July 6, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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W h "Show-Me" Trip +
Sashayers To a t • S Films To Be Shown
: Dance Sa . , O0 k I n ro Public Wed.
l).m.., the! ally Sasl ay('r'+ wJ I " " '"
dance I.o the ('ailm4 t)f /)(,I We,'- IJ ] By FRANCES CATTO Society Editor Marj Jacobsen
bay and his wife, I+)retta, from ......................... • An invitation is extended to
Longview. A potluck lunch Will the public to see the colored
follow the (lancing, which will movies to be shown in the Pot-
be held in the recreation hall latch Clubhouse of the Hood Ca-
at the Mason County Fair nil Woman's Club next Wednes-
Grounds. All square dancers and day at 4 p.m. The movies are
spectators are invited to attend, to be screened as the closing
feature of the club-sponsored con-
AROUND THE_41 servation "Show-Me" Trip that
day on the Olympic Peninsula.
Imh.TOWM"-m Those unable to take the guided
a++lmllllllllllll v 111 m
...... bus trip arranged in cooperation
. ..
with the U. S. Forest Service
i>i+.: :] TODAY, THURSDAY, JULY 6 and Washington State Shellfish
. ;: .L +: ffa)tary Club luncheon, nc)n, Laboratory, are welcome to view
Ming Tree Care. this entertainment.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Nella Hulet of the regional of-
, ,. Timbers Restaurant. rice of the U. S. Forest Service
Navy Mothers Club, 7:3° p.m., at Portland, Oregon, will screen
PUD conference room. + lhe movies. Coffee and cookies
Yacht Club business meeting, will be served by the clubwomen.
8 p.m., clubhouse. ,if Four pictures will be show if
W'W I Barracks and Auxiliary, 7 lime permits. One that should
ix)tluck, noon, Memorial hall. appeal to children and adults
FRIDAY, JULY 7 alike is an eight-minute animated
VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memo- ," + picture entitled, "Adventure of ::
rill Hall. Junior Raindrop." :.>"
NANCY CALKINS Women's Christian Teml)erance "The Forest" is a 28-minute
Union, 1 p.m., home of Mrs. picture depicting the benefits of
G. R. Eads, 1.011 Cota Street. mulUple-use programs for the
High n'€'oo' + ungm¢po 00a,oo County retired teach- \\; +2 ' national forests. A shorter pic-
ture is "Land of the Sky, cover-
, ,j ers picnic, noon, Knecland Park. f+ "
SATURADY, JULY 8 " ing a "Show Me" trip taken , "
Drivers license examiner, 10 >, by Genral Federation of Women's
,.. .
Now that graduation is over Although she didn't take any a.m. - 5 D.m., courl house base- . Clubs members. Another film of
and her high school years are foreign language classes in high ment. " timely interest is "Fire Weather,"
finally behind her. Nancy Calk- school, she is being tutored in Salty Sashayers, 8:30 /).m., fair \\;
ins can enjoy this short three- German this summer and hopes grounds. (the kind experienced here re-
cen(ly) thai explains the special
month lull before she goes back to develop this interest further MONDAY, JULY 10 :: knowledge of weather elements
to sch(x)l at WWSC in the fall. in college. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 I).m., "+ +" needed by foresters.
Although Nancy has ten hx}k- Perhaps one of her most me- PUD auditorium. ' .......... ..... For information on the "Show MRS. GEORGE RADICH modelled this aW.
mg for a summer job with little acTable experiences this year PUD No. 3, commission meet- Me" trip anti the entertainment
success, she has been taking full was her role as one of the three ing,l p.m., PUD conference afterwards, phone Mrs. Harold at tile American Ol)tonletric Associati01
advantage of her leisur(' time, H(,len's in the all school play, room. E. Drake, conservation chairman, Congress in Portland, which she all(l her
swimming and water skiing .... rhe Mira(-le Worker." She par- County commission meeting, 10 877-5368. Mrs. Drake reports that ed June 27-July 1.. The "ChristlllastOW:
This year, Nancy, a senior al fi(:ipate(t in AFS, JOG, Young a.m., court house.
trip reservations indicate consid-
SHS, carried a full load of sub- Life, Honor Society and Thes- TUESDAY, ,/ULY II + erable interest in the conserw., tree hat which she herself nlade was
jeers, including teacher's orion- plan S:x:ieW. One of her fav<)rite Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, EILLIAN CHAPMAN serves stuffed Zucchini Squash often tion project. Washington State 7olnan's Auxiliary
civics,tati°n' i)hysiology,S°ci°l°gy' adwmcedSh°rthand'bi- winler activities is snow skiing. Timbers Restaurant. whell tile vegetable is ill season. Her three daughters, Radich formally lllO(|el]e(l tlle hat at
elegy and senior lit(,rature and Nancy, is 5 feet 5 inches tall City commission meeting, 2 Jean, Colleen and Maureen are with her in the above pic- breakfast at the Hilton Hotel ill t, ortland,
com)sition. Nancy says she is with greeneyesanddark br(,wn p.m., city hall. N el C r÷is
most interested in soci,logy and hair. and was born in Shelton School board meeting, 8 p.m., ture. U U over 3'00 members of tile vaFiOllS
English, and plans to loach (,ithcr June 10. 1949. The daughter of Evergreen school, iaries wore hats del)if!tillg the indllstrieS
one or both of them in ,he M'rs. Katherine Cnlkins, she has 4-H ++" " _ _Meets _ _Tues "
extension office. Lilli Ch S÷ ff d hi The hat, which was presented to the nat:
future. She also indicated ala- one brother, Nick, 25, also a a n apman'
tent interest in foreign languages, gradual(' ,,f SHS. Mo¢)s(, I+J)(lg(,, 8 p.m., airport S U e Zucc ni • tile xvoman's attxiliary, consisted of a
=dP,4 H(fqlUaS IX lDec:"e /u uc'"a*ure A IIIITL'*s YY K^/ee I" • This month only, Nuel Curtis with red Christmas tree balls and lllillla
morial hall. - VFW Post No. 5372 and Ladies flickered off and on as it was beilig
Auxiliary have scheduled their i(',h's creation was also entered in the
Lions Club board of directors I When zucchini squash is plenti- ing, amateur photography, and meeting for next Tuesday, due to . . r
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Timber Bowl. ful Lillian Chapman serves her mainly caring for her farily, the holiday last Tuesday.
LPN meeting, 7:30 p.m., nurses Stuffed Zucchini Squash often. It which is a full-time job in itself. M:rs. Steve Ahl will preside at
cottage, solves the problem of how h) Larry is employed by Simpson her first meeting as president
Eagles, 8 p.m., airport hall. liven up an otherwise fairly Timber Co. and in his spare time of the Auxiliary, and will call
]V[ason County Credit Women, bland vegetable, keeps busy beautifying their prop- for reports on the Department
7:30 a.m. Timbers Restaurant. Lillian and husband Larry have erty on Route One. He also en- of Washington Convention held
Dirt Dobbers Garden Club, 10 three little girls, Jean 2&, Col- joys reading as a hobby.
a.m., PUD auditorium, leen, nearly 1V,, and Maureen, " recently in Tacoma. Delegates
WEONESDAY, JULY 12 .just 5 months old. The house- STUFFED ZUCCHINI SQUASH attending were Mrs. Steve Ahl,
Drivers license exam+iner, 10 hold also includes a dog and 6 med. zucchini hrs. L. A. Mongrain, Mrs. Lloyd
Hart, Mliss Vallie Willey and Mrs.
..... a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base- two cats. 3 cups soft bread crumbs a u'n "/
merit. Record collecting of aU types V2 cut, grated parmesan cheese Myron Polk. Fu©hs/as Tu
Christmas Town TOPS Club, of music is one of Lillian's hob- 1 Tbsp. instant minced onion Mrs. Philip Hanify of No. 5372
7 p.m., court house annex, bies. She also enjoys television, 3 Tbsp. minced parsley (option- finished her (],ties as Depart-
THURSDAY, JULY 13 reading, collecting recipes, in- al) sent secretary-treasurer at the Potted Ptant$
Golden Age Club potluck pic- door and some outdoor garden- 1 tsp. salt. Seattle office (a position she has
nic, Minerva State Park, meet dash pepper held for the past six years);
nil _
at Memorial hall at 10:30 a.m. 2 beaten eggs n n"atga'n
o,r au ,un.oon, .con, Retired Teachers Tbsp. margarine or butter, dent of the fourth district.
Ming Tree Care. Wash zucchini and cut ends The report of the visit to the
Toastmaster's Club, 6:45 a.m., ,ff (do not peel). Cook in boiling, Naval Hospital in Bremerton, ac-
Timbers Restaurant. Planning Picnic stod water five minutes. Cut companied by refreshments will
St. Edward's Womans Club, 7 in half lengthwise and remove be given by Mrs. John Paxton,
p.m., board meeting; 8p.m. reg- , The lason County Retired pulp with spoon. Combine with chairman, n.u,,.r. :,u" "- '- -'"- Fuchsia
ular meetmg, at the church. Teachers will hold a picnic at bread crumbs, cheese, onion, ,Mrs. Wlliam Smith, the ju-
.i Kneoland Park tomorrow at parsley, salt, pepper and eggs. nior past president of the fourth
noon. All retired teachers are Refill shells and dot w i)h butter, district, will present certificates 1211 Railroad Ave.
THERE ARE more octopi in invited to attend. Transportation Sprinkle with more cheese. Bake won at the convention to the
Puget Sound than anywhere in will be the responsibility of each in 350 degree oven one-half hour. respective members who were
the world, individual. Serves four. not able 1.o be present in Tacoma.
THE MARRIAGE of Miss Jenetta (]ray to .lonathan Gain
on May 10, has I)een announced by his 1)arents, Rev. and
Mrs. Wesley ]+I. (lain, Ih)odsport. IIer parents are Mr. and _ n m n / i n ii
Mrs. ltar,'y Gray, Omaha, Nebraska. The couple were wed I iDlU I GU T
in the Pinebrook Alliance (,huTch in Longview, Texas, | 'rUl 1 II
where they met while attending leTourneau College. Jon | h:
is a1964 graduate of Shelton lligh school. The newlyweds I // ll=l nml/ I la/ IIII a n-- .l :
are presently making tl:eir hollle inu(:ngtview where Jon I IINIIII II;'I lid Ik --- --- VnliaA aNMI=N ;::
' I =-------- .'--. --=-- ------.=.-- =r.=----.-- ..=...=-
uper Vitamin Offer! ...... m' nu .-..' II Celebrate II TRANSFER n EARN
I _L _ .., . I I A r ml|| I Dividend 0oy$ I TIME l BIG S'/`°/*_"
bOttle OT • We wfl! transfer our +iv P;P
Wufh Us ' Y - DIVIDEN o,'::
I =,, II en,nn 'rv I l l +,,['
| ,,I.P'V I | m n II + • You are invited to share free • iwnhg:r:CiTth": 'n:timont ny- • Your sav ings ave, te O" (.
| I | '- . . ;:. ,,:+ :+ ' .... 1 coffee and cake with us 1 ABSOLUTELY FREE OF • when they're+::()00 I.#+.
I When Yd...v 00 I I :+;,.:i+ .... +:=+,+ 1 Wednesday, Thursday and I CHARGE. No work for I multiples °f).u'.:
I --..------ ,,,.,am=m I I ,+ -!+:' • Friday of this week. Just .. you. Noredtape. Just " big6-Mont" Dotlbli,[
' ) bring tn our assbook Certificates to ) Sf
I lii,Plki/ 111//INGI I I i stop by ourlobby and let us i Y i ' _; :i!l
I U/i=lt I11 /ll.ru=- I I n serve vou Thro'n-nh 1 andwe'lldoallthework 1 too. InsUrvoftl#_^+,:,+k
.+ :i ......... " .... - - for you. And remember, all by an agem,: d prv-I "(' ;
/ Wide Range Formula I I IiIF I 1 for the kids, and free vanda 1 savin+ invested at Ca,qtal 1 governme" t afl:o0,O00 i
More vufam0n$, who sto v reserves ,i
/ , . I / I1 , ilmm I p y, too. I uy er. extr l en I " i
U II )]lL003/ I 1 00tl:: he way back t° the i
I tl .... !li00 150 In all[ .. I / |] :: +ii 1 ++
I-- r" _ _ I Juat Fill Out a Ticket, and This May Be Yours. mm --- . +
I 00=vergreen [.00mlUilJ' I I arge.ree.tangular, 295 ml. !n. vlewlng are,, the 1 • 107+OUTH4"rH " e I "H ' LTO N " 42,8211 :;
------- " ........... , "' I axgest colored "IV set male. A bemutiful con- 1 ' ,ii
compact console by Zenith, in Home Office- OLYMPIA ' i
in!!RRB U I grained walnut color Hurry, contest ends ,u]y 1
lllm. ,-3456 or +12,.445'. "J I 10th. " ' • Bran0h Offlee- MONTESANO ' I, ;i
Ple' :+helton-Maaon County Journal- Thursday. July 6, 1967 -- "-- ' ' " " ' ' ' '!+ ..... ' ' " '"+":' ''''"' ' ' " ''