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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.ibrary has books on Tutankhamun The arrival this month in illustrations, and Irene Scholars," which has two Mildred Pace's "Wrapped for Ieattle of the Tutankhamun Swinburne's "Behind the Sealed chapters on Carter's discovery. Eternity." s; anibit finds the Shelton Public Door: the Discovery of the For children, there are David To brush up on your .ibrary well fortified with Tomb and Treasures of Macaulay's "Pyramid," which hieroglyphics read E.A. Wallis .s willevant reading matter for both Tutankhanmn," which contains describes step by step the Budge's "Egyptian Language: and children. The first splendid color photographs, construction of an imaginary Easy Lessons ill Egyptian originally published in Other books of interest to Hieroglyphics; or if you're less 923, of Howard Carter's adults include E.A. Wallis Egyptian pyramid, and two ambitious, Joseph Scott's of his discovery of the Budge's "The Gods of the books on the mummification "Egyptian Hieroglyphs for iomb has been reprinted by Egyptians" (two volumes, process, Shirley Glubok's "The Everyone" or his simplified lover under the title "The illustrated; I.E.S. Edwards' "The Mummy of Ramose: the Life version for young children, iscovery of the Tomb of Pyramids of Egypt;" and C.W. and Death of an Ancient "Hieroglyphs for Fun." khamen." Christiane Ceram's "Gods, Graves and Egyptian Nobleman," and esr ache s-Noblecourt's Life and Death 'f a Pharoah," published in fed fo df d 963, examines Carter's diaries J ry ,lld subsequent archaeological U n s r e! en ant e nce and attempts to ct the life of the included are 75 color Jhotographs. The most )tuous volume on the bject is I.E.S. Edwards' His Tomb and Treasures," published in 1976 Knopf and the Metropolitan of Art; it contains 100 01or )lates and 103 photographs of objects included in the as well as objects whose or fragility precluded their to America. Two fine books for children Ire Shirley Glubok's 'biscovering Tut-Ankh-Amen's I'0mb," an abridgement for people of Howard Carter's ieeount, with black-and-white A Mason County Superior Court jury Thursday found in favor of the defendants in a traffic accident case in which they had heard two days of testimony. In the case Roger Deyette had sought damages from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bridges and D.H. Knudsen Pole Company. The traffic accident occurred May 20, 1977 when a pickup driven by Bridges and owned by the pole company and a Two are arrested by deputies Wayne M. Brown, 25, 30034 Eighth Avenue Southwest, Federal Way, was arrested by Mason County sheriff's deputies Sunday on a charge of third-degree assault. He was accused of assaulting YOUR HOUSING SUPERMARKET * Double wides from .... r Single 14' wides from.. 0013,950 $10,450 Service & set up by our own people. Price includes delivery & set up. Bremeon Hiway 3 at Gorst oSo.. 377- 4461 Gorst /-00Bagvlew Mobile Homes Deputy Sheriff Fred Pharris. Sheriff's officials said the incident occurred while deputies were investigating an incident which had been reported at Sunrise Beach. Brown was booked into the Mason County jail and later released after posting $1,000 bail. Also arrested by deputies over the weekend was Thomas Dickerer, 39, Shelton, who was charged with unlawfully drawing and discharging a firearm. He was arrested about il p.m. Friday on the Old Mason Lake Road by deputies who had gone to investigate a report from a woman in that area who told officers shots had been fired at her home and vehicles. motorcycle ridden by Deyette were involved in a collision. Testimony at the trial showed Bridges was northbound on Highway 3 just past the Agate Road intersection and was making a left turn into his driveway and that the Deyette motorcycle was also northbound on Highway 3 behind the Bridges vehicle. The jury found that Bridges was liable for damage from the accident. Workshop is planned A campaign reporting workshop has been scheduled for 7:30 p.m., July 1 I, in the Mason County courtroom. The workshop is being held through the joint efforts of Mason County Auditor Peggy Cleveland and the Republican and Democratic Central Committees. The workshop is designed to assist candidates, treasurers and political party officials to comply with the public disclosure laws. FOR VALUE COME TO HENDERSON MOBILE HOMES Thurston County s --Exclusive Bendix Homes.Dealer-- Brookwood Paramount Pacific Kozy FEATURE HOME: 28X60 PACIFICA ..... hr u.._ '%1o3 A Beautiful Family Home! Follow the rfiap: While you are here, why not inspect beautiful MOUNTAIN GREENS ESTATES Terrific Deals on all 14' Wides Ul Ave. Mountain Green Estates r Henderson's Mobile Homes Capitol City Golf Course Fair, Friendly, Honest  Above All  Service HENDERSON'S BOBILE HOE SALES, INC. Sl40 Yelm Hwy. • Across from Capitol City Golf Course • 491.1222 Bail redu, :Tion Judge Frank Baker agreed to reduce bail on Christopher McFarlane, 27, Allyn, and Michael Valley, 26, Bremerton, to $2,500 each after a hearing in Mason County Superior Court Thursday. They had been held in the Mason County jail for a week on charges of possession of stolen property with bail set at $10,000 on Valley and $5,000 ou McFarlane. John Jarrett, Tumwater attorney who represents the two men, told the court Valley had been convicted of forgery and grand larceny in 1974 and had Meeting scheduled The Mason County Commission has set 10 a.m July 17 for a meeting with the Mason County Taxpayers Association to discuss spending county money on the weed control program. The group had written to the commission previously to ask to have such a meeting. Too Late to Classify GARAGE SALE -- Tools, watches, jewelry and miscellaneous. '68 Dodge van. 1407 Railroad. Friday, Saturday; starts 9 a.m. K7/6 Too Late to Classify GARAGE SALE, Saturday. Kids' clothes, range, leftover remodeling items. 9-1, =/2 block from Island Lake Firehall. Watch for signs. B7/6 FOR RENT or sale -- 2-bedroom house, garage, shop and garden space. Mt. View area. $175 monthly plus utilities. First and last' months' rent. 426-7471. B7/6 1973 MERCURY Brougham 2-door, excellent condition, $1,800. 426-2306. P7/6 FOR SALE -- Kenmore electric range, $85. 426-2255. $7/6-13 1964 FORD convertible, $375. SELL OR trade -- boat, 2 426-5638. D7/6-13 motors and trailer for travel trailer. Union 898-3038. C7/6-13 12-FOOT aluminum boat and trailer, 60" beam, good LOST -- MALAMUTE, vicinity freeboard. Like new. 426-8462. of Pickering Passage Road. $7/6-27 Reward, 426-5161. H7/6 FOR RENT -- small cabin. FOR SALE -- 1960 T-Bird. $400 Rropane heat, cooking. Singles or best offer. Needs transmission, only. No pets, no children. Call 426-8768. K7/6 Phone 242-2737. G7/6 SEARS KENMORE Classic, FOR SALE- '73 RX3 Mazda, '65 Ford Custom 4-door, '59 double oven, self-cleaning 30" Ford 3/4-ton. 426-1173. L7/6-13 electric range, like new. Will deliver. $325. 426-3153. A7/6 WANTED -- DANCERS at Nimrod Hall on July 8th benefit 3-BEDROOM, 1Vz-bath home for dance for Frank Brown family sale by builder. Call Clyde and Chris Hickson family at 9 Knight, 426-8527. K7/6-27 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets will be gold at door. Music by GARAGE SALE, Friday, Threshold. C7/6 Saturday, 508 North Sixth. Furniture, chain saw, tires, RASPBERRIES FOR sale, miscellaneous. K7/6 Matlock. 426-4912. C7/6-27 '75 FORD Courier with Gem top THREE-FAMILY garage sale. canopy, extra set of wheels and Furniture, clothes and snow tires. Under 16,000 miles, miscellaneous items. Wednesday, $3,000. 426-5437. M7/6 Thursday, Friday, 10-5. 1733 Summit Drive. B7/6 WAITRESS WANTED. For appointment call 877-5251. 20-CUBIC-FOOT chest freezer, 1 07/6-27 year old, $200. 426-3507. S7/6-13 SMALL, UNFURNISHED I-bedroom apartment. No FOR SALE -- 1971 10V2' children or pets. $100, $50 Starliner camper. Hydraulic damage deposit. Call 426-7714. jacks. $1,350. Phone 426-6976. F7/6 D7/6-27 S00et Sl00ead00 PHOTOGRAPH COPY Price includes copy set-up at *'-95 1/2 price and V 1-5x7 print ............................... Bring in your priceless family photographs from the old family album or attic and we at Dean s Studio will make a perfect copy of any one picture. Faded photographs are our specialty. If photographs are time- worn, our artists cracks and damaged areas for reasonable charges. Your original is returned unharmed. Bring yours in this Monday. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE l0 413 W. Railroad i i been released on probation in 1976 after serving a term in a state institution. The attorney said Valley had lived in the North Mason area most of Iris life but was presently living in Bremerton with his parents. Jarrett said he had been in contact with Valley's probation officer and had been told he had reported regularly and had been in no trouble. He said McFarlane had been convicted of grand larceny in 1974 and had been on inactive parole since 1975 and was about to be discharged from parole. McFarlane has a wife and three Pastor to : installed Reverend Jerry Hamilton will be installed as pastor of the Shelton First Baptist Church in ceremonies at I 1 a.m. Sunday at the church at Fifth and Cota. Participating in the service will be Reverend David Schockley, Conservative Baptist Association director for the State of Washington, and Reverend Shelton Hawes of the Mt. View Baptist Church of Centralia. The public is welcome to attend the installation ceremony. Reverend Mr. Hamilton comes to Shelton from Globe, Arizona, where he was the pastor of the Maranatha Baptist Church. tte succeeds Dr. Arlin Halvorsen, who recently retired as pastor of the church here. is granted by court small children, the court was posled for them so they coukl told, and has lived in the area be released from jail. most of his life. He stated as a condition of Jarrett told the court there were witnesses who would testify that the two men had nothing tO do with the incident in which they are charged. Judge Baker reduced bail on each of the two men and allowed a property bond to be the release they were to stay within Mason, Kitsap, King and Pierce Counties. Deputy Prosecutor Gary Burleson told the court he believed some bail was necessary since both had prior criminal records. for all your PRINTING and STATIONERY and OFFICE SUPPLY needs. SHELT6N0000n00 AND STATIONERY Sholton 426.6102 131 Railroad estemuto I Picnic Sale - i Prize I00lii, WINNERS /i Our Pre-4th of July Picnic and Sale was a great success. Thanks to all of youl -GRAND PRIZE- WINNER AI Mlklethun A boy's or girl's BICYCLE OTHER WINNERS" E.E. HAWLEY - Swinger Ice Chest BERRY HODGSON - $5 Toy Selection R.McDow011 - $10 Toy Selection MRS. S.K. SMITH - Cannister Set JOHN O. JONES - Presto Mini-Fryer DOROTHY G. PETTY JOHN - Tea Pot A.O. SCHUFFENHAUER - Quart Thermos LORETTA COLLINS -$20 Toy Selection BONNADEL BUTTERFIELD - Presto-Burger I I I III I III I II II I1' I IIII III II OPEN 426-3515 "J" St, at ely. HWy. N. SUNDAYS Thursday, July 6, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page l 1