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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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County Board Sticks to Guns "n On Protectn g Tract Buyers Two matters of concern to the Star Lake Community Club were referred to the conXmissioners in letters from 'its secretary, A. G. Swanson. This group has as- sumed management of the Star Lake development. Was It Blood Or Catsup On Car Door? • Was it blt)od or catsup? That question is still puzzling the Shelton Police Department following an investigation of a suspicious car at 5:15 a.m. on the Fourth of July. Officer Ray Sherman on rou- tine patrol reported he saw what appeared to be blood splashes on the door and fender of a white Volkswagen parked in the City Park. He awoke three sleeping oc- cupants and asked them to ex- plain the mess on the ear. "They claimed they hoped it was catsup," the officer reported. But as the red stuff was dry and bad no odor, he said be • The M_ason County Commis- sion Monday stuck to the IX) - sit ion it took a week ago in requiring plat deveh)pers to pub- licize for the buyer's protection any lots not approved by the Health Department because of unsuitability for sewage dispo- sal. As a result the commission accepted the plat of Twanoh Falls Third Addition on }toed Canal; under the same condi- tions that it had approved Lake Arrowhead Division Two last week. Precetling the action the com- mission held an hour's hearing in which Jerry Reid, the platter, Glenn E. Correa, his attorney, Wayne Brisbane, general sani- tarian for the Thurston-Mson Health District, and County En- gineer J. C. Bridger spoke. Reid attempted to persuade the corrlmission to set a specific stan- dard applying generally for ap- proval of sewage disposal sites instead of the current practice in which county sanitarians make decisions on eac, h parcel accorttitlg to its l)articular con- ditions. "We've got to have a standard to w(,rk with," Reid sai(l, "other lhan .jusl s(m)eb,(ly coming out and telling us what we can do." lteid said the Twanob Falls I)lat had Ixen surveyed by en- gineers at his expense with the result thai it was determined all He reminded them that some tirrm ago Miahlon Manley of this group had suggested the need for a 20 mile per hour speed limit at Star Lake and asked for a decision soon. With this request Swanson en- closed a copy of a June 28 letter sent to Wayne G. Brisbane, gen- eral sanitarian for the Thurston- Mason Health District, asking for faster action than contemplated on percolation tests for fills which the health department requires on several lots before accept- ance. Swanson said the Community Club understhe health de- partment  wait until the rainy season to make these tests and protested that this would mean a delay of one more year in what he described as a long overdue project. He pointed out that it is de- sirable to have the fill hauled during dry months because use of heavy equipment in the rainy season would probably damage the water system. "The membership is very def- initely upset about the fact that certain work must wait for your services," Swanson's letter said. "May we please hear from you within the next week? We trust you will reconsider your decision to wait until another year." Chairman John Bariekman said he would contact the Corrmaunity Holiday Collision Damages Vehicle Of Seattle Man af Park Entrance A car driven by Ole Kjonaas, 126 East C. Street, Shelton, col- lided with a parked vehicle regis- tered to Lyle M. Kemp of 623 Spruce Street, 1Vontesano at 7:30 p.m. July 3 in the 200 block on North Fifth Street, Shelton police reported. Kjonaas told the investigating officer an unidentified car forced his southbound vehicle over so that it struck the parked car. Police estimated damage to Kjonaas' car at $300 or total and to Kemp's at $150. ,Mrs. Linda Sue Rogers of 709 W. Plum Street, Centralia, turned her car into a ditch at South Seventh and Angleway when she discovered she had no brakes, • An automobile driven by Daniel E. lVIaryott, 43, Seattle, which had stopped in the en- trance to Twanoh State Park on Highway 106 was struck by a vehicle driven by S. Kenyon, 19, of Star Route 1, Box 163-A, at 6:15 p.m. on July 4, the State Partol reported. Kenyon's eastbound car made a left turn and struck Maryott's car, inflicting $100 damage to the latter, according to the patrol report. Damage estimated at $300 was received by a car driven by Clifford E. Jako, 52, of Aberdeen when it struck and killed a deer on Highway 410 July 4 at 7:30 p.m. 12 miles east of Olympia, the State Patrol reported. I )ad To Deer Park Opened In Olympic National Park • The road to Deer Park was opened to the public on Friday, June 23, according to Superin- tendent Bennett T. Gale of Olym- pic National Park. The fine weather of the past few weeks has accelerated the snowmelt, enabling Park crews to clear the few remaining snow- drifts. Although there are a few snow patches in the shaded areas, the campsites are free of snow and north facing slopes well into July. Anyone contemplating trail trips should check on trail conditions before starting out. The Ranger Station nearest the trailhead will usually have the most current information. Airman Barkley On Carrier Club and also Brisbane "to see could not be sure what it was. what this is all about." the ground is drying out fast. • Airman John W. Barkley, but 12 lois bad at least 3,000 After checking surrounding The commission then adopted A Ranger is on duty in the USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes- feet awHlal)lc for sewage dis- law enforcement jurisdictions a rrmtion offered by Chairman area. Icy E. Barkley, ,qhelton, is in tx)sal. lie and Correa suggested this and finding no hit-run incidents, Bariekman authorizing a speed The road to Hurricane Ridge Long Beach, Calif., serving figure Ix, used as a standar(l, Sherman reported the detail corn- limit of 25 miles per hour to picnic areas was opened last aboard the Pacific Fleet support but all tenter'ned were unable pleted for the time being, be posted on the road from week. The comfort stations and aircraft carrier USS Kearsarge. Io agree on bow this w, mld he the Schafer Park Highway to JOE PAULEY, Shelton, recently returned home after picnic sites are still under a The 41,000 ton "flattop" has ai)pli'd.  Star Lake. spending almost a year in Argentina !:l the Rotary student heavy mantle of snow. returned from conducting anti- All trails above 3,500 feet are submarine warfare exercises off Th(' upshot was commissioner The limit was set at 25 mph exchange program. He stayed from September to January apt to be snow covered on the the coast of California. llarry 1,:]mlund's motion that the instead of 20, as requested, after plat he act:el)led under the con- ; C the countyengineer told the com- in Apostoles, Misiones where he attended a nationalschool l.: __    ,       -----: ditions ,,f the m,lion of June 26. _rews mission he had been informed for teachers. In January, he went to Buenos Aires, where i I Plats of Timberhlke 4 and 5 by the state engineer that it is he met Mariano de Luis Miguel, who spent a year irt Shel- w(,r(,apprt)vedonmoionofCom- A e 0 D 'y not legal to post speed limits  BEIFAIR BARN I missioner Martin Auselh, suh- r n U on rural roads less than 25 mph. ton under the program, and, went to his home in San Car- jocl Io apl)roval of the Health By motion the commission los de Bariloche in the southern part of tile nation where i)el mrhn°nt whit'h il was indi" • Twelve Shelton boys are serv-hired Carl Blomgren bY the hour he spent February and March. in March, he returned to I I (::fled has not y(q had lime to ing as fire-suppression crew mem- to paint the steps from the first insp(,(.1 lhe h'acts. This c(mtlition hers for the Department of Nat- floor to the basement of the Buenos Aires where he remained until starting for home will hi, enlerod on the face of ural Resources in the Shelton courthouse, earlier this month. During that time, he attended a Cath- DANCING EVERY SAT, NIGHT lh,' plat. District, Bert L. Cole, State Land County Engineer J. C. Bridger olic Boys.. School. The mothers of the two families with  10;00 'til 2:00 0 Commissioner reported today, reported that he had inspected whom he lived during his stay were sisters. Two cousins, Serving °n the 17"man crew r°adsintheM°untainViewPlat'Mark Weston, William An- dards, and recommended that  Fire D , 6 d that they rrmet construction stan- one a boy and one a girl are now in Washington under the ..eror.e.. are program. The girl is in Ktrkland and the boy in Oak Har- derson, Brock Shero, John Board- the platters' bond be released, bor. Joe plans to enter Grays Harbor College and later ' Tim BEST Set ?n Roadway man, Greg Steenson, John Stew- A report from the State High- ! art, Charles Jackson, Bruce Ed- way Commission estimated that transfer to the University of Washington. in COUNTRY WESTERN MUSIC Mason County's gasoline tax re- = m I I • S me )ody apparently spread son, Martin Savage, Randle Puhn turns for the 1968 calendar year gasoline o,he Phillips L] 1728 OlyrfilfiC lTighway North":re- all"r 'e'Shelton area. The state Park Commission ers es er s .... I,,)rled at 12:10 mn. July 2 to 'All crew members are partici- solicited the cooperation of the  Featuring: TEX MITCHELL" and HIS BAND the M..'.n Count Sheriff De- imting in fire-fighting training commissioners in its search for • Shelton parents this wek re- a swim bus at Mountain View  ADMISSION $1.50 lJ:,rtm,'nl, drills and practice operations in property available for state ported to police two incidents in School. This oceured after some- i the field to mprove the unit's park purposes. The commission which two boys on a red motor- btxty threw a rock at the riders, i Phone CR 5-2248 or CR 5-2922 V e f f i c i e n c y, reports Francis is interested in any tax title cycle caused their children Mrs Ronald Dickinson, 1517 Highway I Police Find Wright, District Administrator. lands abutting existing parks, trouble. Washington Street, said two boys • Located on the Old Belfair V ,00ou on motorc00c,00 i I detection and suppression for Hearing on Arrowhead No. 3 her seven-year-old son told her the bicycle of her 10-year-old Cache of Beer more than 12 million acres of development was continued until the bike riders attempted to run son while he was fishing at Is- state,-owned and private land 11:30 a.m. July 10. over a line of khls waiting for land Lake. 'D.         ..0-q.,m. • * Afler a report that. three each year, THI6 L R TV PORTABLE Black & White TV .... ,r s98oo $495oo: W/T .o.f 1967 Models' / up to according to a report. Cars Weeks, 523 and 1Vs. 3, Box lided with 28, Weeks County Norman 20th street, to the a boat William ing Pass tins FerrY The General to the Robert lan, Seattle, son County a non-injurY three Road on Bert DaY the sheriff car ran his | Hill roa, '65 '65 FORD Ol '65 '65 F ',2BEI. "gl 64 FAt.COP ,64 VoI.Kg '64 JEEP S' ,64 RAMBL 63 THUND 63 FALCOr 62 VALIAN 62 BEL.AIR i  '60 TH uNDgRII,P TRU¢0000 , pac i :0,0o;?;J 65 FO F,I;  '62 FORD ': '61 oODO¢':I] ,59 oMc "lL! 5th & Rallr0  , Prices too good \\; Way out values at low down prices! Brian Bricker÷ Finishes Course • PFC Brian M. Brickert, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brickert, Shelton, completed a 10-week engineer equipment re- pair course at the Army Engi- neer School, Ft. Belvoir, Va., June 2. He was trained in the main- tenance of engineer construction and earthmoving equipment. In- structio was also given in the repair of gasoline and diesel en- gines, air compressors, tractors, graders, crane shovEls, and oth- er engineer equipment. !BIG PAINT SALE youths had been seen leaving a five gallon can covere(l by a quill under a tre( on Cola Street, Sh,,lton I)li(:,, found ten bellies (ff beer ('ached in tbe can. Three younK men near the scene denied ;in3' knt)wledge of it. Directors to Meet • The regular meeting of the Shelton Sch()l I)istrict t3oard of l)irectors will be heht Tuesday, July 11, a! 8 p.m. in the Ever- green Sch(×)] Lil)rary. • WASIIINGTON has five spe- cies of salmon: the King or Chinook; Coho or Silver; Dog or Chum; Pink or Humpt)ack, and Red or Sockeye. ii SAVe =2 Do PITTSBURGH SUN-PROOF e  OIL-BASE HOUSE PAINT • SpKlal Oi!! for White and ready.. • . maximum aurablllty mixed body colors GQ[, • Self-denning colors only. Moestro and • Fume-resistant pigments , trim colors extra ,, , Eacrett Lumber Co. 1332 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4522 . ......... ( Giant 295 sq. in. Pix RCA LOW BOY COLOR TELEVISION 2 Speakers ............................................ SAVE onRCAVIOTOR to be Television- Stereo Radios BOB BOB 2nd&CotaStreet, APPLIANCES • TV • STEREO • FURNITURE PITI'SBURGH PAINTS keep that  look longer Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 6, ltl67