July 6, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 6, 1967 |
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lV°yage Party Honors Dr. Waid
¥&TE8 r Con
\\;11_ and Dewey and Howa d - camping on Mt. Rainier and
,I'IN.-.- o,.._.... nelly.
riv, wast?ay_eve: However, there was little ex-
ms, Marie, before returning home
:)age Part. aaeoor eitement after the dance was to Eugene.
II Wild at ,!m. zor over and the ferry skipper, Glenn Three Lland gals have had
t me home rr
"lt:b0r0th ,. _ Yates, headgd down to the fe y accidents putting them out of
,,L.0.[o riand Bob to take the\\; mainland (lancers commission at least temporarily.
,J0yed li,^' nus an(] home About\\;a mile east of the First Mirja Bridges had a horse
pi.siaging Ume and ferry landing la tie rod apparent- step on her foot. This was serious
dl JUl; 1" ly broke on his pickup. The ve- enough to require. rutches for
[.'ori ,,, from the hicle skidded along the bank be- about two weeks.
liK "111 °trra'' eal tofirst" .desti" fore grazing a I)ower pole whmh' The second accident oceured
mflqlti0h 'vls,t the caused it to roll over on one when Alice Budd, lending hus-
0tjy"inse h spent side. band, Johnnie, a helping hand
..VOrld.,.,= annon, The ferry passengers quickly with some chains on their truck
'ld.e_iP. will gave him a helping hand whilefi badly injured a finger.
. hcrte' me Neuler- r'huck Brides and Larr Sac
e , g Y
1 n uropean • • • • - And last, Elsie Ness took a
ger mghted the pickup and drag- spill while straightening up one
god it out of the road. Other of their apartments and cracked
Will take him to than a few bumps and bruises a rib. All three are now on the
Places as Cairo, and receiving a hair-raising road to recovery.
scare the ferry skipper was O.K. A total of 24 relatives brought
];' Tahiti:, and the and went on to make the special the Wilson home on Jarrell's
before he a sin trip. Cove to life over the holiday
ng Pass • g The Brignons had two houses weekend. Besides Mrs. Wilson
, lady to vm the full of company over the holiday were her three daughters, Hildur,
!-. once more weekend. Besides their two boys and her husband, Bill Ashby of
Lrtene ISland and there was Joe's wife, Sharon. Seabec; Hazel and Fred Welch-
From Fife were Peggy and. It/an seldorfer; and Edna and Reid
Dr. Wild, Jonson and the Harold Arnolds, Mitchell of Seattle, and their chil-
nany sights Judy and Bob Paavola of Naselle, dren.
'rest of the
r; lIr. and and Jim and Sue Whiteacre. The Ashby's two daughters and
Finally made a trip to the their husbands also were out.
Seattle will Hole-in-the-Wall to get a few They are Jeanne and Bob Scott
ajoyabie and news items this last weekend, and children of Port Orchard;
ere on the
hone away As soon as that area gets phones, and Brenda and Ben Ramirez
perhaps it will be easier to get and their children of Silverdale.
,u OUstle of news items and present them a The Weichseldorfer's daughter,
::: little better. Down for this week Lyla, and her two daughters
Mr. and are Wayne and Marie Miller and the Mitchells' son and daugh-
eeived a from Seattle. They came by ter, Larry and Sherill, came with
oldest their boat. Their new cabin is in their folks. IVost of the group
Ev- the process of being built, attended the dance.
via their Ray Myhre, oldest son of Mar- Sunday they barbecued a 22
Rocks" garet and Burt Myhre, spent pound King salmon Reid had
Cube" three days with the Harry Craft caught while fishing at Noah
a trip before leaving for Officers Candi- Bay: After the feast the three
on date School at Fort Knox, Ken-, Wilson girls and their spouses
they tacky. Their other son, Eric, took a trip around the Island on
Shel- spent the same amount of time the 1Vitchell's beautiful cruiser.
lg fa on the Island. He is home from
' lIa nlily reunion Last week the Martin Goetsch's
iii. , rina in honor WSC for the summer, accompanied by their daughter,
h sister that The Rueben Cohen's of Seattle Justine, and their grandson,
, re . _ has had a large group at their cabin Schuyler, took a three day trip
/ . ?h" me Island over the 4th. Their son, Mike, down into Oregon. They went by
% € group hum- is returning to Washington, D.C. way of Long beach and across
t aid 30 people as a second year law student the new Megler-Astoria Bridge.
lay m CUte. Ted's at Georgetown University. They left on Tuesday and arrived
k t° spend a Wilma and George Kasonovic
ff a in Portland that evening. Arriv-
,,.. Canada at of Federal Way spent four days ing late at their niece and neph-
'tlrrdng home camping on their new property ew's they simply pulled ear and
.P('I ' ddy Lechot of north of the Lagoon. Their cabin trailer into the back yard and
:il2 ,0ther, Lo" will have a large cedarof polesunkentO went to bed, greeting the Bill
,,u rose support one corner a Downeys the next morning.
fuay at their living room which will be carved
lhem, the gravel into a Totem Pole. While grandma and Schuyler
erhe -- t me;ayneaer" Ray and Gwen Shepherd of stayed home, Mart and daughter,
ei 'ng, Seattle are spending this week Justine loaded a pickup and
iIIii at their beach cabin" This is headed f°r Seattle to helP JUS'son, tint and John move into another
t l-Y,dance span- the first time in three years
al Club was home. After they left son. John
their family has been together.
t[ ahha t Smaller They have a married a Lee, and his friends, the Bob
} fly on hand married daughter and another Caves, and their two children
e] ay dance. The
,*i ha son with them. came for an overnight visit.
i • consisted Matt and Shirley Havoc, daugh- Shirley Pratt and her children,
'-taers, Joe ter and son-in-law of Harriet and who were Islanders for a few
Pete Peterson had four house months last winter, called on
guests over the 4th holiday. Mi Brassfield last Tuesday.
', j/,ji(,
'i /,iiiij, '
son of Mrs. Agnes Christo-
pher, Union, is now in Viet
Nam taking part in Opera-
tion Diamond Head. He en-
tered the Army Oct. 17, 1966
and took his basic training
at Pt. Lewis and artillery
training at Ft. Sill, Okla.
Tour Of Expo b7 Is Highlight Of Month-L0ng Trip
By NANCY VRAIINOS at Moclips. While there they saw age children, Carl, Bobby and the summer session.
• UNION-- Gaye Scheel and
her mother have returned home
after spending most of the month
visiting with relatives. Their trip
included flying to Kansas City,
Missouri, then on to stay in Wis-
consin and across Lake IVfichigan
where they visited before taking
the train to Montreal. They stay-
ed in IVontreal for four days,
enjoying the sights at Expo 67
and pronounced it a tremendous
fair. On the homeward trip they
came by Canadian Pacific Rail-
ways by Banff and Lake Louise.
The trip was exciting but home
is hard to beat, quoted Gaye.
Several households had friends
and relatives visiting this past
week from California. Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Cook have visiting
a friend, Mli]iceni Haines from
Long Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton en-
joyed a week's visit with Mr.
and iMrs. Jim Wampler and fam-
ily fr(m] San Francisco.
Mrs. Nancy Vralmos and fam-
ily found a visit from her broth-
er was wonderful hut all to()
short. Traveling up from Orange,
California, were Mr. and Mrs.
Don Burdick and son, Stevie,
and Mrs. Burdick's l)arents, Mr.
and 1Vrs. Sherry Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Timm, Bill
and Diana took a weekend trip
to the ocean. They first stopped
how firecrackers and irresponsi-
ble young men and sling shots
can destroy something of beauty.
WSth the sling shots the young
men shot firecrackers into a hugh
rock with vegetation on it. As
a result: the vegatation that took
nature centuries to put here was
desroyed in a matter of minutes.
Sunday the Timms family went
to Ocean Shores and did some
surf fishing and caught some
Ms. Lucille Livingston's home
has been a place of much ac-
tivity. Visiting are Mr. and Mrs.
Bob H. Hansen and their college
Louise, and Mrs. Jean Lunzer,
all of Seattle. Mr. Hansen is
the Real Estate Editor for the
P. I. and Mrs. Lunzer is the
editor of the Weekender section
of the same paper.
Also visiting with Mrs. Living-
ston recently have been Mr. and
Mrs. Emment Tucker of Port-
hind, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Scroup
of Chehalis and IVI. and Mrs.
H. Dean Guie of Yakima.
Mary Livingston is home and
working as a lifeguard at Twa-
noh. Her sister, Judy, was home
for the Fourth, but went back
to school where she is attending
M. and Mrs. E. G. Wiesinger
are enjoying a visit from Mr.
Wiesinger's nephew, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Wiesinger, and son,
Sherman, of Gresham, Oregon
and his sister, Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Barlo of Aberdeen.
Mr. Max Dean was playing
in the father-son baseball game
Tuesday evening at the Hood
Canal Junior High when he was
hit in the eye with a ball. He
spent that night in St. Peters
Hospital in Olympia. His eye
has been extremely sore but on
the mend now.
Olympia Skindiver Drowns In Canal
• Donald Vego Coleman, 28,
of Route 4, Box 277, Olympia,
was di)wned while Scuba diving
Saturday afternoon in Hood Canal
off the mouth of Eagle Creek
north of Lilliwaup.
Coleman's only companion, 10-
year-old Stacey Smith of Olym-
pia, told Deputy Sheriff James
A. German who was called at
6 p.m. that the diver went down
at 2 p.m. and that he had not
seen him since that hour.
Coleman's Scuba tanks were
found about 100 yards offshore
by George Deetz, who was
snorkle diving, his wife told Gor-
Two other deputies and several
nearby residents in boats made
a search. At 7:45 p.m. three
Lilliwaup boys found the body
150 yards offshore. They were
Rex Gray, Doug Inman, and
Dan James.
The body was recovered by
the sheriff's officers and taken
to Batstone Funeral Home in
Shelton. It was identified there
by the victinVs brother, Bud
Raymond Ricker of Olympia.
The Smith boy was taken to
the Shelton police station where
he met his grandparents. Ma-
son County Coroner John C. Ra-
gan said there would be no in-
quest because all evidence point-
ed to death by dro'ning.
Ragan said the facts that the
diver was separated from his
tanks and that his face mask
was off when the body was
found seemed to indicate that
he ran out of oxygen and lost
his gear during a futile struggle
to reach the surface.
Black label
MilWaukee Chunk
Bologna ,o.. 49
That's 30 for the Hole-in-the- New second grader, Rusty .1 Jl
Wall for this week. Yates, received a picture post IU' MilWaukee Chunk Pk
Tt LE fOtherC°ngratulati°nScarlb, hlrt a end f their Helenare first Eshelmanin order on cardMorton,Mortons from frOmarehiS vacationingteacher'Fl°rida whereMrS'. Corathe BrounS(kwgr. 12pkg, 0Z.32
• ,TE grandson I 1 Medium Che" °z"1'I¢ Jar
x rt of *-^ last week. 1 Ck adar
! a and 7or Roland and Marcellina Show __ • _ _ noose
' - had as weekend guests his aunt llpIlllC lllltpIh GS
s , 69' ooo., ,,.*"""'°
4 .atat:of and uncle, the Ted Shews, of ...... wl.ww
L'AD, De- Seattle and Roland's sister, the w = =- • ==
: ¥ .,.,___ Dec Yackleys, also of Seattle. r'or Bancl UCI11'I
' They attended the beach party
' ;Im.i .=' put on by the Good O-rrmns. The • Amateur teenage bands plan- !22 22")J2J)'''( IIIIIIItlltlt11111t' ""Yff,((((((((((((((('))')" " " ) "
a :, Wi ,' seven piece band played on the ning to participate in the Grays .
" +ac00 as + I i VI " !
e estate, listen and chat. The teenage Contest now have until July 15 SAVE EVERYWAY EVERYDAY
', Plat " guests and some of their parents to apply, 'Ms Arlene MeNutt
' ordin ' '
e ---. g danced on the beach, fair manager, announced this
,r"_ =ee The Shews are on the Island week. REGR?L:R :RUI;E I
' >lu:'] for a month during July with The contest is open to amateur I II. why should you pay more.
r- --- their daughter, Demetria, and bands from Grays Harbor, Pa-
. hin,, their two horses, Apple and rifle, 1Vrason and Lewis Counties. I tll
I t b°]e Buck Another daughter', Geor Applioation forms are available
!1 i&eWd ! g?s' wii also spending a few from the fairgrounds office, John- ' EVERYDAY I
'her, " y "th her folks, nys iV£usic Box, Shelton; Aub
I • ------ PRICE I
tl, I-I row- Zlene Jacobsen and another Sehmidt Music, Aberdeen, or
19 an-aler girl friend spent a few days KELA, Centralia. •
:,oo, =, • PRE-SWEETENED KOOL-AID . 9' I
, ,a,.. & ?iiii(;,i/0:iiu:!y= )°.i,'i;ii'e"/i'!iii2 i We now Ieature FLASH FROZEN SPARK PLUGS , ,zs 64'
;'°' w:ii!'}e;{;i:{!i'i[i;ii!:;;:°u:::'m:"[ FLOUR .o.uN . . . 10 LBS. 97'
-20 3t
11:., --'------'--= = = : =----------"i I MEAT ROYAL INSTANT PUDDING . I1' i
]'% toScripBooks il discountcloiepmes, $ I
_ _ ____;__ _:_;;;___;;_ LISTERINE ,o oz,- o.,,., 1.19
Oil Au t EVERY2tY TUMS 3 Pack .o.0, 26'
and Gift Certi00ca j l
tosilll • " " %?" Pork Chops Pou,, 98' BUFFERIN REG. 69€ 59' I
tl 07;??',.... picked by the Shelton Union SatellReQueen aashe J i . und Meat o.o,c 49
l ri l" Tahelt°nl°°ki'uf°rtheUni°nOilsatellite°nb ur°ar' "1k for Vo r License Hum er at R,b Steaks CHOICE-LB 99' I
c.o,c., ,01 J I
:t..i+,, BILL NEAL'S !' [ Top Round $,eaks ;Dun." 1 I ""'NOMad..'- !
K Ihrat 426-4176 [ OASTS --- All Types WAREHOUSE DIRI=CT PRICI$ 11
'! -..___ _ ..... j ! ..... Round Bone, Rolled, T, ps, Pork * WHY PAY MORE! * ' IIldlll II
Thursday, July 6, 1967 - Slelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15