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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THIS LARGE CRANE came in through Hammersley Inlet last week on its way to one of the Simpson mills on the waterfront for a heavy lifting job. Large crane arrives for job new bandmili carriage and edger for Sawmill Four, both located on the Shelton waterfront. "The investment is part of our continuing commitment to this region, to keep our operations as and efficient as we can," said Sandstrom. Simpson sawmill engineers have had to schedule the work almost down to the minute in order to complete it during the mill's regular summer vacation, the first 15 days of July. In Mill Three, the present chain lift system of moving logs into the mill from the water will be completely replaced with a platform lift system - a little like an incline elevator for logs. To save time, the entire platform system is being assembled elsewhere and will be lifted into place as one unit - rather than being fabricated on the site. The assembled unit will come to Shelton by barge. Nearly $2 million in capital improvements are being made this sunnner to Simpson Timber Cotnpany's Shelton sawmills, reports ltank Sandstrom, vice president Northwest operations. One phase of the work involves the one-time derrick lift of an assembly rougldy 58 feet by 54 feet by 28 feet in size- and weighing 200 tons. The improvements include a new log infeed system for the conlpany's SawmiU Three and a Injunction is denied by judge teachers which had been filed with the Public Employees Relations Commission in Olympia June 27 asking for recognition as the bargaining agent for the teachers. The application, he said, indicated the association represented four of the five teachers in the m00trtct. .... :Heuston said it was the school board's position that it would decline to recognize the teachers' association until it was properly certified by PERC. He stated the district was a bedroom community for people who are employed in other areas, and it is the feeling of the school board that the community would not want them to recognize the teachers' association until it is certified by the state group. He stated the teachers still had the right to sign the contracts which had been offered which included a salary increase of between nine and ten percent. The district, he said, in setting the time limit on the return of the signed contracts, is faced with starting school in about 60 days and must have teachers on hand to do so. It will take time to get PERC certification, he said, and the district faces the possibility of facing the start of school with the teachers saying they will not work without a contract. tie stated the teachers' group was told in January or February how to go about getting PERC certification and had not taken (Continued from page one.) court hearing in which the court ruled against them. James Riehl, Bremerton attorney who represented the schoolteachers, told the court tile teachers had been offered contracts for tile coming year on i!fipril 25 The ,contracts, 1 said, :ere tlt.taie aS those i' the :.J977-78 school year except*?for a salary increase Of between nine and ten percent, Riehl told tile court the teachers had notified the school board in January that they had formed the Grapeview Education Association and wanted to negotiate for the 1978-79 COIl t FIC |. The school board, he said, has iefused to bargain with the teachers' association and issued tile contracts April 25 and, after they were returitd with a rider concerning being subject to negoli:Hions, had reissued the contracts again Jufie 15, lle said the leachers had not been giveu notices of rich-renewal of their contracts as was required by law. The ieachels, tie said, have the right to mganize and negotiate. They would, Riehl said, sign the contracts as offered if they coniamed a provision they were subject Io negotiations. The only issue, the attorney so)d, is recognition by the school board of' the right to negotiate. B. Franklin Heuston, Shelton attorlwy who represented the school boad, presented as an exhibi an application by tile "ONE STOP" INSURANCE COVERAGE the necessary action until two days before the court hearing. Judge Baker stated, in making his ruling, that there was no cases or law cited to him which said the school district had a legal duty ,to negotiate with the teachers' association until it was certified .... He said he did not see how the teachers would be hurt by signing the contracts offered since they were the same as those for the past school year and included a salary increase. He suggested that the school district and teachers' association cooperate in working out their problems. Carpet Care Tips By Bobbye Lewis COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE I()R IXLI. YOUR REQUIREMENTS * COMMF. NCIAL * IESIDEN rlAL '* PE-RSONAI LIFE - AU I 0 - I RUCK FIRE - MARINE- BUSINESS HOME OWNERS HOSPI-IAL . MEDICAL I_IABI LI'|Y Ask us about our paycheck protection plan and Money Back Life Insurance. ARNOLD & SMITH ,.,u...,.,.. 117 E. Cota Phone 426-3317 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to S:00 p.m. Page 2 - Stlelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 6, 1978 To accomplish the spectacular 200-ton lift, Manson Construction and Engineering Company, of Seattle, will bring in "the Haakan," its 400-ton-capacity floating derrick, largest on the Pacific Coast. Mason officials say this will be the second-largest "pick" they've ever made. The work on Mill Four involves installing a complete new "double-cut" bandmill and log carriage system, plus a more-automated edger. (The bandmill is the large bandsaw that breaks down the log into slabs; the edger cuts the slabs lengthwise into rough lumber.) The new double-cut system replaces a bandmill and carriage that now cut only in one direction; the bandmill and edger together will be able to process logs faster and more accurately. Mill Four actually is a double sawmill,.and already has one double-cut bandmill operating adjacent to the older, single-cut saw which will be replaced. Trident fund activities reported One fund application tram Trident impact funds in Mason County has been approved and is being used and others are in the process, Lon Wyrick, Trident coordinator, told the Mason County Commission at its meeting Monday. He said the North Mason School District has received a Installation planned "Plans are underway for a charter night celebration for the newly formed Kiwanis Club of Hood Canal, Tom Spikes, president of the group, said. The charter night is planned for July 22. Spikes said anyone interested in joining the club before the charter night will be a charter member. Those interested should contact one of the officers or board members of the club. Dog licenses in county appear headed for ballot (Continued from page one.) more water than the shop operation, was connected to it. Guyton stated there had been discussion of connecting to the county shop water supply when the use of the property was discussed previously, but if that well was not adequate, a well could be drilled in connection with the construction of the animal shelter. Mrs. Guyton said the proposal was primarily for a dog and cat kennel but would provide an area where larger animals could be held for no longer than 24 hours. Cole stated any plans would have to take future needs of the county into consideration in determining if the area was large enough. Mrs. Guyton stated future needs had already been taken into consideration in the planning of the structure and that experts they had consulted had indicated it would be. Guyton commented that it had been well more than a year ago that the MCCFA had submitted a draft of a proposed animal control ordinance to the commission and that a revised draft had been submitted later. The group, he said, had been unable to get anything concrete from the commission since submitting the proposed ordinances. Cole stated he was concerned that the fees in the proposed licensing ordinance would not cover the costs and that the county would be asked for additional money which it does not have. After the MCCFA group left, Commissioner Tom Taylor stated he would not approve anything constructed on the shop side of John's Prairie Road because of the possibility of the need for future expansion of the shop facilities. Cole stated he did not believe county shop employes should be subjected to the noise and smell of an animal shelter adjacent to where they work. The proposal for use of the property adjacent to the county shop on John's Prairie Road as a site for the proposed MCCFA animal shelter was discussed with the previous county commission after the commission had received objections to the location of a proposed site south of Shelton off Highway 3. Since that discussion, there are two new county commissioners and a new county engineer. Green cheese Modem secular societies are not without their own special tribal idols and their own brands of fetishism. Present-day advertising constittles a form of sorcery that is often successful in inducing even well-educated people to believe that the moon is made of green cheese. Carey McWilliams $136,000 grant which is being used in the construction of additional classrooms. The Belfair Fire District, he said, has submitted an application for $22,000 for additional equipment and the Belfair Water District has submitted an application for $160,000 for two new reservoirs and other facilities. He also said the county is asking $22,000 for improvenlents in the railroad crossings at the Lynch and Cole Roads and on Old Highway I01 at Kamilche. The state, he said, will fund 90 percent of these improvement s. Wyrick said there has been some work on improving the railroad tracks and additional safety precautions are being taken. Mason County, he said, is ahead of other counties in getting these improvements. He also said Mason and Kitsap Counties have formed hazardous materials accidet plans, the only ones in the stat I Wyrick also commented th' an application is in the proces for funding from the La Enforcement Assistance Agen, for funds for an additio deputy sheriff to work in lJ Belfair area because of I1 Trident impact. School board to meet Tuesday The Shelton School Bo will hold its regular July meeti at 8 p.m. Tuesday in t Evergreen School library. 1 The final budget hearing fi the 1978-79 school year budt € is also_ scheduled for the sal* meeting. Recent changes in state 1 make it unnecessary to hold preliminary budget hearing the final budget bearing must Ii held in August or before. SA TURDA Y A T LUMBEI OLYMPIC HOMEOWNER'S A SURE CURE FROM THE PROS. STAIN. PAINT. PREPARE. SATURDAY, JULY 8. ll00p.M.A.M.- Mike Victor, Olympic Stain representative, will answer all your painting questions in his demonstration. Carpeting in heavily traveled spots gets hard wear. For better and longer appearance life for your floor covering, manage to give these areas breathing spells. Small rugs are helpful as Is occasional moving of furniture and reversing of rugs from time to time. Small scatter rugs are especially recommended for areas in front of chairs or furniture used for viewing TV. The normal shuffling during TV watching is equal to very heavy wear. And while you're choosing carpets, come to see us for the greatest choice in patterns and colors. SPECIAL: . $ 14 Hanging ' Grain Fed Beef Halves I lb. weight. L Cut and Wrapped for your convenience. _ := - =-- STEAK SALE =.=```;:.``;:;:.= U.S.D.A. Choice Strip Loin (10-12 Ib,.) $3 L4b. New York Steaks (Cut and wrapped for your convenience.) U.S.D.A. Choice Butt Tenderloin 16 Makes juicy Filet Mignon. Cut and wrapped for your convenience. U.S.D.A. Choice Rib (16 Lb,., $200E Perfect to barbecue rib steaks or Prime Rib, Cut and-wrapped for yourconvenience. _ Sunshowers ================================================ ............ Hi-Low She. V------------------- LOCKER PACK ";;-'--:--=':--} I1599 lq. Yd. / 60 Ibs. Beef and Chicken Pack for $113.95 I Includes: 20 Ibs. assorted choice beef steaks, 15 Ibs. ,of assorted bonus beef ) i_ roast__ ___ s._l? Ibs. I__ ___can gro__ _ unf?e?f,_ l O/b?. cut.up__fryers--_____________________:J 426-5131 SHELTON'S ONLY U.S.D.A. INSPECTED MEAT MARKET. VIKING All Our Meat Fully Guaranteed. FLCOR@_,VERING 00INTERIORS 111 West Cota 426.2916 Free Estimates Convenient Terms Wholesale/Retail EST 5690 -- U.S.D.A. Inspected Rt. 3, BOX 396, Shelton LEFT ON ARCADIA RD. -- 3-8/10 MILES LATEX '3 Off *2s°-Off ' 1"0 OFF| t:U O '3 "° OFF! Ful-pruf interior Latex, a Latex Satin Enamel, a beautiful flat finish in scrubbable semi.gloss, 1,000 colors. Reg. $10.29, treat for woodwork. Reg. now $8.99 gal. $16.39, now $12.99 gal. X-14 Mildew tls9 Remover Melts mildew away like magic on canvas, siding, you name it. *1"',,., Also In gallonl Reg. $9.95 Padco Paint Kits 8" pad, trimmer b edgkk r, paint wand, point SHELTON • 426-2611