July 6, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 6, 1967 |
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Localifes' Granddaughter
In Holland For Nine Weeks
• Miss Jennifer Smith, Seattle,
granddaughter of Mrs. Edward
Radtke, Hoodsport and Mrs. Anna
Johnson, Potlatch and daughter
of ]Vllrs. John Kneun, Seattle, left
by jet for New York recently,
then went from New York by
Ocean liner to Holland for 9
weeks, under the Exchange Stu-
dent Vacation Program.
Mrs. Dwight Pierce was in
Seattle to attend the wedding of
Miss Joann Pratt, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pratt, Bu-
rien, to Mrs. Pierce's great-
nephew, Michael Dunn, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dunne, the
evening of June 17.
The bride's grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Pratt and Mrs.
Pierce have known each other
since 1908, when they attended
school together in Outlook, Yaki-
ma County.
On Sunday Mrs. Pierce was
a guest of her sister and broth-
er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Dvorak, others present were, an-
other sister, Mrs. Lee Niles
Tacoma, a sister-in-law, Mrs.
Lx.qia Allen, Seattle and Miss
Rene Rodgers, Sitka, Alaska,
Mrs. Pierce's granddaughter.
:Mss Rodgers accompanied her
grandraotber home on Monday
evening and spent a week visit-
ing relatives and friends here
before leaving by jet from sea-
Benefit Is Set
To Aid Viet Kids
• The Grays Harbor County
Corr4mJttee of Responsibility has
planned a Strawberry Festival
at the Methodist Church in Mc-
Cleary for 3 p.m., July 9. Ical
spomsors include the Ministerial
The donations are to be $1 for
adults anti 50 cents for children.
The funds are to be used to
bring napalm burned children
from Vietnam to this country
for corrective surgery. Strawber-
ries are being donated by local
Tac the evening of June 29, with
14 other Sitka students for New
On June 30, they flew to Lon-
don, England for four days. They
then ferried to La Rochelle,
France where they arrived today,
and are enrolled at Lyc'ee Eu-
gene Fromentin Cllege for a
6 weeks course in French, under
the American Institute for For-
eign Study.
Their itinerary includes four
days in Paris, four days visit
to Spain and on their return to
the United States, four days in
New York before flying home to
Sitka where they should arrive
August 10.
With Miss Rodgers in this
group of Sitkians are Miss Leslie
Ann Magnnanson, daughter of
Mks. Delbert Ellison, Shelton,
Miss Carol Kunhle, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kunhle,
formerly of Shelton and: Miss
Betty Potter also a former Shel-
ton resident.
Gary W. Pierce, USN, arrived
Saturday morning from San Di-
ego for a two day visit with
his grandparents, the Dwight
Pierce's and other relatives and
friends. Gary is in the ships-
store on the USS Winston.
A fire last Friday evening
burned the cedar mill on John's
Prairie owned by Al Johnson,
Potlatch. The fire began about
6:40 or 6:45 p.m. and complete-
ly destroyed the mill and most
of the logs on hand as well as
lots of the cut stock. The office
and drying shed were saved.
There was very little insurance,
but Al expects to start rebuild-
ing the mill July 5.
Mrs. Mary Presley, Chicago,
Illinois and Mrs. Ellen McAnel-
ly, Johnson City, Illinois arrived
June 15, for a month's visit with
their sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Nichol-
son and Mrs. Henry Korzeniow-
ski and their brother, George
George Kaare, Poulstx), spent
Saturday and Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt:
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Snyder
and sons, Rick and Allen, of
Gig Harbor spent last weekend
and until Tuesday morning at
Hdslx)rt. They were enjoying
NEW OFFICERS of Shelton Rotary Club
are, left to right: Bud Lyons, secretary;
Jerry Samples, vice president; Charles
Neth, treasurer; and Dr. Douglas Larson,
Rotmy Officers
Are Installed
• Dr. Douglas K. Larson was
installed a president of the Shel-
ton Rotary Club at a dinner
meeting Thursday evening, June
29 at Lake Cushman Resort. He
succeeds Warren Moe.
Past President ]:)el Cole served
as installing officer. New officers
in addition to President Larson
are: Jerry Samples, vice presi-
dent; M. M. "Bud" Lyon, sec-
retary; Carles Neth, treasurer;
and Robert Nfiller, Glen Hufnail,
George Lemagie, and Warren
1Yk, directors.
Fifty-seven Rotarians and their
ladies turned out for the occasion.
Speaker on a program which
preceded the installation was Joe
Pauley, Shelton High School stu-
dent, who showed slides and
described his experiences during
a year in Argentina as an ex-
change student sponsored by the
l%otary Club.
CROWNED with a tap of the gavel from Retiring Presi- Local Timber Sold
Hit-Run Cm
Kills Puppy
• DAYTON-- There are three
mighty sad little boys in this
community. The sadness was
caused by a hit-run driver who
struck the three-month old Ger-
man shepherd puppy belonging
to Ricky, Mark and Shane Howell.
The loss of this lovable and
loving companion has caused un-
told grief and especially to four
year old Shane, as the puppy
hardly ever let him out of sight,
sitting beside him as he played
or under his chair at the table.
Small boys can never under-
stand why things like this have
to happen to their pets. It is
toe bad this driver was so care-
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Williams
enjoyed a trip down the Oregon
coast leaving on Tuesday eve-
ning of last week and returning
Thursday evening. One of the
high points of interest was find-
ing the spot where the sea lions
mate and have their young. This
is the place where the Walt Dis-
ney TV film of the sea lions
was taken.
Mr. and Mrs. Galen Clifford and
Randy of Central Point, Ore.
visited Sunday afternoon in the
homes of Mr. and Mxs. Alvie
Chapman and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Kidd. They had been stay-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. V. P.
Bunnell and had enjoyed a fam-
ily picnic earlier there with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Bunneli, and Mr.
and 1V£rs. Lloyd Btmnell and
Darren of Olympia and Mrs.
Edward Bunnell of Agate present.
Galen and Anah May expressed
the opinion that the temperatures
in the nineties were much simi-
lar to Central Point.
Saturday visitors in the home
of Mr. and 1Y£rs. Bud Williams
were it. Col. and Mrs. Ray
Smittle of MeChord Airforce
Mrs. Seab Combs observed her
birthday Saturday, July 1. Cliff
and Donna Combs dropped in to
wish her runny happy returns
and presented her with a cake.
Others visiting with birthday
greetings were Mrs. Jerry Hem-
inger, Mrs. Bob Clayton and
Mr. and Mrs. Les Bozarth and
Dennis. Grandson, Maurice Pear-
Baptist Church
Welcomes You To Its Services
Worship Service 9:4'5 a.m.
Sunday School 10:45 a.m.
Evening, Sunday, 5:00 p.m.
Rev. Tom Harmonson
123 West C Street
A. Y. F.
Prayer Hout
G & King Streets.
8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship
9:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 6 p.m.
i ii i | II
Arcadia and Lake Boulevart*
Interim Minister from Puget Sound College
Bible School .......... 9:45 a.m. Family
Worship .............. 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday -- Bible Study and Pr Y
Child Care Se,%,ice Available at
I 1521 Monroe Street MASON '(
SUNDAY SCHOOL ................................................. ((
MORNING WORSHIP ............................................
CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS (Youth) .............
First Church of Christ,
302 Alder St., Shelton, WaSh.
Sunday School II :00 a.m. --- Crnu]
Wednesday evening testimony
Reading room located in church.
2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Men. & Fri. Wed.
Scientist Services a vacation on their Hondas. dent Warren Moe, left, Dr. Douglas K. Larson was installed son, presently of Vietnam sent F C
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gilbert, • The parcels of Mason County a gift of a tape recorder with ith
• "Sacrament" is the subject Stanwo(nt, spent two days last as president of Shelton Rotary Club at a dinner meeting timber were among those sold greetings taped. Mrs. Combs so a u e ran
of the Lesson-Sermon to be read June 29. by the Department of Natural enjoyed hearing his voice. 7th and Franklin
in all Christian Science churches Resources at its June sales. They
this Sunday, one of two Corn. included Wooten Lake Sanitation, Family Worship Service: 8:30
reunion services held the C. R. Schillinger, Gig Harbor, • THOUGH WASHINGTON is Classes: Sunday School & Adult
= "°" "" .... Forest Law Manual Issued .... Stringer Creek Thinning, larger, tha_n the New "England 2nd Worship Service 11:00's'm"
'Bib' ietdlngs include * ' Talmo Inc., Gig Harbor, $20,100; state and' Delaware Combined, " : "A FRIENDLY CHUICH"
fm the Sermm on the Mount, and South Gosnell Creek Thin- it is the; Smallest state west of
"Blessed are the pure in heart: • Industrial Forestry Associa- Western Washington loggers and ning and Hardwood, $90,000. Iowa. Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor
for they shall see God." tion has mailed the L3th biennial tree framers to help them pre- ---------------"---
edition ofits"Washing'tonPocket vent forest fires," he said. S÷rawberry FesHval
" Manual on Forest Laws and Complimenting Western Wash-
may we
Our easy loan and savings
plans are widely known and
accepted. Buy the things you
need and want., . howl And
at the lowest rates of Interest,
too. (3/4 of 1% per month on
New Car financing -- equiva-
lent to 4.5% bank loan.) See
us todayl
Mason County
Credit Union
Serving Mason Cognty
Residents Exaept
Simpson Employees.
4th & Cedar 426-2202
I II [ I I
week with Gilbert's brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Gil-
..... Mlr. sad Mrs. Terry Whitham
bast N[bnday
California' for
20 days to be divided between
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Indahl, Hoodsport, and Mrs. Wit-
ham's parents in Concrete. They
will then return to San Diego
where Terry is stationed at the
Navy Airbase.
Roger Scott and two children
of Enumclaw spent last week
with Roger's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Andy Scott. Roger's wife
is attending summer school. Mr.
and Mrs. Neff Matthews, Lynch,
Wy(nrting, are visiting Nell's sis-
ters, Mrs. Andy Scott and Mrs.
Lem Roe. The Matthews will be
living in Seattle soon, as Nell
has accepted a pastorate there.
Practice" to 678 logging operators ington loggers, tree farmers and Epi
and tree farmers throughout the public for the excellent rec- Come to the Strawberry Festival St. David's scopa
Western Washington. ord they have made in helping Fourth & Cedar, Shelton V
"After 27 years of successful "Keep Washington Green," Hag- at the The Rev. Clarence A. kO ly
Keep Washington Green activity, enstein.said he hoped they would METHODIST CHURCH in McCLEARY The Church is always open for reel itl
loggers and tree farmers must continue this record throughout 3:00 P.M.- SUNDAY, JULY 9 7:30 A.M.--Holy Communion I4oU'
constantly be alert to the Ix)- the balance of the 1967 forest 9:00 A.M.--Divine Worship (St. AndreW'S
tential threat of forest fire," said fire season. Strawberries and Ice Cream .:00 A--Oivine
W. D. Hagenstein, IFA execu- Single copies of the pocket
tive vice president, manual are available without $1.00 for adults --- 50¢ for children
"That's why we continue to clharge from Industrial Forestry Donations will help bring Napalm burned children from
update our pocket manual every Association, 1410 S. W. Morrison Vietnam tothlscountryforcorrectivesurgery. Fishe 'Club
two years and distribute it to Street, Portland, Oregon 97205. .... ----------------A: rmen s
P.U.D. AUDITORIUM . 8rd & Cots
SUNDAY, JULY 9, 1967
,. Speaker: REV. ALEX MOTES
....... Firs÷ Bap÷is÷ "
Rev. Arthur L, Beals, Paster
SUNDAY, JULY 9, 1967 I
9:30 a.m.--Bible School [ I
11:00 a.m."WORTHY OF THE
6:30 p.m.Youth Groups
7:30 p.m.College People in charge
(Between the hours of 12 noon and 7 p.m.)
TWO BEAUTIFUL, pioneer Shelton residences currently owned by Mrs. Maude Crosby and
Mrs. Alice Dorman at 422 North 3rd St. and 204 West Pine. Because Mrs. Crosby and Mrs. Dorman
will soon be moving t their new homes at Panorama City in Olympia, the price,of both homes has
been set at far below replacement costs for early sale.
For an appointment, call 943-2100
in Olympia (collect) or contact your local Realtor.
Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 6, 1967
206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN G, Z
SUNDAY, JULY 9, 1967
Sunday School and Adult Bible ClasseS ......
Morning Worship ......................... . ..................
Subject: h
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