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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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D "sT WITH Phone 426-4412 Classified Deadline: 3 p.m. Tuesday Too Late to Classify: 5 p.m. Tuesday For Sale HYSTER SINGLE DRUM load- ing donkey, powered by Jeep motor, mounted on old Chev- rolet truck, $250. Phone 426- 4064. K 5/18 tin HAY FOR SALE. McDonald's farm -- Kamilche Valley. 426- 8740. M 1/12 tin TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Clean Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/14 tin For Sale KEEP YOUR CARPETS beauti- ful despite constant footsteps of a busy family. Get Blue Lus- tre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. 7/6 1967 SWING-NEEDLE zlg-zag, sews on buttons, buttonholes, fancy applique. Assume nine $5.00 payments or $40 ca. 426-6182. N 7/6-27 Wanted GIRL WANTS baby-sitting, is experienced. Phone 426-6101. D 7/6-27 BOY, 18, WANTSaummerwork. Phone 426-4647. M 7/6.27 WANT TO LEASE: Land for evergreen picking. Good refer- ences. Phone 426-6709. A6/22-7/13 USE5-/AYTAG ingerw--i-- DEPENDABLE experienced 18 er• Runs good, $25:00. Call 426- year old girl desires baby sit- VACUUM CLEANERS -- We 2478. S 7/6 ssU the best and service the ..................................................... .___.: .... rest Jack Manley. Phone 426- OUR EVERYDAY PRICE! SIx 3544. M 3/2 tin miniature color prints from .......................................................... slides, 99¢ Regular $1.98. Zieg- SLAB WOOD and pole wood for ler's Camera. 426-6163. Bale. Slab - $16 cord; pole wood 5/25 tin and alder - $18 cord, delivered .................................................................... 426-2582. N 6/8 tin FOR SALE: Jacuzzi Jet water pump. % h.p. complete, will handle 75 to 90 it• deep well. Tank, plastic pipes, screen and switchbox• Excellent condition. Asking $95. Phone 426-3613. S 6/15-7/6 LOCKER BEEF --- 2 year old steers. 200-225 lb. average side. 49 eents lb. cut and wrapped on haivea. Stewart's Food Bas- ket, Mt. View. 6/22 tin IDEAL FOR EXTRA luggage or camping gear ..... one-wheel trailer with top, excellent con- ditlon. 426-8269. G 6/22-7/13 FOR SALE  Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tin LOST BRIGHT carpet colors... rsstore them with Blue Lustre• Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. 6/29 USED 20" apartment size elec- tric range. Good for summer cabins. Inquire 1119 Franklin, Apt. No. 5 or call 426-6496. B 6/29 tin FOR SALE: Thermovax copy machine, excellent condition• See at McComb Business Serv- ice, 103 Railroad, 426-8262. Mc 7/6-13 82-PEDAL, double expression, self-contained ideal practice organ. Very presentable at $495.00. Also two famous make church model organs at close- out l)lces. PROSSER PIANO & ORGAN CO., 3010 6th Ave•, TACOMA. FU 3-4679. '  " .....  ' 6129-716 ;;£ ,.i : , .... .., t  , i [',) !'Tl " SUMMER CABIN FURNITURE NEW . . . Furniture at Reduced Prices Davenos .................................. 78.88 Swing Rockers ...................... 48.88 5-pc. Dinettes ...................... 68.88 Rollaway Beds ...................... 48.88 Twin Size Foam Mattresses 28.88 30" Bar Stools w/back unfinished ............................ 6.88 Biltwell Hidabed Sofa ...... 198.88 FOR SALE: Aluminum van body. Perfect condition. 15 feet long. Call 877-5862 before 4 p.m. P 7/6 40' x 8' 2 bedroom Angelus mo- bile home. 426-4546 - 9 a.m. - 3 p,m. B 6/8 tin FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. 426- 6163. 5/25 tin WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS ol room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at OI- sen Furniture, 4th and Cota, 426-4702. O 11/18 tin FOR A FREE HOUR of beauty call for a Merle Norman Cos- metic demonstration. Elaine's, phone 426-4582• E 6/4 tin FURNITURE, ANTIQUES. Ev- ergreen Second Hand Store, Matlock Road. Phone 426-2028. W 1/20 tin FOR SALE --- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5 tin MOBILE HOME FURNITURE ..... We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- ture you're always welcome, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. 4/14 tin Sporting Goods FOR SALE: 1958 Century traflr eri 5 , .t 4, e .t. ' er Phone 6-6968. "',:.: :: S 6/22,7/13 NORSEMAN 16 ft. boat with Teene trailer, outboard motor 55 h.p. See at 115 Rossevelt. Phone 426-3529. G 7/8-27 BOAT ...... FISHERMAN'S -- un- painted. Phone 426-8113. B 6/15 tin BOAT FOR SALE -- 18 ft. con- vertible, foam cushions, 2 out- board motors, canvas, new trailer. Sacrifice. 426-3613. S 6/15-7/6 TWO McCULLOCH outboard matching motors, long shaft (25 h.p. handpull, 28 h.p. elec- tric start), controls and extra props. Phone 426-2411 or 426- 3375. K 6/15 tin ting, entire summer or part- time. 426.4201. F 7/6-27 WORK WANTED for cat. Clear- ing, road building, or logging. Phone 385-2834 Port Townsend. Mc 6/15-7/6 HANDYMAN wants ices. Clean- ing, painting, repairing. For in- formation call 426.4278. B 3/30 tin IRONING DONE in my home six days a week• Phone 426- 6420. 90¢ per hour. L 2/10 tin WANTED Standing Alder Timber of Sawmill Quality CASCADE FIBRE Chehalis, Wash. 748-3800 days 736-5830 eves 4/13 tin BACKHOE SERVICE 8sptI© Tanks • Draln Fields Grading • Free Estimates BILL NeLL 426-4160 3/16 tin i OSBORNE'S GENERAL CONTRACTING We tic anywhere in county -- do anything reasonable. 426-6241 5/11 tin i ii i BULLDOZER ROAD GRADER Backhoe and Dump Truck Work Septic Systems Installed Call " ....... GENE'S " GRADER SERVICE 426-4827 3/80 tin WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE or APPLIANCES Cash or Consign KELLY FURNITURE 1st & Mill 426-2411 1/27tin USED . 12 FT. RUNABOUT $100; 10 ft. • • Pram, $50. See at Stetson Services PSYCHIC READING: Advice and help on many matters. 7182 Martin Way. Phone 357- 8771, Olympia. A 1/5-26 tin ii HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED Re©onditloned & Guaranteed 20" Electric Range .............. 69.50 Daveno .................................... 30.00 Reeliner Chair ...................... 39.50 Daveno - beige ...................... 59.50 Barly American Sofa ........ 49.50 40" Electric Range .............. 39.50 2 - Refrigerators, run perfectly .................. each 35.00 OLSEN FURNITURE CO. 4th and Cota 426.4702 i. n , Immediate Delivery N HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Rsplaoement Warranty WATER HEATER The Hotpoint Cutem GlsniJne water heater provtoes the ulti- mate In automatic, safe, effi- cient apertion. And best of all, It is backed by 10 year tank zplmmmt warrlmty. Fells & Valley Appliance Center 2nd & Cota St. Phone 426.4663 Completl Home Furnishing Center Beach• Poulsbo 779-4906. M 7/6 tin GLASSP/R FIBREFORM GLASTRON • EVINRUDE BOSTON WHALER EVINRUDE  HOMELITE BOATS & MOTORS Holesclaw • E-Z-Loader Little Dude Open Sundays Bank Financing Hood Canal Marina Union 898-2252 Mobile Homes 10 x 55 FT. MOBILE HOME set up on lot with cement slab skirting. Many extras• 426- 2547. J 7/6 1965 BELMONT TRAILER, 50 x 10, two bedroom, front kitchen, w/w carpeting. Furnished. $4,- 600, or unfurnished. 422 East E street, phone 428-2703. M 7/6 tin Used Cars FOR SALE -- 1963 Chevrolet Impala, 2 door hardtop 421 Ar- cadia. 426-4893. S 6/15.7/6 1964 CORVAIR two-door, low mileage, black vinyl interior, bucket seats, good tire& excel- lent. 426-3013. S 6/22-7/13 1956 V-8 FORD pickup, good condition, priced $400. Call 426- 6045. S 6/29-7/20 1957 BUICK super 2 door hard- toP. Excellent condiUon. Glen Roesel, 201 Alder, 426-6450 after 5 p.m. R6/29-7/6 1959 FORD station wagon with power brakes and power steer- ing, good condition. Phone 426- 3165. C 7/6.27 FOR SALE: '57 VW. Must see to appreciate. Make me an offer. Call 426-8886. Y 7/6. 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Phone 426.6687 H 2/17 tin LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tin BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED TOp 8oil, Fill Dirt, Gravel, Ditch Digging, Bulldozing --//- First Bank Cards Honored --//- GLEN PARR 426-6539 8HELTON 5/25 tin ii Septic Tank Installations 500-gal., 750-gal., 1,000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging Backhoe, Trencher for Hire SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 CR 5-2157, Belfair 1-27 tfn Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 5, 1967 Services DOGS, AND CATS, fed, water- ed and played with while you are on vacation. Phone 426- 3210. Mc 6/29-7/20 BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22 tin K-9 KLIPS-- Professional poodle clipping and pet grooming• Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment 426-8988. K 6/15-7/6 CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate, precision grinding. Now at Saeger Mo- or Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426- 4602. 1/15 tin SAND AND GRAVEL, top soil, peat soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426-3552. 9/12 tin War Is Declared On Dirty Car Engines, Trucks, Tractors, Etc. Expert Steam Cleaning C & L TIME SERVICE 401 So. First Ph. 426-2522 Pets, Livestock AT STUD --Ibn Natif, register- ed Arabian stallion, chestnut, 15 hands, best disposition, grade mares accepted. Call Sky- lark Ranch, evenings, 426-2851. H 4/27 tin REGISTERED JERSEY, gives between 3-4 gallons milk per day. Real gentle. Phone 426- 4056. C 7/6-13 Puppies: A good selection of Australian Terriers available. The newest Terrier in the U.S. Small, lively, lovable, intelligent. Stud Service: Australian Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Toy Poodle (white) TEANN KENNELS Route 2, Box 908 Phone 426-6152 Shelton, Wash.' For Rent FOR RENT -- Furnished one bedroom house near Shelton golf course. No children, please. References required. $50.00 per month. 426-4000. B 7/6 tin FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom, fur- nished apartment, redecorated, large rooms, quiet. Gas heat, shower, shopping, school& 426- 4719. P 7/6-27 FOR RENT: Three room house. Unfurnished. No children or pet. Phone 426-3526. P 6/22 tin FOR RENT --- Two bedroom. furnished apartment. Edge- wood Apts., Shelton Airport. Phone 426-8584. S 4/6 tin LAWTON APARTMENTS -- 7th and Pine. Quiet, comfort- able, furnished, unfurnished. One bedroom or bachelor units. 426-2121. 2/9 tin FOR RENT: Nice light one bed- room apartment, furnished, downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. D 2/23 tin FOR RENT -- Furnished down- town apartment. Carlon Apart- ments. See manager, Apt. 3, 120 Kneeland. Phone 426-3011. C 4/27 tin GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- Furn/hed, modern downtown. Adults only. Inquir 119 E. Ce- dar. Phone 426-4895 or 426- 4481. G 6/1 tin FOR RENT -- One bedroom fur- nished house. Also furnished one bedroom cottage. Reason- able rates. Phone 428-4322. M 6/15-7/6 1 BEDROOM furnished apart- ment, w/w carpeting. Heat, water, garbage furnished. In- quire 1119 Franklin, Apt. 5, 426-6496. B 6/29 tin FOR RENT -- Two bedroom un- furnished house, newly redecor- ated, downtown, near schools. Phone 426-4326. No pets• H 6/29 FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. M 10/8 tin FOR RENT -- 2 and 3 room fur- nished apartments for single quiet person. Apply 526 Frank. lin or :phone 426-8113. B 6/15 tin FOR RENT: 8'x35' one bedroom house trailer, vacant July 1. Phone 426-3169. C 6/22 tin VACANCY Edgewood Apartments Shelton Airport 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED Call 426-8584 4/6 tin 15 FOUR (4) insertions for the For Rent FOR RENT: Furnished one-bed- room apartment. Water and garbage included. $55. 426-3242. B 6/15 tin Business Opport. Dealership Available Sales Outlet for Prefabricated -- Packaged Homes, Cabins, Chalets, A-Frames, Duplexes, Apartments and Industrial Buildings Contact: CUSTOM COMPONENT STRUCTURES, INC. Ph• JOhn 6-493 - P. O. Box 896 Preston, Wash. 98050 6/22-7/6 3t R. E. Exchanges EXCHANGE .... What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor - Exchanger, 426-6592. 8/18 tin v¢..--€€€€..--....--..  __ Real Estate THREE BEDROOM home, 2 car garage at 727 North 4th. $10,- 200. Call Jim Pauley, 426-8231 days. 6/15 tfn Real Estate FOUR BEDROOM house, close to school. Substantial down payment. Call 426-8113. B 5/18 tfn SPACIOUS THREE bedroom Hillerest home, with family room, fireplace, patio. Shown by appointment. Phone 426- 3261. W 5/25 tin COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Corner Lot  100' x 120' Sixth & Railroad Phone 426.8190 A 11/10 tin FOR THO-- WHO TH,NK BIG Beautiful home overlooking Hammersley Inlet. Over 3500 sq. ft. 3 B.R.'s, 3 baths, 3 fireplaces, huge L.R., formal sized D.R., Kitchen with eat- ing space, lovely cabinets. Built-in dbl. ovens, stove, dishwasher, garbage disp. Lge. Faro. R. plus Big Rec. R., Utility R. Front and Back Patios, lge. yard. Also --new 2 B.R., 1 bath house, room for 3rd B.R., rough plumb, in for 2rid bath. Lge. L.R., dining area, love- ly kitchen, breezeway, dbl. Real Estate 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, 721 Alder, $8500. Some cash. Also one bedroom house, Dayton area, some acreage, $8500, some cash. Phone 426-8113. B 6/8 tin BEAUTIFUL BROOKSIDE and upland property, Dayton area, for sale. Bar-Din Enterprise, 311 Cookson. Phone 426-8113. B 6/8 tin OLYMPIA SALT Waterfront, Burn's Point Beach estates. Our plats have been approved by the Thurston County Board of Health and signed by the County Commissioners. These large lots, 150' on Oyster Bay with low bank and sandy beach are ready to sell for per- manent home sites at $57 per front foot. Restricted housing• No trailers. Call 352-7038. J 6/29-7/20 HOODSPORT HOOD bedrOOm People or ed With system with only a three school $13,750 completely furnished, including Frigidaire range and ref. Large upright freezer, new T.V., power mower, everything goes. Large fenced yard, trout a pond, fruit trees. Terms. stream All this HOOD CANAL down, $15. REAL ESTATE ture. HOODSPORT garage, lge. lot. Good rental, Phone 877-5211 or 877-5277 Box 3 could be used as home for Union 8982- 15 time. ' Ma,00 rchio°nn: au00:S00eNU:a00d00e dc Ton; m RealY sfS|e Real town close l/6.P!  Estate A. Roy Ounn I fun is'l00 ,,.di.,Yl dream II A FINE QUALITY HOME For the small family or the semi- retired. It's for someone who will appreciate the fine view and the tender loving care this home and the beautifully landscaped yard has had since it was built. It can be yours for as little as $300 down plus closing costs. Full ap- praised value, ;14,500. 2 FOR THE PRICE OF ONE The main house is an attractive 2 bedroom with fireplace and larger-than-average rooms. The second is an always rented 1 bedroom furnished house that will pay half' of your monthly payments. And best of all, you can be owner, occupant and land- lord for as little as $600 cash outlay. Call for details and do it now because this won't last. A FULL YEAR'S WARRANTY On all material and workman- ship on these 3 all new homes on Mt. View. Eacl has 3 bedrooms, fireplaces and bath and a half, family room and attached gar- age. The choice is yours, $15,000 or $15,750 and you can get in for as little as $500 down. 426- 8592 is the number. THERF'S MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE A fully plastered 3 bedroom home with full basement and 5 acres lus. It's only about 4 miles east on Arcadia Road and the price is right at $16,500. Call us and we'll tell you about that ex- tra bonus on this one. 60 FT. X 170 FT. TRAILER LOT mile from town on Arcadia Road. Good well, septic tank and concrete slab. It can be yours for $250 down. Better see it, you might miss this bargain if you wait. ALL NEW -- ANGLESIDE Split entry with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces and family room and many more plus fea- tures to make this an excellent buy at $18,750  see it today. 5 ACRES  CLEARED Plus a 4 bedroom home with com. pletely new kitchen, several out- buildings, 2 wells and much more -- $16,500. Call to see it right now. DONE IN AN EARLY 1900 MOTIF It will take a special kind of a client for this one. It's a 2 bed- room home in the downtown area, completely renewed inside and out. It's a charmer -- especially for the devotee of antiques and early period furniture. $11,000. By appointment only. 70 FT. LOW BANK WATERFRONT With a total of 3 acres or more of land. It's wild, it's secluded and it's also a bargain for only $4250. TOP QUALITY, DOWNTOWN The cost to build, 6 years ago was approximately $25.00 per square foot so you know we're talking about quality. If you are the discriminating person who wants the very best then this may be for you. The home has 2000 square feet of living space and it's located on a 120 by 100 foot lot. It's in the $30,000 class, so call for an appointment now. MANN REAL ESTATE 121 Railroad Avenue CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME A FINE COUNTRY HOME . . . A very attractive home with 3 bedrooms, den, full basement, fireplace, nice carpeting, extra bath, finest hating, etc. On 3 acres With fruit trees, dandy yard, and plenty room for berries and garden. A buy at $16,000. DOWNTOWN DANDY . . . If you want to be able to walk to stores, work, schools, church- es, etc., then this attractive Cal- ifornia-style 2 bedroom home should fit. Spacious rooms, nice fireplace, full basement, pretty patio, are some of the nice fea- tures. $18,500. FINE ACREAGE & HOME . . . Growing timber and Xmas trees plus fenced pasture land make this a fine piece of land near town. Good barn, well, outbuild- ings, and fruit trees too. Handy- man can improve the livable home. $11,000. 3 BR. HOME- $4501 , . . If you need 3 bedrooms and want to hold the coc down, this one could fit the bill. Cozy home on corner Hillcrest lot not far from Bordeaux school. NICE SUBURBAN HOME . , . If you'd like a saddle horse or two, maybe a beef, a cow, chick- ens, etc., then this 8-acre prop- erty within 5 miles of town shodld be considered. Comfy 2 bedroom home; good barn with box stalls and stanchions, hay storage, etc.; fine drilled well; and nice tractor and storage shed. $11,000. COZY 1 BEDROOM HOME . . . An attractive "easy care" home --ideal for couple or one person. Extra lot available. Nice neigh- borhood. $5200. 2 HOUSES FOR 1 PRICE . .. Near Bordeaux school -- live in one and rent the other. Income will help pay for beth. $7950. WANT WATERFRONT? . , . We have some fine waterfront and view lots on Lost Lake, Shorecrest, Totten Shores, Bay- shore, Star Lake, Hood Canal, etc. As low as $1250. Suggest you check for more details. HOME PLUS 16 ACRES ... Nice 2 bedroom home near Washington Corrections Center. Ample room for 3rd bedroom. Good acreage. $14,500. ARCADIA ROAD HOME . . . This comfy and cozy country home about 3 minutes from town has fine barn and outbuild- ings--ideal for those wanting horses, chickens, garden, etc. $8000. A CU8TOM-BUILT HOME . .. This lovely home was built to owner's exacting apectfications. Beautiful birch and cherry pan- elling, ample ceramic tile, 2 at- tractive baths, 2 fireplaces, all built-in appliances, pretty maple flooring, etc. On 10 wooded acres with winding stream. $20,000. Call 426-4447 ,4. Roy Dunn REALTOR EVENINGS CALL Don Brown  426-6388 A. Roy Dunn -- 426-4601 126 Railroad Avenue ' llholton ' ( :i ¸ HERE'S A NICE 3-BEDROOM RAMBL0000: On Mt. View with a big enced back Y.,  baths, fireplace and more. Just $1,300 c : financing. A GOOD HOME WITH A FUTURE • ""  gl! You'll agree that this spacious 3.bedrOO posSi, a high wooded lot is one that haas ced at IW I' pansion without a major overhaul. go see it. , , ,, .- A 2-STORY "FIXER-UPPER ON 4"1"_ 100]{i e .gl If you're handy with the, tools and +hiS. O./;*p :: the country close to town, better ch ,wel is P .i| payment on contract terms. This littm J ., F0,',,j 4 BEDROOMS PLUS A DEN CLOSE INts N- t; ing. $25,000 on easy FHA financing. COUNTRY LI00ING oo"0000C Just three miles from Shelton on a qu i)e: You willcornPePa remate this immaculate...,,., • ,s . glassed fireplace and slate en;sop,  drilled well, huge two-car garage'Wxtr ' carport, beautiful grounds and more 0.00, in print. This quality home just ,- SMALL HOME BIG WORKSHOP t.0 PIr If you enjoy puttering or plan to bull t see d in a quiet spot in the country Y ....  @o 00 : ant small home is located on 1-2/ cr .... ii workshop-garage (22' x 50') with a  for Just $8,500--so let us show you. i ON ANGLESIDE ,l,  J, A really nice 4 bedroom home]'irs,  ,I.P • m d ov'- re '- t" family room, a recreatmn roe The y .... and a private fenced yard and patiO. ^_ hingtun. features. Owner is leaving Was . $25,OOO. ,,,.3 Thick green lawn accented with lo.velYlsce  5e e to set off a very fine home with .fei[,lidd • " The picnic patio is almost comFier Y 12 500 will buy FHA. ,lJ A LAKE HOME UNDER $16,000 ed e.,  Not a cabin, this home is well establish; A,# ::' is Just an exceptionally fine oppoUnd e :i qualify for conventional financing  , r so hurry! ; 'ie ; START HEREII ditio )lii And why not ? This Olympia Vie.W A.dtlO,, dlgP' rooms, automatic heat, lots of insuc  be fenced yard, is only 5 years old ana $10,750. " : OUT OF TOWNI . _ home . le'') ' ', A practically brand new 3 bedroom o o ,, e'.: :: eling, fireplace, gas furnace and 3 ac ° Cs  12-15 minutes from the job for $11,buv' .. kind no more! ! . , purchased with minimum down v ' .,,j CHOICE LOCATION: - --averY t  Here's your opportunity to purcna.s v lots 'ltF home on Angleside. It's surround ea n P l ,- be yours for $8,500 -- call now for tt eddY'  f NEED 4 BEDROOMS? . om e 0 Then yOU better inspect this roomY,he r°"$,,t" close to Bordeaux school and has a'850 . ,-p rrowinz family. See it today at $,:. v0r , de in '" " $60 monthly. Ask about a t:a "EAL €' HIMLIE R 1717 Olympic Hlghway N.. .$ DICK KNAUF 426-8110 "- "-,; TJ4'J