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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page ' AIR MEDAL AWARDED SOFVICB NBVVS TO SHELTON FLYER Somewhere in New Guinea, DR. NORVOLD ‘ June 28»~~Lieutenant General Geo. IN MINNESOTA C. Kenney. cammander of Allied HOME ON LEAVE Sam Wilson, A/S, was home on ‘leave last week. SAM WILSON I l l dentist, is now stationed at Wold lhas awarded the Air Medal to i Chamberlain Air Base, Minneap- lFirst Lieutenant Donald C.Weeks, : olis, Minn. His family recently Shelton. The award was for “mer- Went back to live with him. Mrs. itorious achievement" while par- lNorvold’s mother, Mrs. Ethel ticipating in flight missions in iFlatner accompanied them back the Southwest Pacific during lfor a Visit. She returned last which hostile contact was “prob— able and expected.” JOHN A. HOGG (Mayor of Vancouver, Wash.) Candidate for UNITED STATES SENATOR Re-elect . . . Pearl A. WANAMAKER STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION [Non-Partisan] ' COMPETENT and EXPERIENCED Retain: LEADERSHIP ‘A’Rfl-‘fOfiNlZED 154-0512;, ' i 4' :U T-GOVERNOR REPUBLIC/Mil OCOMMON SENSE IN GOV— ERNMENT IS HIS SLOGAN. , IT WORKS IN THE CITY OF VANCOUVER -— WHY NOT TRY IT OUT IN WASHING- TON, D. C.? REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE for the 095cc of LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, B. .l. DAHI. State Senator _ Stevens and Pend OreIIle Counties ? . EXPERIENCED OMayor Hogg has seen Von- couver and vicinity quadruple in population in the lost two years. 0 Mayor Hogg knows the cost and problems of local govern- ment in peace time and in war. 0 Mayor Hogg has helped solve many problems of schools, child care and juvenile safety. IN STATE GOVERNMENT 0 He knows the hard struggle lo— cal farmers have had to keep food and milk coming to his city. 0 He knows the intricate prob- lems of industry and labor, be- ing himself a cost accountant. Mrs. RIITH PYIITT Republican Candidate for l % State , Representatlve l 24th Legislative Dist Jefferson — Mason Clallam 0 He believes we have sufficient resources, initiative and abil— ity to provide work for all. 0 He knows the anxiety of hav- ing boys in the armed service and will demand a permanent peace. 0 He has been elected six times to city office, thrice without opposition—never defeated. VOTE FOR MAYOR HOGG FOR SENATOR (Adv. paid for by Hogg for Senator Committee) Your Vote and Support will be Appreciated DEMOCRAT STATE SENATOR 24th District Experience Counts in the Legislature The post-war program will be drawn up by the 1945 Lt. R. W. Norvold, former local i Forces in the Southwest Pacific, , SHELTON-MASOLCOUNTY JOURNAL JIM McCOMB RECEIVES . WINGS James Herman McComb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer A. McComb 10f 211 R. R. Ave., received his lSilVCl‘ wings June 27 when he graduated as a second lieutenant ifrom Marfa Army Air Field, an advanced two-engine pilot school of the AAF Training Command at Marfa, Texas, it was announced by Col. A. J. Kerwin Malone, commanding officer. The new pilot, a resident of Shelton, completed a course in training in twin-engine aircraft. He was assigned to the Texas field from Merced Basic Flying School, Merced, Calif. He is a graduate of Shelton high school and was very promi- nent in athletics there. GORDON DICKINSON IN MERCHANT MARINE Kings Point, N. Y.—-Cadet-Mid- shipman Gordon Richard Dickin- son, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her- Ibert R. Dickinson, of Hoodsport, has just graduated from the Uni- ted States Merchant Marine Aca- demy, Kings Point, N. Y., and will go on active duty with the Mer— chant Marine as a third officer ‘with the rank of Ensign inactive in the Naval Reserve. Dickinson, who is a. high school graduate, received his preliminary i training at the United States Mer- ' chant Marine Cadet Basic School . at San Mateo, Calif., following '. which he spent five months at - sea as a deck Cadet-Midshipman aboard merchant ships. He has just completed nine months ad- vanced training at the United States Merchant Marine est unit of the Cadet Corps. FLETCHER VANDERWAL NOW IN INDIA Air Transport Command Base, India —— Fletcher W. Vanderwal, son of Mr. Carl Vanderwal of Pollock, S. Dakota, has been pro- .moted from Sgt. to S/Sgt., it has been announced by his command- ing officer. l He has been in the army since iNovember, 24, 1942, and is an assistant shop foreman. In civil- ian life he was a mechanic. His wife is living at Shelton, 911 East Cascade. He has been in the China-Bur- ma-India theater since Otcober, 1943, serving with the India-China Wing of the Air Transport Com- mand. This is the U. S. Army Air Forces unit which operates the famed United Nations aerial sup- ply route to China over the Him- alaya mountains of North Burma, flying giant transport airplanes ion an around the clock basis. l l l l SUPREME .COURT JUDGE JOSEPH A._ MALLEY FOR us- SENAT REPUBLI PAID ADV 13.; session of the State Legislature. Dr. BlaCk has had the experience to get the 24th District its fair share of projects to take care of unemployment during the post-war readjustment (This ad paid for by friends of Donald Black, M. D.) period. Aca— . demy, Kings Point, N. Y., larg-l .._...._ . Just Arrivedll FOR MID-SUMMER WEAR One Group Sheer Georgiana Frocks Size 14 to 44 7.90 ,0 19.75 ' We Still have a Good Selection of Farmerettes 2.49 to i 2.79 in Copen and Navy CLEARANCE BETTER DRESSES ,SHORTIES WOOL COATS SUMMER SLACK SUITS 25% OFF O.P.A. ODD LOT RELEASE Ration Free July 10 through July 29 Limited Quantity MEN’S and WOMEN’S DRESS SHOES 25% Off Regular Prices WIDE TOP DESKS WALNUT AND MAPLE $16.50 . Ideal for Home or Office With Four Drawers . . CHESTS OF DRAWERS. Well Made, Nicely Finished FourDrawer $17.95 F‘iveDrawer..................$19.50 DRESSER BASES lN-WALNUT AND MAPLE $18.95 NIGHT STANDS .......................... .. $7.95 BEDS, SINGLE AND STANDARDS .... ............ .. $16.50 BEFBlG-O-MASTEB Keep 0“ Backing the Attack BUY WAR BONDS 5th WAR LOAN Lt ., ‘ Thursdeyiflly 6" VERN ROBER' ” IN ACTION was received y ‘ rePort that Avon ‘ -S. Army, S( , Johnson, has b " g in action Further details =e at press time #SON COUNT NEW GUINI .er from Bill Mt ahNew Guinea r the? Mason cc . ,1 9 same outfit 1' follows: } Friends: In on , .ldfba of wha‘ 'i Is, in the las Joyed the good , I'ee more boys : . he jungle of Ni ,“Iakes life a l ' 9' especially WI 9 evenings at , ddays at home. °Wn here has I that its best it the States. , ' Paul Armst ‘ JaCkson and r. e115911 is well I . thls corner of y» Bill Mallows , HOYLE ‘I ENGLAND Lt. Robert w. ' ,I. and Mrs. A. . 31,011, is now ov tomlpated in a i . bridge the go .111 the states v 1 an active ,done of the A “stations knov ts 2nd Lt. I Processed by rtS who ma] Was well fitte . ed to him. 3“ station wi L hfich America's 9 off to smas? ‘ hIne. . [entering the gyed as a ray ayonier Incor ' HALL ,' ES (:03 the Uniti WYPS as his bra v when inducted ' ces this week, . 0W a Marine Hall is the Si sfiall of Sheltr helton high 5 erly employed ' Navy Yards " Lorrz PACIFIC '-* um Lditz hz her husband, Saying that the Army .4. e in the Soul SCHUMACHI ST WEEK on Schuma< l11y 2 on furli gnepfland WW IN NEW ARRIVALS ,1... _-Bere he visiti . r . Schumache: A- E. Dohertj ! NSEN A, It VISIT , “11 P. Jensei ’ Tenn, after a ‘parents, Mr. en , mulled on Page :EN SUII’DA‘. ' . eqsport Cafe, up? of Josie L: ‘ II on Sunda m D- In. accord e ent made t f‘éalzures hor 0. OF C. . C_htamber of 1S regular lathe Shelton hursday). ceremo '8 of the o e Shelton Ac Inn on Ho . 9e . tII . :31 ' 320M"! membe '1 and their Ce. l the (‘ y ‘ sen Iub “as former fgrge and ex . g given a; 9° Staged a l Sunday, “311 annou another R0 ,g‘utlhe same 1‘ ay. iaeiwted that 2 yixPectations 8 event an enthusi: r(‘peat z