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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Court To Name Lawyer For hdicjent's Appeal • Superior Court Judge Hewitt Henry ruled in Mason County Superior Court Friday morning that Robert Booth, convicted here of first degree murder three years ago, was indigent, and stated he would appoint an at- torney to represent Booth in an appeal. The appointment, Judge Henry said, will be coming in a few days. Booth was returned to Mason County Jail from the State Peni- tentiary for the hearing. The hearing came as a result of a ruling by the State Supreme Court that there was some ques- tion as to whether or not Booth was fully advised of his right as an indigent to an appeal, and, that he should be returned here for a hearing on whether or not he was indigent, and if he was so found that he be granted his right to an appeal. The court action Friday deter- mined that he is indigent anti moved toward providing him with his right to an appeal of the conviction. Booth was convicted of the fatal shooting of his ex-wife, Novella, with a .22 caliber rifle in the apartment the couple oc- cupied Sept. 24, 1963. The conviction came after a five-day trial before a jury in January, 1964. Booth has been in the State Penitentiary since being sen- tenced to life imprisonment by the Superior Court here. His ap- peal which brought him back for the hearing Friday is the fourth he has attempted since being sentenced. 3 Mason County Timber Parcels Sold By State • Three Mason County parcels were included in the largest sale of state-owned timber during the past 12 months on June 26 and 27 when the State Department of Natural Resources sold more than 136 million board feet. Bids were more than $31& mil- lion, State Land Commissioner Bert Cole said. The Mason County sales were: South Gosnell Creek Thinning and Hardwood: Jim Kelly, Olym, pin, $90,000 for 3,860,000 BY; Stringer O'eek Thinning: Tal- me Inc., Gig Harhor, $20,100 for 832,000 BY; Wooten Lake Sanitation: C. R. Sehillinger, Gig Hartx)r, $2,700 for 109,000 BY. The highest price of the sale was Matheny Flat in Jeffersx)n County for which Mayr Brothers Logging Co., Hoquiam, bit] $353, 780 for 7.9 million board feet. The sale with the largest vol- ume was the Huelsdonk Ridge sale in Jefferson County. The don Breitkreitz, Winloek, $4,934 for 612,000 BY; Wallicut No. 2 : Columbia Sound Inc., Portland Ore., $114, 642 for 3,590,000 BY; Phvius Alder No. 1: Cascade Fiher, Chehalis, $73,458 for 8, 670,00O BY; Gobblers Knob No. 2: Olympic Hardwood, Raymond, $86,480 for 6,135,000 BY; Forks Creek Thinning: Holman Luntber Co., Napavine, $39,000 for 3.280,000 BY. Cowlitz County sales were: Upper Italian Creek: Pacific Lumber anti Shingle Co., Long- view, $59,372 for 1,445,000 BY; Upper Sauers Creek B. D.: Astoria Plywood, Astoria, Ore., $21,376 for 450,000 BY; Hemlock Creek Thinning No. 1: Wasser & Winters, Longview, $82,374 for 2,487,000 BY; 2700 Road Cedar Salvage: At- ken Shake Company, Silver Lake. $7,50 for 236,000 BY; Barnes Park B. D. Pickup: L. M. HOLT 14.1 million board feet there went to Alien Logging and Veneer Co. Forks, for $216,407. Other Jefferson County sales were ; Owl Creek Pre-Log: M. & R. Timber Inc., Port Angeles, $17, 730 for 850,000 BY; G-1000 Spur: Peninsula Ply- wa)d, Port Angeles, $188,820 for NEW ASSISTANT CASHIER APPOINTED AT NBM(' • A. J. LaBissonJere, chairman of the board of the National Bank of Mason County, an- nounced the appointment of L. M. Holt as assistant cashier of the bank starting July 5. Holt: comes to Shelton after 4 years of service with the Kennewick and Yakima offices of the National Imk of Com- merce in the agricultural, com- mercial and installment loan departments. He has also com- pleted several banking courses conducted by the American In- stitute of Banking. Bern and raised in Shelton, Holt graduated from Shelton High School. He and his wife, Ann, have two children: LaBissoniere stated that Mr. Holt's local background and pre- vious banking experience will be of great benefit to the bank and its customers. DL's CORNER The Fourth is over and every- Independent Contractors, Inc., body is back at work. Except Chehalis, $6,637 for 180,000 BY; those who died, for one reason North Toutle Pre-Log: Inde- or another, on our highways. pendent Contractors, Inc., Che- These senseless deaths need not halls, $9,973 for 305,000 BY; happen if we would all use a simple rule. Courtesy! . . . That's one thing some of us nou- 0nderwood seem to lose when we get be- hind the wheel. Before we do, 5,420,000 BY; A,_ojt_.j n__ we say "hello" to our neighbors, 00hi-00n. No. 00..eo ny ROTC p00ay wi00h the ,,ds and give a for 485200 BY: IUtl:', $1,(O0::,::,,,,ugla s D. Underwood. son asgs us. Afterwards, however, Clallam County sales were: of Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Under- Grader Creek: M & R Timber Inc., Port Angeles, $251,214 for 8,774,000 BY; No. 10 Salwtge: Bob Fox, Porl Angeles, $8,313 for 299,000 BY; Clallam Bay No. 1: West Ta- corrm Newsprint, Steilacoom, $38, 276 for 1,800,000 BY; Ennis Creek No. 4: M & R Tiinber Inc., Port Angeles, $78, 305 for 1,995,000 BY; Johnson Creek No. 2: Peninsula Plywood, Port Angeles, $58,963 for 2,275,000 BY; Pederson Creek Thizming No. wood, Hoodsport, was honored recently at Washington State Uni- versity as a top Army ROTC cadet. He was the only WSU cadet to win the Association of the U. S. Army Award for junior rnlilltary science students. The award was presented at the WSU Army ROTC federal review recently. Underwood is a junior major- ing in general biology and edu- cation. it's a different story . . . We peel out from the stoplight trying to beat the car in the next lane. We step on the gas to pass that "slow" car that is only doing 70. Not all of us do things like these but we all have instances in which the "monster" in us takes over and 2: M & R Timber Inc., Port . Angeles, $19,000 for 876,000 B. I [ Grays Harhor Cotmty sales | , ., , t, , ,, . .. [ were: | Is tne vr0ille 0T 00'r0tectl0n I hrtle No. 1: Olympia Itard- | fill VflllD IIITflUflDI/C I wood, Raymond, $40,750 for 1, I MU.V.,UVI=.[. I 445,000 BY; | C0mplete? I Sylvia Creek Road No. 2: Tap | '..- ..... ... I lor Logging, I-hquiam, $126,065 I ',:/ "' I for 3,240,000 BF. I  , | Thurston County sales were: 7' Delson Lumber Co., Olympia, | .,,J/'" | $36,600 for 1,156,000 BY; I ",&'PY' - Bloody Run Ridge: DeHart /  A ] Brothers, Olympia, $35,250 for [ Y0u'll Find Out #rdF'%= I 876'o0(rth BF;rd e ..... , I if You Visit US ""' I r Jao aux No. z lmnnmg I a====ra I and Aider: Delson Lumber Co., 1 r',;.;5 I Olympia, $11,200 for 868,000 BF; | ........ I Weir Prarie Thinning No, 2: [ = = == = .. [ Tacoma Narrows, Steilacoom, $11, / [N[ocKy [MlefflrolrT | 305 for 695,000 BY; I -- I Lower M.onroe Creek Thinning: / Agency [ Delson Lumber Co., Olympia, |506 W. Franklin, 426-3357 | $11,000 for 943,000 BY. 1 ...... | Pacific County sales were: / | Browning Thinning No. 2: Gor- / I The ae00etionView'00 SEATTLE Panoramic view of serene mountains and bustling lake activity... Just 5 minutes from downtown, Univ. of Washington, Woodland Park Zoo, or City Convention Center ,.. Large soundproof rooms and suites, family units with kitchens, TV, radio, •free parking, swimming ------._ pool. Commercial rates, major  credit c a r d s accepted. we h)se our teinper . . . Ten|per hmtrums have no place behind lhe wheel as 24 people in Oregon and eight in Washington would testify, if they could • . . Thars the end of the sermon- izing for this week, so on with the task at hand, merchants. And they have plenty to talk about for this week. Such as . . . Jim Pessimier, rrtanager at MILLEg'S, where a warehouse rummage sale will be held this Friday and Saturday. They are going to let you help clean out their attic of lots of items. They Are all brand new, but older stock items. Remember that's this weekend . Bill Clifton, owner of CLIFTON'S OF SHELTON, has many models of TV and stereos, just waiting for you. And you can save bundles of cash too when you shop here • . . Jim Wilkins, mangaer of THE MONEY SAVER, an- nounced this week the winner of the silver tea service won dur- ing the grand opening. She is Marilyn Brenn of 717 Ellinor, Shclton. Congratulations Marl- lyn . . . CUT RATE AUTO PARTS, has a terrific sale going on this week. One that you do-it-your- self mechanics will go wild at. St,, whether you're in the market for auto parts or not now, you might be soon, so stop in . . . Ted Stroyzk, manager of MILLER% SHOE DEPT., an- nounced that the ladies summer shoe sale is going like crazy and that if you want shoes, and top quality ones at that, you better hurry . . . Ken Chapman, owner of EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER, has a vitamin sale that will amaze you. The prices, that is. So low, they're hard to believe. You'll just have to buzz in and take a look . . . That's --30 .... for this week, but remember shop Shelton and Save. You'll be glad you did. ..... DL Two Arrested After Brawl • Shelton police were called to stop a fight at the Cota Grill at 12:06 a.m. July 1 which oc cured when an unidentified per son got into a family quarrell between Ralph A. Lavery, 613 Young Street Elma, and his daughter, Collene Patrice Lavery. Lavery was attempting to per suade the young woman to go home with him, police reported. She was listed in Grays Har bor as a runaway. Officer final ly talked her into going home. Albert L. Bu+ler Matlock: A.00y Here Less Then Half Inch of Rain in • Albert L. Butler, 815 Railroad Avenue, died in the Shelton Gen- eral Hospital last Friday at the age of 77. Born in Everly, Iowa, Jan. 30, 1890, he had worked ft)r the Simpson Timber Co. for over 41 years and lived in Mason County most of his life. Services were held at the Bat- stone Funeral Home last Mon- day at 11 a.m. with Rev. Horace Mounts officiating. Interment was in the Shelton Memorial Park. Mr. Butler joined Simpson July 8, 1916 as a brakeman at old camp 5. In 1922 he went to work on the boom in Shelton, and helped build the boom at the site of Old Mill 1, the Reed Mill. Butler returned to the Simp- son railroad in 1936 and remained there until his retirement in February of 1957. He was born January 3. 1890 in Spencer, Iowa. He is survived by his wife, hia, Shelton; four daughters, Mrs. Leona Brown, Port Townsend, Mrs. Marguerite Kinney, Haw- thorne, Nevada, Mrs. Marie Run- nion and Mrs. Cleo Fischer, hoth of Shelton; 10 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. 37-year Residen÷ Taken By Dea÷h • Ernest Cole, 3313 Oak Street, Shelton, a 37 year-resident of Mason County, died Saturday in the Shelton General Hospital. He was born in I.ampasas, Texas. Feb. 7, 1891. Prior to his retire- ment, he had been working with Rayonier Inc., as a bleacher- man. Rev. Alex Motes officiated at the funeral services held at the Batstone Funeral Home last Mon- day. Interment was in the She]- ton Memorial Park. Mr. Cole is survived by his wife, Frances; one son, Harry By DORA HEARING • MATLOCK .... There was less than one inch of rain that was registered in June at Herb Breh- meyer Sr's weather gauge. Two new barns are being buill in our community. Kenneth Grib- bles barn is almost finished and Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. has a good start on his large barn. Matlock Ladies Club held their regular meeting last Wednesday with Mrs. Lud Rossmaier hostess. Mrs. Augusta Portman's 93rd birthday was celebrated and also Mrs. Clifford Ford's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman came from Wenatchee for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cock- burn motored to Sunnyside last week to spend a few days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Reed of Shelton Man Pleads Guilty To Negligent Homicide • Robert C. Brigham, Silelton, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of negligent homicide when he appeared in Mason County Superior G)url hefore Judge Hewitt Henry Friday morn- ing. The charge was the result of the death of Mrs. Ann Valley as she walked along the Arcadia Road in the early morning hours May 14. In the complaint, Brigham was charged with being the driver of a car which struck Mrs. Valley. On a molten by his attorney. Ralph Swanson, Olympia. Judge Henry ordered a I)re-sentenrc in- vesligation for Brigham I)efore sentencing him. Roberl Blake, charged wilh gran(I larceny in c()nne(..tion with a break-in and theft al the Allyn Fire llall in February, enlered a l)lea of not guilty. Trial ,)f his case was sel for the Fel)ruary, 1968 jury term. Also entering a plea of n() guilty, was Jack Hogenson. charged with second degree bur- with the court so action could be taken. The court granted a motion for summary judgement, which in effect meant dismissal 'of the case, in an action charging ma- licious prosecution brought by Richard Kreaman against: Harold Sutherland. Judge Henry had ruled earlier 1hat the stalule of limitations on actions for false arrest and false impris()nmcnt had run out:. The at:li()n was lIe result of a forgery charge hrought against Kreaman in Superior Court here several years ago. At the time, he was charged with forging a signature on a welfare check and cashing it at the M and S Food Store which Sutherland operated at: the time. The charge was later dismissed for lack of prosecution. A hearing in the action by Mrs. Atena June Buhl against the Pioneer School Board, tin aPl)eal t)f the decision of the board not to renew her contract, was held t)ver until today. Rochester Elvin He other lived at Mr. of Wen# with Mrs.. Carl rie dinner at Supt. and the holi Mr. attended day at at Union Rowe days. Mr. Mrs. attended Fair of the Mr. and and four ManOr with Max Cash, Mr. spent Mr. left JulY Jersey to their son, Last I. C. Oregon Burns. father.  Carr] meyer Mr. l: spent with Walkers. glary. His trial was also sel for the February, 1968 term. I ..,,,.am-am Hogenson, who has been in Mason County Jail since his ar- rest in April was released after his bond was reduced to $1,000. Both Blake and Hogenson are l represented by Byron McClana- ! han. Don Tanksley, charged with Fresh or - $roZ# V., Shelton; two daughters, Mrs. grand larceny in connection with Ernestine Oakes, and Mrs. Cora the theft of cattle here in 1963. GRAIN FED BEEF AND pORg i Deffinhaugh, both of Shelton; one appeared in court with his al- sister, Mrs. Cora Pruitt, Phoenix, torney, Clarence Fiddler, Port Special Cut While you wait Arizona; three brothers, John Angeles. l B., Charles S., and Harry C., Fiddler made an oral motion  L all of Shelton; and nine grand- to dismiss the charge on the Sunrise Ranch Men, children, grounds it was not prosecuted within the statuatory 60 days. i 325 S. First '.i:" He was told by Judge Henry 1() file a ,.:.-'itten, formal motion Former Residenf Dies In Texas • Mrs. Betty Lee Jemison Clark passed away last Sunday in NasA, Texas, at the age of 43. A 1941 graduate of Shelton High School, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Purl Jemison, Shelton. Burial will be in NasA, Texas. r COME IN & SELl'HE BUYS OF:A IjFET at SHELTON'S ONLY HOME FU DISCOUNT STORE. Dealer for Packard Bolt THE WEST'S LARGEST SELLING TV ' RADIO. STEREO e STEREO ' \\; The' !// l\\; : ................ ' .................  ........ --" -- I felt ................. == sAVe COLOR TV with 295 Sq. In. Picture == The "WILLIAMSBURG" MODEL N,o. CSW-502 i= in a Burnhhed Colonial Maple design with custom hand-crafted genuine hardwood veneer= and =elected sol|de. This model features the famou= Color TV Computer Control panel with the COI,,O i, Computer VHF dial and the Spotlight Slide Rule UHF dial. SA V E $ 100.00 NO DOWN PAYMENT On Approved Credit. As low as $10 per month. OPEN FRIDAYS 'TIL 8 P.M. "You Furnish The House - Fe'll Furnish Your Home" she doesn't know about... ! ii !tlhi!t;m ay id !!/ u,; na n d help a bit 5, • filters the air to get rid of annoying pollens _ I i!ii/ii°deri::ii°do°aCil;°!!!:!!!!!!'o see about comfort-conditioning your house now with an I I • . . For Instalhng Electric Conddionmg O to 6J99 BTU'$ $15.00 6,400 to 9,599 BTU'a 2O.O0 9,600 to 15,999 BTU's 25.00 16,000 to 22,999 BTU's 35.00 23,000 BTU's and larger 50.00 Mason County000000l000000i co,00 * " ' .--   Secretary President dj=, ' HAROLD W. PARKER //,: ManneR, Vice President 4'#" "q="r P.U.D. No. 3 I III Page B - 8helton-Msson Cou,nty Journal - Thursday, July 6, 1967