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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7 . Boaters Urged To Observe Four County Taxpayers ::. County- Oty Record +i Red, Cross Safety Rules Appeal Assessor&apos;, Appraisal #:i )+ Monday filed appeals from Court- Thompson, Box 2244, Everett. • Sah'ty m(,asures to prevent boats to leeward.  • Four Mason County taxpayers Avenue, Shelton; and Ardath Ira I)(,alinK :wcidenls are being tlrgt,(t All safely conscious skippers <m the boil users (,1" the Shelhm make a l)oinl of knowing the " ty As.ssor Willis E. Burnett's The eommissi()n will examine area this week I)y the Mason- swimming capalfilities ()f those appraisals with the county corn- the properties of these taxpayers Thurslon Counly Chaplcv ,)f the ear at Union; M_rs. Hilderman, ing, $17 bail forfeit; William F. American Red Cross. l( vs. Ella Hoodsport, kkls in car throwing Stewart, Rt. 3, Bo: 270, Shelhm, Only about hall tlw nation's VS. Robert Rice; lighted fire crackers into cars; defective equipment, $25 bail for- 40 million It<tat users can swim (}0URT Smith. Mrs. Potter, Mason Lake, three felt. Cases set: over (o July 10 well enough to save their lives -t0y if they fall into deel) waler. That ,, ,dba Leroy Sur- dogs on her beach, please re- were: Edwm'd F. Wetzel, 7033 " 1t move; • Russell James, Mason 18th NE., Seattle, defeclivc equip- is why it is vital that small -, ', . David Grace craft, safety rules be carefully Plaint and writ of Lake, beer bottles thrown out of ment, $]5 bail; Steven (;. Bliner, car. 406 S. 7th St:., Sheik)n, exi)ired observe(l, the Red Ch'oss pointed )at-a-gue, petitioner SHELTON POLICE operator license, $15 bail. out. The Red Cross recomnends Washington and COUNTY BUILDIN(; i)ERMITS (hat every(me who uses the water Pal_, respondent: Complaints and reports to Shel- learn t,) swim. But heyond Ibis, I: "°rpus, applica- ton police since June 28 were Building permits al)proved by there are safeguards against ':°a'rs and certifi- as follows: the Mason County Commission trouble that every heat operator Two boys on roof at home of at its meeting Monday wer,': and passenger shouht observe. Mrs. Janiff House, 1503 S. Olym- Port of Shclton, Sanderson These are: i hI4RIIB Mrs? Fiehl, steel warehouse building. pie HighwaY; Dee Gray, np City Center Motel, dog barking $64,000, D. A. Construction Co., I. Carry a Coasl Guard-ap- ark!ng strip at all night, Chief Rains told owner Union, contractor; R. A. Cas- proved life jacketl for ewn'yone i! Sh2, el1 by cigaret dog must be quiet; Gertrude suit, Rt. 1, Box 268, Elma, Wn., aboard. Insisl that weak swim- V0" t°n Police De- mers and non-swimmers wear € men and engine Pauley, 2317 Jefferson, gas st- frame cabin, $7,000, Lake Arrow- phoned from car third time head Division 1; F. W. Robin- jackels al all limes an(t thal Dave West, 60-80 gallons of.gaso- son, Rt. ?,, Box 432, Shell:on, frame others wear them in hazardous line stolen from equipment at addition, $2,500, Tollen Shores. weather c.ondilions. new hospital site, second such 2. I)on'l ,)vcrh)ad. It.eel) IreS- t)n hoard. If a person goes ac- cide),tally overheard, rescue |)ro- cedure is I)ased on the al)ility ()r inability of the person in the wat(n" t() hell) himself. If the man overIx)ard can swi;n, a lifesaving device can be tossed to him and the victim can swim 1o it. The boat should be stopped. When a weak or non-swimmer falls overboard, first swing the stern away fronl |he side from which he fell, Then toss him a lifesaving (h,vice and I)romptly Inaneuver the heal back 1o him, Keep a close %valch on him ;)t all times, i'V[ake Ill(' al)pr(mch as you wouM h) a nlooving, at reduced speed and slightly It) windward, if l)ossil)h,. Shut off the nlotor wilhin a few f<,cl of th(' vi(,tim and I)ring him inh) lh,' heat. All I)oaters sh,)uht kn<)w first at(t, including how to give m'li- PVT. CLYDE COKER, son of Mr. aml Mrs. Ben Coker, was re('(mtly home Oil leave I)ef()r(, g()illg lo (]-(:rlllally. lit, t()()k his Imsi(' trailling at I,'t. I+(+wis and was later stalit)n(,(I at I,'l. ()r(I. m.ission sitting as a board of equalization. They were Bernard A. Winters, 7217 S. 27th W., Tacoma; L. B. White, Rt. 3, Box 13, Shelton: William C. Opalka, 1111 Railroad at Mason Llke t¢xlay tThu,-s.). Date of another equalization meeting to hear any further at)- peals will he announced, said Chairman John Bariekman. Coun÷y Residen÷s Are Invited To Take Peace Corps Exam • Mason County residents inter- ested in helping the people of developing nations to help them- selves are invited to take the Peace Corps Placement Test at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 15 at Room 104, Post Office Build- ing, 900 S Jefferson, Olympia. The test measures general apti- tude and the ability 1o learn a Persons interested in serving in the Peace Corps must fill out an application, if they have not already done so, and present it to the tester before taking the test. Kidney Fund Meet a"d reports as tel- complaint; Alice Devaney, 116 sengers (h)wn to a safe number, ficial resl)iralion, foreign language, not education • A Kidney Fund m,eting will or achievement. It is given to be held at 8 t).m. Priday at the 3. Don't overIx)w0r yoLlr boa|. ih, llls011 ,, E. Poplar, prowler at home while delermine where and how an home of Fred Peste on North- l'"b'onaartstene Is-sheworksatnight;Mr. Hamlin, Marriage +,,u, dealer can tell yt)t, what Rff H Id ' ' ed horsepower m(,h)r it can lake. Commissioners applicant will be happiest and cliff. ;;{a +^- for three ?,26 S. Fifth, suspicious person !,,,' b;u, aes, Shelton, knocking at doors; Mrs. Ann 4. Don't smoke while )','fuel- es e best utilized overseas. Ii.,N e ,,rm certificate, Christian, 1121 Railroad, large ing. The test requires no prepara- ql'ib!g;lle?c',kH!!!ietShe!t3'Ct'U!h2sel collie dog will not leave; LICEnses 5. Don't let passengers of a A+ G id Allocate PUD lion and is non-competitive. An David Evander, 822 Turner, small boat stand Up, <)r sil ()n raves e al)plieant can neither pass not' • fail. The test takes about one lost coll/e (tog at Twanoh State the +u.,.,,,.s, ,,h]e ,.u .,.c un Excise Taxes hour and a half. 000.,00r der way. 'I, he II S e Park; Grover C. Brewster, 327 6. ,..,...., .+.,, ,... For W Mirka •])istril)utit)n of $28.98,1.38 it, The application fort,,, avaii.- ke n rowboat W. Grove, almost hit by motor- • Applying for marriage licenses seniti] g(,ar inchltting anchor, t'xcis(, taxes collected frt)m Mit- e able from local post offices or !){" el, la pole, bait cycle while crossing Fourth and in the Mason County audihw's ,mrs, heal hook, exlra line, fire :"1 e ooratory, Ed s from the Peace Corps in Wash- Aii r, no " . Railroad; Mrs. Morris Quinn, offic.e this past week were: extinguisher, tool kil, anti first • Graveside funeral .'(')'vi(.(,s s()n C,)unty Pul)lic Utility Dis- ington, D. C. 20525, ix the mosl I lign Low Precip. )i by address, 604 Turner, It)st keys at Econ- Bradley C. Durand, 20, Shel- aid kil. R.unnin lighls are a Memorial Park {()r William Mn'- \\; ct)ntmissitm Monday. BB she will be htqd today at the Shelltm Iricts was al)i)r,)ved l)v the coun- important factor in the selection June 29 77 55 .... 'L.l:a¢. ) t on O-Mart parking lot; Mrs. Percy ton, and Diane L. Bina, 19, Olym mUSl for night time operati(m, of volunteers. June 30 76 ,i6 ..... +. I)ia.Urence Bed- Kennerly, 512 Arcadia, three teen- pin. ka, 503 Bolh,vue. who died in PUI') No. 1 c,mlrihuted $3,763.3:1. July 1 81 60 +- ' 3; ekinson killed agers using alley for BB*gun tar- Torger J. Lee, 47, Shelton, ahd 7. Check weather I)ureau fore- the Shelton (;cn,,ral Hospital yex- PUD No. :I paid in $25,221.05. JulY' 2 89 61 .... ti Mrs. Robert get practice; Pete Overton, 2126 Doris J. Parker, 41, Shelton. casls I):ffore liking t)al oul on terday at the age of 74. Fie was Alh)calions h) scho<)l districts  July 3 91 61 .... BI I ISland, two Calanan, someone tried steal gas Raymond E. Manke, 25, Shel open water. Take a transistor I)orn it, Austria on Fell. t8, 1892 v,'er,, as follows: New Arrivals .+o +, ...... Ple too, oysters from empty tank of parked ve- ,'idle ahmg to keep I)osted on and had worked as a seam en- No. ,It)-;, $1,317,17; No. ,12, $264.- JulY' 5 77 51 ""; tee A ' Shelton. 8. M(ist boats, if swamped ()r gineer for the Wood Pull) and 82; No. 5+1, $(;62.(15; No. 118, '  b0 re]don, hicle; Mortz Schmidt, 1723 Jet- ton, and Jan E. Tuberg, 24, changing weaflwr conditions. - " Y earne home ferson, lock cap pried off, eight Denneth Chrislenson, 26, Shel- Lumber Mill. The services, h) $70.62 N(). 302. $247.17 No. 309,  IFIVE-I)AY [,{)RE('AWr }i ' " gallons gas stolen; Mrs. John ton, and Elaine Bircher, 20, Shel- vii)sized, will slay on the sur- I)e eonducled h.v Rev. Mason $4,519.(;1 No. :H1, $317.79 No. On Sher- L. Zimmerman, 1210 Turner, hus- Drebis, band fell out of wheel chair, 101 South: Officer L)rensen gave assistance; 583, hit Bernard W. Skinner, Rt. 1, Evander, Box 3, white helmet stolen from Troop- parked motorcycle; George Koch, shot 1317 Olympic Avenue, family tion; Art playing hide and seek with kids glass so noisy he could not sleep; Etlin, Harold L. Schnitzer, Rt. 1, box car at Hart- 16, neighbors shooting fire crack- ne Trick- . ers; Wesley C. Schneider, 303 friend S. Sixth, two unlicensed dogs give back; barking, neighbor caught dogs, 256, kids thanked by police; Mrs. John Mrs. Hurst, 127 Roosevelt, stray (log. g highway SHELTON POLICE COURT West- w]ti" '" Police Judge Rolla Halbert Up- N"mnday night !ml)sed the fol- two girL,: lowing sentences: at Alder- Ray L. Barrington, 828 Frank- broken lin Street, Shelton, minor" con- House suming intoxicants, $47.50 fine, stolen; 22.50 costs; Deloris A. I)ynton, Rt. 1, Box 552, Shelton, no opera- Sport, car tor's license, speeding, $22.50 Park; fine, $2.50 costs, $5.00 fine sus- deer l)ended; Michael B. Sergeant, Hoods. 1127 Dickinson St., Shelton, speed- to cause en from ton, Junior Younger; legal, Shelton, and Luella Beckwith, legal, Shel ton. Walter Lillquist, :¢7, Sealtle, and Frances R. Brighlon, 27. Seattle. L,owell R. Dixon, 49, Bremer- ton, and Joyce A. Peters€m, 37. Bremerton. Ci+y Filing Da+es • The dates for filing for Shel- ton City Comrission seats for the election this fall will be July 31-Aug: 4, not Aug. 14 as • the article in The Journal last week state(l. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TWO YEAR OLD gentle Sorrel gelding, green broke, $225. Ph. 426-6838. H 7/6 3 BEDROOM COTTAG]-for rent, 426-8423. W 7/6-27 New Homelite face. st) stay wilh it fill hell) arrives. Don'l swim away unless yOU a1"e in daI)geroLls or extreme- ly cold water. The National Safely Services of the American Red Cross has listed these haste rules ()f the waterways: 1. When boils are meeling in, or nearly in, a head-on posilion, each should keep lo the right. 2. When tx)ats are in a cross- ing situation, the ()ne ()n the righl has the right, of way. 3. When one boat is overhlking anolher, the boat being overlaken has lhe right of way. ,1. Power boils shoul(l give way to manually I)r(,peLled or sailboals unless the sailboat is overtaking a I)ower boat. Small sailboats, when sailin. in a chan- nel, shouht give way to power boils which cannot operale oul- side lhe channel. 5. SailIx)ats on the slarl)oard tack have the right of way of sailboats on the port tack. 6. Sailtmats to windward rnust keep out of the way of sail- XL.10! Weighs only 10'h 'pounds i i I * Cuts through 12"00hordwood in 12 seconds * Cuts through 12" softwood in 8 seconds A COM- PLETELY NEW XL CHAIN SAW Fells trees up to 4 feet in diometer •., so light, it practically floats through the wood! Try the extra power of the new Homelite XL-101! See how much easier, how much faster you can do any woodcutting job. Saw, complete with 12" bar and chain, weighs as little as 12 pounds, 3 ounces. New narrow-profile bar designed by Homelite practically eliminates pinching. Try the XL-101 chain saw yourself.., have a free demonstration. See it at... Then buy it and start making life easier. Saeger Motor "We Service What We Sell" 1306 Olympic Hwy. S. 426.4602 Y()unglun(l, are at 2 p.m+ hxlay. .101, $19.t.20; No. -102, $653.23; No. Shellon General Hospital Teml)eratures Thursday thru His survivors include his wife. ,10:',. $l,897.88. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Orr, Monday to average 2-4 degrees h'ene, Shelton; lw() sons, ltarohi, The ("Sly ()f Shelton received 421 Arcadia, a boy, July 1. beh)w normal. Average high is • r. and Mrs. James Sisson, 79; average h)w, ,t8. Little o)" Deerfield, Ill., and Michael, Shel- $4,602..19 and $1.t,237.35 wenl to 1705 Washington, a boy, July 2. no rain is exl)ecied. 1on; three daughters, Mrs. Mary the <'ounl,v ('urrent exl)ense fund. Hugar, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada, M+rs. Kalherine Me,-  r---_ --_ __ _ _ _ . ! Quinnc, Redondo Beach, Calif., I Home U"" I and Mrs. Prnell Aih,lcher. Ma- Two Arreste d rina Del Rey, Calif.; lwo broth- ers. Fred, and George, both fron, After Brawl I jCu;t/&"'Dou [ Canada; 12 grandchildren and Cooling ble Wrap i ()ne greal-gran(lchil(i. • Shelton I)olice arrested Leon- | AL HANSON, Meat Cutter I ard S. Benner, 53, Rt. 1, Box I .............. . ............ I Sheriff To Rescue :5(, Shelton, and Marvin W. Von- | We" .V U "...¢r .UmU' I baren, 29. 519 Birch St, Shel- I (Includes Hamburgers, Steaks and Roasts) I • Seven l)ersons marooned on 1on, (m disorderly ( on d U c I | 'll __MC)W'I I '_ f",Qf')'g}V | Souih Mountain when their car (hm('s a,te, omce,-. were callo(.l"Tj::" _ , I hroke down were liken to Star h) Mac's Corner on Second Streb+, uayon ,rossroaos I Lake 'by Ms(m C6unty' Sheriff at 9:25 ])..m: Tuesday. }oth wer(, I " ° Innuir Ahnut turl n+l++r Raaf | l)el)artmenl personnel <)n July 2. reh'ased on $25 hail. "'Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye!'" Announcing Miller's WAREHOUSE RUMMAGE SALE Friday, July 7 - Saturday July 8 You i+ems and save can help us clean ou+ our a++ic of many money by doing so. I+ems I;ke . . . , , Discontinued Items, * Odds & Ends * Recovered Stolen Merchandise . Soiled Clothing, in excellent condition ,) ,,, pg"o'*'eco--ers ,ou home brew enth usiasts If you could find them now '3 O0 the probable retail NOW would be $8.00 ............. • Second Floor Worehouse at Open Every Friday 'til 11:30 p.m. 3rd & Railroad Thursday, July 6, 1967 - Shelton-Memon County Journal - Page 5 IIIIIII I