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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1967
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are an industrious lot, as can be dis(.erned and Sturdily constructed kitchenette; two and dryer), cupboards, and just to Where this photo was taken, an out- (no refrigerator?). There were eight Camping area. ::: :¢ ......... NOW LET ME SEE . . . Whose turn is it to do what today? These Brownies are checking the schedule for the "Enchanted Forest" group at Girl Scout Day Camp. A hollowed out section in the bottom of a gigantic tree on the (aml) site made an ideal spot for storing inaterials and hang- ins the "orders of the day". Each day the girls had their own sl)ecific chores rang- ing from cooking hmch at noon to clean- ins the camp site for visitors. digs a hole for a fire Camp while another gives directions, and eaXries rocks under her activity took place last week at the annual event held again this year at the Simpson Recreation Area on Mason Lake. Note seat in the fmground fashioned by lashing small poles together. noses. little And For all women they are excit- but ing to pick out, fun to wear and pleasing to look at. Yes, women do like to look at bathing suits on other women. Maybe from one a different angle, but they still like to h)ok. Bathing suits are here to stay, just like watermelon, and I'm glad. Gee, I've just talked my- self into buying another one. LET HELP YOU BEAT THE HEAT HOT WEATHER is hard on hearing aids. Whether or not your aid is a Beltone, we will be glad to check, clean, and adjust it for you to give optimum service during the summer months. No charge for this service. Charges ,only on parts supplied or laboratory repairs. Come to see our representative Mr. Harry Bodenschatz at Eell$ & Valley Appliance Center FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1967 between 10 AM and 12 noon BELTONE HEARING AIDS DANIEL E. BRUNER Certified Hearing Aid Audiologist 106 E. 4th Avenue, Olympia 357-3521 Girl Scout Camp June 26-30 S÷resses Outdoor Cookery And Camping Skills and Fun • A petite housewife name-tag- ged "Sneezy" stood amongst her little elfin charges directing the construction of a fire pit being lined with rocks carried to her in buckets by her helpers. Their camp, "The Enchanted Foresl" was, in fact, (me of about 8 in the area, for in reality, these dwarf-like creatures were Brown- ies, members of this year's an- mual Girl Scout Day Camp which was. conducted at the Simpson Recreation Area on Mason Lake last week. The theme of this year's carol) was "Disneyland", hence, the campsite names like "The Enchanted Forest" and the "Buffalo Billies." In the "river-bed," another group of scouts was being di- rected in clean-up activities in preparation for the camp open house for lmrents which was to be held along with a potluck din- ner that evening. The previous evening, Wednesday, the Cadets had camped overnight at their carat)site, one of two overnights planned for that week. Although the younger scouts are still too young to stay on the overnight, their days are full of activites. In addititm to the traditional Temperance Club To Meet Friday • The Woman's Christian Temp- erance Union will meet tomorrow at the home of Mrs. G. R. Earls, 1011 Cota Street. Following a one o'clock dessert luncheon there will be a business meeting and program. All interested women are invited to attend. COSMETICS for k YOU (This question and answer series on cosmetics is brought to you as a courtesy by NeWs Pharmacy to help you in your choice in the proper cosmetics for you.) SOAP &. FACIAL CLEANSING Q. Is there any reason why I can't use regular soap on my face ? A. Soap will have a slight drying effect on your skin. Otherwise, there is no reason why you can't use it on your face. If you want to remove makeup, however, a cleanser and skin freshener -- used in combination -_ will do a much better job than will soap and water. ALL.DAY SKIN CARE Q. Is there a face cream for dry skin that does not have to be wiped off before applying makeup? A. A moisture cream or lo- tion, applied under makeup, will help counteract dry skin. scouting skills the,,, learn there is swimming and singing and games, and at noon each camt c(x)ks its own meal. Camp director Mrs. Lou Con- nelly and her large contingenl of camp advisors were assisled throughout by six young assist- ant ex-scouts; Cheryl James. Joyce Powell, Becky Ring, Ther- esa Ring, Holly Scott and Patty Thomas, all from Shelton, and two assistants from the Olynkpia area. Mariorie Ann Rau-Jerry Clark Lenzi Wed In St. Michael's Catholic Church June 3 • St. Michael's Catholic Church in OlynkDia was the scene of the June 3 mmTiage of Miss 1Vrjorie Ann Rau, a former resident of Shelton, and Jerry Clark Lenzi, Olympia. She is the daughter of Alien E. Rau, Tacoma, and Mrs. JoAnn Rau, Olympia. He is the son of Mr. and M:rs. Leo M. Lenzi, also of Olympia. Surrounded by baskets of white gladioli and tropicanna roses, the I)ride was given in marriage by her father in the ceremony l)erformed by Father Albert La- Pierre. Miss Rau wore a wedding gown of cameo-colored silk peau de sole with a sleeveless btxlice md slim A-line skirt trimmed with alencon lace. Topping the gown was a coat-train with long lace tipped sleeves and garhmds of delicate alencon shadow lace cascading clown the front sides and back of the chapel-length train. Veils of silk illusion puffed from a tailored bow at the back of a petite caplet of silk rose clusters. The bride carried a bouquet of tropicana roses and stephonotis leaves accented with green satin ribbon. Attemting the bride was her sister, Kathleen M. Biehl who wore a floor-length tropicanna, silk-linen, empire-slyle dress with sabrina neckline and cap sleeves and a green velvet ribt)on below the bustline embroidered with yelh)w and green flowers. Mrs. Biehl carried a glamellia con- sisting of lemon leaves accented with lropicanna rose petals and wore a hairpiece of sweetheart ivy and trot)icanna rosebuds wound into her hair. The bridegroom's best man was Arthur M. Weikes, Bremer- ton. Ushering were Bill McWil- liams and Pdchard Welsh I)oth of Olympia. Mrs. McElliol of Olymlpia was the t)rganist. The bride's mother wore a beige silk dress with matching lace coat anti matching hal anti gloves. Her shoes and purse were cocoa brown. Mrs. Lenzi selected for her ensemble, a blue silk suit with navy shoes and purse and while hal and gloves. Both ,von}en WOl'e corsages of tropi- canna roses alld stephonoiis. The reception folh)wing the wedding was heht at the l)ride's ht)nw with about 100 guests at.- lending. Again, lrol)icanml roses and green were used in the table centerpiece and decorations. The wedding cake, tOl)l)ed with rolled trol)icanna rose petals and s/et)h- onotis, was cut by Mrs. Earl l-lau, the t)ride's aunt. Assisting with the serving were Mrs. Wil- MR. AND MRS. JERRY LENZI liam R. Batslone, Shelton; Mrs, Russell C. Viger, Potlatt°a; Mrs. William R. Levelle. SlaelJon; Mrs. William J. Viger, Everett; and Mrs. Arthur M. Weikes, Bremer- Ion. Miss Carolyn lalslolle was ill charge of file guesl /)ook, anti Mss Kitty Levelle cared for the gift table. Mrs. Marilyn Nel- son, and ]Vh'. Ivor McC2rny, holh ()f Olyml)ia, also assisled wilh lhe reeeplioll. Tim couple planned a trip lhrough California 1o Lake Tahoe and is t)resently employed at the Thurslon Cotlnty Title C.o. in Olyml)ia. lier husband is an Olynlpia tligh Sch()ol graduate. lie alien(ted Cenh'alia Junior College I)efore being enlployed al his l)resent job with lhe Wash- inglon Slab, Del)arlmenl of High- V¢lyS. Girl Scouts ,,he,, Leave Debris make their h,)me. The I)ri(h,'s traveling costume 'ilS it navy blue linen suit trimmed in whih, • l)islms, clothes, etc,, left from with 2navy I)ule and wlfih' ac- l]le Girl Scout Day Camp and ('essories.  .......... .polhwk may be picked hp at the The h)rmer Miss Rau is t J-hn l,annish,v residence, 170,t graduate of Shelltm lligh School S. 2nd; i)hone .t26-,t590. Annual Women's I I CONTINUE DRESS HEELS by TOWN & COUNTRY • MR. EASTON RED CROSS • SOCIALITES VALENTINES Regular Values to $16.99 10,o o 129° FLAT CASUALS by SKOOTERS HUSH PUPPIES • SHINDIGS • TOWN & COUNTRY JOYCE Regular 690 Values to $10.99 Is I i WALKING CASUALS • COBBLERS • AMERICANA ENNA JETTICKS .e00o 10 Values to $14.99 by COBBLES JOYCE ITALIAN IMPORTS in Woven Leather Colors: Beige and White Regular 8 90 $12.99 MANY STYLES & SIZES STILL AVAILABLE! SHOE DEPT. Operated by Christensen's for Shoes Bremerton Thursday, July 6, 1967 - Shelton-Mason-oounty Journal - Page 7