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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Women's Aglow to meet C.qmrnu00itf °.r. W omens Aglow Fellowship remembered by those who knew to be will meet at a different time and him as a boy when he was place this nmnth with an evening growing up i,, Shelton. ,, ._, ..._ .., discussed program Friday, July 7 at 7 p.m. The Robertsons will share a U 'UICHUI u Mason-Thurston Community in the new sanctuary of the program of music, witness and Action Program and Mason Assembly of God at 1521 worship. A time for prayer, Youth Service are sponsoring a Monroe Street. Aglow women are invited to bring their entire family for an evening with Jerry and Stella Robertson, currently serving with Youth With A Mission in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Jerry Robertson will be I I fellowship, and refreshments will follow the service. Because of the family nature of the program, there will not be a nursery at this meeting, but youngsters are invited to attend the program. GENE JOHNSTON PAINTING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Wall and Ceiling Texturing Licensed g Insured UNION WA. 898-3440 II WE ARE NOW BUYING: New Crop Brush Salal at ................... 53* Par Bunch Fern (s2 ,. 2s,,.26,, long per bunch) ........... 40 ¢ Per Bunch Huck ......................... 43* Per Bunch Prices effective at press time. Subject to market changes. Call 426-6546 1716 RIDGE ROAD ! BEWARE OF BEES Summertime isn't a time to forlEet about insects. They aren't likely to'l! tit; myW,ty.he laoirmalor  ,A:oncern here is the bee,family, including hornets, yellow jackets, wasps and the like. While most sting victims suffer only some pain, a local reaction of burning, redness and a large wheal formation, some are not so lucky. For those sensitive to bee sting venom, it could be a matter of life or death. They should see a physician, be desensitized and get information on the treatment. A bee sting kit should also be carried. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people rely on us for their health needs. We welcome requests for delivery service and charge accounts. Nell's Pharmacy Fifth g Franklin St. ---426-3327 Open Daily, 9:30-7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 WILL YOUR PREMIUMS GO UP WHEN HIS SHIP GOES DOWN ? COP*M1 *0UAC GOe el t nlrmsFl,[veo Careless claims can drive premiums higher than a mainsail. SAFECO boat policies are for careful captains. Who take safety precautions and steer a straight course• So if you don't want to pay for care- less boatowners, see us about SAFECO.  SAVE WITH SAFECO Rocky Hembroff Agency 506 W. Franklin 426.3357 ;,g 6 ,,' , , - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 6, 1978 Today, Thursday, July 6 PWP potluck, 6:30 p.m., Kneeland Park. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers. Kiwanis Club of Mason County Seniors, noon, Senior Center. Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m.; business meeting, 8 p.m., clubhouse. Democratic Central Committee, 7:30 p.m., courthouse. Mason County Recreation Association, 8 p.m., Colonial House. Hood Canal Lions Club, 8 p.m., Fearless Freddie's. Madrona Barracks 1642 VWWl and auxiliary potluck and meeting, noon, Memorial Hall. Friday, July 7 Chamber of Commerce board meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers. VFW, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Art lecture and slides, 8 p.m., Alderbrook Inn. Saturday, July 8 Senior Center dance, 8 p.m.-midnight. Potluck at 6:30 p.m., IWA Hall. Card party, 7:30 p.m., Harstine Community Hall. Sunday, July 9 Sheiton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Shelton Big Fours, 7 p.m., fairgrounds. Monday, July 10 PUD No. 3 commission meeting, 1 pan., PUD conference room. County commission meeting, I0 a.m., courthouse. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 p.m., PUD. Mason County Little League board meeting, 8:30 p.m., Colonial House. Christmas Town CBers, 7:30 p.m., Island Lake firehall. Rainbow, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple. Mary M. Knight School Board meeting, 8 p.m., school. Public Alcohol Information School, 7 p.m.-1 p.m., Eighth and Plum Streets, Olympia. Tuesday, July 11 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Heinie's. Dirt Dobbers, 10 a.m., Fir Tree Park. School board meeting, 8 p.m., Evergreen School. NARFE, 2 p.m., PUD. 4-H leaders council meeting, 7:30 p.m., extension office. Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., Airport Hall. Degree of Honor, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Mason County Hospital District commission meeting, 8 a.m:, hospital. City commission meeting, 2 p.m., City Hall Roundtable for Scouting, 7: 30. p.m., Methodist Church. Wednesday, July 12 Progressive pinochle, 6:30 p.m., Senior Center. Elks, 8 p.m., lodge. Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club, 6:50 a.m., Holiday Park. Skookum Rotary Club To be graduated Kristi Leaf of Shelton will be graduated on Saturday from Barbizon Modeling School of Seattle. DUCK all the grief and worry of selling a piece of property by calling on HIMLIE. REALTY, 426-2646, to do the job. They'll see that a buyer JOINS with you in full agreement on price and terms. It will all be so quick and easy you'll laugh with GLEE and if you're not careful you'll be joining others of our satisfied clients in forming the HIMLIE REALTY Admiration. CLUB- COPYRIGHTED i i breakfast, 7 a.m., Heinie's. Tops Washington Chapter No. 313, 6:15 p.m., First Baptist Church. Emblem Club potluck, 6:30 p.m., home of Stella Bingen, Agate. Mason County MS Committee meeting, 1 p.m., 2242 King Street. Thursday, July 13 Union Ladies' Civic Club, noon, Union firehall. Christmastown Rounders, 8 p.m., IWA Hall. Kiwanis Club of Mason County Seniors, noon, Senior Center. Alcohol information school set A six-hour alcohol information school for the public will be offered in Olympia July 10 and 17 in two sessions. The school will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. on the two Monday nights in the auditorium of Olympia City Hall at Eighth and Plum Streets. The informative course is presented as a project of the Thurston and Mason Alcoholism Recovery Council (TAMARC), Inc. under the direction of executive Lois Parker. Local students receive degrees Patricia E. Batstone of Shelton and Gaylon Boley of Elma were among students receiving undergraduate degrees at recent spring commencement exercises at the University of Puget Sound. Ms. Batstone is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Batstone. Boley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Boley. Chapman attends convention R. Craig Chapman of Route 3, Shelton was among more than 15,000 persons attending the 63rd annual Kiwanis International Convention June 25-28 in Miami Beach, Florida. Held in the Miami Beach Convention Center, the convention included district affairs, election of international officers, national business, and various speakers and entertainments. Chapman is president of the Shelton Kiwanis Club. community meeting to discuss county daycare needs July 11 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Collier Building conference room, 428 West Birch, Shelton. A cooperative daycare center, infant care, and daycare exchange will be some of the topics to be explored. Anyone interested in daycare is encouraged to come. For further information contact Sheila Winslow, MYS, 426-9764, or Sarah Hauser, CAP, 426-9726. Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Public Hearing will be held on the Plat of Siskan Motel. The proposal is to turn the 6 unit motel into a condominium plat which is located on approximately 2 acres of land on the South Shore of Hood Canal in that portion of Lot 3, Sec. 21, Twp. 22N, Range 2W, W.M. and; NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Hearing will be held at 1:30 P.M. July 17, 1978 in the office of the County Commissioners in the County Courthouse, and any person having an interest in the matter may appear at the Hearing to be heard for or against said proposals. DATED this 26th, day of June 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASH INGTON /s/Peggy Cleveland Peggy Cleveland Clerk of the Board 6/29-7/6-2t NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4968 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF .HE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE). IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN C. RAGAN, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified Executrix of the said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased must serve the same on the undersigned, or the attorneys of record, at the address stated below and must file an executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of the Court within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or within four months after the date of the filing of the copy of this notice or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions included in RCW 11.40.011. Date of filing copy of notice to creditors: 29 June 1978. Date of first publication: 6 July 1978. Carolyn M. Ragan, Executrix P.O. Box 309, Shelton, Wa. 98594 HEUSTON & SETTLE Attorneys for said Estate, Angle Bldg., P.O. Box 308, Shelton, WA 98594 7/6-27-4t Don't polling! THE UP ToWN STORE WITH THE LOW D()WN PRICES On 4tk in Olympia, 943-9191 OPEN 7 DAYS Share Certificates Available NOW Now, more than ever, it makes good sense to make a smart-money move -- credit union. to your Minimum Deposit: Term: Annual Yield: Dollar Yield at Maturity: $5,000 5 Years 7.97 '7,339.21 * Minimum Deposit: Term: Annual Yield: Dollar yield at Maturity: $2,500 2 Years 7.47 '2,886.35" Federal regulations prohibit payment of dividends in excess of available earnings. Dividends tire ealeulated on the aetaal dollar value. I)ividends are enml)ounmded anti paid quarterly. Monies not left In maturity by law must be subject to early withrawal penalties. *Dividends left on deposit will restdt in atuaunt shown. REMEMBER: Even Our Regular Share Accounts earn 6V4%, compounded and paid quarterly. mason counl::U |ecleral creOlE union SHELTON 521 Railroad Avenue 426-- 1601 BELFAIR New Belfair Center 275-6066 L