 1% reserved by the Board of County Cominlssmners of Mason County, Washington. , Dated this 26th dav of June. 1944. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON . VINCENT E. PAUL. TRENCKMANN. R. . 6-29—7—6—13—3t. NOTICE TO WATER PATRONS Sprinkling regulations wiél be in ef- fect 0n and after June 29 h. Those with even house numbers will sprinkle on even days from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Those with odd house numbers will sprinkle on odd days from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. II-isc used without nozzle is pro- hlblled and any'found Using hose without nozzle will be penalized. F]. E. BREWER. Supt. Water Department, City of Shelton. 6-29—7-6el3—3t. your own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. C o m pl e t e equipment, including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, abso- lutely harmless. Praised by thousands including Fay Mc- Kenzie, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. Fir Drug Store. 6-1—9-7—15t. 3 MILL WOOD Delivered anywhere outside Shelton city limits. Two cord loads $7 per cord up accord- ing'to distance. Leave orders at Shelton ,Transfer office (formerly Morgan’s Transfer) or phone 66. FOR SALE: 10-foot flat bottomI rowboat with oars and locks. Made or waterproof veneer. Cheap. Phone 583M evenings or 87 day time. R6-15tfn. FOR SALE: large wood or coal kitchen range with copper coils. Green and tan enamel. Very good condition. Keith Holmes, 425 Ellinor (Hillcrest). FOR SALE: John Deere, seVen foot binder, tractor hitch. $165. 1332 Ridgeroad. Phone 280W. . 6-22—7—6—3t. FOR SALE: pair brown walking oxfords, military heel. Size 7-B. WOI‘I‘I only nal. I ———-T—.-—-——-—-—-————————-—’—-’ FOR SALE: two-Wheel trailer, 7.00 x 19 6-ply tires, 80% rub- ber. Vacuum hydraulic brakes. Welded steel frame. Suitable for stock or heavy boat trailer. F. L. Jennings, Star Route 1, Box 36.4.. 6-29—7-13——3t FORT-SALE: 10 x 14 ft. water tank, 3-inch Redwood. Walter. Jensen, Route 1. Four miles South on Olympia highway. Across from Frazier’s. 6&2957413~3t. Get . . . Your County and Local M A P S at The Journal Office 6-22—7-28—1M FOR SALE: double bed, complete with box springs and mattress. 35. Inquire 614 Alder Street. rs. Evans. 6-29—7-13—3t. FOR SALE: one set double work harness, 20 inch collars, $50.00. F. A. Topper, Star Route 1, Box 154A. 6-29—7-13—3t. FOR SALE: household effects, including dining room set, com- . plete bed, night stand, over- stuffed chair, rocking chair and miseellaneous household goods. John Bubner, Route 1, Box 63. 6-29—7-13—3t. FOR SALE: piano in good condi- tion. Phone 19F31. - L6-29—7-13—3t. FOR SALE: one Guernsey cow milking four gallons daily. Also 1%» acres standing bat and vetch hay. Merle E. Cleveland 1%, miles west on Matlock road. 6-29—7-13—3t. HAY FOR THE CUTTING: Char- ‘ OR SALE: two boars, one sow few times. Cost $6, ‘ will sell for $4.50. Inquire Jour- i I . l Page ‘i ANT—ADS. .. --——-‘. .. .a. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimal. charge) weeks $1.00. 1 week 60; Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3c per word. 750 minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks. 75c: original poetry 500 per inch; classified display rates on request. Advertisements accepted 0 v e I the telephone from phone subscrib~ ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be: fore the first of the month to , save expense of billing. An extra l charge of 10c will be ode when ‘ billing In necessary. PHONE 100 .vvcvvvw - vvvvvvvvvnvwr. ‘ Wanted ~--‘A“AAM-A a- ALLA“ “A MY HOME BURNED DOWN. I need small davenport, Hoover vacuum cleaner, fishing tackle. Roy Gifford, L. M. Co. Phone 305. 7-6——1t. i WANTED: girl or woman, pre- ferably married for general of- fice work in the Shelton Bus depot. Personal interview pre- ferred. 7-6——1t. _a______ WANTED: girl to take care of my .two children during day- time. $30 month and board. Room if necessary. Phone 286W ’ after 5:30 p. m. W7-6-20—3t. WANTED: boy’s' bicycle. Inquire Lunt’s Store, HoodSport. ' . . ' 7-6-20—3t. WANTED: elderly bachelor to live on ranch on Arcadiaroad. Care for garden. P. 0. box 313. x ' H7-6-20—3t. CILDREN CARED FOR, by day or hour at home of Mrs. Mel- vin E. Robertson, Arcadia Loop Roadl ‘ ' 7-6—1t. WANTED: electric portable or small censole sewing machine in good condition. Mrs. W. H. Moore. Phone 282J. ~ ,\ - 7&6-20—3t. WANTED: young-lady to Work six or eight hours daily; In- quire Daviscourt Bakery. 7-6—1t. WANTED: round or V-bottom boat about 15 feet in length. Inquire Box P, Journal. ‘ 7-6-20—3t. WANTED: to cut hay on shares. Write Henry W. Cook, Route 3, Box 265, Shelton. 6-8—7-4 WAITRESS and ' kitchen help wanted. Apply Hotel Shelton . Coffee Shop. 5-4tfn. WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink feed. Phone 391J or write Andy Hansen, P. O. Box 223. 1-1tfn. CARD 0F THANKS We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our many friends, I especially to, the comrades of Ma- Eson County Post No. 1694, V.F.W. ‘and the boys from the N.A.A.S. for the sympathy and kindness and also the many beautiful flor- .al offerings given us during our ‘bereavement over the loss of our loved one. Mrs. Fred Hickson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hickson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clothier. I if CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton. Washington -oqvo-ou--. -~--- "vv'v' PROFESSIONAL CARDS v'vwvvs v- wwvvvv-‘ 'vv~ l RICHARD F. EDDY Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 REGINALD SYKES ACCOUNTING Northwestern Life Insurance Agent Accident and Health Insurance 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 30 ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton l WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. 1 ELLIOT B. SPRING Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 Accountan l INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE ‘ Office at Angle Building